Ph.D.AN No. of Printed Pages: 20: Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

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No. of Printed Pages : 20 Ph.D.


Entrance Test, 2018

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : This question paper consists of three sections (Sections A, B and C). Attempt all
questions. Marks are specified against each question. The word limit for 20 mark
questions is 500 words each, for 10 mark questions is 250 words each and for
5 mark questions is 125 words each. In Section C there are 40 multiple choice
questions. Each question has four alternative responses marked (1), (2), (3) and (4).
The candidate should mark the correct response by putting tick ( ) mark against
the correct response. Attach Section C along with the answer script. Each multiple
choice question carries one mark.


mdkvi IT11411, 2018

3 Vu2 367*—d7:1 37W : 100

RiZ : 3777z7V 377777 - 3-dr OW I To* SR-f

Zir 307" # 07770 * I Fiv, TR-47
PEifftu. 31 3? N77 ow.? 31/ ffgl 20 3* aid T/-27'W 47-q ffis 500 7,
10 31 41(4 3777 250 31*" 3 7 "7" 5 a*airy 3777 125 * I 31171 IT 7:7 40 Te4-- 7:1
Ve77 N77 oPICia ff. l 574w 3R7 V/Z• c/ch r=cob
c 3-dT g,* (1), (2), (3) ark (4) 4- Fur
rewe fie 3-d-f (-6 SFr#q4,7f-qT 6)9, l vrir 7T 3-7745-i* RT2T qtE7 1
Nr4 V-477 37Y71 3i- i WT I

Ph.D.AN 1 P.T.O.
(General Anthropology)

1. What do you understand by Anthropology ? Discuss the growth of

Anthropology in India. 20


Discuss Anthropology's relationship with other related disciplines. 20

2. Briefly examine any one of the following : /x/O

(a) Socialisation

Religion and Magic

(b) Darwinism


Ph.D.AN 2

( DTI r

1. iimaidom A ;=11- tom; ? VTO 4 Hila 411.1*t 11".6 *I- WO* 20


*-4Z 14WRit Wri 20

H 1.1 ci ;11•1 WT 3 ?

2. PHICiRsid 4A Tw **r 4 q'k ttNR :


(TO sl fdial


Ph.D.AN P.T.O.
(Research Methodology)

3. With an anthropological topic of your choice, discuss the steps that you will
follow once you are in the field. 20
Discuss the importance of pilot study and rapport building in research. 20

4. Briefly describe the following : 2x5=10

(a) Questionnaire
Interview Schedule

(b) Methods of Data Collection

Literature Review

Ph.D.AN 4
( fftsz fir)

3. aTEr* tffiq 44111 'urn. X141g;- zq (agitufla -Rsall F

W*'1-P4R, 1=4-4wr 39war r 4 a* TR, alp:* al-grqw @ , 11 20


wItz Nio-iiislch (pilot) 3317444 3 Atocil-PHiut (rapport building) Aici

W*07 20

4. Pi-i TiOT q-019. *A7 : 5x2=10


Trrk-Tr— -Trgrzrket

31W41 -kW


IlteRM vifrqr

Ph.D.AN 5 P.T.O.
SECTION C 40x1=40

1. A case study is
(1) A holistic study of an individual
(2) A holistic study of an institution
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) None of the above

2. A person who does research work is known as

(1) A fieldworker
(2) A researcher
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) None of the above

3. Which one of the following is a source of primary data ?

(1) Articles
(2) Gazettes
(3) Fieldwork
(4) Records

4. In the Interview method, there is face-to-face interaction between the

interviewer and the interviewee.
(1) True
(2) False
(3) Sometimes true
(4) All of the above

5. An example of close-ended questions is

(1) Interview

(2) Questionnaire

(3) Observation

(4) Conversation

Ph.D.AN 6
iTirt IT 40x1=40

1.f 3Turzr-4
(1) %It 0416-11q rTre+7 aTuRR
(2) 14)41 tiW4)ci aTaftiq

(3) (1)* (2) e)

