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Govern ment of Odisha

General Atlministration and Public Grievance
uLTdlAR, Bhubaneswar, dated the 1r*r Noue '&*')-oLb
No.: GAD-AR-Mrsc-00 oz-2022r

Shri Surendra Kumar, IAS
Additional Chief Secretery to Government
Additional Chief Secretaries/
PrinciPal Secretaries /
Secretarics to Government of Odishal
of the State
All Heads of Dcprrtmcnts/All Commissions
data of State Government employees -
Sub:- tlprlation of IIRMS Complete profile
Madam/ Sir'
iting rel'crence to the subject citcd above.
I am to say that lfuman. Resource
and personal
Management S.ystcm (tinUst is
the t;;.,;1-x* ol all thc sen'icc rccords
inr'orniation of the
(iovernment employees'
has made
Letter No-221l8/F Dt'05'08'2023
2. Government vidc Finance Department 0l
it mandatory lbr online processing of
p.n,'i*'fupttl using- IFMS plattbrnr liom ' I 0'2023 of the
Gen d."iJ;J to iutr' tne [Rus data to relevant
As a part of 5T initiaii""t i, has papers' Auto-
facilitate easy preparation of pension
pension form through nnl prolile of the emplovecs
.o*pr.i.'pt;'il;'ptluv pt"ii"g 9"a:h:T,HRMS
tilling up of of the
concerned, n...r*itut"d creation'of
,or" add]tional fields in the HRMS prohle

Additional Ch to Govemment
Memo xo. ??7-L6 rAR darert .Wln llAy
Copy tbru'arded ro Chief Advi sor
to the Hon'ble
Chie Secretary. Odisha / Devcl opment
Chief Minisrer, 0disha Sr pS to
Commi ssloner * curn- ACS lbr kind
Chief Advisor to the Hon' ble Chie{' i nlbrmation ol'
Minisrer, Odishal Chief Sscretarl,.
('ommissioner- cum- Odisha / I)evelopmen
ACS respectively

Memo xo. 9122?- tAR daled. ,, f>e z\
to Govemment

Copy forwarded to the Advocate

General, Cuttack/ Registrar Ceneral. Orissa
Clourt/ Secretary. [,okayuktal High
Secrctarl, . lloard of Revenuel Secretarl,,
Clornnrission / Secretarv . Odisha 0disha public Service
Sraff Selection Commi ssionl Sccrcrarl,.
Stall' Sel ection Commission /All Odisha Sub-onlinare
Revenue Divisional C omnrissioners
Con troller of Accounts. Otlisha.
Ilhubancswar for kind information
All Col lectors/
and action.

xo. 9*?l7.g Additionat

Memo tAR rtared . * it trfq o^; Government

copy forwarded to the

Executive Director, .MGI, Toshari
satya Nagar, Bhubaneswar for Bhawan A,2. First Floor.
information and necessary action.

Additionat (iovernment
Memo No. %z,,gr lAR deted .4 tr
b* ,
copy forwarded to the Direcror orl'reasuries
informati<ln and necessary action. & rnspecti'n. Otli.sha. Bhubaneswar for

Memo xo. ?4r? o r AR rrarerr .d alpz_z to

Copy foru,arded ro the public

Relation Oflicer, GA & pG Department,
a press^nore on rhe saitt subject in rvith a requesr
rnlormalron of the Government leading Newspapers, electronic
media for

exstr€ * A




a a
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Profile Updation by an
Employee/DDO through HRMS

The e-Service Book is a digital document used to record and manage the entire service
history of a government employee. This electronic record includes all administrative
actions related to the employee, starting from the recruitment stage until their
retirement. The purpose of introducing the e-Service Book is to digitalize and streamline
the personnel management system through technological transformation within the
Government of Odisha.

