Mukisa Farm Tracking Project Report

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DEDICATION :This project work is dedicated to Almighty God.iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI am first of all grateful to God almighty for his infinite mercy and
exceeding grace all for the multitude of his tender mercy that have help and sustained me
throughout my program.I am also very grateful to my project supervisor ------------,for his patients,
time and support during the course of writing my project. You are a real blessing and you have
impacted a lot. Only God can reward you. I pray your children shall also be greatin life sir, thank so
much.My sincere and deep appreciation goes to the H.O.D. ----------, for their individual and
collective efforts in making me what I am today. May God bless you abundantly(Amen).And Also
to all the lecturers in the department of computer science, for their individual impact and efforts in
my life for making me more knowledgeable today.May God bless you much more (Amen).Also
without my parent, my vote of thanks can’t be complete. I appreciate my most wonderful parent Mr
and Mrs.---------- for their clemency over my life to make me amoral in life, I pray may you live to
eat the fruit of your labour. This project wouldn't have been complete without you. Thanks for all
your support, time, and motivations. I’m really blessed to have had you.iv

Certification This is to certify that this work was carried out by…………………………..
with matriculation number -------------- in the Department of engineering ,information technology
art and design.
Date-project Supervisor ______________________ _____________________


Dedication...........................................................................................................…. .. .ii
Table CONTENTS..OF ........................................................................................…
Chapter ONE .........................................................................................................… .vi
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY...............................................................11.2
AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY...................................................41.4
SIGNIFICANT OF STUDY............................................................................41.
5 SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY..............................................51.6
DEFINITION OF TERMS..............................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................72.0
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................72.1
Changes in Farm Management......................................................................112.
3The Future of Large Scale Farm....................................................................112.4
Nature of farm-level system: Village-Community System...........................112.5
Harvest tracking with load/storage analysis tools.........................................122.6
Farms Sage:
Farm Manager...............................................................................................132.8
Farm Management and Farm Accounting SYSTEM ............................................13
CHAPTER THREE......................................................................................................15
SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN........................................................................153.1
THE EXISTING SYSTEM...............................................................................153.2
THE PROPOSED SYSTEM..............................................................................153.4
THE STRENGTH OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM......................................163.5
SYSTEM DESIGN........................................................................................17
CHAPTER FOUR........................................................................................................19vi


1THE CHOICE OF LANGUAGE USED.......................................................194.2
SYSTEM REQUIREMENT..........................................................................194.3
HARDWARE REQUREMENT....................................................................194.4
SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT....................................................................194.5
SYSTEM TESTING.....................................................................................204.6
CHAPTER FIVE..........................................................................................................24
SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION....................................24 5 .1
APPENDIX..................................................................................................................26 vii

