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2011 14th International IEEE Conference on

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Washington, DC, USA. October 5-7, 2011

Probabilistic MDP-Behavior Planning for Cars

Sebastian Brechtel, Tobias Gindele, and Rüdiger Dillmann
Institute for Anthropomatics
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
Email: {brechtel | gindele | dillmann}

Abstract— This paper presents a method for high-level deci- e.g. induced by unexpected sudden braking of other cars. The
sion making in traffic environments. In contrast to the usual transition model of the MDP encapsulates such probabilities.
approach of modeling decision policies by hand, a Markov It is derived from a hierarchical DBN, similar to the one
Decision Process (MDP) is employed to plan the optimal policy
by assessing the outcomes of actions. Using probability theory, described in [2], by discretizing continuous models. This
decisions are deduced automatically from the knowledge about allows for more detailed and general models and even using
how road users behave over time. This approach does neither multiple abstraction levels in one MDP optimization.In com-
depend on an explicit situation recognition nor is it limited bination with a reward model, rating how desirable situations
to only a variety of situations or types of descriptions. Hence are, this information is sufficient to formulate and solve the
it is versatile and powerful. The contribution of this paper is
a mathematical framework to derive abstract symbolic states optimization problem.
from complex continuous temporal models encoded as Dynamic After an overview on related work and MDPs, we show
Bayesian Networks (DBN). For this purpose discrete MDP states how a continuous space prediction can be used for discrete
are interpreted by random variables. To make computation MDPs in general and in specific for the driving problem.
feasible this space grows adaptively during planning and
according to the problem to be solved. Interpretation Behavior Planning

I. I NTRODUCTION is_crosswalk


High-level behavior decision making for autonomous cars is_before has_right_of_way is_before

state hypotheses
or advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) is usually is_car
and models

tackled by manually modeling behavior rules. Decision mak- is_pedestrian


ing in this case means to choose the appropriate high-level

Evidences Behavior
action, which is usually executed with some sort of low- Measurements
level intelligence to react to small deviations of the standard Perception Environment Behavior Execution

situations (see Fig. 1). Due to the highly dynamic, continuous

and stochastic nature of the traffic environment and the Fig. 1: System Overview
humongous number of situations, manually created decision
rules are predestined to failure. Additionally, every situation
has numerous relevant features and to completely perceive II. R ELATED W ORK
the environment is impossible. Even the best sensors and Manual modeling of symbolic states and decisions is at
algorithms will never be invulnerable to occlusion. Wireless least since the Urban Challenge in 2007 the most common
communication of traffic participants’ states cannot transmit approach for decision making of autonomous cars. Robotics
intentions. All these properties contribute to the difficulty knows several architectures and methods to efficiently repre-
of the generally formulated task ’drive a car’. With growing sent knowledge about a robots environment and solutions to
problem complexity this procedure inevitably leads to crucial its task. In the domain of autonomous driving, among others
inconsistencies and loops in manually created sets of rules, (Petri-Nets, Behavior Nets [3], to name a few), hierarchical
even when using modern hierarchical and concurrent archi- state machines have preferably been used to assess situations
tectures to model the experts knowledge. These inconsisten- and decide in the same framework (e.g. in [4]). While those
cies could be detected with formal verification methods, but approaches rely on symbolic descriptions of the world, one
the latter cannot find the correct solution. One ’emergency could also abandon every human-understandable description.
behavior’ does not fit every situation. The purely reactive system ALVINN [5] used Neuronal
In this paper we propose a method, which concludes safe, Nets to deduce a control directly from camera images.
goal-oriented, efficient and comfortable decisions from its Forbes et al [6] presented a fundamentally different, delib-
knowledge about and understanding of the traffic environ- erative approach, which extensively uses stochastic theory
ment including its participants. We formulate the driving to model the uncertain behavior of the traffic environment.
task as MDP [1]. This enables the system to cope with They used supervised and model-free reinforcement learning
uncertainties in the temporal evolution of the situation, like techniques, combined with an MDP problem description and

