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The moment you stop to think about whether you love someone, you've already

stopped loving that person forever

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Feeling of euphoria
Accelerated heartbeat, hundreds of ants on the body, shortness of breath and the
desire to achieve more. These feelings are familiar to anyone who enjoys reading a
book. Moreover, not just books, but wonderful poetry that fascinates, fascinates and
Being an avid reader myself, I would like to recommend reading “The Shadow of the
Wind” by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. Finding the work of a little-known writer in the
Cemetery of Forgotten Books, young Daniel reads it in one night. And he
understands that from now on life will not be the same as before. What is this story
about? About whimsical mazes of fantasy? About the devil, who leaves the pages of
the book and begins to confuse the cards of all the protagonists? About a war that
destroys human lives? Yes, but above all, it is, of course, a story about love, about the
eternal attraction of souls and bodies, for which it is worth living.
It's a definite must-read. This book contains the whole world. It can answer any
questions, and sometimes it can interfere with your life - and change it beyond
recognition… And many phrases, seemingly so simple and unimportant, will make
your heart beat faster. Don't miss it, it will change the way you see people's lives. I
adore this book because it inspires, and gives hope for the best. The story of the
protagonist is incredibly touching. The book evokes emotions of joy and sadness at
the same time. My heart is pounding and I want to know as soon as possible what
will happen next.

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