Accurate and easy to use Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) are of fundamental
importance for a successful operational farm management.Unfortunately, most farmers do not use F
Miss when it comes to operate their business, despite the increasing professionalism in the
agricultural sector and its increasing usage of IT technologies.The skillful and conceived
management is one of the most important success factors for today’s farms (Mithra et al., 1999;
Muhammad et al., 2004). Only when a farm is well managed, it can generate the funds to finance its
sustainable development and thereby its survival in today’s fast changing environment. However, a
sophisticated management is a challenging and time-consuming task, and has to be organized as
efficiently as possible (Doye et al., 2000). Reasons that explain the importance of sophisticated
farm management are certainly diverse, however, three major factors have been identified in the
ongoing academic discourse.The introduction of modern technologies to the agricultural sector
(Gladden et al.,2006).The environment the farms are involved in has become more and more
complex over the past decades. Until the late 1980s it was enough to supply a society with cheap
and sufficient food products. Today however, much more is expected from the agricultural sector,
in particular when it comes to environmental concerns. Overall the agricultural business has shifted
from a simple production sector to a multifunctional service sector. The expectations incorporate
compliance with regulations to be entitled for EU subsidies, new and Lastly, the introduction of
modern technology1
contributed to the challenge of sophisticated farm management. In this context modern technology
incorporates in particular the usage of PCs coupled with the application of the corresponding
software of the financial statements of farms, planning tasks for land cultivation husbandry etc.
Additionally, many farmer introduced GPS added tractors and “smart” machinery, GIS-supported
landscape modeling and other state of the art technology, making special knowledge indispensable .
All these technologies can be combined under the expression “Wired Farm” or “Precision Farming”
(Griminess et al., 1999). A major outcome of the three developments described is the generation of
large data volumes. To handle and to benefit from theses enormous data volumes farmers have to be
capable of performing the following tasks:Collection of Data;Processing of Data;Providing
Data;Using Data.To deal with these four tasks farmers have to introduce an integrated Information
System (IS) – sometimes also called DSS (decision support systems). Integrated in this context
means that the IS has to be the connecting part between the farm’s ERP(enterprise resource
planning system) and the FMIS (management information system), . Only when an IS fulfil, both
the data handling and the integration requirements it can satisfy its overall goal, namely to make the
available data usable(McCoy, 2002; Bryant, 1999; Khulna, Brooder, 2001), to contribute to a better
decision-making process, and finally to a better management of the farm. At the end farm
management is always about analyzing data and making choices in order to2
allocate the scarce resources of the farm in the best way (Malcolm, 2004, Parker,2003).Accurate
and easy to use Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) are of fundamental importance for
a successful operational farm management. However,still today many farmers do not use F Miss for
various reasons, like lack of knowledge and the complexity of many available F Miss. Productivity
gains in the agricultural industries have historically been driven by the adoption of new technical
products and processes. It has been the realm of extension to make sure that farmers hear about
these processes and technologies, and usually it has been State governments who have funded the
extension effort. With the rapid increase in the complexity of the technology of farming, there is
now a recognized need to improve the skills and education of our farmers – the human capital of
agriculture. The Internet is changing the way society accesses and processes information. Farmers
now have access to wide range of information about many aspects of their farming systems, but it is
often-thought by scientists and extension specialists that many lack the skills necessary touse that
information to improve their farm profitability and sustainability through technical innovation. We
live in what is being called the “information age”, an era in which it is the knowledge and skills of
the workforce that will determine our fate in globally competitive marketplace. Knowledge and
skills go hand-in-hand with informed management, and it is in better management that increased
productivity will be found.1.2 STATEMENT OF Problem It is very unfortunate that the technology
potentials have not been fully or even adequately utilized in the field of farm information
management. Very little farm3
managers has grabbed this powerful opportunities. This has put managers and researchers in the
field of farm management far behind.The following are the problems identified in the management
of farm information:1.Manual method of documenting farm information concerning different plant
sand animals.2.It is difficult to retrieve farming information of plants and animals.3.Lack of
database applications for farm information management.1.3 AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE
Study The aim of the project is to develop an information system for farm management withe
following objectives:1.To develop a system that will keep track of farm inventories and
products.2.To develop a system that gives room for efficient recording of day to day sales for
accountability and easy retrieval of records.3.To develop a system that improves farm management
activities.4.To develop a system that is users friendly as regards farm management. 1.4
SIGNIFICANT OF Study The significance of the study is that it will provide the case study with an
automated system that can be used to store and retrieve farming information for different plants.It
will help the users to implement their farming practices effectively by making use of the database of
farming information provided by the system. The study will also serve as a useful academic
material for other scholars that need information on the-subject.4

1.5 SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE Study This study covers Design and Implementation of
an information system for Farm management using Omnibus Farm as a case study. It is limited to
the registration of farming information for easy retrieval when needed.This project covers the farm
management and information for Farm firms, the software development will cover the record
keeping of sales, keeping track and managing of inventories and farm product of Bonnie Farm, Esa-
Oke.1.6DEFINITION OF Terms Record Keeping:is the systematic procedure by which the records
of an organization are created, captured, maintained, and disposed of.Sales:the exchange of a
commodity for money; the action of selling something.Inventory:a complete list terms such as
property, goods in stock, or the contents of a building.Management: the organization and
coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives.Computer: A
machine used in modern times in organization and homes do manipulate data.Data: Is a row fact
that has no meaning.Database: A collection of interrelated data stared with controlled redundancy to
serve one or more application.Information: Information is a data that has been evaluated. It is a
processed data.Information Overload: A situation which the sheer amount of information in system
is simply too great to be coped with by the information management available.It is overflow of
information which slows down decision performance.5