(4) zERIT ct>li t

2. 71114 crA airn ed46

(1) crdeicho

(2) "kiltaiff
(3) (1) alIK (2)
(4) Ztrzl% 414 cr) 1ft

3. ti •4 31TT *a- ?
(1) tsi

(2) TE-4Z

(4) "PC+ti

- 31 t 'BT UT 371:14-titi-14 dcbt

4. TIATTWK f4f T i cW1 BTaTITKWdi
3iff:604 I *1 41141 t
(1) fl

(2) ?iron
(3) Vil-W11 tig)
(4) 31:f4W Tit

5. Ardql. 71( kiii !LH (close-ended) w-i") W dqwui

Ph.D.AN 7 P.T.O.
6. Ethics in research is
(1) A measuring unit
(2) The norms of conduct
(3) A qualitative method
(4) A quantitative method

7. A few equipments required in the field are

(1) Pen and paper (2) Notepad
(3) Voice recorder (4) All of the above

8. Participant Observation was introduced by

(1) E.B. Tylor
(2) L.H. Morgan
(3) B. Malinowski
(4) W.H.R. Rivers

9. The Emic approach is

(1) Viewing the local community from the anthropologist's perspective
(2) Understanding the local community on its own terms
(3) The analysis and comparison of ethnographic data across cultures
(4) None of the above

10. The term 'dominant caste' was coined by

(1) B.K. Roy Burman
(2) K.G. Gurumurthy
(3) Surajit C. Sinha
(4) M.N. Srinivas

11. Which anthropologist developed the concept of Culture Area ?

(1) L.H. Morgan
(2) W.H.R. Rivers
(3) Franz Boas
(4) A.L. Kroeber

6. *1 4 33T9R-4t% (ethics) alyRoT

(1) "gritiq-§cbli v:r 4

(2) 37-47 1:11* VIT 4
(3) !Auliciict) WO* wr 4
(4) w:r 4

- -
7.TRITg -grr4 q-r-4 cua d4cbtulit11 11 4

(1) tg (2) *Zeig

(4) zErzlw TrIft

9. ch

(1) i-h-takhAct)* -ftAvrkYII4 tivel

(2) 1:21T4tzi Bgrar ‘tic f4-4t 761TR toivii
(3) Til*WzIl*TATertT aft-41W qc)qui aucrkft
(4) zErIT 4 ift

10. 'N.sizi \AIR' (dominant caste) *

(1) -41.*. tizr wiq

(2) **Ir. .Ft-F4

(3) TIM

(4) 71.7. sflitdre

11. `chr-at tienc-14-11, 14AI Tt7 cr) ?

(1) Wa.".
(2) s.317. ikati

(4) 9t;)Git

Ph.D.AN 9 P.T.O.
12. Which of the following is the correct sequence according to the descending
order of social hierarchy ?
(1) Brahmin —> Kshatriya —> Vaishya —> Shudra
(2) Shudra —> Vaishya —> Kshatriya —> Brahmin
(3) Shudra —> Vaishya —> Brahmin —> Kshatriya
(4) Vaishya --> Kshatriya —> Shudra —> Brahmin

13. 'Use of Native Language' is associated with

(1) B. Malinowski (2) James Frazer
(3) E.B. Tylor (4) None of the above

14. `Kulturkreise' is associated with

(1) American School of Diffusionism
(2) British School of Diffusionism
(3) German School of Diffusionism
(4) None of the above

15. 'Bride Price' is a marriage payment made by

(1) Groom to bride
(2) Bride to groom
(3) Groom's kin to bride's kin
(4) Bride's kin to groom's kin

16. Marriage of a boy with his mother's sister's daughter is

(1) Parallel cousin marriage
(2) Cross-cousin marriage
(3) Incest taboo
(4) Exogamy

17. Historical Particularism as an approach to study culture was advocated by

(1) Gordon Childe
(2) B. Malinowski
(3) Franz Boas
(4) A.R. Radcliffe-Brown

Ph.D.AN 10
12. tiIHIr1 4 tilyI.i9bil 3.744e (descending) W4. * 3TIER T;i 4
4-1-Trr ?
(1) simiul kiftl --> ---*
(2) 7 —3 --> kftzi.
(3) 7 —> I -11 ---* kiriq
(4) tqf —> kftzr ---* 7—*

13. "1 aft* a ria Atk7" 14>ti ?

