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4 authors, including:

Abubakar Orlando Ijoko Emmanuel Luke Balami

Nigerian Army University Biu (NAUB) Nigerian Army University Biu


Mohammed Alkali
Nigerian Army University Biu


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FUDMA Economic and Development Review
FUDMA ECONOMIC AND Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020

Published by:
Department of Economics & Development Studies,
Federal University Dutsin-Ma,
Katsina State,
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020 Nigeria.
© 2020. Department of Economics and Development Studies, Editorial Board
Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State.

ISSN 2616-0846 Editor-in-Chief

Prof. I.A. Pedro

All rights reserved. Except for academic purposes, no part of this publication Managing Editor
which is material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or Dr. Martins Iyoboyi
transmitted or utilized or stored in any retrieval form or by any means now
known or hereinafter invented, electronic, digital, or mechanical including Associate Editors
photocopying, scanning, recording or by any information storage or retrieval Prof. Garba Sheka
system without prior written permission from the publisher. Prof. Aliyu Chika
Prof. A.I. Enoma
Prof. Abdelrasaq Na-Allah
Prof. Bilyaminu Kadandani
Information contained in this journal has been published by the Department of Dr. Anthony Ihuoma
Economics and Development Studies, Federal University Dutsin-Ma, and has
been obtained by its authors from sources believed to be reliable and are correct Editorial Assistant
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The views expressed in the articles contained in the journal are those of the
authors and do not represent those of the Publisher or Editorial Board.

iv v
The Impact of Agricultural and Oil Outputs on Economic Growth in
Shuaibu Ubangida & Mariam Isiaka 148-166
Stakeholder-Ship in University Education: Issues in the
Implementation of the Integrated Payroll Personnel Information Remittances and Economic Growth: Panel Evidence from Selected
System in Nigerian Public Universities Sub-Saharan African Countries
Samuel Ayodele Majekodunmi 1-18 Shan'una Lawal& Ali Salisu 167-183
Review of the Contribution of N-Power Programme to Poverty Social Engineering Awareness and Vulnerability to Attack: A Case
Reduction and Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in Study of Osun State Owned Tertiary Institutions
Nigeria Akinbode Sangodapo & Lawrence Femi Ademiluyi 184-196
Abubakar Orlando Ijoko, Emmanuel Luke Balami & Mohammed
Alkali 19-35 Economic Growth and Human Capital in Nigeria: A Nonlinear
Autoregressive Distributed Lag Approach
Impact of Human Capital Development on Economic Growth in Emmanuel Umale Abbah, Jerome Terhemba Andohol & Joseph Tarza
Nigeria (1981-2016) Sokpo 197-218
Onimisi Musari Aliyu, Abubakar Orlando Ijoko, Maria Abdullahi &
Musa Abdullahi Sakanko 36-50 Note to contributors 219-223

Rail Transportation Expenditure and Nigeria's Economic Growth: An

Empirical Analysis
Adewale E. Adegoriola 51-66

Impact of Security Spending On Insecurity in Nigeria: Empirical

W.F. Ohioze & A.O. Osobase 67-91

Impact of Debt Overhang on Public Debt in Nigeria (1981-2018)