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dynamic probabilistic networks for the transition probabili- besides an end-to-end probabilistic formulation, to minimize
ties. This approach showed more promising results compared the manual encoding of expert knowledge. Fig. 1 shows an
to decision trees and other classical methods in highway overview of the system. It decides for high-level behaviors
scenarios. on basis of probabilistic evidences. The objective function is
MDPs are a mathematically sound formulation for de- deduced from the mission it has to accomplish, in addition to
cision and control problems encountering uncertain system general driving aims such as safety. The two main difficulties
behavior [1]. They can be extended with hidden states to of such an approach are to find a set of symbolic states that
Partially Observable MDPs (POMDP), able to cope with describes the world sufficiently and to give it a meaning
uncertain and incomplete perception. There are two main in the real world by models. The latter can often be easily
solutions for MDP optimization problems: on the one hand and precisely described in the continuous space, i. e. by a
reinforcement learning [7] and on the other hand direct opti- DBN. Thus, the following descriptions focus on a sound
mization techniques, like policy or value iteration [8]. In the combination of the continuous and discrete descriptions of
following, the latter are denoted as planners. Dealing with the world for planning.
partial observability, the problem becomes exponentially
more complex. Hence, many extensions to find approximate A. State Space
solutions for POMDPs have been proposed. The main branch Unfortunately, there exists no fixed optimal discretization
of extensions is based on point-based value iteration [9]. of the continuous space for arbitrary problems. But in gen-
The key idea is to only consider a finite subset of points eral (PO)MDP-solvers need a discrete description. In some
in the continuous belief space. These approaches usually situations usually negligible nuances make the important
need a fixed set of discrete states. In [10], methods to difference and one cannot know in advance which states
adaptively control the resolution of this discretization in of the world need to be considered or distinguished. The
MDPs are compared. Alternatively one could directly plan classical approach, first naming all possible states, then
in the continuous space with parametric distributions, which calculating the rewards and transition probabilities for all
suffer from the high calculation complexity [11], [12]. combinations of states and finally solving the MDP, does
III. M ARKOV D ECISION P ROCESS P RELIMINARIES not work for a world with possibly infinite number of states.
1) Formal Definition: Hence, the universal sample space
While it is impossible to cover MDPs in detail in this
Sc ⊆ Rn and the MDP state space S ⊆ N need to be
paper, this section gives a short overview about the used
related. In this approach the relation is defined by an S-
terminology. A discounted MDP with infinite horizon is
valued random variable IS : Sc → S with probability space
specified by a tuple (S, A, T, R, p0 , γ) [1]. S denotes the
(Sc , Σ, P ) and measurable space (S, Σ0 ). We choose Σ as
set of discrete states s ∈ S in the world with the initial
the Borel σ–algebra on Sc and Σ0 as the power set of S.
probability p0 (s). The transition model (also known as
Considering only elementary events s, the preimage then
process or system model) T is the conditional probability
yields the corresponding set of continuous states Is−1 (s) =
function T (s0 , a, s) = p(s0 |a, s). It describes the probability
{sc : Is (sc ) ∈ s} for any discrete state s ∈ S.
that a system evolves from state s to s0 , when the agent
2) Specific Realization: For our practical example, we
chooses action a ∈ A. The real-valued reward function
divide the space into equidistant, non-overlapping regions
R(s, a) expresses how desirable a state-action pair is for an
of the coordinates long- and latitudinal to the road and the
velocity of object o in its local frame. The orientation is
The aim of the MDP optimization is to find an (approx-
assumed to be always aligned with the lane:
imately) optimal policy π ∗ : s → a that maximizes the
expected reward (denoted value) over time: (poslat,o , poslon,o , velxcar ,o ) = sc,o ∈ Sc,o .