Objectives of the e-Service Book system:


Easy to cov€r
(information) Security

Automation Efficiency
{in producing outputs}

w Effectivene3s in
Retirement Management

E-Servic€ Book

Digitalir.tion Sustainable
{Cost to Delivery mechanism}

t.:-: ryi

1. Digital Record: The e-Service Book replaces the traditional paper-based service
book with a digital platform. This transition eliminates the need for physical
papenrork and allows for efficient data management.
2. Comprehensive Record: lt contains a comprehensive history of an employee's
career, including details of appointments, promotions, transfers, disciplinary
actions, leave records, and other relevant information.
3. Automation: The introduction of the e-Service Book is part of a broader initiative
to establish a fully automated Human Resource Management System (HRMS).
This system aims to streamline and automate various HR processes, making
them more efficient and less prone to errors.
4. Employee Coverage: The e-Service Book is designed to cover all government
employees in Odisha. This ensures that every government servant's career
history is accurately and securely documented in a digital format.
5. Transparency: The digital platform enhances transparency in personnel

management. Authorized personnel can access and update the e-Service Book
as needed, ensuring that all actions related to an employee are documented and
easily retrievable.
6. Efficiency: By moving away from manual record-keeping systems, the
government can significantly improve the efficiency of HR processes. This
includes quicker access to employee information, faster processing of
administrative actions, and reduced paperwork.
7. Effectiveness: Effect of the real-life situation of e-Service Book in managing
retirement planning. The e-Service Book helps in planning for employee
retirement by maintaining a clear and accurate record of their service history.
This is crucial for calculating retirement benefits and pensions.
8. Data Security: Proper security measures should be in place to protect the

sensitive employee data stored in the e-Service Book. This includes access
controls and encryption to safeguard the information from unauthorized access
9. Sustainability: lt speaks about the optimization of resources used, and
maintaining a continuous seryice process over time.


This document serves as a guideline for an employee to use the module easily and
efficiently to update his / her own e-Service Book profile lf any information is wrongly
posted or left out in the HRMS database there will be a provision for an employee to
rectify the data at her/his end. lf any information has been left out then add new data for
updating the e-service book.

Previously an employee applied for the Pension through IFMS. Now onwards it takes an
initiative all the fields are available in the HRMS database and employees can update
her/his database, by which it is easy for a DDO to get the update information for
processing the pension and other official work as per requirement base.

The objectives outlined for the implementation of the e-Service Book profile updation
system are as follows:

1. Pensioner lnitiative: Encourage pensioners to take the initiative to update their

service books. This implies involving retired employees in the process of
maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of their service history, which can
contribute to the efficiency of pension-related processes.
2. Minimize Post-Retirement Harassment: Ensure that pensioners do not face
unnecessary challenges or harassment after their retirement. By maintaining
comprehensive and accurate service records, the system aims to reduce post-
retirement administrative hurdles and streamline pension-related matters.
3. Legacy Data Entry: Transfer all legacy data related to the service matters of an
employee, as previously recorded in the traditional service book, into the e-
Service Book. This objective emphasizes the importance of preserving historical
employment data and transitioning it into a digital format.
4. Efficiency in Pension Processing: Simplify and expedite the task of processing
pensions for government officials. By maintaining electronic records, the system
aims to make it easier for government authorities to calculate and process
pension benefits accurately and efficiently.

Step-, tat*!a** ir .E&5 B iogn re )GG. i*r:a lra talc l;L t* l* Bna-
,nS{r-d$p(rn#l *eJ{6x rS tla r{Ss t,lf D lS flilI arlsctt*

,..d{ {, Fslyfia
*rc{l-iaillJi*!{r*s Irli-r'xi* rs*{riaril lI. c}{r$'.s
t arf't.tsilldo*ry0*x