Information system: A systematic way of organizing the handling of information,from information

gathering to information retrieval and use.Management: The process of procuring, allocating,
combing and utilizing or organizational resources expressed usually as 3ms (men, materials and
money)through planning organizing directing and controlling activities of work of the organization
member to reach certain stated objectives.Management Information System:Mis is an integrated
and holistic reporting network system in an organization that provides planning and controlling
information for effective decision making.Software: The programs that control the computer
operation the system programme controls the hardware component of computer which application
program controls task performed by computer.6

CHAPTER TWO 2.0LITERATURE Review . The skillful and conceived management is one of
the most important success factors for today’s farms (Mishra et al., 1999; Muhammad et al., 2004).
Only when a farm i swell managed, it can generate the funds to finance its sustainable development
and thereby its survival in today’s fast changing environment. However, a sophisticated
management is a challenging and time-consuming task, and has to be organized as efficiently as
possible (Forster, 2002; Doye et al., 2000).Reasons that explain the importance of a sophisticated
farm management are certainlydiverse, however, three major factors have been identified in the
ongoing academicdiscourse (Inderhees, 2006; Sorensen, Borscht, 2010).1. A complex
environment;2. Complex farm structures;3. The introduction of modern technologies to the
agricultural sector (Gladden et al.,2006).The environment the farms are involved in has become
more and more complex over the past decades. Until the late 1980s it was enough to supply a
society with cheap and sufficient food products. Today however, much more is expected from the
agricultural sector, in particular when it comes to environmental concerns (Rower,2010). Overall
the agricultural business has shifted from a simple production sector toa multifunctional service
sector (Schöpe, 2005). The expectations incorporate compliance with regulations to be entitled for
EU subsidies (Morgan et al., 2012;Sørensen, Borscht, 2010), new and stricter guidelines for the use
of agrochemical(Villager et al., 2014), food safety (Magnon et al., 2013) and animal welfare
requirements and environmental concerns (Malcolm, 2004a; BMELV, 2004).7
Furthermore, agricultural production has become an international business because of the
liberalization of agricultural markets (Weiss, Thiele, 2002; Mußhoff, Hirschauer 2004). Together
with the decrease of shipment costs it became economically feasibleto trade agricultural
commodities on the world market.This development makes it possible that a farmer in one country
is affected by adroughtor a change of agricultural policy in another country by more volatile
prices(Malcolm,2004; Kristensen, Halberg, 1997).The second reason, why farm management
became more and more difficult layswithin the farms them-selves. In Germany the total number of
farms has decreasedsince the 1970s whereas the cultivated area did not change
substantially( StatistischesBundesamt, 2012).Consequently, the remaining farms have becomelarger
to benefit from economies of scale(Nause, 2003) but they also became moredifficult to manage
(Gladden et al., 2006). But notall farmers reacted in the way of augmenting their cultivated area. A
significant number offarmers started to diversifythe business, by introducing new branches of
production, offeringservices or bystarting direct-marketing of crops (Weiss, Thiele, 2002;
Horstmann, Schulze,2011).Either way, the management of farms became more complex.Lastly, the
introduction of modern technology contributed to the challenge of sophisticated farm management.
In this context modern technology incorporates in particular the usage of PCs coupled with the
application of the corresponding softwareof the financial statements of farms, planning tasks for
land cultivation husbandry etc.Additionally, many farmers introduced GPS added tractors and
“smart” machinery,GIS-supported landscape modeling and other state of the art technology,
makingspecial knowledge indispensable (Linseisen et al., 2000; Zeddies, 2001). All these8
technologies can be combined under the expression “Wired Farm” or “Precision Farming”
(Sigrimis et al., 1999).A major outcome of the three developments described is the generation of
large datavolumes. To handle and to benefit from theses enormous data volumes farmers haveto be
capable of performing the following tasks:1. Collection of Data;2. Processing of Data;3. Providing
Data;4. Using Data.To deal with these four tasks farmers have to introduce an integrated
Information System (IS) - sometimes also called DSS (decision support systems). Integrated in this
context means that the IS has to be the connecting part between the farm’s ERP(enterprise resource
planning system) and the FMIS (management information system), (Sereneness, Bochtis, 2010).
Only when an Information system fulfills, both the data handling and the integration requirements it
can satisfy its overall goal,namely to make the available data usable (McCown, 2002; Bryant, 1999;
Bultmann,Brodersen, 2001), to contribute to a better decision-making process, and finally to a
better management of the farm (Founts et al., 2005). At the end farm management is always about
analyzing data and making choices in order to allocate the scarceresources of the farm in the best
way (Malcolm, 2004b, Parker, 2003).Today, most Information System or DSS have a special focus.
“Dairy Comp 305” for instance, is an information system especially for the herd management of
milking cows (Cerosaletti et al., 2004, Enevoldsen et al., 1995), whereas MicroLEIS (Meyer etal.,
2013), DSSAT (Sonam, Sawhney, 2014). are developed as very useful tools land cultivation.
AFFOREST DSS is especially developed for silver-culturist (Orshoven et9
al., 2007) and Stoc Keeper for herd management of bulls (Grubb, 2010). Others, like Famous e.g.
focus particularly on huge and highly professional managed farms(Schmid, 2004). However, a
well-designed and easy to use farm management information system for medium-sized and multi-
functional farms has not been developed yet.2.1ProductionAccording to Dinna Ugali-Deninger and
Charles Aguirre (1995) book Agriculture in Liberalizing Economics: Changing Roles for
Governments, private farmers differ from collective enterprises in the product mix, specifically in
