Tugas Terstruktur Siti Nurmala 221010503569

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Nama : Siti Nurmala

Nim : 221010503569

Kelas : 04SMJE037 / 606

Rancangan Tugas - Final Task

1. Write Your CV
 Objective: Think of a specific job you would like to apply for.
 Instructions: Using the models presented in the module, write your CV. Ensure to
highlight only the skills and experiences that are relevant to the job.
2. Peer Evaluation
 Task: In pairs, evaluate each other's CVs.
 Evaluation Criteria:
 Language:
 Is the English natural and accurate?
 Does everything make sense? Do you get a good idea of your partner’s
life by reading their CV?
 Is the language impressive and persuasive? If not, how can you
improve it?
 Layout:
 Is the layout attractive and logical? If not, how can you improve it?
 Content:
 Does your partner’s CV demonstrate a wide range of transferable
skills? If not, where could you add more proof?
 Does your partner’s CV demonstrate that your partner is suitable for
the job they want? If not, why not?
 Length:
 Is the CV too long? If so, which words/sentences/sections would you
delete or edit?
3. Revision
 Task: When you are happy with the feedback you have received, rewrite your
 Process: Repeat the process until your CV is perfect.

Steps to Complete the Assignment:

1) Identify the Job:

 Decide on a specific job you are aiming for.
2) Draft Your CV:
 Create a CV following the guidelines and models from the module.
 Focus on relevance to the job you are applying for.
3) Peer Review:
 Pair up with a classmate and exchange CVs.
 Use the provided questions to give constructive feedback.
4) Revise Your CV:
 Incorporate the feedback from your partner.
 Aim for clarity, conciseness, and relevance.
5) Finalize Your CV:
 Continue revising based on additional feedback if necessary until your
CV is polished and effective.

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