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Individual Dimensions

Kajol Purushothaman Nair

Human Resource Management, Centennial College

HRPD 702 007: Contemporary Organizational Behaviour

Mr. Victor Iyekekpolor

February 11, 2023

Individual Dimensions

Name of What are the dimensions assessed? What score[s] For each [piece] what does it mean about you?
Test Explanation of the personality dimension, or did you get for Your interpretation [application] must demonstrate
dimensions, measured by this personality test ? each [piece]? your understanding of the test dimension[s]
DO NOT forget to cite/reference properly and meaning.
DO NOT merely use as an explanation of the
dimensions measure only what is provided
on the test site - find another
1 MBTI My Personality Dimensions have culminated to Introverted – The Personality Test is closely aligned to my
be a Logistician. They are referred as the reliable 65% individualistic personality. ISTJ prefers to be a more
personality type who are practical and filled with Sensing/ grounded, logical type of person and they try to
integrity. They have a strong sense of work ethic Observant – remain calm in stressful situations. It has strong
and often overload themselves with too many 55% aspects to it such as Sensing, Thinking and Judging
responsibilities. Thinking – 54% which are very practical forms of thinking and
Introverted: Introverts are those who are Judging – 65% handling situations without overstressing. However, it
predominantly more reserved and can work states a major portion of my characterstics (65%) is
better independently. They have strong abilities more towards Introversion. Although it makes one
of reflection and can face difficulties while more independent it can make it difficult to work with
working with teams. (Susan Cain, 2015) other individuals during assignments, projects and
Sensing/ Observant: Those who pay close tendency to avoid conflict can result in unresolved
attention to facts and details. Experience or matters. Although they are strong traits, these also
exposure matters more. (Charles Martin, 1997) need to be worked upon so that I can move out of my
Thinking: Those who give a lot of thought to the comfort zone and not be too introverted or critical of
objective information to come up with a final work especially while working with people.
decision which can be more realistic and
Judging: Those who are more organized and
keep a checklist of their tasks. They need to keep
specific goals to accomplish.