Abdulrahman Mohammed, Salam Shuaib Mohammed & Murtala
Ibrahim 92-108

An Evaluation of the Link between Informal Wood Trade and Poverty

Reduction in Northern Nigeria
Naseer Babangida Muazu 109-132

Plan-Budget Link in Nigeria: ERGP, MTEF and the Annual Budget

Adeyemi A. Fajingbesi & Terfa W. Abraham 133-147
vii viii
FUDMA Economic and Development Review, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2020
REVIEW OF THE CONTRIBUTION OF N-POWER PROGRAMME Nigeria, with a projected population of 203 million people, is the most
TO POVERTY REDUCTION AND ACHIEVEMENT OF populous country in Africa NBS (2019). And of this population size, the poor
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN NIGERIA population has increased from 86million to 98million people in the last 10 years
UNDP (2019). It is in the realization of the importance of pursuing urgent
Abubakar Orlando Ijoko1*, Emmanuel Luke Balami2** & Mohammed poverty reduction that the Nigerian government joined other world leaders at
Alkali the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 where the 2030 agenda for
Department of Economics, Nigerian Army University Biu (NAUB) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was adopted. The seventeen
Department of Management, Nigerian Army University Biu (NAUB) Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets were announced
* **,, demonstrating the new agenda for all member countries. The SDG seeks to
*** build on the MDG and complete what they (MDGs) could not achieve. Since
then, various poverty reduction strategies have been initiated and implemented
ABSTRACT by the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari to make more basic
human needs available or increase in per capita income. Notably among these
This paper reviews the contribution of N-power programme to poverty programmes is the National Social Investment Programme (NSIP) which
reduction and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in includes N-Power, Home Grown School Feeding, Trader Moni and
Nigeria. Drawing from extant literature, the study found that N-power has Conditional Cash Transfer.
contributed to poverty reduction in Nigeria in that it has provided jobs for In Nigeria, extreme poverty is still a major developmental challenge
young graduates and non-graduates. It has a good geographical spread that has defied solutions over the years. The paradox of poverty amid prosperity
devoid of political influence, and has also made volunteers to acquire work is aptly depicted in Nigeria is the largest economy in Africa and the country is
experience and ICT skills which are germane to today's working massively endowed with human and material resources. Yet, from the 1980s to
environment. This study recommends that Government should ensure date poverty has been on a steady rise in Nigeria. Poverty in Nigeria has been
equitable distribution of volunteers per state in future engagements, and directly connected with the upsurge in criminal activities such as kidnapping,
ensure that there is synergy between N-power and other components of the militancy and armed robbery. Also, Boko Haram insurgency in North-Eastern
SIP to facilitate achievement of goal one of the Sustainable Development Nigeria is said to be fueled by pervasive poverty which has bedeviled that part
Goals which is the total eradication of poverty. To sustain the gain of the N- of the country (Ozden and Udeh, 2018).
power programme, there is need for the federal government to create an Different governments at different times in their efforts to alleviate
enabling environment through its various policies such as grants and poverty through sustainable development, has established several poverty
microcredit to beneficiaries to enable them becomes self-employed and at reduction programmes in Nigeria. For example, the former Military President,
the end employers of labour. For example, N-Agro components can go into Ibrahim Badomasi Babangida in 1986 set up the National Directorate of
farming to support the government in achieving food security, N-teach can Employment (NDE) as a skill formation and credit-granting scheme to
also operate private schools in their various communities and the N-health accelerate entrepreneurship development. Similarly, the then First Lady, Mrs.
can equally provide some healthcare service to people. Peradventure, if Maryam Babangida in 1987 introduced Better Life Programme (BLP)
these businesses are run successfully, they can create jobs for other youths intending to motivate women in the rural areas towards a better life and to
thereby lifting the burden of unemployment from the government. The sensitize the people on the plight of rural women. People's Bank of Nigeria
effect of such policies in a nation can ultimately lead to sustainable (PBN) was also established to provide credit to the underprivileged citizens
development. with legitimate businesses both in the rural and urban areas who find it difficult
Keywords: N-power; Poverty; Sustainable Development Goals. to access credit facilities from the conventional banks. (Oyeranti and

