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Heat and Mass Transfer (2019) 55:1871–1885


Effect of injector spacing in the light-around ignition efficiency

and mechanisms in a linear swirled spray burner
Javier Marrero-Santiago1 · Antoine Verdier1 · Alexis Vandel1 · Gilles Cabot1 · Abdelkrim Mourad Boukhalfa1 ·
Bruno Renou1

Received: 27 March 2018 / Accepted: 18 July 2018 / Published online: 1 August 2018
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

The ignition behaviour of a linear swirled spray burner is investigated experimentally. The study focuses on the mechanism
of light-around, namely the burner-to-burner propagation, where the effect of injector-to-injector distance on the flame
propagation mechanism is considered. The existence of a switching between two different flame propagation mechanisms
between injectors in the chamber is identified. The radial and arch propagation mechanisms are found in this work for
n-heptane and the underlying causes are explained. High-speed visualisation, high-speed Particle Image Velocimetry (HS-
PIV) and Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence on Toluene (T-PLIF) expose the variables piloting these the flame propagation
mechanisms and the success of light-around. The aerodynamics and the local equivalence ratio of the flow are analysed
for 4 injector-to-injector distances (d) varying from 9 to 18 cm. The modification of d imposes a change in the inner
recirculation zone (I RZ) and in the mixture trajectories between injectors. The mixture formation and, thus, the equivalence
ratio are directly impacted by the aerodynamics. A mixture migration effect in front of the flame front is also identified and
strongly associated to the radial propagation mechanism. The flame propagation speed and its wrinkling factor highlight
more differences between radial and arch propagation modes.

1 Introduction which occur within different time scales and length scales
inside the combustion chamber. Aeronautical ignition can
Forced ignition of turbulent spray flames is a topic of be divided into four stages, which are thoroughly described
current research interest and of major importance for in Mastorakos [2] latest works. Phase 1 involves the
the future of aeronautical gas turbines. Many efforts sparking and transition to a reacting flame kernel. During
are being dedicated to better understand and control phase 2, the kernel expands and grows, moving inside the
re-ignition in high altitude of lean combustion burner chamber. After igniting the first injector, the kernel becomes
designs [1]. Severe conditions of atomisation, temperature a long-term stable flame at phase 3. The last stage, phase
and pressure introduce difficulties to the relight of the 4, describes the injector-to-injector propagation or light-
combustion chambers. Lean configurations, which are less around. In real engines, ignition is controlled by parameters
pollutant, complicate the ignition process due to lower of very different nature. For instance, atomization, slip
flame stability, lower flame temperatures and lower laminar velocity, volatility and turbulent mixing are responsible for
burning velocities. Spray ignition is a major challenge the liquid and gaseous equivalence ratio distribution in the
for simulation and experiments as it is a very complex chamber. Complete ignition has to be achieved as quickly
process involving simultaneous multi-physical phenomena as possible to avoid fuel accumulation and overpressure in
the chamber and turbine sectors. Previous research works
cover a variety of topics mainly focused on phase 1 and
 Bruno Renou
phase 2. The minimum spark energy for successful ignition
has been studied in the pioneer works of [3, 4]. Other
1 INSA Rouen-Normandie, UNIROUEN, CNRS, CORIA, investigations deal with turbulence effects and ignition
Normandie University, 76000 Rouen, France probability [5–7]. The influence of the fuel spray parameters
1872 Heat Mass Transfer (2019) 55:1871–1885