Step for Profile t.s*ng "flrtfiof

rrtrri ardrrnE
t ar-' :;rl I rM & i*- t*h a ttd tIr, ;laard
*iltai- L!f,t ldB& fdr. Eaailai trotk x, Ailtlta
Updation by an m,
c$lg t" Fr0r
Employee Step-a qlc*.{ s 't. Ia t $Hr
r*$e soa si*' 4{prl lr. !lel,}$d
9a* c, rct !d d 5 ar4ot*, l3 Plga
'l s. L1 ]ssr.cs bs.*sl {aa sr ifiltffift*{n
ds b a'rla. al[ aS 6,t!a.n d na l?!cqt. E6cori gH tta, lr 6ts
!6t. *taros al!, $4 .raa*blaar6xs{^. t't16(ll{ir {, t*ns
lafi*le *ltrraas xl$arsolr{ Ntt
!lrh* dt{*&rt e r}rxt *a!as lli&.. cd*qt r*{6 }lt i F* tltea
lraffiIc f :l l!B!*dnh,$., bla r.!.* lsdtt cl l} rs. &3r
$krq *l Fa * qaFe. 11 $a tp t&. t.6 aa *$ gar!*tx *idr] c
txrlLit. h,. {&f trl !r* s ct}aa$ $} * 6da}** tl s, I
fre 'r6aa$s
AMlg elr{q*tor'!*
St*g'* 4
Cr<xrto il'Lfteiller' E'' Endqr E! rr, E rfuh&r'a-
:, la{rqE f fit r*rffi brd D E rsE tu 6d.c .ffqa

,ca*iiios'}dentrtr" tintt
Step-8 ) E6*- ri* * i r6loail** d# b Eaaafr- t I far{* M Db
seB*ledc sal$*. ,&s€61&*{hraf n*. i.&'sfle&ac s
h * h&{ f nb I I s lao, &ffiJ, r'}ff 6 a.ll, u a.Iat l!.-..
l}e.L t.l.a orb .r l1r.r 3.r, r8, *rl n r&* t h
ss*'6rliMs**8& '3r4 *n &rry. s.s sa *' }t& clw *
3d, ft !e.6 n9 r 5. rril kraQ| - &P ,l-D * |e
*ao- rK rao-.a&oo ry4rrc d@ r* dat{ 6 5
I Lfl*E "ldqn * *ir
& .lo&14 6 .Lm' t* €l&e tr# * I & r&tqaa6 * F

Step for Profile a&r I&.nt "*e#ltf{b* ffi tstrtl s rt#!.e* iYlsdt*ry

Updation by an
Employee A$arng'r&nsr'' *d
A,- l*r* ir is. f* t* !4d.{-- ys. & ,' b drs{.$.s{* rq I s*. i.' ,&
,r rl-{ qlrt !n * X. ar, ,*r r! h 5 b ft +- iB
!,r*rxrd..r-t.b t$Fryr
rkn!$ ,;* ,':$ d.- *iI':i€,*d,'t.'
nrlsd si:'rrrtb'b lP tM&.*U tui W k&

!b@- &..J. q* r,di@l|'rts enrrn Eb nrbr- h

rtr...ib *td S insrs.s, &i-rh*-&t Ssh { q @
rb*.r,ibr* * E*--la lba &!bderurhlu r* * r'
t& rB tCAtry t-.rbd!F Frb !.i,- inibb _
rl@. !hr$,r-x Bre
L t.:t r
/,- l,a a6 a. ,a, X t,t:.d t u.6} nt {.,.r; u?.-:t '.-1_-r.jr q it ti
.:r;."4 l r v1 l&. a4r, I :t\ :..r4q'*- t a - r1 l* l:n :. t i.:'1\:..*1. { :il,c
-aqEr6*i r.#t Y{dsrt Dam 8dE ffir&"i' .,1 .^
'{.r J, r :! t.' :l .' .rr!, -1 1{}gl. *tt -'. .\ . radat .1'
:".i -i..u L'; a.>ri:-,' :a a(t6 ry :,€.- !a/.:.r
Step for Profile t;:- 1 -$.-J!a:,
i: x d, x,:,\ :),rri :i al*6clqr. tBA. Y+.rC Bg.!.Ciq
lgr.ata a,./ ::r" .:4: :1:t ir't a * '.'F'. 4w t1 ,z*4 Aa*t
7*- , r-,t. W ":.t;,-,;aa.rt lr.t/V). i L.\a't

Updation by an $l*p-ti
tuira .e '.:?'t',ai.a 7!.a :, ..,
*-n 4' a /,sd ,1t4\ t' a''&{&'g rti&, ". t\'..& .'\u*'tt'. ' .
Employee haet lr,, a t. ; 0, Jl-i t,!4 lt :,<& l--;1.i, ., ! d.:!'a.,
':t a i1 .-* ai , eat.a::.

