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The present state of gender equality

- Achievement: Through some decades, we have succeeded in protect women from gender inequality in
some fields

+ Education: There has been remarkable progress in girls' access to education. More girls are enrolled in
schools and completing their education compared to previous decades. Efforts have been made to
reduce gender disparities in primary, secondary, and higher education.

+ Job opprtunity: Women's participation in the workforce and as a political representation has
increased. More and more women are taking on leadership,politics and decision- making roles, in
various sectors. There has also been a gradual reduction in the gender wage gap in some countries.

+ Awareness: There is now a greater awareness of gender equality issues and increased advocacy for
women's rights. Movements such as #MeToo and #HeForShe have brought global attention to gender-
based violence and discrimination, inspiring conversations and actions for change.

+ Legal Reforms: There has been progress in implementing legal reforms to protect women's rights and
address gender-based discrimination. Laws related to domestic violence, sexual harassment, and gender
equality have been strengthened in many countries.
- However, there are still continued challenges in some fields which we have to face up with and solve it

+ Gender Pay Gap: The gender pay gap remains a significant challenge globally. Women, on average,
continue to earn less than men for performing the same work or work of equal value. Factors
contributing to the pay gap include occupational segregation, discrimination, and undervaluing of
women's work.

In 2022, women earned 17% less than men on average.

+ Occupational Segregation: Women are often concentrated in certain industries and occupations that
are traditionally considered "feminine," such as caregiving, education, and healthcare. This occupational
segregation limits their access to higher-paying and leadership positions, making gender inequalities in
the income and career progression.

+ Gender-Based Violence: Gender-based violence, including domestic violence, sexual harassment, and
assault, remains a pervasive issue worldwide. These forms of violence disproportionately affect women
and girls, limiting their safety, well-being, and opportunities for economic and social empowerment.

 In some European countries there are nearly 40% women who have experienced physical or sexual
+ Unpaid Care Work: Due to the gender prejudice, women continue to bear a disproportionate burden
of unpaid care work, including household chores, childcare, and eldercare. This unequal distribution of
caregiving responsibilities limits women's participation in the labor market, career advancement, and
overall economic empowerment.

 Women work unpaid care work 3 times more than men

1, UN Women: UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the
empowerment of women. It works globally to promote women's rights, economic empowerment, and
equal participation in political, social, and economic spheres. Some projects that

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