has also been addressed in [8–11]. Most of these studies provides new insight on aeronautical ignition and light-
deal with single-injector burners whereas experiments and around, and it proposes also a suitable database for valida-
simulations on multi-injector chambers are still scarce. tion of numerical models.
Some investigations have carried a gaseous approach to
phase 4 of ignition in linear-burner systems [12–15] where
the effect of injector-to-injector separation on premixed 2 Experimental methods
flame propagation was examined. Other studies focus on
premixed and non-premixed ignition in annular combustion The experimental facility and the nominal operating
chambers [16–18]. Two recent works deal with swirling- conditions are detailed below, followed by the description
multi-injector spray ignition [19, 20] and associate ignition of the diagnostics employed.
delay time to fuel volatility, amongst other results. The
chamber geometry plays a very important role in the light- 2.1 Burner
around of the engine. The injector-to-injector distance (d) is
a major concern when tackling new chamber configurations Experiments were carried out in the CORIA Linear Swirled
and, for instance, dealing with downsizing strategies. In a Spray Burner, a linear arrangement of swirling injectors
recent work [19], the authors demonstrated that there is confined with quartz windows allowing full optical access
a switching between two ignition mechanisms (radial and (two-phase flow version of the burner used by Barre et al.
arch) depending on the inter-injector distance d. This was [12]). Each injector is composed of a central simplex
partially explained by the inter-injector region properties pressure swirl atomizer (Danfoss, 1.46 kg/ h, 80 ˚ hollow
and the bridges between spray branches that change cone) and of an annular air co-flow with inner and outer
with the inter-injector distance. It was also demonstrated diameters of 10 and 20 mm, respectively. The radial swirler
that ignition delay times show different dependencies on in the air duct is composed of 18 rectangular (6 mm × 8
the distance between injectors when switching between mm) channels inclined at 45 ˚ leading to a Swirl number of
propagation modes. In [20], the injector-to-injector distance 0.76. Air and liquid fuel (n-heptane) mass flow rates were
is d = 6.9 cm and high-speed flame images reveal a controlled by thermal and Coriolis mass flow controllers and
radial propagation mechanism. In [15, 16] however, a set to 6.86 g/s and 0.316 g/s per injector, respectively. This
value of d = 4.4 cm implied the presence of the arch imposed a lean global equivalence ratio of 0.7 ± 0.01. The
propagation mode in a gaseous non-premixed configuration. co-flow was preheated to 416 ± 3 K. Figure 1 presents a
Therefore, there is no apparent consensus between the front view of the multi-injector facility. Injectors are placed
different recent works concerning flame propagation during linearly along a chamber enclosed by a large front window, a
phase 4. Moreover, d is generally expressed in the literature back metallic wall and two lateral small windows. The width
as an non-dimensional value, d/D, where D represents of the chamber is 11 cm whereas its length (L) is variable.
the air inlet diameter. Far from improving the comparisons This enables to vary the injector-to-injector distance (d).
between different investigations, this makes observations An aeronautical spark plug was placed in the metallic wall,
differ even more from each other, suggesting that it is not always aligned with the second injector at 23 mm from
the best practice. the bottom of the chamber. The spark-plug is connected
The present investigation deals with the flame propaga-
tion mechanisms and with the dependency of ignition delay
time on d during phase 4, moving a step further and explain-
ing the causes driving this switching in light-around spray
flows. Objectives are focused on the identification of the
main parameters responsible for each propagation mode,
which may give a clue to make the precedent observa-
tions converge. The cold flow is analysed for four values
of d in terms of velocity and equivalence ratio in order to
explain the causes driving the different observed ignition
behaviours. High-speed visualisation of the spontaneous
flame emission enables to identify the flame propagation
mechanisms and ignition delay times. High-speed particle
image velocimetry (HS-PIV) was applied to characterise
the velocity field of the carrier phase and planar laser
induced fluorescence (PLIF) on toluene (as a tracer) was
used to quantify the local equivalence ratio fields. This work Fig. 1 Front view of the CORIA Linear Swirled Spray Burner
Heat Mass Transfer (2019) 55:1871–1885 1873