Step-1 - Login (Employee)

All the Employees is required to login into HRMS. The following procedure need to be
followed for logging in to the system. Access the HRMS URL in the browser
(any browser). URL
*r l t.
J v4', Click
Human Resourres lionogem*nl Syllem
(ir'v e*t*tlxl sl ii r{i rho
on rig ht corner of the home
The HR MS login page appears
as shown below. Here the employee

Lorin lo your Account
concerned is required to enter
valid User lD and Password and click


ww Step 2: Accessing "My Profile" link

The following Page appears after
successful login into HRtvlS. All the
HRMS features relating to the
employee can be accessed from the
links provided in this page. The
employee is required to click on "My Profile" link under'My Report'box as shown in the
following figure. Clicking on "My Profile" link will lead to a new page

llv ir;rl :ri .":r,.;.::.: l'r-r

frh.irt t e.{t ( t*iri.
llryc@k i..{!1r) [:ry { kf.iri Liil l. 0lrfhrr rrx;dAr S \ 0a* l{f* { 0fi( rit Serd Sd.*& ritr
It.!l ,l'Iiil !nla!{8, 4f.,r{}l i$rll

fitrade $ttmrnut { rtd r(tia* t[l {r ftik.{}dl YM l! ht r ta,aar* r Prl &t id $ tm Srtr {}sr.rffior{s Srrftts
mf*f a*.ar.tetlek, ir $ & a$.i t{/*, $ *r ix {rw llr*pb L* il r{.hed
i : l# l{ $ lrxl Qcd.hd tilta ft* ft
Ernd ltr t&*rslr r|hl.n !..f f.|}p r.1",og $qtdq{ llqxu.o fileraxr
tr - **rrsnrr*.nn*ori{lsf6{d6{drbur hdnds*$r}.!d} *
Exrlnitrlo{}t ) $lttm ttrt {L'"'t!' d
rg$r l* outi- tr.*,
St*rarorr* U?cpt*c* *br}.$tahnr l:onlw s$rr.d tEld
S*rrtr [fr!.i $,tfi6d. * ortr ( orlf M! tr.atLr/lxdii/*s&rf tdir|rr rt rl h.t t fl*riad trt d *!.
$t{cd..ort* oe.rlgr Sx{t@rblr.f h
fffro.mlf:tf- aStrr{rffi

Hy Rcpoa3
ffi !.y cmunac.tion (o./o) ffl }ly
$ uy ray sta, l:1 Hy Lo.n accool
f.!1 dGbal3 <h.aga hartory lk
fft Annurl l.TA B.t.h<. Sl.p $,ly s-.1x: 6oot
ftl tty Soruicc B@&(gOF) f,if xy r-crrc Ac<@-t
ffi xy qurrtcr Oct.ili fll }ly GIs p.itbool(
fil '{v rmw-t tT RetErt &l rty crl:adrr
ftf xy <lurrrrr D.t-aar ffl orrtrtard
$f my l}rrwrl P.rtl€ul-r3 Magnified View

Step-3 Accessing "First Page" link

The following screen will appear after clicking on the "My Profile" link. lt shows nine
levels as First Page, Personal lnformation, Language, Address, Family, Education,
Posting, and Completing Profile. When clicking on "1st page "it shows the 1st page of the
service book of an employee. 1st Page service book (scanned copy) is required for an
employee because gets the information related to the Fingerprint and Signature of the
employee. Employee views his / her service book. lf s/he finds any wrong needs to be
correction. Then click on "edit" page.

rEGI Parsonrl lntom:im y',;*; ldror;Jty Addr.rr Frmal, Educ.tion Poitir{ Cmr9ktiry Profih
After clicking on the uedit" button, the following screen will appear to upload a document.
Then click on "Choose file" and click on "U load". When clicking the upload
automatically 1st page will be updated.


Step-4 Accessing the "Persona! lnformation" link

The following screen will appear after clicking on the "Personal lnformation" link.
Employee views his / her Personal lnformation. lf any information is found to be wrong
then click on the "edit" page.

idrf w lrrrit raa6 ,*a tt ln ,l*ra t&a*tr*.

