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Exercise 1 — Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns Read the following sentences and use the appropriate pronouns. Murat good boy. _ always listens to__ teacher. Amit and Sumit are twin brothers. __ take the same bag to school. Milly and | are very good friends. __ have known each other since childhood. The mangoes are very sour. Where did you buy_? Hove watching Tom and Jerry, __ reminds me of my childhood days. | bought this book for my sister. __ often read it together. This is Steve. Do you know _? There are many windows here. But all of __are jammed 9. The army has reached __destination 40. My aunt and uncle live in Delhi, __ often visit__ 11. While playing basketball, | hurt___ 12, The children locked ___up in the cupboard while playing hide and seek. 13. | bought __ flowers for my anniversary. 14, All the boys participated in the race and __one of them got a prize. 15, __ of the witnesses were present in the court. 16. I met Peter __just retumed from Belgium. 17. Raju set for__ a target which was difficult to achieve 48. The criminals __ admitted their crime 19, This is the girl__ identified the burglar. 20, The book is Anne's, It is__ favourite book. Answers for Exercise 1 He, his They We Them It We Him Them 9. Their 10. We, them, 11, Myself 12, Themselves 13. These 14, Each 15. None 16. Who 17. Himself 18, Themselves 19, Who 20. Her Exercise 2 — Use the correct form of pronouns Choose the correct pronoun and use it in the sentence. 1, (Mell) feel like taking a short trip to the Maldives 2. (lime) think you should participate in the debate. Wuthering Heights is (her/hers) favourite book. Those papers are (mine/my). The box was lying around. Is (ivits) yours? The dog almost choked (himselfftself) Natasha was all by (yourselves/herself) | got (me/myself) all wet. 9. (Thatithis) book lying here is mine. 10. (Each/neither) of us were given a gift hamper. 11. Do you want (thatit) pen? 12. [lost the toy you gave (me/mysetf) 13, This house is (ours/our). 14. It was (theiritheirs) car. 15. Do you know (his/him)? Answers for Exercise 2 11 21 3, Her 4, Mine It Itself Herself Myself 9. This 10, Each 41. That 12. Me 43. Ours 14. Their 15. Him Frequently Asked Questions Q1 What is a pronoun? A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun Q2 How many types of pronouns are there? There are eight types of pronouns, i.e. personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, relative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, distributive pronouns, emphasising pronouns, indefinite pronouns and reciprocal pronouns.

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