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Saint Michael College Cantilan Incorporated

Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

● define gateway drugs;

● illustrate the products with caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol; and

● appreciate the value of knowing the effects of gateway drugs.

II. Subject Matter

● Topic : Gateway Drugs

● Reference: : MAPEH Adventures in the 21st Century pp. 318-321

● Material: : laptop, smart TV, cartolina, pentel pen, visual aids, activity sheets

● Values Integration: : Moderation is an important defense in any kind of addiction.

III. Procedure
Teacher’s activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities

● Prayer

Class please stand for our prayer.

(The pupils will stand and pray)

Let us pray…
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen.

Altogether, our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be

Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and
forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass
against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. Amen

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen

Good morning teacher Ann. Good morning classmates.

● Greetings

Good morning class!

(The students will pick up some papers and arrange their
Now, before you take your seats kindly pick up
the piece of paper under your chair and arrange
your chairs properly.

Yes teacher Ann.

Are you done?

(The students will seat)

Okay you can now take your seats.

We are fine teacher!

How are you today class?

Yes teacher!
Are you excited to learn a new lesson this

That’s good to hear!

● Checking of Attendance
Grade 5 is there any absent for this morning? No teacher!

Nice! That’s good to hear.

● Establishing Classroom Rules

Before we proceed to our topic you must know

first our classroom rules. Who can give me one?

Yes Adelle?
No using of gadgets

Very good. Another?

Yes Luke? Stop talking with classmates.

Thank you. Now I have here some rules.

Everyone kindly read.  Respect and listen to the teacher.
 Raise your right hand if you want to answer.
 Be quiet when the teacher is talking.

Thank you class! I hope everyone will follow

these set of rules.

● Review

Before we start our lesson for today, let us have

first a review. What was our lesson last meeting? It is all about complementary color teacher.

Right! So what is complementary color? Complementary colors are pairs of colors which, when
combined or mixed, cancel each other out (lose hue) by
producing a grayscale color like white or black.

Precisely! Two colors that are on opposite sides

of the color wheel. This combination provides a
high contrast and high impact color combination
– together, these colors will appear brighter and
more prominent.
What is the complementary color of blue?
Yes Sab?
The complementary color of blue is orange.
Very good! How about for green?
Red teacher.
How about for red violet?
Blue green.
That’s right! Do you have any questions
regarding our previous topic?

None teacher!
Now it seems that you’re ready to learn a new

B. Activity/Motivation

Now class we will have a game. Are you familiar

with the game called Compound Words Game?

Do you want to play that game?

Alright! I will show you two pictures, all you Yes teacher!
have to do is to guess the word using the combine
words from the two pictures.
Yes teacher!

Do you understand class?

Ready na, ready na?

Okay! Let’s the game begin! Yes teacher!

For the first pictures. Guess the word. Aha! Aha!

+ = __________

Bee ear
Beer teacher!
Right! Bee + ear is equal to BEER!


+ =

Nest coffee
Nescafe teacher!


+ =

Choco + Late
Chocolate teacher!

+ =

Softdrink teacher!

Soft + drink


+ =

Prohibited Drugs teacher!

Prohibited Drugs

Good job class! Everyone got a correct answer,

let’s give everyone a BEST clap.

Did you enjoyed our game class? (The students will clap.)

Class based on the pictures and the words you Yes teacher Ann!
guessed, what have you observed?
Yes Direan? Me teacher!

Very good Direan! It’s right that those in the I have observed that those in the picture are substances.
pictures are substances.
Another one?

Yes Mikaela?

Now class, do you think if we drink and take

There are prohibited drugs.
those substances will make us healthy?
Anyone who can answer?
Yes Mischa?

Me teacher!
No teacher! Too much coffee, softdrinks and etc.will
Correct! If we consumed too much of it later on
makes our body weak because I think we will be addicted
we will be addicted to it.
to it teacher.

Substances like caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol are

called Gateway drugs.

Now class do you have already an idea of what

will be our topic this morning? Anyone who can

Me teacher!
Very good Luke! Our topic this morning is all
about Gateway Drugs.
Teacher I think our topic this morning is all about
gateway drugs.
But before we discuss our lesson let’s know first
the objectives. Everyone kindly read.
(Pupils read the objectives)

At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

 define gateway drugs;

 illustrate the products with caffeine, nicotine, and
alcohol; and
C. Analysis (lesson proper)  appreciate the value of knowing the effects of
gateway drugs.

Now class, from the word “Gateway” what does

it mean? Anyone who have an idea?

