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A virtuous circle

Battery-makers are powering a circular economy
“Gigafactories” are being designed to recycle raw materials
MANUFACTURING IS A one-way business. Raw materials go into a factory and
finished products come out. Once those goods are sold, producers (initial guarantees
apart) usually wash their hands of them. Certainly they do not worry, unless
compelled to by law, about how the products are disposed of. Most are burnt or rot in
landfill, which pollutes the planet. In only 50 years the world’s consumption of raw
materials has nearly quadrupled, to more than 100bn tonnes, according to the latest
Circularity Gap Report from the World Economic Forum. Less than 9% of this is
reused, resulting in a big waste of materials.
在垃圾填埋场里烂掉,污染地球。世界经济论坛( World Economic Forum)发
布的最新《循环缺口报告》(Circularity Gap Report)显示,在短短 50 年间,
全球原材料消费增长了近三倍,达到逾 1000 亿吨。其中只有不到 9%被重复利
Industry does talk about sustainability and recycling, but much of that is
greenwashing intended to improve brand images. Yet in the circular economy the
bottom line, too, can benefit from greenery. This is especially so in the case of
“gigafactories”, so called because their output of batteries for electric vehicles (EVs)
is measured in gigawatt hours (GWh).
Every carmaking country wants gigafactories. Batteries are the costliest part of an EV,
so making them is lucrative. But they contain materials such as lithium, cobalt,
manganese and nickel that are pricey and can be hard to obtain. Supply chains are
long and complicated. Buyers risk being tarnished by their suppliers’ (or suppliers’
suppliers’) poor environmental and labour standards. Reusing materials makes sense.
Being new, most gigafactories are designed with recycling in mind from the start. The
result is a circular production process, not a linear one. The idea is that once batteries
reach the ends of their lives, they should go back to a factory, where their ingredients
can be recovered and put into new batteries.
Gigafactories are not yet exemplars of the circular economy, but they are laying the
foundations. Northvolt, a Swedish battery-maker, aims by 2030 to produce 150GWh
of batteries—enough to power some 2m EVs—from the three gigafactories it is
completing. By then, around half its raw materials should come from recycling old
batteries. Northvolt is not alone. Using recycling, renewable power and other
measures, CATL—a Chinese firm and the world’s biggest producer of EV batteries—
thinks it should eventually be possible to shrink the carbon footprint of a battery
towards zero.
Northvolt 定下目标,要到 2030 年从它正在建设的三个超级工厂中生产 150 吉瓦
时的电池,足以为大约 200 万辆电动汽车提供动力。到那时,它应该会有大约
一半的原材料来自回收旧电池。Northvolt 并不是孤例。世界上最大的电动车电
Carmakers such as the Renault Group and Stellantis, owner of brands that include
Fiat, Chrysler and Peugeot (and whose big shareholder, Exor, also owns a stake in The
Economist’s parent company), are both setting up circular-economy businesses. This
is not just for batteries, but also for repairing and reconditioning parts and vehicles.
Each of these operations will, bosses hope, have annual revenues of more than €2bn
($2bn) by the end of the decade, and be profitable. Renault reckons around 85% of a
car is recyclable, but only 20-30% of the materials in new vehicles are recycled, often
from other goods. Circular manufacturing would greatly increase that share.
(Stellantis,其大股东 Exor 也持有本刊母公司的股份)都在建立循环经济业务,
不仅涉及电池,还有零部件和车辆的维修和翻新。老板们希望,到 2030 年前,
每项业务的年收入都将超过 20 亿欧元(20 亿美元),并实现盈利。雷诺估计一
辆汽车有 85%的部分可以回收,但目前一辆新车只有 20%到 30%的部分使用了
Could other industries do something similar? Fast fashion is a notoriously wasteful
business in which little-worn clothes are burnt or dumped. America’s Environmental
Protection Agency estimates that the recycling rate for clothing and footwear is just
13%. A big part of the reason is the use of mixed textiles, which are hard to recycle.
Clothing companies could, like gigafactories, re-engineer their processes to employ
fibres that are easier to handle. Consumer electronics is another business that creates
heaps of waste, despite electronic circuits containing precious materials such as gold
and silver, and electric motors being made from rare-earth metals like neodymium and
dysprosium. Fortunes could yet be made in the urban mining of last year’s gadgets
and yesterday’s togs.
衣服烧掉或扔掉。美国环境保护署估计服装和鞋类的回收率只有 13%。很大一

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