(1) t. MIT (2) 4R3474K
(3) t.t. di*Cit (4) WIT ch %ft

14. "cht-o491" (Kulturkreise) 1 itl tichtl ?

(1) 3114it*7 M atit 9.4e1PFil
(2) feZZ t-cr aiftF
(3) A4-i 1:EfF 31# RiteoPTH
(4) ZERITml 1 -0*

15. `5iis 511*11' , f*Trk arq 14)eil qi4 14-47 -wr Tra-Ft ?
(1) 1-4 A- -1
(2) 4
(3) q * it44-47ff * ft`AqTd
(4) * ftAqTa fl
is. -1*-Eft w4kT al-qt 4.1141 *trT -P4-4r-4
(1) ttIR-o. cfrym
(2) snits-cblfri ARA
(3) 3171:4T711F AtItT
(4) Gifai

17. T.1(Ffterr 3TGERF cbt 144tT A, j .1WITr ite.cfiq

(Historical Particularism)* -4.47 t
(1) we-g-
(2) t.
(3) Gi
(4) •3.1TK. Z5o9.b4I4)-1
Ph.D.AN 11 P.T.O.
18. Who among the following is not an affinal kin ?
(1) Ego's husband's sister
(2) Ego's brother's son
(3) Ego's wife's brother
(4) Ego's wife's mother

19. People who rely on domestication of animals for subsistence are known as
(1) Horticulturalists
(2) Pastoralists
(3) Foragers
(4) Agriculturalists

20. Change in the frequency of a gene over several generations is

(1) Adaptation (2) Genetics
(3) Acclimatization (4) Evolution

21. A pioneering anthropologist who studied chimpanzees in the wild is

(1) Vincent Sarich
(2) Jane Goodall
(3) Theodosius Dobzhansky
(4) Paul Broca

22. The evolutionary science that seeks to understand the genome difference
between human and non-human primates is
(1) Phylogenetic Zoology
(2) Primate Genetics
(3) Molecular Anthropology
(4) Population Genetics

23. Which of the following is not an archaeological method ?

(1) Exploration
(2) Excavation
(3) Anthropometry
(4) Site Mapping

Ph.D.AN 12
18. P+-if 060 4'4 AqSIT taTft- (affinal kin) 7-if
(1) tic
(2) .474* (144
(3) ITA -W. I-14
(4) ITT

19. aTrItftwr 3T-47,* IZI .Erkl 4 tria4 xrr-e4

(2) 1-1V4 Kith
(3) ttiqt.1 (14-17i)
(4) 4417

20. 35.-4- 41m- A. al-r-1% 4 qcola

(1) • ard-t--- (2) aTt-j--4P-W1-
(3) tirkfRA-313t-1q (4) 9t11 chiti

21. 4 rii-4P40.41 Tf 31up4-4 3Uft 4-11-paid0141

(1) f-4-44 T(TitU (Vincent Sarich)
(2) !Isizi (Jane Goodall) .
(3) -Przh-alzRi sici-4.1 (Theodosius Dobzhansky)
(4) 1TTF %)chi (Paul Broca)

22. 1:11-44 3rr44-el* -4m* H 1:W 1;5*. kiH5A IR -aim fdchiti

(1) A-NiufGr-i

(2) 3714Z 3.11T49TQ.

