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Good evening Classmates!!! What I am trying to discuss now is about the Systems Theory. This is with respect to the concept of organization. And how it is related to the recent public administration that we have now. According to some of our reference, Systems Theory has no definite meaning and it is abstract in nature and its varies on complex elements To really fully understand about this, let us identify first the meaning of a system. System is compose of several components (units/subsystems) working together to accomplish a various objectives or goal. But there are key words to identify the systems theory of the organization. Synergy - represents the ability of an organization to achieve more than the total achievement of the parts. Because of integration of its parts or subsystems to fully work together. Teamwork has better result than individual. Interdependence implies relationship and mutually responsible and sharing common set of principle. They influence its other by values, thoughts, feelings and action. Interconnection within the organization and between the organization and the environment. Organization as an organism Since it is living organization, it has the capacity to enhance its abilities and shape its own future. Biologist says that a cells of organisms has the capacity to create a huge organism through proper incubation. A set of elements standing in interrelations all of its parts/subsystems has different functional rule that interrelated to its other. Therefore, systems theory when we adopt it in a working organization, it is all about the metaphors, terminology and explanation on how organizations function. It is also a framework of managerial behavior and organizational analysis. According to ___________, systems theory of organization is composed of different parts working together to obtain its various objectives. Open System are living systems, open to matters, energy, information. It has the ability to interact the environment since it gives output to the environment. Close System does not interact with environment since it does not give inputs or output. Environment maybe people, organizations, suppliers etc.

Human organizations are normally described as open system, capable of negative entrophy. Entrophy refers to the natural capacity of a system to fall into decline and decay overtime. Negative entrophy is the ability of open system to bring in new energy in the form of inputs and feedback from the environment. General Theoretical Distinction: Classical and humanistic theories prescribe organizational behavior, organizational structure or managerial practice (prediction and control). MACHINE Systems theory provides an analytical framework for viewing an organization in general (description and explanation). ORGANISM

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