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Soft Skills Module 2023/2024

Soft skills in the workplace project

Team members –







The research title

«The Status of Soft Skills in Middle Schools in Morocco»


academic qualifications no longer stand as the sole crucial factor in the

recruitment of new employees. In the contemporary world, there is a growing
emphasis on hiring individuals who possess a diverse set of skills beyond
technical expertise. Employers now value qualities like communication,
teamwork, integrity, self-confidence, and problem-solving skills alongside
professional competence. The evolving job landscape necessitates a broad range
of skills in students to excel in any professional setting, be it academic, public,
specialized, national, or educational. These skills serve as the cornerstone
distinguishing one student from another, with a global recognition of the
significance of soft skills in education and their pivotal role in the workplace for
both students and educators.
Professionals are continually striving to augment their functional and
professional proficiencies within their respective workplaces, be it through
academic pursuits or specialized training programs. Concurrently, organizations
are fostering an environment that encourages professionals to acquire new skills
as they contribute to the advancement and success of information institutions.
These acquired skills facilitate organizational growth and development, enabling
institutions to achieve their objectives and cater to the needs and preferences of
their stakeholders effectively.
The Research problem or rationale

The educational system has traditionally prioritized teaching hard skills relevant
to professional fields, placing a strong emphasis on fostering technological
expertise. Yet, there has been a significant oversight in nurturing essential soft
skills crucial for students' success across different work environments.
Therefore, it became vital to gather the perspectives of both students and
teachers regarding the significance of soft skills in practical work settings, given
their active engagement within the educational system.
The research goals
The study centers on delineating soft skills as fundamental complements to
students' professional competencies. A pivotal aspect involves comprehending the
viewpoints of both students and educators regarding soft skills and their relevance.
The study is designed to:
-Identify essential soft skills required by students and educators.
-Highlight the importance and real-world application of soft skills in professional
-Assess the repertoire of soft skills held by students and educators.
-Ascertain the varying degrees of importance attributed to distinct soft skill
domains by students and educators.
The research questions

With the stated objectives in mind, the study seeks to explore the following
- What soft skills should students and teachers have?
- How important are soft skills in the workplace?
- How can soft skills be developed?
- How do students and teachers perceive the significance of soft skills for working
in libraries and information centers?

1-practical part

The research instrument(s) (observation, interview, questionnaire…)