(3) 3pj-iii-laf4H

(4) Trgrfit

23. PHiCiRgi Aq-Til yrff44 Tet t ?

(1) 01-1
(2) IFT4

(3) iima

(4) WO. 4il1rscilui

Ph.D.AN 13 P.T.O.
24. Which of the following tools belongs to the Lower Palaeolithic Culture ?
(1) Hand-axe (2) Blade
(3) Microliths (4) Lunate

25. Which is the first stage of field research ?

(1) Formulating a research design
(2) Collecting the data
(3) Selecting a research problem
(4) Analysis and interpretation of data

26. The overall strategy for conducting a research is

(1) Independent variable
(2) Research design
(3) Dependent variable
(4) All of the above

27. involves the collection of basic demographic data.

(1) Mapping (2) Census
(3) Photography (4) None of the above

28. Anthropometry is the measurement of

(1) The human adult body
(2) Children
(3) Infants
(4) All of the above

29. The connection between ultraviolet radiation and the production of Vitamin D
in humans is that
(1) Ultraviolet radiation stimulates the production of Vitamin D in our
(2) Ultraviolet radiation hinders our bodies from producing Vitamin D
(3) Ultraviolet radiation and the production of Vitamin D in our bodies have
no connection
(4) Ultraviolet radiation has marginal significance

Ph.D.AN 14
24. P+-ifeiRsid 4 11- *1-4-4 3ll7R*1- '14iR ?

•-.5..etti (1) (2) mrls

(3) .WITFTriTur0164) (4) icrcfrochli

25. OA- (field)'1")1.1. "*-1" trff 'Wur off' ?

(1) 74*.1 vckirr

(2) 3lit-4 IA cbtil

(3) *4 ( 14-R 04i

- - - "ziq chk h

(4) aftt -ftlui oeilt.90-11 ctAll


26. *IT tivi TIAN 4 ITfarro-a-

(1) . q(

(2) *4*f WftlifT

(3) micdq

(4) ZtRIT 1Ttft

27. cW1‘ 11:44-t 314- 1 ')/ Triiitedff t

(1) 1 -11.1 IzNul (2) , 71•141u111

(3) :t)
1 (4) 3cflTilali (411Tef

28. 4-hicif41 ftliWf *RI t ?

(1) Td t" iT
(2) AQ'

(3) DIVII cif

(4)ice .

29. itt'el . 4 fdditt *T. PH tit *tit! ii-11 tui *tvwit *IT t
(1) 14(14,141 foi*Kur 411t If 1- it.A-1 cnkli

(2) 1-itiaigi f4kKur klkik m PliTu141681 3 cbtii t

(3) *ktQT i.k 4[k-it If le.14.1 11* i)4iTui If 4.;14 antRft i i Te t
(4) IRAITt iWikkvl—Wfc1441,4 t

Ph.D.AN 15 P.T.O.
30. Hardy and Weinberg concluded that gene pool frequencies are
(1) Inherently stable
(2) Inherently unstable
(3) Impossible to determine since we can only observe the phenotype and not
the genotype
(4) None of the above

31. The synthetic theory of evolution is based at least in part on

(1) Rejection of mutation as a source of evolution
(2) Acceptance of natural selection as a cause of evolution
(3) Rejection of population genetics
(4) Both (2) and (3)

32. Karyotype analysis is

(1) Rarely done on cells of unborn children because it cannot detect most
genetic disorders
(2) An important medical tool in predicting likelihood that an unborn child
will be normal
(3) Not applicable on humans
(4) Not recommended during pregnancy

33. Polygenic traits are

(1) Controlled by more than just a single pair of alleles
(2) Responsible for number of traits in phenotype
(3) Found either in men or women
(4) Number of genes responsible for equal number of traits.