2 DISC • Dominance: The extroverts who are more D – Situational I My Dominance & Influential traits are Situational. It
outgoing with high levels of confidence and -Situational shows a similar result to that of the Personality Test.
are comfortable taking risks. Those in a S - Strong Taking charge or taking the lead is not the strongest
Dominance position are generally more C - Strong feature. As per the test, basis the situation I am prone
inclined towards Leadership Positions. to take up necessary actions to either lead a team or
(Katrina Faust, 2019) influence people. If there is a group project wherein
• Influence: Katrina Faust (2019) describes there are no initiative takers then there is a probability
influential, energetic, and passionate people to get the task done I might take on a Dominance or
as influential, energetic, and passionate. Influential role to persuade and motivate people to
They are more persuasive and motivating and complete their tasks but ideally, these are not
excel the most when working in groups. qualities that would come out instinctively. The
• Supportiveness: It is a behavior that is more stronger traits are Supportiveness &
helpful, caring, steady, and reliable. They Conscientiousness traits. I have more of a team
have a more supportive and loyal nature. player or follower aspect which is the reason I was
(Professional Leadership Institue, n.d) not able to take up Leadership Positions but I can be
• Conscientiousness: Those who are more helpful to those in a group with my supportive and
reserved and task-oriented. They have very loyal nature. Since, its more to do with being
high attention to detail and are more reserved, completing their own tasks, and being more
analytical. (Katrina Faust, 2019) analytical those are aspects that are more in favor to
3 Big 5 • Openness: Tendency to be more creative, O – 58% The Big 5 are in line with the above 2 tests conducted
adventurous, and intellectual. C - 67% with respect to the other features. However, in
• Conscientiousness: Those who are E - 27% comparison to the above tests it has been identified
disciplined and ordered pursue their goals A – 71% that my Extraversion factors are extremely low and
and are more likely to be successful. N – 62.5% my Agreeableness factors are maximum at 77%. I
• Extraversion: Extraversion is being more prefer to have an ordered structure rather than an
socially active and outgoing. undisciplined one as explained in Conscientiousness.
• Agreeableness: It is described as how often I believe I have pessimistic thinking so I am not
people keep other’s needs before their own. surprised if things don’t turn out. However, what I
They have a more cooperative nature and believe to be pessimistic has been portrayed more
less of a competitive nature. towards the negative side through the Big 5 Test.
• Neuroticism: It describes the tendency to
have more negative and sad thoughts. Their
mood swings and irritable factors show how
resilient they are or they are not.
(Olivia Goldhill, 2018)
4 Locus of Locus of Control "A locus of control orientation 46% As per the test my locus of control is more towards
Control is a belief about whether the outcomes of our the External side rather than Internal. I do believe that
actions are contingent on what we do (internal to some extent. I believe there are certain factors that
control orientation) or on events outside our affect my day, certain factors that make me feel I do
personal control (external control orientation)." not have much control and that I have what one would
(Zimbardo, 1985) say bad luck. Im not surprised regarding any external
environmental factors that affect my life but
considering my LOC is quite low I should tend to have
more ownership of my responsibility.
5 Type A Type A - Those with competitive, impatient, 47% As per the test I fall between both
ambitious and organized personalities. Type A and Type B personality which is mostly
Type B – Those with a relaxing, easygoing situational base and it is in line with actual behavior.
approach who are not concerned with the Depending on my situation I tend to adapt myself. I
urgnecy of time. can aim for perfection without exhausting or over
(Gerel, 2022) driving myself and at the same time I can be hostile
and impatient. I have heard that I am a bit impatient
with others many times. As per the test as long my
negative aspects are on check I can maintain a
proper balance. However, even as per the Big 5 test,
I can tend to be quite negative which might actually
affect me even though it is not yet visible in the Type
A and B Test.
6 Self Control Self Control and Self Monitoring: These 71 I generally have a good grasp of social situations and
and Self determines how we behave in an outside the test also agrees with it. I do modify myself
Monitoring environment and how we are around people. Its depending on the group of people I am to avoid
basically monitoring our behaviours and conflicts. I prefer to be more easy going with people
emotions to different situations and social and situations. However, I should still try to have my
environments. (Kendra Cherry, 2022) opinions rather than having a comfortable set up. I
will need to be able to handle conflicts as well in an
7 Self Esteem Self-esteem: It determines how strong you are 64% I do have a way of doubting myself but I try to be more
as a person. It can determine how confident you optimistic. I prefer to be on my own. I do get stressed
are as a person or if you have any anxiety but I prefer to handle it in a more calm manner so that
behavior that makes it difficult for you to do your I don’t get to over-stress myself. I try not to undermine
activities or interact with people. All in all it’s the myself and I think that has shown in the test that
despite my dips in confidence I can maintain a
self worth you have established for yourself as a balance and I need to continue to work more on
person. (Kendra Cherry, 2022) maintaining it.
8 Machiavellia It determines how cynical you are as a person or 60% My rating shows I have a higher Machiavellianism.
nism how manipulative you can be to make sure you As per Dr. Sheri Jacobson in the her current
get what you want be it for power or any other counseling blog on Feb, 2023 states that those who
gain. (Christie and Geis, 1970) have 60 above score is referred to as “High Machs”
who are more focused on their well being. They don’t
trust and don’t believe human kind nature is good. I
believe it may be true in some aspects for me.
Probably due to struggles, experiences and
hardships to make one more stronger I have bought
up the mentality that there is an agenda behind every
good act a person does so I tend to be more careful
and cautious and can exhibit trust issues. I do fight
for what I want in life but I also do believe if there are
people very close to me I would do anything for but I
have a very few count of close people who I would do
anything for as well. I am not sure if I agree with the
results or not as I don’t think too much of myself but I
do like to prioritize in my life and that which does not
meet priority is not much relevant to me so there is
probably a 50-50 chance with regards to the results
of this test.
9 The In his book Practitioners Guide to Evidence 15% I think I am confident about my Narcissism scoring. I
Narcissist based Psychotheraphy Keith has mentioned it’s am not pretentious and quite modest. I don’t like to
Test the way how high you view yourself, how you flaunt nor do I like to praise myself. Because of my
strategize yourself and how warm relationships nature it makes it easier for people to get to know me.
can be to you. They can be over entitlted and If I want to try to understand both my Narcissist and
filled with dominance and can also be quite Machiavellianism test, I would say that my
selfish. (Keith Campbell, 2006) Narcissism is less because I don’t think too highly of
myself cause for me achieving my goals is more
important than actually flaunting it. But also at the
same time I’m not too keen on going about with
people or dealing with peoples issues which is
probably why I received a 60% in Machiavellianism.
Conclusion: Final Discussion

There were 9 Personality Tests that were conducted to help one understand oneself better.

Analysis on each of the tests conducted are:

1. MBTI: The Test Scores are in alignment with my personality. I prefer to be logical and practical

in my day-to-day activities and when dealing with people. However, the most concerning part

would be the highest score in my Introverted nature. I will need to learn to try to be more

comfortable in social settings. If I want to be part of a team, I will need to work with different

types of people or if I want to enter into a Managerial role I will need to learn to lead people

who might also be difficult to handle. The more I customize myself with different types of

people the better it will help me deal with any difficult situations.