:1,\.0147,,3t ,i' , S&i

:' ",,- c[&s I{rN*f0

., :.: l{1&rll

: '.' ?o,f;.{. tt{i I

t...,:t: ,,.:... r:.. lldL.]!?l ,..'yL, ,r lii*

) i, .! . ...,. r &*P.ttl{fiiltit0+t t'

" l/at0CI*AiC!{8rr}n W0Brrqr tr.. ..1.,.: 1)i:.:.l:, wwl
tt&.,U l&lrg
, tt:rl',,!'t l' .", 0ci4 3!fl1 6r{firri€$vri
. .. irG.rr,t

0& r,"r,., .,.,, *i6r{ff*!& ..,i.,, rfiei tgt &tltX$r.trC,1!*rrBr*$o*

After clicking on the "edit" button, the following screen will appear. ln the form, some
files are auto-generated such as Sl.No.1 ,2,5,7.ln this case, employee has not changed
anything but the other fields are changed by the employee if any information is wrong.


Note: - * mark indicates that these fields are mandatory for an employee to give the

When clicking on upload photo the following screen will appear to choose file (Photo).
Then click on "Choose file" and click on

lEiiliil,rr. r*.re"
Step-S Accessing the "Language" link
The following screen will appear after clicking on the "Language" link. Employee views
his / her information related to language. lf any information is found to be wrong then
click on the "edit" page.

EI a* h.. t-* l*
t*a l-*.a&

ir !e
ta !a..1
&r t5

!n case of Edit Language:

After clicking on the "edit" button, the following screen will appear with the information
that exists in the database. Then choose the language from the drop-down box and
click the tick mark in the box i.e. Read, Write, Speak, Mother Tongue, and finally click
on the "save" button which is highlighted in blue color. After clickin g the save button
update i ation shows on the screen


!ilt rlt L* l* Lrr l*r tirqfr*


rll . ,,c

,a ,1. !hh
I nl TT
B bb
i{0 &h
I ut* h*
ln case of Add Language:

After clicking on the "add" button, the following screen will appear. Then choose the
language from drop-down box and click the tick mark in the box i.e Read, Write, Speak,
Mother Tongue and finally click on button which is highlighted in blue color. After
clicking the save button update i ation shows in the screen

D.5h 8@rd

Nm! l0 P.ofd. '

ti6l P.g. Pslsal lnloroiho dry09. lddllry Addr& fmi, Ed!.{bt Porilng Cemple0ngProlil€

1 1.4ury

2 x sFet flkil.Try j


l,* i,* ir sr.* IX{G.i16{lr. l^."*
€( o*
I 0ruY €fl Dd.i

3 HIXB x N Ed c*b
I EXCUS{ E( lld.&

Step-6 Accessing "ldentity" link

The following screen will appear after clicking on the "ldentity" link. Employee views his /
her information related to ldentity. lf any information found to be wrong then click on

I t*# ,ir*r ari.t*aiar

:!.,,., ,,ss
ln case of ldentity Edit

After clicking on the "edit" button, the following screen will appear with the information
that exists in the database. Sl.No.1 & Sl.No.2 automatically show the data, but Sl.No.3
(Place of lssue). Sl.No.4 (Date of lssue), Sl.No.4 (Date of expiry) will be updated by the
employee if information is available to her/him. Then Click on update which is
highlighted in blue color. Automatically change the information in the database and
show the updated information.

lf the information is not required then click on option to delete the data
Or if not change anything by the employee want return the previous page then click
on "back" button

,ry tEI *.- as h aEE

ln case of Add New Identity

After clicking on the "add" button, following screen will appear. Then choose the ldentity
Type from drop-down box, Type the ldentity no, Type Place of lssue, and Choose Date
of Issue and Date of expiry from giving calendar. Then click on button.
Automatically update the information shown in the screen and pdate in the data
base. lf any employee n eed not add to anything ck on button which is
highlighted in blue color.
Step-6 Accessing "Address" link
The following screen will appear after clicking on the "Address" link. Employee views his
/ her information related to Address. lf any information found to be wrong then click on

ar{tt b*|* '* lElEl '*


ln case of Edit Address

After clicking on the "edit" button, the following screen will appear with the information
that exists in the database. lf an employee needs any corrections, then change the
information. Those fields are highlighted in red mark that fields are mandatory. Then
click on the" "button. Automatically the information is updated in the database

lf any i on does not require changing then click on the "cancel" button

r+ x l!!!l '*
5.b. 6qn:

In case of add New Address
After clicking on the "add" button, following screen will appear.
Then choose the "Address Type "from drop down box, write the address in the given
text box , choose the State, District , Block, Police Station, Post Office, Village from drop
down box , write the telephone no in the text box. Then click on " button which is
highlighted in blue color.
lf need not require anything then click on cancel


Step-6 Accessing "Family" link

The following screen will appear after clicking on the "Family" link. Employee views his /
her information related to Family. lf any information found to be wrong then click on


!n case of Edit Family
After clicking on the "edit" button, the following screen will appear with the information
that exists in the database. lf an employee needs any correction then change the
information. Then click on the" save "button.
lf some family members' i ation is not required for his/ her future reference then
click on the "del, button ich is highlighted in blue color.
lf employee fills of to change anything and back to previous page then click on

ru0.*. !!! m-,i- Psthe cmohnryPrdb

-AK 8H

knmdJed^ffi: 1F

h@@tu rd Pryffii, o ftrc.@d!fudM:


m8 12!5 o


ln the case of adding FamilY

After clicking on the "add neW' button, the following screen will appear.

Then person has to choose the "Relation Type "from the drop-down box, choose
"Name" from the drop-down box, and write the surname and title in the text box. lf given
the tick mark in the case'Nomination For GPF", then it requires another information i.e.,
Percentage of Share of Arrears. This text box is filled up by the employee. lf given the
tick mark in the case of "Nomination For Payment of CVP, DCRG & LTA" then it
requires another information i.e. Percentage of Share of Accumulation. This text box is
filled up by the employee. Choose the" identity type" from the drop-down box, Write the
"ldentity No" in the text box, Choose the" Date of birth" from the calendar, Choose the
Gender from the droP-down box,
lf any remark then writes in the text box "Enter Remarks lf any"

Then it shows four pieces of information in four text boxes i.e. "ls Alive, ls Minor, ls
Guardian, ls Handicapped". Here the employee gives the tick mark in the box as per
requirement. Then click on the " button.

ht| ,t!-*.ar.
w, lls hnf (r.lxltrg.




...*W {&*i ttw**,,

But in the case of a minor, it shows another field i.e., "Minor Guardian Name ". Choose
from the "drop-down box" and write the "name" in the text box. Then click on the
button. After clicking the save button automatically data was updated in the se.

Fi. p.s. p,.6.r r.r*.6n L.qq. Hd& uo-. [!!l eo*,u

i.fulE $\r{rl

idiln.htdblErd a EE6@dk d


Step-7 Accessing the "Education" link
The following screen will appear after clicking on the "Education" link. Employee views
his / her information related to Education. lf any information is found to be wrong then
click on the "edit" page.

EEI "* N

ln case of Edit
After clicking on the "edit" button, the following screen will appear with the information
that exists in the database. lf an employee needs any correction then do the following
procedure. Choose the qualification, Faculty, Year of pass, Degree, and Board /
University from drop-down box, Write the information related to Subject and institute.
Then click on" "update" button which is highlighted in blue color.
Or lf any i n need not require then click on the lete" button

Or lf want to the previous page then click button

1* $ *
ln case of add

After clicking on the "add new" button, the following screen will appear. Choose the
qualification, Faculty, Year of the pass, Degree; and Board / University from the drop-
down box, Write the information related to the Subject, lnstitute. Then click on the
"save" button which is highlighted in blue color.

rf employee wants to back the previous page then click on "back" button

3'&, tu*r


k },6

Step-7 Accessing "Completing Profile" Link

When an employee clicks on " eting Profile" it shows information in an image
format for an employee to give deta information on necessary fields. lt may also be
used as an employee

\roLJ l-iaw 36 6utlmi! tF*c


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