to an external power supply system (Ignition Exciter HE of 128 × 128 and 32 × 32 pixels2 , 50% of overlap and a
901 from Vibro-Meter France SA) and the delivered output maximum iteration number of 10, yielding 79 × 49 vector
energy is estimated to 450 mJ/spark. The inner wall nominal fields. The signal-to-noise ratio acceptance was set over
temperature was 360 K at the triggering of ignition. The 1.5 and range and median validation were applied. Post-
dynamic pressure signal was measured during ignition by processing with Matlab enabled to further analyse the data.
a pressure sensor (Kistler @ 10 kH z) located at the top Paired PIV images were also recorded with seeding and with
right corner of the chamber. During the experiments, four spray presence under the propagation of the flame during
different values of d were tested: 9, 13, 15 and 18 cm. ignition. They were post-processed through the same PIV
For technical reasons, each spacing configuration required algorithms.
a certain amount of injectors to be used, as specified by
Cordier et al. [13]. The fuel and air mass flows per injector 2.2.3 Planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) on Toluene
were imposed and kept constant for all the cases.
To evaluate the local gaseous equivalence ratio in the
2.2 Optical diagnostics chamber, Toluene-PLIF measurements were performed.
Since n-heptane is not a fluorescent molecule, a tracer
2.2.1 High-speed flame visualisation had to be added to the fuel. For this purpose, Toluene
was selected because it presents similar physical properties,
High-speed visualization was used to track the flame such as a boiling point (383.7 K) close to that of n-
propagation during the complete ignition process. A high- heptane (371.6 K). Its photophysical properties are also
speed camera turning at 20 kHz (Phantom V2512, 1280 × well known and characterized [21, 22]. The hypothesis
800 pixels2 ) recorded the flame spontaneous emission from of similar diffusion and therefore, similar evaporation rate
the front view with a magnification ratio of 399 μm/pixel were made. Toluene was excited by a laser sheet at 266 nm
for d = 9 and 13 cm and 526 μm/pixel for d = 15 and 18 cm. by a quadrupled Nd-YAG laser at a repetition rate of 10
A 532 nm vertical continuous laser sheet (Diode-pumped H z. The fluorescence light was collected by an intensified
solid state laser, 1 W ) illuminated the fuel droplets and the camera (EmICCD PIMAX 4) equipped with two 275 nm
Mie scattering signal was collected by the same camera. high-pass filters (ZUL275 × 1 mm) and a 280 nm high-
pass filter (WG280 × 2 mm), in order to remove the Mie
2.2.2 High-speed particle image velocimetry (HS-PIV) scattering signal from droplets. The tracer was mixed at
2% in volume with the n-heptane in the reservoir to ensure
It is necessary to characterise in detail and analyse the a compromise between a good signal to noise ratio for
instantaneous and mean air velocity fields in order to the gaseous fluorescence signal and the camera saturation
reveal the effects of injector-to-injector spacing on the imposed by the liquid phase. Toluene is very sensitive to
aerodynamics of the flow and, thus, on ignition. For this O2 collisional quenching and its fluorescence signal (Sf )
purpose, the carrier phase was seeded far upstream with varies with temperature [21]. For this reason, a preliminary
2 μm silicon oil particles. Particle image velocimetry was study of the dependence of Sf on temperature variations
applied on the airflow without spray presence at a 5 kH z (T ) around the air co-flow conditions was performed
repetition rate for all distances. A magnification factor of by varying the amount of O2 : N2 ratio injected in the
0.129 mm/pixel was used for d = 9, 13 and 15 cm while chamber for two co-flowing identical vapour jets at different
d = 18 cm required 0.147 mm/pixel. A double cavity inlet temperatures. It was found that for our nominal gas
527 nm Nd:YLF laser (Darwin Dual Quantronix) and a temperature (T = 416 ± 3 K) a configuration with 1% O2
Phantom V2512 high-speed camera were used. The time and 99% N2 molar nullifies the dependence of Sf on T
between laser pulses was set to 40 μs enabling to correctly for T ≤ 32 K. This value of T is representative to
capture the wide range of velocities present in the flow the expected temperature variation within the combustion
but prioritizing the inter-injector region. The confinement chamber induced by the thermal boundary layer and by
windows increased the complexity of the experiments fuel droplet evaporation. This agrees with a previous study
enabling a short acquisition time before becoming dirty. performed by [23]. Therefore, the co-flow inlet conditions
For each value of d, 5000 raw single images were selected for this experiment were modified accordingly in order to
to calculate 2500 instantaneous vector fields. Raw images carry the PLIF experiments and find the molar concentration
were normalised by their corresponding mean images of fuel. In this way, Sf only depends on the molar
to reduce any spatial energy variations and background concentration of toluene and, for each injector-to-injector
scattering. The 1280 × 800 pixels2 images were processed distance, making the hypothesis that the fuel evaporates at
with Dynamic Studio from DANTEC using the Adaptive the same rate under the new configuration, it will provide
PIV calculation, with initial and final interrogation windows useful information on the fuel vapour repartition (molar
1874 Heat Mass Transfer (2019) 55:1871–1885