19 20
Ijoko, Balami & Alkali FUDMA Economic and Development Review, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2020
Olayiwola,2005). Also, the Directorate of Food and Rural Infrastructure defence, and sometimes all of these combined.
(DFFRI) was set up in 1986 while Mass Mobilization for Social and Economic World Bank (2008) defined poverty as deprivation in well-being, and
Reconstruction (MAMSER) was established in 1989 by the same comprises many dimensions, which includes low incomes and the inability to
administration (Agbamu, 2006). The administration of President Olusegun acquire the basic goods and services necessary for survival with dignity (World
Obasanjo established Small and Medium Scale Enterprise Development Bank, 2008). Poverty also encompasses low levels of health and education,
Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) and Poverty Alleviation Programme (PAP) in poor access to clean water and sanitation, inadequate physical security, lack of
2000 to ensure improvement in the socio-economic status of farmers and rural voice, and insufficient capacity and opportunity to better one's life.
dwellers. The National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) was Edoh (2003) attempted to shed more light on what constitutes poverty
established in 2001 to train youths in vocational trades, improve the socio- when he asserts: “poverty has various manifestations, including lack of income
economic wellbeing of Nigeria's rural populace, with a properly structured and productive resources sufficient to ensure sustainable livelihood; hunger
organizational frame-work for its achievement (Aliu, 2001, cited in Joseph, and malnutrition, ill-health; limited or lack of access to education and other
2005; Gumwa, 2009). Also, the Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment basic services, increased morbidity and mortality from illness, homelessness
Program (SURE-P) founded in 2012 by the administration of President and inadequate housing; unsafe environments, social discriminations and
Goodluck Ebele Jonathan to manage government share of savings from the exclusion”. It is also characterized by a lack of participation in decision and
removal of fuel. With this alarming poverty rate bedevilling Nigeria; it is civil, social and cultural life. That is, they have little or no material means of
pertinent to ask what went wrong with the previous policies of government surviving, education, and other physical means of living and improving one's
regarding poverty reductions? Because available statistics have shown that life.
poverty is still on the high side regardless of these measures, currently, about According to World Bank (2001) cited in Ucha (2010), poverty is a
112.5 million Nigerians live in relative poverty condition (Ozden and Udeh, multidimensional phenomenon, which encompasses dimensions such as the
2018). lack of empowerment, opportunity and security. Due to the lack of
This paper reviews the contribution of N-power programme of the opportunities poor masses remain inactive in the society, as the lack of security
administration of President Muhammadu Buhari to poverty reduction and how and empowerment increase their vulnerability to diseases, crime, violence and
it has contributed to the achievement of the goal one of the SDG. Also, this the restriction of their choices in almost everything in the society.
study will review empirical studies that have been conducted to examine Nigeria's poverty incidence has been on the alarming rate irrespective
various poverty reduction programmes of government in different countries to of both global and national policies to combat the situation, and the rising
draw inferences from their findings and compare them with the N-power poverty has been undermining the growth of the economy.
programme in Nigeria. This paper is structured into five sections thus;
Introduction, Literature, Methodology, Results and Discussion, and N-Power: N-Power is a programme designed by the administration of
Conclusions. President Muhammadu Buhari to provide job for all youths of Nigeria between
18 and 35years of age. It is a paid volunteering programme of two years'
2. LITERATURE REVIEW duration but running into the 5th year. In the specifications of the programme,
2.1 Conceptual Literature graduates are required to undertake their primary tasks in identified public
Poverty: Poverty has a different definition based on the understanding of the services within their proximate communities. The programme is designed such
authors. According to Ajakaiye (1998), poverty is a state where a person is that each beneficiary is given a mobile device and they are entitled to a monthly
unable to meet his or her basic needs like water, food, shelter, education and mobile data of their network providers aside from their monthly stipend. The
including non-essentials like identity etc. Latifee (2003) in another study mobile data enable them to connect to the internet to access training materials
recognized that poverty may be due to a person's lack of social, economic and installed on the tablet to aid their work. (Federal Government of Nigeria, 2017).
political privileges due to lack of income, basic human capacities, institutional The programme has the following categories; a. Graduate Category
21 22
Ijoko, Balami & Alkali FUDMA Economic and Development Review, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2020
