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Based on the video, I obtained knowledge about leadership and how it can influence
every person. Teamwork is important to build foundation with each other. It is always
said that it is the key to success. The video shows us how working together as a team is
essential in achieving a particular goal. Everyone has his/her responsibilities to meet,
and the success of a team depends on the performance of each member. By having
coordination and cooperation, the workflow of the team is maintained.

To be a good leader, I need to have qualities that will help me to reach the goals in
achieving the ability to lead, guide and influence others. To be qualified as a good
leader, I need to be confident in doing my work to motivate others that if I can do it,
they can also. Another trait is to be honest and be a role model to your teammates.
Always make sure you do your best in what you do and have integrity to inspire and
get the trust of others. Having a creative attitude, and knowledge are also qualities of
being a good leader because you need to create new ideas and solutions to get the
right decision that will affect your team. Lastly, giving credit when it’s due, to be able
to empower his/her team.

The leadership style that I want to portray is being a transactional leadership, because
I want to maintain good relationships with others in the workplace. Establishing roles
and responsibilities for each team member encourages the work to be completed as
scheduled. Some instances productive works needs to be employed over and above
regular pay to avoid circumstances that can affect the completion of work of each
person on the organization. Being able to successfully maintain this relationship leads
to a better and effective leadership.

In studying this topic, I have learned that teamwork leads to having a good and
successful team. Leadership needs a lot of qualities and aspects to maintain being the
inspiration and leading other for a great future. By recognizing individual goals and
passion, fostering positive work environment, providing growth opportunities, and
maintaining open communication, you can create a motivated and high-
performance team that contributes to the organization’s success.

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