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Report of Project Work - 1

Project Work Report: Gender Differences in Math Learning

Project Title: Gender Differences in Math Learning: Investigate potential
gender differences in math achievement and attitudes, and develop strategies
to address any disparities.
Project Work Conducted By: Richa Kumari Dutta
School’s Name: Shreemati Krishna Devi Janta Secondary School,
Malangwa – 9, Sarlahi
Class: 10 - A
Study Duration: 1 month
Date of Submission:
Submission: Submitted to the Education Training Center (ETC), Bara, as
part of the TPD program requirements.

As a mathematics teacher in an underdeveloped region of Nepal, I attended
the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) training program. The program
highlighted the importance of understanding gender differences in education.
Following the training, I conducted a project to investigate potential gender
differences in math achievement and attitudes, and to develop strategies to
address any disparities among students.

1. To identify potential gender differences in math achievement and attitudes
among students.
2. To understand the underlying reasons for any observed gender differences.
3. To develop and implement strategies to address gender disparities in math
1. Selection of Participants:
- A total of 100 students (50 boys and 50 girls) from Class 10 were selected
for the study.

2. Data Collection:
- Pre-test assessments were conducted to evaluate initial math achievement
- Surveys and questionnaires were distributed to gather information on
students' attitudes towards math.
- Interviews with students and teachers were conducted to understand
perceptions and experiences related to gender differences in math learning.

3. Implementation of Strategies:
- Gender-inclusive teaching strategies were developed and implemented
over the 1.5-month period.
- These strategies included collaborative learning, positive reinforcement,
and creating a supportive classroom environment.

4. Post-test Assessments:
- Post-test assessments were conducted to measure any changes in math
- Follow-up surveys were administered to evaluate changes in attitudes
towards math.

1. Math Achievement:
- Pre-test results indicated a slight difference in math achievement, with
boys performing marginally better than girls.
- Post-test results showed a significant improvement in math achievement
for both genders, with the gap between boys and girls narrowing.
2. Attitudes Towards Math:
- Surveys revealed that girls initially had lower confidence in their math
abilities compared to boys.
- Post-implementation surveys indicated an increase in confidence levels
among girls, with many expressing a more positive attitude towards math.

3. Perceptions and Experiences:

- Interviews highlighted that societal and cultural factors often influenced
girls' attitudes towards math.
- Both boys and girls benefited from the inclusive teaching strategies,
leading to a more collaborative and supportive learning environment.

1. Cultural Barriers:
- Overcoming deep-seated cultural attitudes towards gender and education
was challenging.

2. Resource Constraints:
- Limited resources and materials sometimes hindered the implementation
of new strategies.

3. Time Management:
- Balancing the project work with the regular curriculum was difficult.

The project revealed that gender differences in math achievement and
attitudes do exist, but they can be addressed through targeted interventions.
Implementing gender-inclusive teaching strategies significantly improved
math achievement and attitudes for both boys and girls. This indicates that
with the right support and environment, gender disparities in math learning
can be minimized.
1. Expand Gender-Inclusive Programs:
- Schools should expand gender-inclusive programs and strategies across all
subjects and grade levels.

2. Ongoing Teacher Training:

- Provide ongoing training for teachers to equip them with the skills and
knowledge to address gender disparities.

3. Community Involvement:
- Engage the community to shift cultural attitudes and support gender
equality in education.


Subject Teacher's Sign: ___________________

Headmaster's Sign: ___________________

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