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Week 10 Lecture 1

1. CDA-related Theories and Their Attendant Concepts

This is to discuss CDA-related theories and their attendant concepts. This includes Critical

Linguistics, van Dijk’s (1980) approach to semantic macrostructure, van Dijk’s (1998) theory of

ideology, Fairclough’s approach to discourse and social change, and Wodak’s discourse-historical

approach. These are covered due to their importance and relevance to CDA.

1. CDA 相关理论及其附带概念

本文将讨论与 CDA 相关的理论及其相关概念。其中包括批判语言学、van Dijk(1980

年)的语义宏观结构方法、van Dijk(1998 年)的意识形态理论、Fairclough 的话语与社会变

迁方法以及 Wodak 的话语历史方法。由于这些方法对 CDA 的重要性和相关性,我们对其进行


Fairclough’s Approach (1992; 1995a, 1995b; 2001b; 2003)

In a series of studies conducted by Fairclough (1992; 1995a, 1995b; 2001b; 2003), he argued

that discourse analysis requires social analysis along linguistic analysis. Within this context, he

defined discourse as a spoken or written language use, and this language use is a form of social

practice (at least 2 individuals) rather than an individual activity . For example, classroom teaching is

a social practice which involves action and interaction mediated 介 导 的 through language and

where social relations between the teacher and his/her students are defined in terms of power

relations; this in turn constitutes the type of discourse. This classroom scenario goes through text

production and interpretation which is called discourse practice.

费尔克拉夫的方法(1992 年;1995a、1995b;2001b;2003 年)



语言使用,这种语言使用是一种社会实践(至少 2 个人)而不是个人活动。例如,课堂教学是




Fairclough also contended that contemporary society has been experiencing dramatic social

and cultural changes at economic, political, educational, and technological levels (covid-19:

offline, ChatGPT, transpotation). This means that society is being transformed to adapt to the new

life style which can be realised through the developments in medicine, technology, economy, and

education. Such developments and changes influence the way text is produced, distributed and

interpreted. For example, Fairclough (1995a) examined a British university prospectus 招股说明书

and found out that power relations are hardly defined clearly in the text and are contested 竞 争

between the authority of university and the applicant as a consumer who is looking for what better

suits him/her in this market. Therefore, the applicant’s requirements are not overtly explained.







Fairclough (1995a) studied connections between language, power and ideology and drew up

a framework which he referred to as a CDA framework. He stated that ideology is embedded in the

text implicitly and that ideology does not necessarily express factual statements as knowledge

does. This is so because ideology provides certain representations of the world manifested in the

text from a particular angle based on the individual’s perspective and interests. Such ideological

representations are expressed through syntactic and lexical structures. Consequently, language-

ideology relation should be conceptualised within the framework of discoursal and sociocultural

change discussed above because the concept of ideology here focuses on its effects on how to sustain

/ mantain/undermine 持 续 or undermine 破 坏 power relations. - superiority and inferiority (bs of



他称之为 "意识形态分析 "框架。他指出,意识形态隐含在文本中,意识形态不一定像知识那




识形态概念侧重于其对如何维持/维护/持续或破坏权力关系的影响。- 优越感和自卑感

Fairclough (1995a) argued that language studies should not neglect social, critical, and

historical accounts. The first two accounts were discussed earlier. For the latter, he posited that

discourse is historical in nature as it often makes references and allusions 典 故 to past events in a

discursive 漫 无 边 际 way as in news reports. The recourse to such references and allusions which

exist in prior texts is called intertextuality1. In other words, it is realised in a text which incorporates

parts of other texts. For example, it is manifested in a news report when the journalist uses

quotations taken from the interviewees.

Fairclough (1995a) 认为,语言研究不应忽视社会、批判和历史方面的论述。前两种说



互文性( intertextuality ) [ 这是克里斯蒂娃在 20 世纪 60 年代末创造的术语(见 Fairclough,

1992, p.101 )。 ]. 换句话说,它是在包含其他文本部分的文本中实现的。例如,在新闻报道


In his approach, intertextuality plays a pivotal 关键的 role in that it focuses on discourse in

social change. Because linguistic analysis is descriptive - active, passive, nominalisation -

persuasion in nature, it requires an intertextual analysis to bridge the gap between text and discourse

practice. Hence, the need of intertextuality is urgent as it also plays the role of historical analysis

It is a term coined by Kristeva in the late 1960s (see Fairclough, 1992, p. 101).

(Fairclough, 1992; 1995b). Moreover, intertextual analysis can enhance the analysis of context by

drawing on other relevant texts so that it helps to understand the discourse under investigation (Wood

and Kroger, 2000). This takes the discussion to the conclusion that the notion of intertextuality

discussed above within Fairclough’s framework resembles Wodak’s discourse-historical method of

analysis which will be presented later.




(Fairclough, 1992; 1995b)。此外,互文分析可以通过借鉴其他相关文本来加强对语境的分

析,从而有助于理解所研究的话语(Wood 和 Kroger,2000 年)。因此,讨论得出的结论是,



To sum up, Fairclough’s (1992; 1995a, 1995b; 2001b; 2003) approach is interesting in

dealing with sociocultural changes occurring in contemporary society, and how developments at

different levels have influenced and shaped discourse production and interpretation. However,

what is missing in his framework is the analysis of theme. Fairclough did not explain how to derive

a thematic structure from a text as a whole. His focus was on clausal theme only. That is, whatever

elements which occupy the initial position of the clause become the topic of the clause whether it

is active or passive. He also mentioned that themes are structured in the main clause of the sentences.

This is a shortcoming. To further elaborate this point, Fairclough focused on themes at the

sentential level only; whereas, van Dijk argued that the overall topic of discourse is important as

it captures the gist of the whole text.






点,Fairclough 只关注句子层面的主题;而 van Dijk 则认为,话语的整体主题很重要,因为


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