34. Which of the following statements is/are true about the ABO Blood system ?
(1) It was discovered in the 1950s.
(2) It was discovered by Karl Landsteiner.
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) None of the above
Ph.D.AN 16
30. (Hardy) 3fk (Weinberg) Tfr is ct IT tre -I* ick-a- (gene pool)

(1) twi W2IT

(2) twi VEF 3TPF

(3) *-iebl Wm- TitT4 Tef t

7 -01-41Kw kict) t
ell V:1 1 div4 R, rws, dM4 (phenotype)

(4) -3-qqw 4 ch-li te

31. 1. chiti ITT *are* (Synthetic) ftgiff, r.9 -gqcam T -4Ta. tr{ , aTrtiiital
(1) chit" * * w:r dctiRci (4511
(2) chm * cnitul *Vtl . ' NT-t-f-ffw wzR
(3)TITER 3.11-j~f*T
(4) (2) alIT (3)
32. .-ch1to.4 (karyotype) I clqcaqui t
(1) W' A•Q• en)Dicni *ift-WITR -6T cheil wine eN et) zT
aTrjekg* -14*T4 *T trdT Te err timn ~
(2) l 1:1-frkuf ParebrAti T' rTOTTR 14TTP4a• 3r4RT
. 1111
(3) Atte-a trT mikTe
(4) TT14-41:21T* "14 cht14 3-ef

33. (polygenic) -Nt*IUTI

(1) 44reW *it *r goli * alt*TTT -144%
(2) IA-1)dl*1-1 (phenotype)* aT4* WEraT341*
(3) TrIto-r aft( 3-kisr 4 641 4
(4) kff114-*.itgaii TTITR kits,041*)-

34. PH a 4-4 *U-Trr cmpi, cos 1:4u1 Tit ?

(1) k.14l talk 1950 4 Tri I
(2) cnizi cl-s4ik 4m §ticP Trt I
(3) (1) at (2) -11
(4) ztrzjw 4 111R-et
Ph.D.AN 17
35. During meiosis when chromosomes "cross over", there is
(1) A new combination of existing genes
(2) A significant reduction in the number of genes that can be inherited
(3) No activity phase
(4) None of the above

36. Which statistical test of significance is used to test the difference in arithmetic
mean weight between two samples ?
(1) ANOVA (2) t-test

(3) x2 -test (4) Mode

37. Grinding and Polishing Stone Tool technique was used in

(1) Palaeolithic period
(2) Mesolithic period
(3) Chalcolithic period
(4) Neolithic period

38. Kinship relationships acquired by marriage are

(1) Affinal kin
(2) Consanguineal kin
(3) Fictive kin
(4) Collateral kin

39. Which is the basic chronological dating method ?

(1) Absolute dating
(2) Relative dating
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) None of the above

40. Which is the method that uses tree-ring analysis to establish chronology ?
(1) Genealogy
(2) Dendrochronology
(3) Palynology
(4) None of the above

Ph.D.AN 18
35. aTtf-Eprr* w-4 "st,TH 31-14K" cht;
(1) Tr17r 41.-H *r Tzrr
(2) Ail i titsAil 4 Irg— vi iituAz aTrett (-NA
(3) ig aldl
ct))i 1TWMT AT-41:21T
(4) 31:14- 4 Qi *Te

36. anti kiiRiti4Pe4 Trrft-d-r-RR TRIATur *r -srzhrr, * Hulett ITPT 1TR 4 3 TT

* 641 TraT ?
(1) aT*-o-r (2) t-TENTrff •

(3) x2 -TRIATur (4)

37. Al'"041T iirMf NI t 11 Z 1 den ch arTR)1:ITU I *4 alio 4 6041 ITT

(1) *titiltilui cnici
(2) TrultETITIT cbl1
(3) liwArim
(4) icNitilui chio

38. *R-47-.34kii 14-44 qit

(1) tqrr-4* kazmi
(2) tiHtth f-c1 ■711

(3) i-c1 ■311

(4) (14 I 1-444) altitT) f-c01•1

39. grgzit (basic) cmciilshii i,i i4 ui 'r-* ?

(1) PR44T chlo-Atikur
(2) 14T44-T chic-IA*1*i
(3) .37-4-
(4) ZERI 414

40. Vlq-Ift fd-RT * ch [CUM i41 I 4d cht 1.;•R chen \in



(2) 14-T chimjstovi

(3) TRITT9 Ri-iTo) ,711)

(4) 3,TIT 414

Ph.D.AN 19 P.T.O.

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