the greater relative weight of the crop sector and lesser dependence on sales of livestock products.
In private farms, 72% of farms are derived from crop products and only 22% from livestock
products. Farm enterprises; on the other hand derive only 56% of their sales from crop products and
as much as 42 percent from livestock products. The contrastids particularly pronounce in
comparison with subsidiary household plots of enterprise employees, the traditional “quasi-private ”
agriculture in Russia where 2/3to 4/5 of earnings are derived from livestock. Moreover, private
producers (and similarly subsidiary private farmers) report that livestock production is profitable
under their technology and their levels of output, while managers of collective of collective
invariably report that livestock production is unprofitable but nevertheless show reluctance to
reduce this sub sector. Private farmers are also planning to increase gain production and increase
sunflower production among their main cash crops,while most collective farm managers ’ report that
they plan to maintain the same level of production of these crops.10
2.2Changes in Farm Management According to Dinna Umali-Deninger and Charles Maguire
(1995) from the book Agriculture in Liberalizing Economics: Changing Roles for Governments,
despite lossof about 15% of their land over two years, farm enterprises in the sample have,
onaverage, just under 300 full-time employees (a land to labor ration of 26 ha per worker), and the
reduction in the number of employees between 1990 and 1992 is notstatistically significant. The
decline in area and production should have created labor redundancies. Yet one-quarter of managers
actually report hiring seasonal labor in addition to the full-time work force. Nearly 50% of
managers indicated that they didn't expect the number of full-time employees to change in 1993.
Only 10% of managers’ report excess labor in their farms.2.3The Future of Large Scale Farm
According to Dinna Umali-Deninger and Charles Maguire (1995) from the book Agriculture in
Liberalizing Economics: Changing Roles for Governments, The Land reform process has the
focused the attention on the restructuring of collective and state farms, which are the main source of
land in all countries of the region, except Poland. The large-scale socialized farms are not suited for
efficient operation under market conditions, and their reorganization is a necessary step in the
transition to market-based economy.2.4Nature of farm-level system: Village-Community System
According to Douglas J. McConnell and John Li Dilon (1997) Village-Community Systems or
community system in some situations replace all or part of individual farm-household systems.
Three situations are common. First, some productive activityin its entirety, including the operation
of whole farms as production units, may be on a11
formal cooperative or group basis. Second, only part of an activity might be carried on by
individual farmers while critical parts of it (such as land preparation, the supply of inputs,
harvesting and/or marketing) are the responsibility of a formal farmers’ club or cooperative. Third,
and most difficult to analyze, is the situation found in many Indonesian Villages where informal
and temporary groups form to perform certain production tasks in common (such as land
preparation, irrigation and/or harvesting)then disband re-form to do different tasks on different
crops, with membership continuously changing as individual drop in and out of groups according to
their interests, needs and mutual obligation. In a village there might be 10, 20 or 30
such‘cooperatives’, though none might exist officially. Other examples are offered by the semi-
nomadic livestock farmers of West Asia who sometimes operate as individual households and
sometimes as members of a collective. In this entire situation, the boundaries of individual units are
often so fluid and obscure that the focus for productive analysis has to be the group of village
community. (Nevertheless, much externally sponsored farm-development planning remains locked
into the mythology of agriculture individualism; perhaps that is why on the small farms of Asia it
has borne so little and often poisonous fruit ( tracking with load/storage
analysis toadstool LLC is a John Deere dealership with location in eastern Illinois and western
Indiana. They combine the strength of tradition and a vision for the future in order todeliver
Tomorrow’s Solution Today. AHW provides the best parts inventory, master trained service
technicians and industry leading knowledgeable people. Quoted, “We sell quality agricultural,
residential, turf and commercial equipment. AHW provides value to our customers through superior
customer service, integrated solution and value added support.”12
2.6Farms Sage: Farms Management Farm Sage: Farm Management by Dustin Sage. According to
his system, Farm Sageis FREE cross-platform app that allows you to track farms production from
any phone, tablet or desktop computer with full-control and access to the data. Download,email and
print all the information at any time for easy import to familiar programs like Microsoft Excel.
Simply put, Farm Sage takes the confusion out of farm records management. Dustin Sage, a fifth
generation Iowa farmer, was frustrated with the complex nature and lack of data control of leading
mobile agriculture apps. He wanted full-access to his farm stats from anywhere at any time with the
ability to download, file and analyze the data his convenience. His solution was to create a web
baseb system basic record keeping needs of himself and fellow farmers. He built Farm Sage
because he wanted to save time and money ( Manager According to
Charles Nguru (Updated: June 26, 2017) Farm Manager is a web system that allows the user to
manage and review the farm related items within mobile phone. This application is a
comprehensive design to automate an animal, poultry, and crop farm enables the user to streamline
operations, increase efficiency,ease interaction with workers and maximize revenues.2.8Farm
Management and Farm Accounting App According to
ADMIN@SMARTFARMSOFTWARE.COM (Updated: July 16, 2017).This is an all in one Farm
Management App is packed with features that helps the user to manage all the farm from Finance
Management to Animals Management such as Dairy, Beef Dry stock, Sheep, Pigs, Horses, and even
dogs, Crops Management,Fields, Animal Treatments, Farm Tractor and Machinery Service History.
Also, it13
manages the animal event such as heats. Monitors grass growth and record all the animals’ details
from date of birth to date of sale.14