Yes CJ? Me teacher!

Yes it is related to that. So gateway means of an It’s like an entrance or opening teacher.
entry or access to another places.

How about the word “Gateway Drugs” Who have

an idea or opinion of what does it mean?

Yes Althea what can you say when you heard a

word Gateway drugs? Me teacher!

Very good Althea! So here is another definition It is like an entrance or a way to take another kind of
of Gateway Drugs. drugs like cocaine or marijuana.

Gateway Drugs are not necessarily drugs. These

are substances that are milder but can make
people try “stronger” and addictive drugs.

It means Gateway drugs are substances that may

not be addictive but may lead to the use of other
addictive and dangerous drugs. Gateway drugs
are usually affordable or not expensive. They are
also readily available.
D. Abstraction

What substances are considered gateway drugs

based on the pictures that I showed you earlier?

Anyone who can answer?

Yes David what is it?

Me teacher Ann!
Very good David! There are a lot of Gateway
Drugs but in this morning, we will discuss only
the three which are caffeine, tobacco, and

The first gateway drug is Caffeine.
Chesca, kindly read what is Caffeine.


Yes teacher.

Caffeine is a chemical that is found in some plant food

and drinks. Caffeine is a common substance, it works by
Caffeine is a chemical that is found in some plant stimulating the brain and central nervous system,
food and drinks. Caffeine is a common substance, helping you stay alert and prevent the onset of
it works by stimulating the brain and central tiredness. It’s often found in many drinks.
nervous system, helping you stay alert and
prevent the onset of tiredness. It’s often found
in many drinks.
Who among you here loves to eat chocolates?

Why do you eat chocolates?

Okay how about coffee?

How about soft drinks?

Do you know class that chocolates, soft drinks,

and coffee are some products that has caffeine?
Me teacher!

That is why when we eat some chocolates or even

I eat chocolates because it is yummy teacher!
drinks coffee, we notice that our body become
alert and energize because it has caffeine that
make us active and alert.
Me teacher, I love to drink coffee every morning.

Here are some products with Caffeine:

Me teacher!
- Coffee
- Tea
- Cola Drinks
No teacher!
- Chocolate
- Coffee-flavoured drinks/food
Therefore class, we should limit or better avoid
our intakes of these products okay?

Next gateway drug is Nicotine.

Yes teacher.

Class, can you give me some examples of product

that contains of nicotine?
Yes Steven?

Very good! Richelle kindly read the definition of


Nicotine acts as a gateway drug on the brain, and

this effect is likely to occur whether the exposure
is from smoking tobacco, passive tobacco smoke,
or e-cigarettes.

Once a person starts consuming nicotine, his or

her body and mind will become used to it.

Have you observed class that many people Malboro
continue smoking for several years because they
are already addicted to it? Tobacco

Here are some products that contains nicotine: Yes teacher!

- cigarettes
- pipe tobacco
- chewing tobacco, Nicotine acts as a gateway drug on the brain, and this
effect is likely to occur whether the exposure is from
- wet and dry snuff smoking tobacco, passive tobacco smoke, or e-cigarettes.
- dried leaves from the tobacco plant
Who among you here class have a member in the
family or in the house that is smoking?

Does the smell of cigarettes smell good?

Children like you, are you allowed to use


Yes teacher we observed.


Right! So, class if we have relatives, friends, or

neighbours that is addicted to smoking we should
advise them to stop it even if little by little
because it can damage every organ in the body
and causes a variety of diseases.

Next gateway drug is Alcohol.

Class, can you give me example of

alcohol drinks? Me teacher my uncle is smoking.
Yes Santi?

No teacher!
Thank you Santi.

Denise kindly read the definition of alcohol. No teacher!

Alcohol Smoking can destroy our brain.

Alcohol is a colourless liquid that is

produced by the natural fermentation. Also,
its psychoactive drug that affects the way we
think and behave.

Who among you here class have a relatives which

is a heavy drinker of alcoholic beverages?
That is why when they are drunk, they are
making some actions that is not necessary and

Alcohol is also addictive. It is another gateway

Alcohol is a colourless liquid that is produced by
drug to cocaine. Heavy drinkers of alcohol tend to
the natural fermentation. Also, its psychoactive
be more addicted to cocaine. Alcohol is a drug. It
drug that affects the way we think and behave.
acts as a powerful depressant to the body.
Depressants are drugs used to slow down the
body’s functions.

Okay class here are some products that contains

- Beer
- Wine
- Liquor
The alcohol in beer, wine, and liquor can cause
confusion, decreased alertness, poor coordination,
blurred vision and drowsiness, and even death
when it is taken quickly in large amounts.