fraction). The gaseous equivalence ratio was then calculated is very useful because it qualitatively characterises the fuel
using this molar fraction and taking the co-flow as if content in the local mixture. This is the case of the spray
it was pure air. Raw images were noise-corrected and branches. On the other hand, the inter-injector region and
normalized by a laser sheet mean image, recorded at the the inner recirculation zone are free of this effect and enable
top part of the burner (for each d) where droplets are no a quantitative analysis. In addition, these droplets have long
longer present and the mixture is homogeneous. This top residence times in the chamber under strong evaporation
image gives a reference of the global equivalence ratio and, conditions, so they are smaller than those in the spray
thus, allows performing the calculation of the fuel mixture branches, thus, contributing even less to a potential bias.
fraction and of the equivalence ratio in the corrected images. Droplets resolved by the system were detected by signal
This was performed for the four studied injector-to-injector level and gradient thresholds.
configurations (d = 9, 13, 15 and 18 cm). The magnification
factor was kept constant so as to visualise two half-injectors
and the inter-injector region at d = 18 cm and, hence, 3 Results
two lateral half-injectors plus a central complete injector
and two inter-injector regions (IIRs) for d = 9 cm. PLIF This section is divided into 3 subsections containing the
has been widely applied before and some investigations observations and interpretations of the data extracted via
have been performed in two-phase flows, the majority of the different optical diagnostics. High-speed recording
which dealt with large isolated droplets or droplet trains, of spontaneous flame emission enables to analyse its
such as Mercier et al. [24]. These propose, for instance, propagation and path between injectors, as well as the
droplet detection based on signal intensities and gradients total ignition delay time. The results of the air velocity
in order to separate the vapour and liquid phases. However, measurements are presented in second place and the
this technique presents some non-negligible limitations in equivalence ratio data comes in third place.
presence of heterogeneous multi-disperse sprays. Indeed,
droplets smaller than the field resolved by one camera pixel 3.1 Flame propagation mechanisms
are not targeted by these detection techniques. In addition,
each pixel integrates the fluorescence signal within the The distance between neighbouring injectors was varied
entire laser sheet thickness (∼ 150 μm), where several from d = 9 cm to 18 cm and ignition tests were performed.
droplets can exist (depending on local droplet size and The flame propagation is revealed by the high-speed images
concentration). These issues contribute to a bias in the and different mechanisms are identified. To illustrate this,
quantification of the fuel vapour molar fraction. Although Figs. 2 and 3 show two ignition sequences for different
fluorescence of the tracer molecules in the liquid state is injector-to-injector distances: 9 and 18 cm respectively. For
counterbalanced by laser absorption in the droplets, the the sake of conciseness, only 9 negative images are shown
liquid-vapour separation by post-processing is not possible on each figure. The d = 9 cm configuration used 5 injectors
in the sub-pixel range and, hence, dense spray regions while only 3 injectors were used for d = 18 cm due to space
cannot yield quantitative information on the vapour phase. issues. The fuel sprays issuing from each injector can be
Nonetheless, the information collected at dense locations observed in both sequences thanks to the Mie scattering of

Fig. 2 Ignition sequence for n-heptane and d = 9 cm. High-speed spontaneous flame emission images
Heat Mass Transfer (2019) 55:1871–1885 1875

Fig. 3 Ignition sequence for n-heptane and d = 18 cm. High-speed spontaneous flame emission images

a laser sheet (entering the burner from the right) on the fuel time and length scales characteristic of ignition P hase2. By
droplets. Injectors in Fig. 2 are denoted from A to E on 24 ms, injector B is ignited completely. In this particular
the first image. The image sequence starts at 6 ms after the example, B and C are lighted practically simultaneously.
spark triggering and time between images is t = 4.5 ms. The flame then propagates (P hase4) under a turbulent flow
The spark is triggered at the wall at injector B. On the first and showing highly wrinkled reaction fronts. Arrows in
image a growing flame kernel can be appreciated on the Fig. 2 indicate that flame propagation takes place in all the
right branch of B. This kernel evolves and propagates under volume in a radial way, with leading fronts sweeping the

Fig. 4 Mean velocity fields for the four injector-to-injector distances. Colours represent the axial velocity component
1876 Heat Mass Transfer (2019) 55:1871–1885