π ∗ = argmax γ t R(st , π(st )) . The final combined continuous space Sc is constructed as
π the power set of the autonomous car’s (o = 1) and all other

Thanks to the discount γ ∈ [0, 1), the value is finite and objects’ (o = 2, . . . , n) continuous spaces. The agent will
thus the problem well-defined. In this paper, value iteration in the following be denoted as ego car. The system is thus
is used to optimize the value. The calculation of the following capable of handling an arbitrary number and combination of
Bellman equation will be referred to as backup: objects.
! Sc = P( Sc,o ) .
V (s) = max T (s0 , a, s) (R(s0 , a) + γV (s0 ))) . o∈{1,...,n}
s0 ∈S Consequently, inside the region of a state s ∈ S, we assume
It is repeated for every (known) state until convergence. the a priori probabilities to be approximately uniformly
distributed. More sophisticated schemes are thinkable when
IV. MDP D ECISION M AKING FOR C ARS using arbitrary densities like for example letting one sample
The presented decision making system concludes a policy influence many states or even update the state’s density
by optimizing an MDP. The key paradigm of the approach is, description on the fly.

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B. Action Space of the planning space. Due to the link IS between the MDP
The action space is defined analogously to the state space states and the continuous states DBN states, the conditional
by the random variable IA . We assume a set of high-level probability distribution is defined by the transition probabil-
actions a ∈ A ⊂ N to be given. MDP actions a are currently ities in the continuous space. Thus, every possible discrete
defined as behaviors be ∈ Be in the DBN and thus directly state is covered.
associated by IA : Be → A. We can activate be deliberately 1) Formal Definition: Since IS is (Σ, Σ0 ) measurable, the
by giving a virtual evidence. As modeled by the DBN in probability measure P induces a probability measure P IS on
Fig. 2, the ego behaviors yield a distribution over likely the power set P(S) = Σ0 . This yields for D ∈ P(S):
trajectories Te , which are represented as parameteric Bezier
P IS (D) = P (IS−1 (D)) = p(w) .
curves. During their planned or real execution, behaviors −1
ω∈IS (D)
can react on other objects and changes in the environment
Accordingly the state space transition function
due to a rudimentary intelligence (including e.g. emergency
P T (S 0 |S, A) can be derived from the sample space
stopping) encoded manually in the DBN. Additionally, they
transition function:
underly kinematic and dynamic constraints. Their outcome
is therefore not known before execution and might differ P T (S 0 |S, A) = P (IS−1 (S 0 )|IS−1 (S), IA
(A)) =
extremely from the targeted trajectory in some cases. Z Z Z
The set of behaviors currently consists of combinations of p(s0c |sc , ac ) . (1)
−1 −1 −1
accelerations and lateral velocities to allow for lane changes s0c ∈IS (S 0 ) sc ∈IS (S) ac ∈IA (A)

and obstacle avoidance. The Bézier parameters of Te are 2) Specific Realization: Our implementation uses Monte
derived from the tuple be : Carlo approximation for prediction. Therefore continuous
probability density functions are approximated by finite
(accxcar , vellat , dur) = be ∈ Be . dirac-mixtures. Eventually, a set of Q continuous particles
Further, the amount of time a behavior uses is part of the and according weights represent an MDP state:
action. This duration allows for balancing of comfort and pc = {p(L) : pc(L) = hwc(L) , sc(L) i, L ∈ {1, . . . , Q}} .
safety. It is even more important for using actions with
different time horizons and levels of abstraction in the same The particles are predicted by the DBN. Note that any other
MDP. While an acceleration of only 10 ms might make continuous model representation could be used. Replacing
sense, a lane change maneuver will never be finished in less the according integrals in Eq. 1 with sums, the discrete
than 1 s and therefore not give reasonable results after some transition probabilities are finally approximated.
milliseconds. The option to choose actions with different In Fig. 3 the simplified process of state sampling is
durations results in a Semi-MDP (SMDP) [13]. This has visualized for a lane change maneuver and solely the ego
some consequences regarding the discounting, which are of vehicle in the state space. The practical procedure is very
minor interest in this paper and therefore not mentioned. We similar to the occupancy sampling in [14]. At the beginning
also refer to the problem as a MDP most of the time. While of the solver’s optimization, no specific discrete state is
in MDP theory it is no problem to evaluate only a subset of instantiated, except the currently observed. Important is that
all possible actions (like we do in the state space), we use a all of them are part of the reachable space and sophisticated
fixed number of reasonable actions. solvers could utilize this further by calculating backups only
for promising states.