- interview with students

- MCQ with teachers on google forms

The research population and setting

27 teachers in high school and college

36 students in college

Age and gender and school level for teachers study

in the statistics below

1-1-research results for teachers

The research results

- make sure to check the results in the last pair of pages of this document

Analysis of the results

 The MCQ results highlight that the majority of teachers have not received any
training in soft skills, indicating a crucial need to incorporate soft skills into
academic studies to better prepare new educators. Additionally, all participants
concur on the importance of teaching soft skills as a standalone subject in
 Communication emerges as the most crucial soft skill for teachers, followed by
leadership and listening. These skills are vital for teachers to create an ideal
learning environment where students can freely express themselves and grow.
 While many teachers value both soft and hard skills, some prioritize hard skills
exclusively. This is a significant issue as focusing solely on technical subjects
neglects crucial skills necessary for future employees to thrive in their work
environment and build strong relationships.
 The survey reveals that teachers are adept at problem-solving, but some struggle
due to a lack of essential soft skills, such as problem-solving and emotional
intelligence. It is imperative for teachers to possess these skills to effectively
support students.
 The majority of participants support incorporating soft skills sessions in
classrooms, as they can enhance students' abilities and academic performance.
This enthusiasm indicates that students would welcome a new program that
integrates soft skills.
The results indicate a positive view on the significance of soft skills for teachers,
with participants acknowledging their importance and the impact they have on
our lives. This underscores the readiness for soft skills training and the necessity
of incorporating it into the teacher training program. Soft skills facilitate
teaching and learning processes, assisting teachers in establishing respectful and
understanding relationships with their students.
1-2-research results for students
The research results
Make sure to check the statisctics below
Analysis of the results
Based on the research findings, it has become evident that students lack
awareness of their soft skills due to a lack of understanding of the concept itself.
Only a minority of students possess knowledge about soft skills, indicating a
deficiency in education regarding this crucial area.
Similar to educators who prioritize soft skills aligned with their profession,
students also value skills that are pertinent to their specific fields, such as time
management, public speaking, and teamwork. While students may not always
grasp the formal definition of soft skills, they exhibit these skills naturally in
their daily lives, as revealed by their responses to the interview questions.
The student responses from the interview shed light on specific areas where they
encounter challenges, notably in drawing conclusions, grasping complex topics,
and following instructions, which could potentially complicate their future
professional endeavors. However, they demonstrate proficiency in problem-
solving, setting priorities, and collaborating within familiar groups, showcasing
their adaptability in team settings.
In terms of leadership, students display varying attitudes, with some displaying
enthusiasm for leadership roles, while others are more indifferent and comply
with directives. Conversely, a minority of students prefer not to lead a team,
indicating a spectrum of leadership inclinations among students.
Recognizing the significance of soft skills in academic achievement, students
acknowledge the pivotal role these skills play, sometimes even surpassing the
importance of hard skills. They articulate various reasons supporting the value
of soft skills in both academic and real-world settings, underscoring the
importance of incorporating soft skills education into their learning journey.
Soft skills are frequently underestimated, with a limited number of students
comprehending their significance. Nevertheless, by delving into their role and
importance via targeted inquiries, diverse conclusions have emerged. The
integration of soft skills education within school curricula is imperative, as
students exhibit a favorable perception of such skills and acknowledge their
essentiality in both academic pursuits and post-educational endeavors.
Analysis of Survey Results and Correlation with Morocco’s Low
Educational Rankings

The educational landscape in Morocco has been a subject of concern due to its low
rankings in various international educational assessments. The survey results provided
highlight significant gaps in the understanding and integration of soft skills among
both teachers and students. This analysis explores the relationship between these
findings and Morocco's educational challenges, offering comprehensive solutions to
enhance the overall quality of education.
I. Survey Findings

1. Teachers’ Perspective on Soft Skills

1. Lack of Training: The survey reveals that the majority of teachers have not received
adequate training in soft skills. This lack of training underscores the need for a
curriculum that integrates soft skills development as a fundamental component of
teacher education.

2. Communication and Leadership: Teachers identified communication as the most

crucial soft skill, followed by leadership and listening skills. The ability to
communicate effectively and lead is essential for creating a conducive learning
environment where students can thrive.

3. Prioritization of Hard Skills: Some teachers continue to prioritize hard skills over
soft skills, which can hinder the holistic development of students . This focus on
technical subjects fails to prepare students adequately for the complexities of the
modern workplace.

4. Support for Soft Skills Integration: There is significant support among teachers for
incorporating soft skills into the curriculum, indicating a readiness to embrace a more
comprehensive educational approach.
2.Students’ Perspective on Soft Skills

1. Lack of Awareness: Students generally lack awareness and understanding of soft

skills. This deficiency suggests a gap in the education system's ability to convey the
importance of these skills effectively.

2. Natural Exhibition of Skills: Despite the lack of formal education in soft skills,
students exhibit these skills naturally in their daily activities. However, they struggle in
areas such as critical thinking and following instructions, which could impact their
future professional success.

3. Valuing Soft Skills: Students recognize the importance of soft skills for academic
and professional success, often valuing them above technical skills. This recognition
highlights the need for educational programs that emphasize the development of a
well-rounded skill set.

4. Diverse Leadership Attitudes: There is a varied interest in leadership roles among

students, with some eager to take on these roles and others preferring to follow
directions. This diversity indicates the need for tailored educational approaches that
cater to different personality types and leadership styles.

2. Linking Survey Results to Morocco’s Educational Challenges

1. Educational Ranking and Skill Development: Morocco's low ranking in

international educational assessments can be attributed to a traditional focus on rote
learning and technical skills. The lack of emphasis on soft skills development
contributes to a gap in critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving abilities
among students. Integrating soft skills into the curriculum can bridge this gap,
fostering a more dynamic and adaptable workforce.

