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Hlompho Rampai


IFFA 6212

Task 1



Date: 06 December 2023

Subject: The use of three approaches in English home language classroom.

Expensive Mrs. Moloi I wish to spur you almost the three instructing approaches that
we leant in our English domestic dialect classroom. The primary approach I need to
propel you approximately is: Text-based approach A text-based procedure examines
how writings work. A text-based approach's objective is to assist understudies create
their perusing, composing, seeing, and planning abilities so they can gotten to be
capable, confident, and basic content clients (DBE, 2011). In arrange to comprehend
how writings are produced and what their impacts are, it involves tuning in to,
perusing, looking at, and analyzing writings (DBE, 2011).As a result of this basic
interaction, understudies have the capacity to evaluate writings. The text-based
technique moreover involves the creation of different content sorts for particular
groups of onlookers and targets. This technique is supported by information of
literary development (DBE, 2011).

Communicative approach A communicative approach to dialect learning fights that a

learner ought to be uncovered to the target dialect broadly and given various
openings to utilize it in social or commonsense settings (DBE, 2011). The ponder of
dialect ought to proceed within the classroom, where understudies routinely have the
chance to perused and compose, making a difference them to create their
proficiency capacities of perusing, seeing, and composing (DBE, 2011).The method
situated. As a result of critical ponder on education securing for the larger part of
dialect learners, the process-oriented approach to instructing composing within the
classroom risen more than 30 a long time back (Montague, 2009). Dialect instruction
is conveyed in an coordinates way, with the educator serving as an case of worthy
behavior and the understudies sharpening the fundamental abilities in bunches some
time recently utilizing them freely (DBE, 2011). Each session ought to have a
structure that involves the complete course some time recently having understudies
hone the unused capacity in little bunches and on their claim (DBE, 2011). Talking
and tuning in, bunch, guided, and free perusing and composing are a few of the
terms utilized (DBE, 2011).

• I would donate understudies considering Antiquated Egypt the chance to construct

their precision and familiarity in a CELT setting to fortify their tuning in and
comprehension capacities. I will too back them in developing their capability in
communicating in a remote dialect. Since talking, tuning in, and perusing regularly
happen in pair within the genuine world and in contexts from way of, life I will make a
veritable exertion to communicate utilizing the target dialect and empower my
understudies to do the same. I will also link the different abilities, such as tuning in,
talking, and perusing together. Rather than fair assessing students' linguistic
capability, the Compelling CELT-environment evaluation rebellious ought to be made
to assess their communicative capability.

• In communicative approach. A language structure instruction can be creatively

joined with a talking lesson utilizing the Communicative Approach (Ontesonl, 2013).
The utilize of true substance, counting as melodies, daily papers, motion pictures,
and comedian books, is fundamental to making a difference understudies learn
English in an locks in and significant way (Ontesonl, 2013).

• in text-based approach. Text-based things incorporate reading material and

supplemental content materials that have inactive or settled content and pictures
(CAST, 2013).Content can be utilized in both printed and advanced materials. Text-
based substance incorporates things like an electronic reading material that's an
correct generation of a conventional print course reading (CAST, 2013).

• In prepare oriented. A assortment of fundamental and foundational capacities,

counting play, turn-taking, nonverbal communication, dialect, and discussion, are the
center of this directions methodology (Middletown Middle for Extreme
introvertedness, 2022). The environment must be steady of the child's development
and advancement for this to be compelling (Middletown Middle for Extreme
introvertedness, 2022). I think and accept that this inspiration approaches will assist
you when educating social science in your classroom. In case you've got any
questions, please don't falter to contact me.You'll reach me on my mail address or
on my cell number 0738189208.
Warm regards

Hlompho Rampai

Task 2

1.Listening and speaking.

particular objective of the shake art-focused educational modules is to instruct
understudies how to utilize shake craftsmanship to discover out more approximately
hunter-gatherers, which is able offer assistance them superior comprehend how
these individuals lived and utilized shake craftsmanship in their every day exercises
(DBE, 2011). Also, it'll talk about where, when, and how shake craftsmanship was
delivered. In arrange to help learners in way better understanding, the Linton shake
craftsmanship board and the South African coast of arm will too be secured (DBE,

2. •Will be able too Identify who painted Rock Art (DBE, 2011).