existing system is a manual process of keeping farm record, the method involves paper work for
record of farm input and output transaction also the keep of animals breed and diseases. Very little
farm managers has grabbed this powerful opportunities of technologies in this field.3.2THE
PROBLEM IDENTIFIED IN THE EXISTING System There are some problem identify in the
existing system.4.Manual method of documenting farm information concerning different plants and
animals.5.It is difficult to retrieve farming information of plants and animals.6.Lack of database
applications for farm information management.3.3 THE PROPOSED System The implementation
of online farm management system that will monitor the activities undergoes within the system
which the operation will perform through computer to enable the farm manager to have perfect and
accurate data of the animal sin the farm and the data can be store, retrieve, summarize and secure
through the develop application of farm management information. The software will assist not only
in fast-recording information but also in solving certain problems, which cannot be solve manually.
Therefore, adequate farm records will provide all the necessary information that is associated with
animals, which include the Breed, weight, gender of the animals, unlike in the manual process
which the work is very tedious.15
3.3.1 USE CASE Diagram Figure 3.1: Use case of the proposed system3.4 THE STRENGTH OF
THE PROPOSED System The online farm management information system process can improve
the data collected by the enumerators, this are necessary support to aid the process;?The manager
should embrace the software by their support for the registration.?The government should be able to
employ train personnel that can manage the software.?The government should be able to secure and
maintain the information.16