inter-injector regions vigorously. The mean total ignition short inter-injector distances (d = 9 and 13 cm) and the arch
delay time calculated from 20 independent ignition trials at mechanism for large distances (d = 15 and 18 cm). These
d = 9 cm yields 50 ms. two mechanisms have been also previously identified in the
Injectors in Fig. 3 are named F , G and H and time same burner but using a non-premixed configuration [12,
between images is 10.5 ms in this sequence. Droplets of 13] where the influence of the inter-injector distance on the
injector F are less visible due to attenuation of the laser velocity field and on the equivalence ratio was evaluated,
intensity caused by divergence of the sheet and by the and injectors were said to be connected for dcrit < 16 cm
presence of droplets from the other injectors. Ignition is and independent for dcrit > 16 cm. This critical dcrit value
triggered at injector G and a compact flame kernel can is close to the one in the present study (13 < dcrit <
be observed on top of it, in the centre of the chamber. 15 cm) but remains slightly higher. Comparing the equiva-
The flame kernel then evolves and grows systematically lence ratio, in [12] it was observed to be very homogeneous
in the region attributed to injector G, which appears to be even close to the injectors and to vary in the injector region,
completely ignited at 27 ms showing a similar timing that however, local φ varies much more intensely in the present
the previous case (d = 9 cm). In the following stage, the study. This is explained by the presence of fuel droplets,
flame does not evolve along the lower part of the chamber which follow different trajectories inside the chamber and
since any lateral fronts emerging at low axial stations are deposit fuel vapour at regions that are inaccessible to a
either quickly extinguished or cannot propagate. The flame gaseous fuel injection. High-speed images from MICCA-
then propagates with a low velocity at the top part of the Spray burner by Prieur et al. [20] also reveal the presence
burner aided by the thermal expansion of the burnt gases. of the radial propagation mechanism present for an injector-
At 58.5 ms injectors G and H appear connected by a flame to-injector distance of 6 cm. These observations prove the
branch in an arched shape; the same happens at 69 m for existence of a switching phenomenon between two different
injector F . The mean total ignition delay time extracted flame trajectories but until now there are no investiga-
from the 20 ignition tests at d = 18 cm is 110 ms. tions in spray flows of the reasons behind this behaviour.
Two different propagation mechanisms have been iden- The following sections provide new information on the air
tified from these observations: the radial mechanism for velocity fields and the equivalence ratio fields existing in

Fig. 5 Some instantaneous velocity fields for the four injector-to-injector distances. Colours represent the axial velocity component
Heat Mass Transfer (2019) 55:1871–1885 1877

the space between the injectors for the four studied values for d = 9, 13, 15 and 18 cm. The colour map describes the
of d. axial (vertical) component of the velocity and blue colours
indicate negative velocities. The field of view starts at z ∼
3.2 Effect of the aerodynamics 25 mm above the injection for d = 9, 13 and 15, and at z = 20
mm for d = 18 cm, due to a different image magnification
The dynamics of the carrier phase are modified when factor for this last one. Figure 4 reveals outstanding
varying the distance between neighbouring injectors and differences between the different configurations. At d = 9
this must be investigated in order to explain the different cm, the swirling air jets open very quickly to touch the
ignition mechanisms observed. For this purpose, HS-PIV neighbouring jets at z ∼ 65 mm and leaving a large space
was applied on the air co-flow without spray presence. It for the inner recirculation zone (I RZ). Negative velocities
has been proven in a KIAI single-injector chamber under in the I RZ reach regions of z ≤ 20 mm. The inter-injector
similar flow conditions that the impact of fuel droplets region (I I R) is characterised by positive velocities of low
(issuing from this precise simplex atomiser) on the airflow magnitude (∼ 2 m/s). The following configuration (d =
is negligible, especially for axial stations higher than 20 mm 13 cm) reveals longer main jet zones that penetrate further
[25]. Therefore, the separate study of the airflow velocity than the latter, keeping high peak velocities. Neighbouring
is justified. Figure 4 presents the mean air velocity fields jets seem to merge just above the field of view, at z ∼

Fig. 6 Mean and standard deviation fields of the equivalence ratio for each of the four injector-to-injector distances. Dashed-line boxes indicate
regions used for mean calculations of φ at the I I Rs and I RZs
1878 Heat Mass Transfer (2019) 55:1871–1885

Fig. 7 Local mean gaseous equivalence ratio at the I I R and in the I RZ for the four injector-to-injector distances. Error bars indicate the
measurement inaccuracy caused by possible slight variations in laser energy and in mass flows

Fig. 8 Two instantaneous equivalence ratio fields for each of the four injector-to-injector distances
Heat Mass Transfer (2019) 55:1871–1885 1879