• Will be able too name sort of equipment and style that the hunter gathers used to
create Rock Art (DBE, 2011).

• Will be able too Identify meanings behind rock art (DBE, 2011).

• Will be able too Explain the role of Shaman and how he is involved in Rock Art
(DBE, 2011).

• Will be able too Understand why rock art was important to hunter gathers (DBE,

Lesson objectives.

 Will be able to Participates in discussions, explaining own opinion about

 Will be able to Comments on the social, moral and cultural values of Egypt
 Will be able to Asks critical questions about the passage.
 Will be able to Expresses and justifies own opinion with reasons.
 Will be able to Uses interaction strategies to communicate effectively in group
3.. Presentation of content.
➢ I will examined a social science book for my leaners in review 5 classroom
approximately the Old Egypt and after that inquire them a few questions and let them
reply after that I will five them a few input on where they went off-base. I will than
donate them a few movement to total so that I will see in the event that the tuning in
and talking action did made a difference them or not.


Name & Surname :


King Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut, was a pharaoh who ruled Egypt from
1332 to 1323 B.C. He ascended to the throne of Egypt as a child, when he was eight
or nine years old, and was guided by several key figures including Ay, the Grand
Vizier and potentially Tut’s maternal grandfather, and Horemheb, the commander-in-
chief of the military.

Despite the boy king’s importance in our history today, his reign was short and
relatively unimportant in the history of ancient Egypt. He became an important figure
only in death with the discovery of his tomb and mummy in 1922 by archaeologists
in the Valley of the Kings both of which were incredibly preserved, and provided
valuable insights into the history of ancient Egypt. Among the ancient textiles found
in the tomb were 100 sandals, 12 tunics, 28 gloves, 25 head coverings, four socks
(with a separate pocket for the big toe, so they could be worn with sandals) and 145
loincloths, triangular-shaped pieces of woven linen that both men and women wore
as underwear.

Tut’s most important achievement in life was restoring the cult of Amun-Ra and
returning Egypt to polytheism, which overturned the religious reforms of his father,

Questions 1
1. When was Tutankhamun born?
2. Who is believed to be Tutankhamun’s father?

3. How old was Tutankhamen when he died?

4. Who discovered Tutankhamen’s tomb in 1922?

5. What kind of objects were found in his tomb?

6. What may have caused Tutankhamen’s death?

Paragraph Writing

Based upon what you learnt in the passage above, with a friend discuss the question
below and answer the following question in by writing a paragraph

What is so special about the discovery of Tutankhamen’s tomb?


Write a short paragraph on how you would rule the Egypt for a day if you are the king
, then share/ present to the class

Question 2

1. Who painted rock art? ----------------------------------------------- 2. Who has the oldest painting in the
world? -------------------------------------- 3. Who was the shaman? ----------------------------- 4. What scene
do you think has been painted on rock art and why? ----------------- 5. What role do you think the
shaman played on the hunter gathers? 6. Explain how was ancient Egypt like. ----------------------- 7.
What equipment do you think was used to create rock art? ----------------------- 8. Why was rock art
important to the Hunter gathers? 9. How did hunter gathers adapt to their environment?
10. Create your own rock art below.


