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Chapter # 9

Physical Optics

Q1. A soap bubble looks black when it bursts, why?

Ans: When the soap bubble bursts, it looks like black due to destructive interference.
Explanation :
As the bubble is made up of thin film and we know that in case of the thin film the total
path difference is given by
Path difference= 2t + ʎ/2
Where t is the width of the thin film. When the bubble burst thickness becomes negligible
t=0. So the path difference become
Path difference= 2(0) + ʎ /2
Path difference= ʎ /2

Thus the condition for destructive interference is satisfied and it looks black due to
destructive interference.
With the thickness of the soap bubble become negligible the light ray
interference destructively and bubble looks black.

Q2. What is the difference between interference and diffraction?

Interference Diffraction
The effect produced by the superposition of The spreading of light waves after
the light waves coming from two coherent passing through a narrow slit or a
sources passing to the same region is called aperture or through a thin edge or
Interference of the light waves. obstacle is called diffraction of light.
At least two coherent sources are required to An opening of obstacle having a width
produce interference effect. comparable the wavelength of the
incident light is required to produce
Intensity of the fringe:
In interference pattern the bright fringes are of In the diffraction pattern having the
uniform intensity. intensity of the bright fringe decrease as
the order of fringe increases.
Fringe spacing:
In the interference fringe are mostly equally The diffraction fringes are never equally
spaced. spaced.
Difference in minima:
The points of the minimum intensity i.e. The points of minimum intensity i.e.
minimum are perfectly black in case of minimum are not perfectly black

Q3. In Michelson interferometer second glass plate is also used why?

Reason: The second glass plate used to equalize the path of the Ray I and II in Michelson
interferometer. It has same thickness as the first class plate.
Explanation :
The principle of Michelson interferometer is based on the
division of amplitude usually by partial reflection and partial
transmission of light. Therefore a second glass plate be equal
in the thickness to the plate a is placed in the path of the ray
II. With the arrangement each ray passes through the same
thickness of the glass and path of the two rays is equalized.
This helps to observe the the constructive and destructive
interference patterns of moving the movable mirror through
the distance of ʎ/4.
The plate B used to equalize the path of the two rays
producing interference in Michelson interferometer.

Q 6: Why it is not possible to see the interference where light beams from the head lamps of
a car overlap?
Reason : the light beams from head lamps do not satisfy the conditions for interference that
is why we do not see interference.
Explanation : The interference of light waves requires the following two conditions
1. Coherent sources.
2. Same phase or constant phase difference
3. Monochromatic sources.
It is not possible to see interference pattern in the said case because the light beams
coming from head lamps of a car are not phase coherent, although they have same
wavelength. Each lamp sends out waves in random phases and the shapes of waves
form the two lamps are very complex. As they are not phase coherent, they cannot
give rise to interference effects.
Conclusion: As the Light beams from the two lamps are out of phase and produce
random phase, they cannot produce interference.
Q7. A telephone pole casts a clear shadow in the light from a distant head lamp of a
car but no such effect is noticed for the sound from the car horn?

Reason : A telephone pole casts a clear shadow in the light from a distant head lamp of
a car but no such effect is noticed for the sound from the car horn because of
diffraction of waves.
Explanation : The principle of diffraction is based on the fact that the diameter of the
opening and wavelength of light must be comparable that is λ ≥ D otherwise
diffraction is not possible.
Now the wavelength of light is of the order of 10-6 m while wavelength of audible sound
range from 16.6m to 1.66 × 10-2 m. Thus the wavelength of light waves is much
shorter than sound waves. Due to longer wavelength ,sound waves can diffract round
the pole and sound can be heard. On the other hand, light waves due to shorter
wavelength cannot be diffracted and produce shadow.
Conclusion: Light waves cannot bend round the pole and cannot produce diffraction
thus casting shadow. On the other hand sound waves can diffract and do not produce
effect like light waves

Q8: Why it is not possible to obtain the diffraction of X-rays by Young Double slit
Reason: It is not possible to obtain the diffraction of X-rays by Young Double slit
because the condition of interference that is λ ≥ D is not satisfied.
Explanation: The wavelength of is of the order of 10-6 m while the wavelength of X-
rays is of the 10ˉ10m
In young’s experiment, it is not possible to make a slit having a diameter of the order of
10-10 m. Thus the diffraction of X-rays is not possible by young’s experiment.
However the diffraction of X-Rays can be observed by using crystal where the
interplanar spacing is approximately 10ˉ10m.
Conclusion: As the diameter of the slit and wavelength of X-Rays is not comparable so
X-ray diffraction cannot be observed by young’s double slit experiment.

Q9: Can we apply Huygens Principle to radar waves?

Reason: Yes, we can apply Huygens Principle to radar waves as they are
electromagnetic waves as well.
The radar waves are radio waves which are electromagnetic waves travelling with the
speed of light. They are transverse waves and can be reflected from the object on
which they fall. Thus each point on the wave front of radar wave behaves as source
of secondary spherical wave fronts , thus the wave front propagates. So we conclude
that Huygens Principle is applicable to them.

Conclusion: As the radar waves are also electromagnetic waves like light, exhibiting
transverse character, so Huygens Principle can be applied to them.

Q10: How would you justify that light waves are transverse?
Reason: As the light waves exhibit the polarization phenomenon , this suggest that
they are transverse.
We explain our view with the help of an experiment.

In the first fig the light from the source is made to fall on a polarize “p” the polarized
light is vertical plane which again passes through as analyzer “ A” which also is in
the vertical plane giving rise to plane polarized light.
In the second fig, the unpolarized light is confined to vertical plane after passing through
the polarizer “P” . As the analyzer is in horizontal plane the light beam is stopped.
Conclusion :
As the light waves show polarization, this proves their transverse nature.

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