TYPELENGTHDESCRIPTION Admin nameVarchar255User passwordVarchar2553.5.2 TABLE
Varchar255Weight Varchar255ArrivedVarchar255DescriptionVarchar25517

implementation involves installing all the necessary equipment that direct the principles to be
followed in of order to achieve the aims and objectives of this project,on time.4.1THE CHOICE OF
LANGUAGE Used This project is implemented Using HTML, PHP, JavaScript and
MYSQL.4.2SYSTEM Requirement The system requirement describes the minimum specification
of both hardware and software necessary for the system to work according to its specification.
These requirements are hosting for the system alone.4.3HARDWARE Requirement following are
hardware requirement recommended for the effective operation of the newly design system: -?Color
monitor ?2GB RAM size?Mouse?Keyboard?Printer 4.4SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT19
For the software requirement, the following are recommended on computer system:?Web
browser ?Sublime Text?Operating system?xampp server 4.5 SYSTEM Testing System testing is
defined as testing of a complete and fully integrated software product. This testing falls in black-
box testing wherein knowledge of the inner design of the code is not a per-requisite and is done by
the testing team.System testing is performed in the context of a System Requirement
Specification(SRS) and/or a Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS). It is the final test to
verify that the product to be delivered meets the specifications mentioned in the requirement
document. It should investigate both functional and non-functional requirements.There are various
types of system testing and the team should choose which ones they would need before application
deployment. Here are some the types of system testing software development companies’
use:1.Usability Testing - To test if an application or product has good user experience or
not.2.Regression Testing - To confirm that a code change or addition has not adversely affected
existing features.3.Load Testing - It is a type of non-functional testing which helps understand the
behaviour of the application under a specific expected load.20

4. Functional Testing - It is a type of testing to verify that a product perform sand functions
correctly according to user specifications.5.Compatibility Testing - It performed to validate that
software performs same behaviour with different environment.4.6 Documentation To make a
successful running of this program, these below procedures are to be follow: -?Connect to a power
source and power on the system, then wait until the system finish booting?Install a wampserver
application on the computer ?Install a web browser e.g. opera, Mozilla fire fox and Google chrome
etc.?Copy the program folder and paste it on your system?Move the program folder into the wamp/
WWW folder ?Put the wampserver on?Open the web browser on the system and?Type in the
following URL:http://local host/fms1?Then press the ‘Enter’ button?The Welcome Page Will

Screenshot of the Welcome Page4.6.1The Welcome Page:this page is the first page the lead to the
site, without this page you can’t access to the site.Screenshot of Dashboard22
4.6.2Dashboard: this page is the page that display after you login .. it contain navigation to other
page on the system Screenshot of Animal Management4.6.3Animal Management:this page permit
you to view the animal available in the farm23