1. May 9, 1874
2. Akhenaten
3. 18 or 19
4. archaeologists in the Valley of the Kings
5. iron dagger, death mask, board games , golden shoes ( any relevant answer .
6. documentary postulated that Tut died in chariot crash that broke his legs and
pelvis ( any answer that is relevant)

Paragraph Writing
Tutankhamen wasn't an especially important king, but his tomb was the only royal
burial found intact in modern times. The tomb was important because it let
archaeologists record what an Egyptian king's tomb looked like and learn more about
ancient Egypt. ( any relevant answer)

Award mark for writing and being able to present


1. The Sun or Bushmen.

2. It was archaeologists in Indonesia.
3. Sun
4. It was pictographs (drawings or paintings), petroglyphs (carvings or inscriptions), engravings
(incised motifs), performs (rocks laid out in patterns), and geoglyphs (ground drawings)
(Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2022). The images were made for a variety of purposes, including to
identify locations, depict ceremonies and wars, or just for fun. They offer a historical picture. What Is
the Difference Between a Petroglyph and a Pictograph? Petroglyphs and pictographs are the two
types of rock art.
5. His role is to mediate between the earthly and spirit worlds (SpringerLink, 2016).
6. The majority of experts agree that ancient Egyptians resembled modern-day Egyptians albeit
somewhat darker in tones toward the Sudan.
7. Stone tool fragments and bigger organic remnants, such as crushed animal bones, seeds, and
shells left over after cooking and eating food, may also be found (if they are kept in the specific soil
chemistry) (Sabo, 2007).
8. Ancient rock artists painted people and animals. It is difficult to say why they painted these
pictures. Some archaeologists think that the paintings were created to bring good fortune to a hunt
as a kind of spiritual exercise. It could be that the artists simply painted things they found beautiful
(Sahistory, 2019).
9. They changed their diets by adding fat to meals as one strategy. They discovered how to
construct stronger shelters in order to shield themselves from the hostile environment. They
discovered how to use animal furs to create warm garments. The usage of fire by Paleolithic humans
kept them warm in this frigid environment.

5. Amid this address on Tutankhamun, I would utilize a number of strategies to form

beyond any doubt that the Primary Extra Dialect (FAL) learners within the course
caught on and were locked in (Stallard, 2019). To begin with, in arrange to assist
FAL learners get it things through various strategies, I would improve the sound
substance with visual helps like charts, pictures, and brief video bits. I would too
utilize straightforward, concise clarifications and rearrange dialect structures, making
beyond any doubt to emphasize critical terms and thoughts. Counting intuitively
recreations or manipulative relating to Tutankhamun would moreover allow FAL
learners a more physical and experiential learning environment (Stallard, 2019).
Moreover, to advance peer bolster and collaboration on amid gather and combine
works out, I would make sure that each gather had a shifted extend of dialect
capability, empowering FAL learners to effectively take an interest within the lesson
and learn from their peers.Visit check-ins and question-ask sessions will be
consolidated to address any conceivable troubles and fortify understanding (Stallard,

Task 3

See the power point attached for slides

This are screen shots of the quiz

Reference List

CAST, 2013. About Accessible Formats. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 6December 2023]. DBE, 2011.
Curriculum and Assessment:Policy Statement in English Home Language. [Online] Available at:
160412-720 [Accessed 6 December 2023].

DBE, 2011. Curriculum and Assessment:Policy Statement in social science. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 6December

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2023. rock art. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 6 December 2023].

Middletown Centre for Autism, 2023. Task Oriented Approach vs. Process Oriented Approach.
[Online] Available at:
orientedapproach-vs-process-oriented-approach/ [Accessed 6 December 2023].

Montague, N., 2009. The Process Oriented Approach to Teaching Writing to Second. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 23 December 2023].

Ontesonl, 2013. HOW TO USE THE COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 6 December 2023].
Sabo, D., 2007. Rock Art in Arkansas. [Online] Available at:
%20at%20the%20Narrows [Accessed 6 December 2023].

Sahistory, 2019. Rock art as an expression of hunter-gatherer society and world-view. [Online]
Available at:
%20found %20beautiful. [Accessed 6 December 2023].

Stallard, J. (2019). Use PLT and Differentiated Instruction to Reach Diverse Learners. [online] Project
Learning Tree. Available at: differentiated-instruction-
techniques/ [Accessed 6 December. 2023].

SpringerLink, 2016. Hunter-Gatherers and the Origins of Religion. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 6 December 2023].

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