Xe Te



Cn Bn

T (a) Scene and (b) Discretization and (c) Transition and new
X Tn target trajectory. sampling follow-up states
Fig. 3: State space sampling and transition.

Fig. 2: DBN with ego and two other vehicles. Dashed lines The SMDP action durations are currently between 1 to
indicate conditional dependencies over time. 3 s, while the DBN calculates with a fixed time step of
0.1 s. Hence, to calculate p(s0 |s, a) 10-30 DBN-steps are
rolled out. The action a is fixed during execution, by setting
C. Transition Model virtual evidences for the corresponding be in every time step.
The transition model is in our system even more important During execution, among other information, the behavior of
than normally in MDPs, because it also directs the growth other traffic participants Bo is estimated, depending on their

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traffic context Co (see Fig. 2 and [2] for details). If the planning from the scratch in every state – like classical
autonomous car e.g. drives on the right lane and a much online planners do – would take far too much time for the
faster car approaches on the same lane from behind, a high real-time requirements imposed by the traffic environment.
probability for an overtaking maneuver is inferred and the Hence, starting from a few states we calculate a policy offline.
other car will likely change the lane to the left. Therefore This policy is a good starting point for further computations,
the result of the MDP optimization is to stay on the lane. A but does not offer a complete solution with decisions for any
simple constant velocity model would result in a decision for state. Especially states, which are not or with low probability
a quick lane change to the left of the autonomous car, which reachable from the starting states are often not covered.
would in reality most often implicate a crash. There are many Therefore we refine the planning online, while the car is
other examples showing the mightiness and generality of driving. We add the currently encountered state to the state
that approach compared to planning with less sophisticated space, if it does not yet exist. A persisting solver instance
prediction algorithms. is running permanently in the background and updating the
policy. The anytime–nature always allows to extract a valid
D. Reward Model
solution when needed. The idea behind this strategy is that
The autonomous car in our example is meant to make the planning will cover most probable temporal evolutions
way as fast as possible, while at the same time avoiding to and the solver hence plans usually close to the really encoun-
hit other cars or to leave the road. Additionally, we want it tered path. Even if it did not see it coming, the situation only
to drive as economical and comfortable as possible and to changes slightly during two decisions. Consequently, in most
obey the rules. All these requirements are aggregated in the of the predicted futures, planning ends up in a known state,
reward function R(s, a), which is evaluated in the DBN by a for which the value calculation is already close to optimal.
continuous reward function Rc (sDBN ). Especially the latter This idea of online-offline-planning can also be ported from
is noteworthy, because it allows to subsume all uncertainty the state space to the belief space for a POMDP formulation.
during the execution of a in the reward function. If, e.g., the The optimization algorithm currently used is a standard
chance for a crash during the prediction is 0.5, because 50% (S)MDP-solver with discounting, repeatedly applying back-
of the particles encountered a crash, the result of R(s, a) ups to all existing states. If a new state is discovered it will be
will be about one half of the total cost of a crash. The input pushed back into a pool of states. There are no optimizations,
of the reward calculation is the state of the DBN sDBN , parallelization or heuristics to improve the efficiency. It only
which contains far more information than sc . For that reason stops calculating backups, when they would not influence
we are able to evaluate the reward every ∆tDBN = 0.1 s. the policy any more because of the discount. This keeps the
This enables us to calculate e.g. whether a crash happened calculation finite. Due to the sparse state space description,
very precisely by linearly interpolating between the small the solver would tremendously benefit from a heuristic,
substeps. If applied to the multiple seconds long MDP time telling it which states are worth a backup and which are not.
step, linearization would be insufficient, Also comfort can be However, the focus of our implementation is on maintaining
easily described by the sum of all accelerations encountered the extendability to a POMDP with the heuristics described
executing the chosen behavior. The concrete reward calcula- in [15]. Particularly the ability of SARSOP to sample in
tion is outlined as follows: the optimally reachable belief-space by calculating lower
if (iscrashed? ) then and upper bounds for the value in combination with its
Rc ← rewcrash sparse representation of beliefs fits very well to the adaptively
else growing space description in this paper.
Rc ← ∆tDBN · (rewcomfort · acc + rewmake_way · vellat +
rewnot_rightmost_lane · !is(on_rightmost_lane?) ) V. E VALUATION
end if For the evaluations of the prototype we use a two-lane
In the examples weights rewcrash = −1000, rewcomfort = −12, highway scenario as shown in Fig. 4.
rewmake_way = 3 and rewnot_rightmost_lane = −6 are used. The The autonomous MDP-controlled ego-vehicle vehego
results show that changes of these parameters only slightly (car 1 in Fig. 4) has to cope with two other vehicles veh2
influence the resulting policy, which speaks for the robust- and veh3 and thus has to manage tasks like overtaking with
ness of the system. For example one can double the crash- oncoming traffic. A detailed analysis of the resulting policy
cost without noticeable changes in the policy. Only when as well as tests in an 3D simulation environment have been
quadrupling them the car behaves noticeably more timidly. done. The latter is able to realistically resemble situations
The value results, however, change with small variations of by accurately simulating sensor data and driving physics. It
the reward parameters. allows to manually control traffic participants and thereby
guarantee close to natural driving.
E. Online-Offline MDP-Solver
The system currently implements a combination of of- A. Analysis of the Results
fline and online planning. It is impossible to calculate the The plots in Fig. 5 show the results of the policy calcu-
complete policy for every possible state due to the possibly lation when there is no oncoming traffic, just one vehicle
infinite number of states. On the other hand starting the veh2 stopping at the right lane. The autonomous car vehego