Screenshot of Breed Page4.6.4Breed page:this page contain information about the type of animal
breed on the farm Chapter FIVESUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND
RECOMMENDATION5.1SUMMARYFarm management information system has play the role of
producing accurate reliable information, and the system is design to keep the accurate record about
the animals in the farm there breed, species also help in quick update of the animals present in the
farm, it also support to the farm manager to keep track of the available animals in the
farm.5.2CONCLUSIONAnalyzing the existing system and looking at the proposed system, one
could say which one is better. The existing system aids stress because, the information is being
produced manually and hard to get, which make the farm management so difficult to manage, but
with proposed system, all that is required is that the manager sign in and add information about the
available animals in the farm into the system, for retriever.5.3RECOMMENDATIONSince the
project is limited to only animal information, I recommend that the project should be modified and
the limitation should be improved..24
Noninterference, L. (1999):Computers on the Farm. Farmers’ usage patterns and impact on farm
management , A report for the Rural Industries Research,Quadruplication, no. 99/13.Cerosaletti,
P.E., Fox, D.G., Chase, L.E. (2004): Phosphorus Reduction Through Precision Feeding of Dairy
Cattle, Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 87, no. 7, pp.2314–2323.Doye, D., Jolly, R., Hornbaker, R.,
Cross, T., King, R.P., Lazarus, W.F., Yeboah, A.(2000):Case Studies - Case Studies of Farmers’
Use of Information Systems,Review of agricultural economics RAE, Vol. 22, no. 2, pp.
566–585.Enevoldsen, C., Sereneness, J.T., Thysen, I., Guard, C., Gröhn, Y.T. (1995): A
Diagnosticand Prognostic Tool for Epidemiologic and Economic Analyses of Dairy Herd Health
Management , Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 78, no. 4, pp.947–961.Forster, R. (2002):
MethodischeGrundlagen und praktischeEntwicklungeinesSystemszurPlanungdispositiverArbeiten
in landwirtschaftlichenUnternehmen, Techn. Univ,München, 2002.Fountas, S., Black more, S., Ess,
D., Hawkins, S., Brushoff, G., Lowenbrau-Border,J.,Sorensen, C.G. (2005): Farmer experience
with precision agriculture in Denmark and the US Eastern Corn Belt , Precision Agriculture, Vol. 6,
no. 2, pp. 121–141.Gladden, T., Tietje, H., Weiss, C. (2006): Agriculture on the move: Exploring
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APPENDIXINDEX<?PHP include 'setting/system.PHP; ?><?PHP include 'theme/head.PHP; ?

><div class="container"><div class="row" style="margin-top: 10%"><h1 class="text-center"><?
PHP echo NAME_X; ?></h1><br><div class="col-md-2 col-md-offset-2"></div><div class="col-
md-4"><form method="post" auto complete="off"><div class="form-group"><label
class="control-label">Admin user</label><input type="text" name="username" class="form-
control input-sm" required></div><div class="form-group"><label class="control-label">Admin
Password</label><input type="password" name="password"class="form-control input-sm"
<button name="submit" type="submit" class="btnbtn-md btn-dark">Log in</button></form><?
PHP (isset($_POST['submit'])) {$username = trim($_POST['username']);$password =
$_POST['password'];$hash = sha1($password); $q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM admin
WHERE username ='$username' AND password = '$hash' LIMIT 1 "); $count = $q->rowCount();
$rows = $q->fetch All(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);if($count > 0){foreach($rows as $row){ $user_id =
$row->id; $user = $row->username; $_SESSION['id'] = $user_id; $_SESSION['user'] = $user;28

header('location: dashboard.PHP); }}else{$error = 'incorrect login details'; } }if(isset($error)){ ?

><br><br><div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismiss able"><a href="#" class="close" data-
dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a><strong><?PHP echo $error; ?>.</strong></div><?
PHP }?></div></div></div><?PHP include 'theme/foot.PHP; ?>29
DASHBOARD<?php include 'setting/system.PHP; ?><?PHP include 'theme/head.PHP; ?><?PHP
include 'theme/sidebar.PHP; ?><?PHP include 'session.PHP; ?><!-- !PAGE CONTENT! --><div
class="w3-main" style="margin-left:300px;margin-top:43px;"><!-- Header --><header class="w3-
container" style="padding-top:22px"><h5><b><i class="fafa-dashboard"></i> My
Dashboard</b></h5></header><?php include 'inc/data.PHP; ?><div class="w3-container"
style="padding-top:22px"><div class="w3-row"><h2>Recent Pigs</h2><div class="table-
responsive"><table class="table table-hover" id="table"><thead><tr><th>S/N</th><th>Pig
$qpi = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pigs ORDER BY id"); $result = $qpi->fetch
All(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); $c = $qpi->rowCount();foreach ($result as $j) { $pigname = $j->pigno;
$b_id = $j->breed_id; $weight = $j->weight; $gender = $j->gender; $remark = $j->remark; $arr =
$j->arrived; $k = $db->query("SELECT * FROM breed WHERE id = '$b_id' "); $ks = $k->fetch
All(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);foreach ($ks as $r) {$name = $r->name; ?>31