120 mm. The IRZ appears displaced upwards with the 13 cm one of the jet branches shows a wide opening with a
stagnation point shifted to z ∼ 85 mm . The space between large I RZ (r = 0 mm) while its neighbour branch (r = 120
injectors shows negative velocities which bring mixture mm) penetrates the flow vertically. Indeed, for this injector
from the top of the jet branches. Provided that the spray (placed at r = 130 mm) both branches are closed and do
branches nearly touch each other, a stagnation point must not possess an I RZ at this precise moment. The jet dynam-
exist at r ∼ 60 mm , z ∼ 110 mm, implying that the ics are governed by many parameters and have been studied
descending flow must be charged in fuel due to interaction deeper by Kao et al. [26]. Again, jets for d = 15 and 18
with droplets. The long distances will be now analysed cm show very vertical and penetrating trajectories although
together. In mean terms, there are no indications of a strong eventually some I RZs can reappear due to fluctuations of
I RZ. Extrapolation from short injector-to-injector distances the flow. Jets are totally independent from their neighbours
suggests that the I RZs have moved upwards downstream and the negative velocities (dark blue zones) occupy a large
and are less intense. The main air jets show a straight profile part of the region between injectors.
that does not open at high axial stations, oppositely to the Aerodynamically, we could distinguish d = 9 cm from
previous configurations. This is supported by the presence the other configurations provided that axial velocities in the
of two counter-rotating vortices, one separating each air jet inter-injector region (I I R) are generally positive here and
branch from the descending flow. These vortices are present negative for the other values of d. Under this scope, d =
at d = 13 cm fairly close to the tip of the jets where the 13 cm should eventually exhibit an arch-type propagation
merging takes place, whereas for d = 15 and 18 cm, these mode, but actually it does not. A possible explanation for
two vortices are too far from one another to induce such this is the spray opening, which is 80 ˚ (40 ˚ from the axial
jet opening and, thus, prevent neighbouring air jets from line for each spray branch) independently of the injector-
establishing a solid connection. Inevitably, this effect will to-injector distance. This brings large inertial droplets into
carry mixture from the top part of the burner into the inter- the top part of the inter-injector region enriching it in fuel
injector zone avoiding any contact with fuel droplets from vapour and enabling a radial flame propagation mechanism
spray branches. to take place at d = 13 cm. The equivalence ratio distribution
The mean behaviour of the flow is very useful to under- is studied in the next section and helps to further understand
stand the switching mechanism between flame propaga- the nature of the region between injectors and of flame
tion modes considering the connection or disconnection of propagation.
neighbouring swirling air jets. The analysis of the instan-
taneous velocity fields gives further information that can 3.3 Effect of gaseous equivalence ratio and droplets
reveal interesting aspects of the interaction between injec-
tors. Figure 5 illustrates four instantaneous velocity fields The Toluene-PLIF images show the repartition of the
coloured by the axial component, one for each d. Injectors mixture fraction locally in the chamber. The fluorescence
show again a strong and large I RZ for d = 9 cm, the shape signal depends on the fuel molar fraction and the local
of which is submitted to the flow fluctuations. Here, the gaseous equivalence ratio can be, therefore, calculated.
inter injector regions show some negative velocities at cer- The spray branches contain liquid fuel and, in order to
tain points depending on the jet dynamics. Air jet branches separate the liquid and gaseous phases, the droplets were
appear connected to their neighbours and disconnected from filtered with a level and a gradient threshold. Due to high
their opposite branches within the same injector. For d = liquid concentration, the quantitative characterisation of the

Fig. 9 Flammability factor

maps for each of the four
injector-to-injector distances
1880 Heat Mass Transfer (2019) 55:1871–1885

equivalence ratio is more difficult in the spray branches. while for d = 15 and 18 cm the tendency is reversed: the
Figure 6 presents the mean equivalence ratio and the local equivalence ratio decreases more and more in the
standard deviation for the four different injector-to-injector region between injectors and the I RZ presents increasing
configurations. On the images, a cover can be observed at values of φ, higher than those observed in the I I R. Figure 7
the spray cores, immediately after the injectors. This was illustrates the evolution of local gaseous in the IIRs and
added to the system so as not so saturate the intensifier in IRZs against d, which has been just described. Boxes in
the dense-spray region. The mean maps reveal an interesting Fig. 6 indicate the regions from which local spatially-
evolution of local in the I I Rs and in the I RZs when averaged values of were extracted to elaborate Fig. 7. This
changing values of d. For d = 9 cm, the I I R shows higher behaviour is intimately related to the velocity field of the
values (around 0.73) than the I RZ (around 0.69). For d flow and the previous analysis on the existence or absence
= 13 cm, values in the I I R and the I RZ are very close, of the I RZs. In configurations where the I RZ has a strong

d = 9cm d = 18cm
0.0 ms 0.0 ms


80 80
z (mm)
z (mm)

