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Leafy, Bubble and Flower: *running away from the gate and bridge of dream island*

*pant pant*
Leafy: Look, I'm sorry. I just needed to get my mind off things.
Leafy: I'm feeling much better now.
Flower: Fine whatever, good for you.
Flower: I'll head out to the van now.
*Flower walks and leaves Leafy and Bubble alone*
Bubble: C'mon Leafy, Let's go.
-silent awkward walking-
Bubble: Hey Leafy?
Leafy: Huh?
Bubble: Are we still friends?
Leafy: What makes you say that?
Bubble: Well, It's been a while since we've talked to each other.
Bubble: Even when we're on the same team we still didn't interact with each other
that much.
Bubble: And we never even declared to each other if we're friends or not during all
this time.
Leafy: Huh, Well we can still be friends if you want!
Bubble: Yeah!
Leafy: You really mean that?
Bubble: Of course!
Leafy: Gee, Thanks Bubble.
-1 second silence-
Leafy: When I was isolated in yoyleland, I had a lot of time to think about what
I've done and come to terms with what I did.
Leafy: When I came back from yoyleland, you're the first person I found.
Leafy: I was kinda happy when I saw you.
Leafy: I just wanted to mention that.
Bubble: *smiling at Leafy*
Pibby: Hey! What took you guys so long?
Bubble: Sorry, let's go now.
-everyone on the van-
Ruby: What should our next destination be Pibbster!?
Pibby: Well, I don't really know much about this world as much as you guys...
Pibby: So just drive somewhere where we can find shelter or somewhere safe.
Ruby: Okie Dokie!
-drives- -timeskip-
Teardrop: *alerted*
Pibby: Huh? What is it?
Teadrop: *gang signs*
Ruby: I think teardrop is trying to tell us something!
Teardrop: *grabs the wheel*
Ruby: Woah!
Teardrop: *stops the van, gets out the van*
Teardrop: *points to the Iance hole*
Pibby: What's with this hole TD? (thats what she said, literally)
Flower: I think TD's trying to say that there's something inside this hole! (thats
what she said)
(From the hole): help!!!!!
Ruby: Gasp! Did you guys hear that?
Flower: What?
(The hole): help me!!!!!
Ruby: Someone's down there!
Ruby: And I think it's Gelatin!
-everyone classic bfdi gasp-
Pibby: We need to save him!
Flower: It's an awfully long way down though...
-looks at TD-
Flower: Hey TD! Can we borrow your grappling hook
Teardrop: *disapproving nod*
Flower: What why!?
Teardrop: *nah its my only weapon bitch*
Flower: grr!!!
Woody: wa! (Every woody line in this mod is a reused one)
Ruby: What is it Woody?
Ruby: Gasp! Look!
Ruby: It's Cloudy's collection! There's gotta be something here that can help us!
Flower: You're right Ruby!
Flower: Aha! A rope!
Pibby: Nice one Flower!
Pibby: Now we can use this rope to pull you guys up!
Ruby: But who's going in?
Bubble: Want me to go in?
Ruby: No, you're too fragile!
Ruby: How about you hold the rope instead?
Ruby: I will be jumping down with...
Ruby: my plant buddies! (Flower and Leafy)
Flower: Yeah!
Pibby: Ok! Any objections?
-1 second silence-
Pibby: Good, Let's move!
*Flower and Leafy tie themselves*
*Flower and Leafy go down while Bubble is holding the rope*
Ruby: I know a faster way!
Pibby: Wait! Ruby!
Ruby: wee!~ *goes down happily*
Pibby: *sigh*
Pibby: Anyway, The rest of us should be on the lookout for any signs of the
Teardrop: *pointing*
Pibby: Huh? What's wrong Teardrop?
Teardrop: *look there idiot*
-Pencil shadow-
Pencil: Hello!
-classic bfdi gasp-
Pencil: Hello Bubble!
Bubble: (>=|) *Annoyed look*
Pencil: What's with the face? Are you not excited to see your old alliance member?
Bubble: Just help them lookout for any danger... (very annoyed)
Pencil: Ok!
-Pencil walks to manipulation position-
Pibby: Hello! I've seen you before!
Pibby: In that classroom right?
Pibby: How did you escape the corruption?
Pencil: *ignores*
Pibby: Uh? Hello?
Pencil: *Ignoramous*
Pibby: *goes to Bubble* You two know each other?
Bubble: Yeah...
Pibby: Is she always like this?
Bubble: Might as well be...
-song starts-

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