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its own speed. At the same time it reduces acceleration,
because physical constraints limit accelerating and applying
high longitudinal forces at the same time. If too close, it
emergency brakes without changing the lane to be able to
apply more braking forces. An evasive maneuver is already
too risky at that distance. Once it has passed the other vehicle
it just accelerates, because in this example no fuel costs are
given. As can be seen in Fig. 5d, the car returns to the
right lane, when it has reached a safe distance to avoid the
cost of driving on the left lane. In Fig. 5a of the value,
one can see how the system estimates situations. The closer
Fig. 4: Overtaking scenario in the simulation environment. the ego vehicle approaches the other car, the less it ’feels’
Planned ego vehicle trajectory indicated by red line. safe, because there is the chance of the other car suddenly
braking or changing the lane to the left. In the black areas
with expected costs close to 1000, accidents are inevitable.
is also on the right lane. The x-axis of the plot shows It is noticeable that once the other car is passed, the value
the longitudinal distance between both cars. If this value increases with the cars speed.
is positive, vehego is situated behind veh2 . The current The simple example in Fig. 6 already shows the necessity
speed of the ego vehicle can be seen on the y-axis. For the of more sophisticated models than, e.g., constant velocity
discretization in this example we used regions of latitudinal models, which are today mainly used for ADAS. The situa-
length 6 m. In longitudinal direction only the two lanes with tion is basically the same as in the above example, except that
width 6 m were distinguished. The errors induced by this veh2 drives with 7 m/s on the right lane. The safety distance
coarse discretization can be seen by the aliasing effect in all shrinks compared to the case with the standing obstacle,
of the following plots. because there is more time to brake. The result in Fig. 6a
4 was generated with the DBN’s behavior estimation activated.
/ m/s

12 ’look_out1.txt’ using 1:2:3 In Fig. 6b the results for the lane change policy are given,
velx,ego / m/s

’look_out2.txt’ using 1:2:3

velx,ego / m/s

when free ride is the only existing behavior. The missing


0 0

4 -500
4 uncertainty in the behavior results in a slightly smaller
0 -1000 0 -4 safety distance. More important the other car won’t change
100 50 0 -50 -100 100 50 0 -50 -100
- posx,veh / m
- posx,veh / m
lane during prediction, even when approaching the ego car
(a) Maximum value (b) Acceleration quickly. Thus, the optimal action is an evasive maneuver to
the left lane. In reality this is undoubtedly dangerous, because
2 2
12 12 quickly approaching cars most certainly want to overtake.
/ m/s

/ m/s

’look_out.txt’ using 1:2:3 ’look_out.txt’ using 1:2:3

velx,ego / m/s

velx,ego / m/s

8 8 The behavior estimation of the DBN is able to predict this

0 0


and consequently the ego car in Fig. 6a holds lane.