<tr><td><?PHP for ($i=1; $i<= $c ; $i++) {echo $i;} ?></td><td><?PHP echo $pig name;
?></td><td><?PHP echo $name; ?></td><td><?PHP echo $weight; ?></td><td><?PHP echo
$gender; ?></td><td><?PHP echo $arr; ?></td><td><?PHP echo $remark; ?></td></tr><?
PHP } }?></body></table></div></div></div></div>32

<?PHP include 'theme/foot.PHP; ?>QUARANTINE<?PHP include 'setting/system.PHP; ?><?PHP

include 'theme/head.PHP; ?><?PHP include 'theme/sidebar.PHP; ?><?PHP include 'session.PHP; ?
><?PHP(!$_GET['id'] OR empty($_GET['id']) OR $_GET['id'] == '') {header('location: manage-
pig.PHP);}else{$pigno = $name = $b_id = $health = "";$id = (int)$_GET['id'];$query = $db-
>query("SELECT * FROM pigs WHERE id = '$id' ");$fetchObj = $query->fetch
All(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);for each($fetchObj as $obj){ $pigno = $obj->pigeon; $b_id = $obj-
>breed_id; $health = $obj->health_status;33
$k = $db->query("SELECT * FROM breed WHERE id = '$b_id' "); $ks = $k-
>fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);foreach ($ks as $r) {$name = $r->name; }} }?><!-- !PAGE
CONTENT! --><div class="w3-main" style="margin-left:300px;margin-top:43px;"><!-- Header --
><header class="w3-container" style="padding-top:22px"><h5><b><i
class="fafa-dashboard"></i> Pig Management</b></h5></header><?PHP include 'inc/data.PHP; ?
><div class="w3-container" style="padding-top:22px"><div class="w3-row"><h2>Quarantine
List</h2><div class="col-md-6">34
<table class="table table-hover" id="table"><thead><tr><th>Pig No</the><th>Date
quarantined</th><th>Breed</th><th>Reason</th></tr></thead><body><?PHP$get = $db-
>query("SELECT * From quarantine");$res = $get->fetch All(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);for each($res as
$n){ ?><tr><td><?PHP echo $n->pig_no; ?></td><td><?PHP echo $n->date_q; ?></td><td><?
PHP echo $n->breed; ?></td><td><?PHP echo $n->reason; ?></td></tr><?PHP }?>35
</body></table></div><div class="col-md-6"><?PHP(isset($_POST['submit'])) {$n_pigno =
$_POST['pigno'];$n_breed = $_POST['breed'];$n_remark = $_POST['reason'];$now = date('Y-m-
d');$n_id = $_GET['id'];$insert_query = $db->query("INSERT Into
");if($insert_query){?><div class="alert alert-success alert-dismiss able"><a href="#" class="close"
data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>36
<strong>Pig successfully quarantined <i class="fafa-check"></i></strong></div><?
phpheader('refresh: 5');}else{ ?><div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"><a href="#"
class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a><strong>Error inserting pig data.
Please try again <class="fafa-times"></i></strong></div><?php } } ?><form role='form'
method="post"><div class="form-group"><label class="control-label">Pig No</label><input
type="text" name="pigno"read only="on" class="form-control" value="<?PHP echo $pigno; ?

<div class="form-group"><label class="control-label">Breed</label><input type="text"

name="breed"readonly="on" class="form-control" value="<?PHP echo $name; ?>"></div><div
class="form-group"><label class="control-label">Reason</label><text area name="reason"
placeholder="Enter reason for quarantine" class="form-control" value=""></text
area></div><button name="submit" type="submit" class="btnbtn-smbtn-default">Add to
list</button></form></div></div></div></div><?PHP include 'theme/foot.PHP; ?>38

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