2. DISC: My DISC test is also in line with my MBTI Test Results. In MBTI I have exhibited an

introverted nature and the DISC shows that positions of Leading or Taking Charge may not be

my strongest feature. The same goes for my Influence scale. As per the test, I am a good

person to have as part of a team but I would like to gradually change it so that I reach a

Managerial level where I can handle leadership and authority.

3. Big 5: The Big 5 has also highlighted the same feature, that I lack in being an extrovert.

Although it has also shown my strong features which showcase that I prefer to be structured

and disciplined. I have a very pessimistic approach towards life but that has shown to be too

negative as per the test. Perhaps the test is right I might be too negative in my approach to

dealing with things but I still believe that it’s better to be prepared with all the wrong scenarios

than to have any surprises you may regret later.

4. Locus of Control: The test has shown me to take more ownership of things in my life. I do not

think I blame all the external factors but I do feel a lot of them are responsible for how things

end up. I can learn to calm myself more in situations so that I don’t stress myself out and take

more ownership of my life.

5. Type A: I believe I am very adaptable to the surrounding and the people around me so that it

is easier for them and me to accommodate one another. Hence, the test does reflect my

nature. However, I do tend to get impatient at times which might be something I need to work


6. Self-Controlling & Self-Monitoring: Same as the Type A Test, my Self-Controlling &

Monitoring test has shown I can adapt myself according to the people I am around. However, I

modify my behavior to avoid conflicts and show learn to handle or be part of difficult

conversations so that I know how to handle such situations if I were to lead a team.

7. Self-Esteem: The test has shown that I may have dips in my confidence level but so far I have

been maintaining a proper track of it. My negative nature which was indicated in the Big 5 Test

highlights in more detail my negative aspect of life. Although there are circumstances I try to

maintain a proper balance.

8. Machiavellianism: I am still skeptical of the results I have received in Machiavellianism. It

states that im a "High Mach”. There are things and people that I like to prioritize and there are

those close to me whom I do fight for. However, I do tend to ignore those irrelevant to me or

thingsthath do not hold any meaning. I might have to dig deep in order to understand more

about this side of me.

9. Narcissist: There is no doubt about the results of the Narcissist test. I do not believe in

gloating about myself or my achievements. I believe if I have done something great it will show

on its own without me flattering myself. I do not put myself on a pedestal. For me achieving my

goals are whats most important. I believe it becomes easier for people to approach me.

Cain, S., (2015 May 08), The Power of Introverts, eBook on Introvertism. Accessed on 08-02-23

Martin, C., (1997), Looking at Type: The Fundamentals, Book on Myers- Briggs Indicator tools. Accessed on

Faust, K., (2019 Jan 10), LeadX: Personality Types of DISC (Dominance), Article on Personality Types, Accessed on 08-02-23

Faust, K., (2019 Jan 10), LeadX: Personality Types of DISC (Influence), Article on Personality Types, Accessed on 08-02-23

Faust, K., (2019 Jan 10), LeadX: Personality Types of DISC (Conscientiousness) Article on Personality Types, Accessed on 08-02-23

Professional Leadership Institue, (n.d), General Characterstics of S Type, Article on Institute website,
type. Accessed on 08-02-23

Goldhill, O., (2018 Feb 11), We took the world’s most scientific personality test—and discovered unexpectedly
sexist results, Article. Accessed on 08-02-23

Neill, J. (2006), What is Locus of Control, Page 1. Quoted Zimbardo 1985. eBook. Accessed on 08-02-23

Gerel, (2022 Mar 22), Type A Vs Type B Quiz: What Kind Of Personality Do You Have?, Test content, Accessed on

Cherry, K., (2022 Jul 25), What Is Self-Monitoring?, Article from Very Well Mind. Accessed on 11-02-23

Cherry, K., (2022 Nov 07), What Is Self-Esteem Article from Very Well Mind. Accessed on 11-02-23

Christie, R., & Gies, F.L (1970), Studies in Machiavellianism, Google Books. Accessed on 11-02-23

Campbell, K., (2006 Nov), Practictioners Guide to Evidence Based Psychotherapy, Narcissistic Personality
Disorder p.423, eBook. Accessed on 11-02-23

1. 16 Personalitiies: ISTJ
2. DISC Personality Test
3. Big 5
4. Locus of Control

5. Type A Personality Test

6. Self Control & Self Monitoring

7. Self Esteem
8. Machiavellianism

9. The Narcissist Test

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