4 4

0 -2 0 -2
100 50 0 -50 -100 100 50 0 -50 -100
B. Practical Driving Test
posx,veh - posx,veh / m posx,veh - posx,veh / m
ego 1 ego 1
The decisions of the system with oncoming traffic were
(c) Lane-change (ego on right lane) (d) Lane-change (ego on left lane) practically evaluated in a 3D simulation environment. Several
Fig. 5: Results of policy calculation with one other car veh1 tests were repeated with the other cars being controlled man-
at the right lane with speed velxcar ,o = 0 m/s ually with steering wheels. The system showed reasonable
2 2
behavior, e.g., it follows the slower car in a decent distance
12 12 until the oncoming traffic has passed, to be able to smoothly
/ m/s

/ m/s

’look_out.txt’ using 1:2:3 ’look_out.txt’ using 1:2:3

velx,ego / m/s

velx,ego / m/s

and quickly accomplish the subsequent overtaking maneuver.


It also slows down when overtaking a car on the right to be



4 4

0 -2 0 -2 able to react, if the other vehicle suddenly changes to the

100 50 0 -50 -100 100 50 0 -50 -100
posx,veh - posx,veh / m posx,veh - posx,veh / m
right lane.
ego 1 ego 1

(a) Complete set of behaviors (b) Only free ride behavior C. Performance
Fig. 6: Lane change policies with and without behavior The raw complexity analysis of MDPs or even POMDPs
estimation (veh1 at right lane with speed velxcar ,o = 7 m/s). could cause doubts concerning the practical usability of
the approach. We give some impressions of the runtime to
Fig. 5c shows when the ego car would overtake the other eliminate those thoughts.
car. A lateral speed of 2 m/s of vehego is equivalent to 1) Offline Solving: The calculation times vary extremely
a lane change to the left. The result for the acceleration depending on several factors, including the number of back-
part of the action is shown in Fig. 5b. It can be seen that ups and states, the discount, the duration of the MDP actions
the car changes the lane in a safe distance depending on as well as of the DBN, and last but certainly not least the

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amount of uncertainty in the model. The calculations with (e.g. attention) could be estimated as latent variables. Thus
one other vehicle in Fig. 5 were done offline by sweeping the system could give advices only when needed, similar to
over the whole space of positions from -100 to 100 m, from the assistance of persons with dementia shown in [16].
the left to the right lane and velocities 0 to 16 m/s for both Nevertheless, there are open problems especially regard-
vehego and veh2 , which in combination with the discount ing the computational complexity with growing numbers
γ = 0.95 resulted in 3600 states in total. The system can of objects and after extending the problem to a POMDP.
choose between 9 actions with duration between 1 and 3 s. Formulating decision problems with a fixed discretization is
The DBN runs with fixed 64 particles and a time step 0.1 s inherently inefficient. The results for the example in Fig. 5
and thus the DBN has to infer 10 to 30 time steps for one show that huge areas of the state space could be aggregated.
MDP prediction step. By repeating to backup every state in On the other side the used regions are too coarse, which leads
the space 7000 times, we got sure to obtain a close to optimal to aliasing. An optimal discretization is, however, not known
policy (usually a lot less backups are necessary). With these a priori. A cyclist driving parallel to the car, e.g., has to be
preliminaries the (offline) optimization needs about 22 min considered only when the car wants to turn in his direction.
in total on a desktop computer. About half of the time is For those reasons, we plan to replace the current discretiza-
used for the DBN–inference, which could be sped up by tion rules with arbitrary probability functions adapting to the
using a longer time step. The other half of the time is used tasks requirements for precision during the process of solving
to look up states in the global state set and of course to the (PO)MDP. The planning would then construct the rules
calculate the backup itself. The lookup is implemented using of its world representation online and enable the system to
a k-dimensional tree for the purpose of generality. Much decide in arbitrary situations.
quicker binary-trees or hash-maps can be used, when the R EFERENCES
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