40 60


0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
r(mm) r(mm)

11.8 ms 8.4 ms


80 80
z (mm)
z (mm)

40 60


0 50 100 r(mm) 150 0 50 100 150
15.8 ms 22.8 ms


80 80
z (mm)
z (mm)

40 60


0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
r(mm) r(mm)

U: -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 (ms-1)
Fig. 10 Instantaneous fresh gases velocity fields during flame propagation. Left: d = 9 cm; right: d = 18 cm. The radial component of the velocity
is represented by the colour map and the burnt gases are coloured in black
Heat Mass Transfer (2019) 55:1871–1885 1881

presence, such as d = 9 cm, is lower in the I RZ because

mixture from the top of the chamber is introduced into this
zone, as well as fresh air, and large fuel droplets cannot
follow such trajectories. The standard deviation shows low
variations in the I I Rs and I RZs, and high variations in the
spray branches.
It is also interesting to investigate the instantaneous
equivalence ratio fields, which are shown in Fig. 8. Here,
two independent images are shown for each d. Black-
coloured pixels represent the fuel droplets that were
detected in the post-processing applying level and gradient
thresholds. The detected droplets were not taken into
account for the calculation of the mean fields. In Fig. 8,
at d = 9 cm, a well-premixed homogeneous inter-injector
region is observed while the I RZ shows more variations. Fig. 11 Mean flame propagation speed extracted from the top leading
edge of the isothermal line in the tomographic images for PIV
For d = 13 cm, more mixture inhomogeneities can be
observed in the I I R, apparently due to the eventual
descending pockets from the top part of the chamber. For
in the I I R whilst the latter reveals a decrease of F in the
long spacing values (d = 15 and 18 cm) high values of
I I R for increasing inter-injector distances, indicating that
φ appear more concentrated in the spray branches and
the mixture becomes statistically less and less flammable.
the I RZs. Here, the I I R becomes very irregular and φ
These two different behaviours match and explain the two
values fluctuate spatially more and more with increasing
identified flame propagation modes.
values of d. Values of φ ≤ 0.55 are more and more
To conclude on this part, authors suggest that the
frequent and describe the lower flammability limit of the
flammability factor or the flammable pathway, or even
the non-flammable distance between adjacent injectors
It is very probable that, for long injector-to-injector
would be much more appropriate parameters to compare
distances, there does not exist a complete flammable
different studies on ignition phase 4 than d or d/D. For
pathway directly between the branches of two adjacent
instance, in the non-premixed experiments carried in [15,
injectors. This occurs the majority of the time and, hence,
16], the sawtooth pattern described by Machover et al.
impedes the direct flame propagation. This explains why
(corresponding to an arch mode) is found at injector-to-
the flame cannot propagate at low axial stations between
injector distances of d = 4.4 cm. At such short distances
injectors. When this happens, the flame finds an alternative
[19], the present investigation yields a radial mode. Even for
path from the top forming an arch between neighbouring
such diverging observations, the disagreement is explained
branches. This mechanism takes place thanks to the thermal
via the flammable path or the flammability factor: Fig. 8
expansion of the hot gases, which push the flame fronts onto
depicts non-flammable regions between adjacent injectors
the adjacent sprays from the top. After this, the flame finds
and the flammability factor calculated in [15] reveals the
the neighbour spray branch and descends completing the
arch. For short d distances, the flame propagates actively
through the inter-injector region because the equivalence
ratio is high enough and the reactants are usually premixed.
In addition, the effect of an increased presence of fuel
droplets in the I I R enhances the existence of punctual
rich mixtures, which strongly increase laminar flame speeds
and, thus propagation velocity. Figure 9 illustrates the
flammability factor (F ) maps in the region of analysis for
each value of d. The flammability factor is defined as the
probability of encountering a flammable mixture in a given
location and it was first proposed by Birch et al. [27]. It
was calculated by integrating the PDFs of the equivalence
ratio between the lean and rich flammability limits for
each pixel. This figure identifies two different behaviours
Fig. 12 Wrinkling factor reported by the ratio between the flame
of F attributed to short and long d values. The former length extracted from the isothermal line in the tomographic images
shows homogeneous an always flammable mixtures (F =1) and the shortest distance between the top and bottom leading edges
1882 Heat Mass Transfer (2019) 55:1871–1885

