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Q1:Give two applications in which resonance plays an important role.

1. Swing
A playground swing is one of the familiar examples of resonance. When we push the
swing, it starts moving forward and backwards. If a series of regular pushes are given to
the swing, its motion can be built. The person who is pushing the string has to match
the timing of the swing. The pusher has to sync with the timing of the swing. This
causes the motion of the swing to have increased amplitude so as to reach higher.
Once when the swing reaches its natural frequency of oscillation, a gentle push to the
swing helps to maintain its amplitude due to resonance. We call this in-sync motion
"Resonance." But, if the push given is irregular, the swing will hardly vibrate, and
this out-of-sync motion will never lead to resonance, and the swing will not go
2. Radio
When we turn the knob of the radio to our favorite channel, we are changing the
natural frequency of the receiver. The natural frequency of the receiver then matches
the transmission frequency of the radio station. When two frequencies match, energy
transfer occurs and we listen to the selected channel.
3. Microwave Oven
The food is heated quickly in a microwave because of resonance. The radiations emitted
by a microwave oven have a certain wavelength and frequency. And like all other
objects, molecules of water and fat also have a resonance frequency. At a certain
frequency, the molecules absorb wavelengths and start vibrating, causing cooking and
heating up of food.

Q 2.What happens to the time period of a simple pendulum if its length is doubled.
Ans:If the length of a simple pendulum is doubled. Its time period increases increases (F)times the
original time period.

Conclusion: If the length is doubled the time period will increase (√2) time the original time period.

Q3: What will be the frequency of a simple pendulum if its length is 1m

Ans: If the length of a simple pendulum is 1m, Then its frequency will be 0.5 Hz
As we know that

𝑇 = 2π√𝑔 (i)

If L =1m put in (i)

T=2x3.14 √

T=6.28 √0.1020
f = 1/T
f = 1/2
conclusion: If the length of simple pendulum is (1m), then its frequency will be 0.5Hz.

Q4: Give one practical example each of free and forced oscillation.
Free Oscillation:
When a system oscillates with its own natural frequency and no net force acts on it.Such
oscillation of the system is known as free oscillation.
When a simple pendulum is displaced from its mean position and then left free, itexecutes
free oscillations in the absence of external or resistance forces, For theoscillation , the time
period of simple pendulum is given by,

While the frequency of simple pendulum is givenby,

Forced Oscillation:
When a system oscillates under the influence of a net external force, then suchoscillation is
known as Forced Oscillation.
If the mass of a vibrating pendulum is struck again and again then such oscillations ofthe
pendulum is called forced oscillations.
Example 2:
The vibrations of a factory floor caused by the running of heavy machinery are anotherexample
of forced oscillations.

Q5: How can you compare the masses of two bodies by observing frequencies of oscillationwhen supported by a
Ans: We can compare the masses of two bodies by observing their frequencies by

𝑚1 𝑓22
𝑚2 𝑓12

As we know that

Consider two bodies of mass m1 and m2 attached to an elasticspring

Now for ml

For m2

Dividing equ (i) by (ii)

Squaring both sides of equation (iii) we get,

t _

By using equation (iv) we can compare the masses of two bodies by observing their
frequencies of oscillation when supported by a string.

Q6: A wire hangs from the top of a dark high tower, go that the top of the tower is not visible, How you
would be able to determine the height of that tower
Ans: A bob is connected with the visible lower end of the wire, so that its is converted into a simplependulum,
Then determine the time period of this pendulum, The length of the wire can be determined as follows; As we
know the time period of simple pendulum is
Squaring both sides

L = gT2/4π2

putting the value of g and, I is determined.

Q 7: Why in SHM the acceleration is zero, when the velocity is greatest

Ans: In SHM, the acceleration is directly proportional to the displacement and directedtowards the mean
a α-x
a =-𝜔2x (i)
The velocity 'v' of a simple harmonic oscillator is
xo —X2
When x = 0 (at mean position) the equations above can be as,

We can conclude from above that at mean position, acceleration is zero while velocity is
Q8. What is the total distance covered by a simple harmonic oscillator in timeequal to its periode The amplitude
of oscillation is A.
The total distance covered by a simple harmonic oscillator in a time equal to its period is4A,
where (A) is its amplitude.
Lets consider a simple pendulum which is at mean position O. If the bob is displaced
through amplitude A. Now the bob is released and it starts its motion towards the mean
position but it doesn't stop at the mean position due to inertia and move forward through
displacement A and stops. Again the bob starts motiontowards the mean position and
doesn't stops at mean position and eventually reaches the initial starting position. In this
way it completes one vibration.
Therefore the total distance covered by the oscillators will be: Amplitude A to
mean position + Mean position to amplitude A on the other side +From amplitude A to
mean position + from mean position to the initial point Therefore total distance covered =
A+A+A+A = 4A
Q9: What happens to the frequency of a simple pendulum as its oscillations die down fromlarge amplitude
to small
Ans: When the oscillations of a simple pendulum, die down from large amplitude to small, itdoes not affect its
When oscillations have a larger amplitude, then the time period of
oscillations depend on the amplitude and is greater. But when the
amplitude becomes smaller,the time period becomes nearly independent
of amplitude and hence becomes constant. So the frequency will remain
unaffected if its oscillation die down from large amplitude to small.
Q10: A singer holding a note of right frequency, can shatter a glass. Explain
Ans: yes, a singer holding a note of right frequency can shatter a glass, due toresonance.
As we know that every solid body has a certain natural frequency of
vibration. So ifa singer holds a note of equal frequency to the natural
frequency of glass the resonance phenomenon occurs due to which the
amplitude of vibration of the atoms of glass increases and as a result the
glass will shatter into pieces.
If a sing holding a note of right frequency can. Shatter a glass due to resonance.

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