Do you think that drinking alcohol can makes our

body motivated or energized?

Precisely! Drinking alcohol is bad for our health Me teacher, our neighbour is a heavy drinker.
especially if it is too much. If we have relatives,
friends, neighbours that is alcoholic we should
advise them to stop because it is a gateway drug
and possibly can lead them to use of other
addictive and dangerous drugs.
Do you understand?

So, do you have any clarifications or questions

regarding our topic?

E. Application

Now class we will have a group activity. I will

group you into three. Each group has a
differentiated activity to do. Group yourselves
according to the color of your nametags.

Okay class all stand and you can now proceed to

your groupmates silently.

Before the activity, read the direction that you

need to follow.

No teacher!

Do you understand the direction class?

Very good! Now here is the rubrics for your

group activity.

Yes teacher!
None teacher!


OR (5 (4points) points)
Accuracy All There is There are
and answers one two or
Appropri are wrong more
ateness correct answer in wrong
and the task. answers
appropria in the
te to the task.
Cooperati All One Two or
on members member more
work did not members
together. help. did not (The pupils will proceed to their groupmates)
Time The task The task The task
Frame was was was
complete complete complete
d in the d with a d with 2-5
given 1- minute minute
time. interval in intervals 1. Each group should choose one secretary to write the
the in the members.
allotted allotted
2. Each group should also choose one representative to
time. time.
present your output.
3. The group activity will be given 5 minutes to finish
your output.

Yes teacher!

Are you ready?

If you’re ready give me a 5 claps.

Now, you can start and your timer starts now…

(After the allotted time)

Okay, times up! Now present your output. Let's

start from the group who finish it first.

Did you enjoy your group activity class?

What did you feel during your activity? Did you

feel nervous or exciting?

What did you do to finish the task easily?

That’s good to hear! Now do you have any

questions and clarification with regards to our

F. Generalization
Again, what are the three substances that are
considered as Gateway Drugs?

Yes teacher Ann.

Yes Daniel?

(The pupils will clap)

Very good Daniel! Give one clap for him.

(The group activity will go on.....)

What is Caffeine?

Group 1
Yes Mhegan?
Direction: Classify the pictures it is caffeine, nicotine, and

Group 2
Right! Can you give me an example of caffeine? Direction: Illustrate the following gateway drugs.

What is nicotine? Group 3

Yes Uriel? Direction: Write a short paragraph about the negative
effects of gateway drugs in our body.

Very good!
Can you give me an example?

(the teacher will check their activity and tally their

How about, what is an alcohol?
Yes John?

Yes teacher Ann.

Absolutely! Can you give me an example?

Why should gateway drugs that contain caffeine,

We feel nervous and at the same time happy.
nicotine, or alcohol be avoided? Anyone who can
Yes Jaisser? We had teamwork and cooperation.

You are right Jaisser!

So taking gateway drugs should be avoided No teacher!

especially to you class you should never accept
gateway drugs like tobacco and alcohol when you
are given by your classmates, friends, and
strangers. Do you understand class?

Class, is it important to know about

Gateway drugs?
Yes Julienne?
Me teacher I want to answer.

Precisely! it is important because knowing

about gateway drug help us to aware and to - Caffeine
know what are those products that contains - Nicotine
gateway drugs. - Alcohol

So do you have any questions and clarification

regarding our topic today?
Me teacher I want to answer.

Very good class! You're all fast learners! Because

of that give yourselves a VERY GOOD clap. Caffeine is a common substance it helps you stay alert
and prevent the onset of tiredness. It’s often found in
many drinks

Coffee! Softdrinks!

Nicotine is a stimulant drug that speeds up the messages

travelling between the brain and body.

Tobacco and Drugs.

Alcohol is a colourless liquid its psychoactive drug
that affects the way we think and behave.

Wine and Liquor.

Me teacher!

We should gateway drugs that contain caffeine, nicotine,

or alcohol be avoided because it is bad for our health.

Yes teacher Ann!

None teacher.

IV. Assessment
Direction: Identify the products in the box if it contains Caffeine, Nicotine and Alcohol. List it below to its
corresponding substances.

Coffee Tea Pipe tobacco

Chocolates liquor Wine
Beer cigarettes wet and dry snuff




V. Assignment
Study and list down the effects of using Gateway Drugs.

Checked by: Prepared by:

Ms. Angelica F. Aruyal Jocel-Ann A. Mahinay
Cooperating Teacher Student Teacher

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