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Oliver Cocks

Editor-in-chief, BMC Geriatrics

Sitti Musdalifah Ahmad, RN

Post Graduate Nursing Program, Faculty of Nursing,
Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
August 17, 2022

Dear Oliver Cocks,

On behalf of all of the authors, I ask you to consider our manuscript titled " The Effects of
Physical Exercise on Mental Health in the Elderly: A Systematic Review " for publication in
BMC Geriatrics as a review article. We feel that review from this study will be of particular
interest to the readers of BMC Geriatrics.

This manuscript has not been published and is not under consideration for publication
elsewhere, nor is any explanation of the study.
All authors meet the authorship eligibility requirements and have read and approved the final
manuscript. Besides, all of those entitled to authorship are listed as authors.
There is no conflict of interest regarding this study.

Thank you very much,

Sincerely yours,

Sitti Musdalifah Ahmad, RN

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