exact same situation in the IIR. This alternative analysis instantaneous velocity fields for d =9 cm (left) and for d
makes observations converge. = 18 cm (right), coloured by the radial velocity. The first
velocity field shows a non-reacting flow, just as the one
3.4 Effect of mixture migration described in Figs. 4 and 5. When the flame approaches the
flow (t = 11.8 ms), entering from the left, the fresh mixture
During the flame propagation, the thermal expansion of the accelerates towards the right-hand-side with peak velocities
burnt gases induces a velocity on the fresh mixture and over 5 m/s in the case of d = 9 cm. The last field at d
droplets in front of the flame brush. This has been observed = 9 cm (t = 15.8 ms) reveals that all the fresh mixture
in gaseous configuration by [28] and in two-phase flows by is strongly affected and a transport effect takes place,
[29]. In this work, tomographic images of the air seeded enhancing mixing and possibly making any unfavourable
with silicon oil droplets and fuel droplets during the passage regions in terms of φ disappear. The case at d = 18 cm
of the flame supply very important exploitable information. reveals a suppression of the blue colours meaning that there
Indeed, during the PIV experimental campaign, high-speed is a relative acceleration of the flow in front of the flame, but
image pairs were recorded in this configuration. The the effect here is not strong enough to induce a significant
flame front evaporates quasi-instantly the seeding droplets, migration of rich mixture towards lean regions. The d = 13
hence describing an isothermal contour line representative cm configuration yields a very similar behaviour to d = 9
of the flame front position (or close) and shape. PIV cm. For d = 15 cm, a flow acceleration can be observed,
cross-correlation calculations performed on the fresh side but only on the top part of the visualization window,
provide instantaneous velocity fields weighted by the and it is less violent than for shorter injector-to-injector
luminosity of the droplets meaning that, depending on the distances. Using a minimum filtering, a level threshold
fuel droplet concentration and size, the resultant vectors and a posterior 2D gradient calculation, the flame contour
describe a behaviour between the motion of the liquid and was extracted from the raw images and the leading edges
the gas phase. Figure 10 illustrates a sequence of three were identified at the top and bottom of the investigation

Fig. 13 Top: Non-reacting flow

for small injector-to-injector
distances. Bottom: Sketch of the
behaviour of the flame
propagation and of the igniting
flow for small injector-to-
injector distances: the radial
propagation mechanism
Heat Mass Transfer (2019) 55:1871–1885 1883

window, so as to track the flame front position and each an outstanding peak in the wrinkling factor due to 3D
dynamics. effects that make a second flame branch appear through an
Figure 11 describes the evolution of the mean velocity azimuthal trajectory burning preferentially the right branch
of the top leading edge during the observation of the (rich mixture) of the fuel spray. This effect can be clearly
propagation of the flame for the different tested injector-to- observed in Fig. 10 for d = 9 cm at t = 15.8 ms (bottom
injector distances. Again, a break of slope occurs between left). Initial elevated wrinkling factor values for d = 15 and
short and long d distances, with maximum velocities quasi- d = 18 cm are related to the initial development of the
independent from d for d = 9 and d = 13 cm. This same flame with a right and a left-hand-side propagation fronts,
trend and values were extracted from high-speed image until the left front exits the images. The increased wrinkling
visualisation of the spontaneous flame emission in [19]. for small injector-to-injector distances partly explains the
The wrinkling factor of the flame is also a very important faster propagation velocity in these cases. Signals in Fig. 12
parameter that explains the boost of the burning velocity cannot be compared to each other in timing terms because
from a laminar to a turbulent flame. In this work, the they are not synchronised with any common event.
wrinkling factor is defined as the ratio between the length of Finally, two sketches are proposed to summarise the
the detected flame front and the straight length between the main conclusions extracted from previous results. Figure 13
top and bottom flame leading edges. Figure 12 illustrates describes the behaviour of the non-reacting flow for short
how flames at d = 15 and d = 18 cm are generally injector-to-injector distances and the flame propagation
less wrinkled than flames in shorter injector-to-injector in such conditions and indicating the specificities of the
configurations. Moreover, d = 9 and d = 15 cm show radial propagation mechanism. Figure 14 summarises the

Fig. 14 Top: Non-reacting flow for long injector-to-injector distances. Bottom: Sketch of the behaviour of the flame propagation and of the
igniting flow for long injector-to-injector distances: the arch propagation mechanism
1884 Heat Mass Transfer (2019) 55:1871–1885

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