2. Teacher Training and Curriculum Reform: The survey highlights a significant gap
in teacher training regarding soft skills. Inadequate preparation for teachers impedes
their ability to impart these skills to students, leading to an education system that does
not fully equip learners for the challenges of the modern world. Curriculum reform is
essential to incorporate soft skills training for teachers, which in turn will enhance
their ability to teach these skills effectively.

3.Student Engagement and Real-World Application: Students' lack of awareness of

soft skills indicates a disconnect between educational content and real-world
applications【3†source】. By incorporating practical applications and real-world
scenarios into the curriculum, students can better understand the relevance and
importance of soft skills in their personal and professional lives.

3: Solutions to Improve Morocco’s Educational System

1. Curriculum Integration of Soft Skills
- Comprehensive Curriculum Reform: Introduce a curriculum that balances hard
skills with soft skills, emphasizing critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and
emotional intelligence. This approach ensures that students are prepared for various
challenges in the workplace and life.

- Project-Based Learning: Implement project-based learning strategies that require

students to collaborate, communicate, and solve problems, thereby enhancing their soft
skills through practical application.

2. Teacher Training and Development

- Professional Development Programs: Develop and implement professional
development programs focused on soft skills for teachers. These programs should
cover effective communication, leadership, and classroom management techniques.

- Mentorship and Support Networks: Establish mentorship and support networks for
teachers to share best practices and continue learning about effective ways to teach and
integrate soft skills.

3. Student-Centered Learning Approaches

- Personalized Learning Plans: Create personalized learning plans that cater to
individual student strengths and weaknesses, particularly in soft skills. This approach
helps students develop their unique talents and prepares them for diverse roles in the
- Experiential Learning Opportunities: Provide students with experiential learning
opportunities such as internships, community service, and extracurricular activities
that foster the development of soft skills in real-world settings.

4. Assessment and Feedback Mechanisms

- Soft Skills Assessment: Develop assessment tools specifically designed to measure

soft skills, ensuring that students receive constructive feedback and have the
opportunity to improve these skills over time.

- Continuous Improvement Loop: Implement a continuous improvement loop where

feedback from soft skills assessments is used to refine teaching methods and
curriculum content, creating a dynamic and responsive educational environment.

5. Cultural Shift in Educational Values

- Promote the Value of Soft Skills: Shift the cultural perspective to recognize the
importance of soft skills alongside traditional academic achievements. This can be
achieved through awareness campaigns, workshops, and seminars for students,
teachers, and parents.
- Community and Parental Involvement: Engage parents and the community in
supporting soft skills development, creating a holistic approach to education that
extends beyond the classroom.

The survey results underscore the need for a systemic shift in Morocco’s educational
approach to address its low rankings and prepare students for the complexities of the
modern world. By integrating soft skills into the curriculum, enhancing teacher
training, and fostering a culture that values a holistic approach to education, Morocco
can significantly improve the quality of its education system and better equip its
students for future success. Implementing these solutions requires a coordinated effort
from educators, policymakers, and the community to create an environment that
supports the development of well-rounded individuals capable of thriving in diverse
professional settings.
The pressing need for a systemic shift in Morocco’s educational approach, particularly
in light of its consistently low rankings in international assessments such as the
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Trends in
International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). These rankings reflect
deficiencies not only in students' mastery of academic content but also in critical areas
such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and other soft skills that are crucial for
navigating the complexities of the modern world.
By embracing a systemic shift towards integrating soft skills into the curriculum,
enhancing teacher training, and fostering a culture that values holistic education,
Morocco can significantly improve the quality of its education system. This
transformation will better equip students with the skills and competencies needed to
succeed in a rapidly changing world. Students will be prepared not only to meet the
demands of the modern workforce but also to contribute positively to society as
adaptable, innovative, and empathetic individuals.
Building a competitive workforce these reforms will help build a competitive
workforce capable of thriving in diverse professional settings. by focusing on the
development of well-rounded individuals, morocco can create a generation of leaders
and professionals who are not only knowledgeable but also skilled in navigating
complex social and professional landscapes. this holistic approach to education will
foster a resilient and adaptable society, better positioned to meet the challenges and
opportunities of the future.

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