which comprises N-Power Volunteer Corps, b. Non-Graduate Category skills through trainings in various aspect after which they are certified. This
comprising N-Power Knowledge and N-Power Build. will enable them to be relevant in the knowledge-based economy, and they can
The Goals of the programme are; a. To intervene thereby directly compete favourably in both domestic and global environment. Also, N-power
improve the livelihood of the young unemployed Nigerians, b. To develop a build volunteers are taken through rigorous vocational training in areas such as
qualitative system that is capable of transferring employability, entrepreneurial Carpentry, Automobile, Masonry, Welding, Fabrication, Painting and
and technical skills, c. To create an ecosystem of solutions for the ailing public Plumbing. The non-graduate category was designed to run for only twelve
service, and diversify government policies, d. To develop a knowledge base months, and during this period they are paid a monthly stipend of N10,000.
economy for Nigeria. Beneficiaries will be provided with tool kits as an exit package (Federal
Key Areas of the N-Power volunteer corps under the graduate category Government of Nigeria, 2017).
are: Monthly, the federal government spends N15 billion on the payment of
allowances of the volunteers. “For the batch one, they started earning from
(a) N-power Teach: Under the N-Power Teach, volunteers are deployed as December 2016, the government invested N72bn annually just for batch one,
teachers assistants in primary schools in their various localities that appears to aside from the gadget that was distributed to volunteers. Just even the direct
be understaffed in Nigeria. They are expected to provide teaching, investment in our people, N30,000 by 200,000, that's N6bn every month.
instructional, and advisory solutions to the schools. N-Power Teach “Since August 2018 the wage bill moved from N6bn monthly to N15bn
beneficiaries are expected to help improve basic education delivery in Nigerian because the number has increased to 486,795 volunteers (Daily Trust, 2019).
(b) Under the N-Power Health strand of the programme, N-Power Health Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): Governments across the world are
beneficiaries are required to assist in improving and promoting preventive increasingly realizing that poverty is a major obstacle to human and economic
healthcare in their communities to vulnerable members of the society including development. It was therefore not a surprise when world leaders meet at United
pregnant women and children and families and individuals. This area is Nation Headquarters in New York in September 2015 to launch the seventeen
reserved for those who read health and medical-related courses at certificate global Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) also known as Agenda 2030,
course and diploma levels (Federal Government of Nigeria, 2017). with poverty reduction emerging as a central focus (Asadullah & Savoia 2018).
(c) Under the N-Power Agro, beneficiaries act as agricultural extension Nigeria Africa's biggest country by population estimated at over 203 million
workers that provide advisory services to farmers across the country. They are was among the countries that adopted the SDGs.
expected to disseminate the knowledge that has been amassed by the Federal The United Nations was right in acknowledging that eradicating
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in extension services. They are poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, remains a
also required to gather data on Nigeria's agriculture assets. This area is meant topmost fundamental and possibly the most important global challenge that
for youth who were educated in agriculture-related courses (Federal needs to be addressed if we are to attain sustainable development (UNDP,
Government of Nigeria, 2017). 2015). The first SDG captures the urgency of this issue better: "End poverty in
(d) The N-Power VAIDS volunteers are expected to function as community tax all its forms everywhere" (United Nations 2015: 13-14). By 2030, the
liaison officers and have the following key responsibilities which included tax Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) seek to end poverty in all its forms
promotion, document review, record keeping, answering online inquiries, everywhere, currently defined as people living below $1.25 a day (United
customer management, report writing, amongst others. This key area engaged Nations, 2015).
youth with post-tertiary qualification in computer and information science-
related courses (Federal Government of Nigeria, 2017). 2.2 Empirical Literature
Under the non-graduate category, the N-power Knowledge volunteers acquire Mohamed et al. (2015) examined poverty alleviation strategies and New
Economic Model (NEM) in Malaysia. They combined descriptive and analytical
23 24
Ijoko, Balami & Alkali FUDMA Economic and Development Review, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2020
methods by interviewing selected high-level officials directly involved in (2010) on the determinants of rural poverty, with evidence from small-scale
carrying out a poverty eradication programme as well as secondary data. They farmers in South-western, Nigeria, and employing logistic regression model,
evaluate Malaysia's government efforts at alleviating poverty in the last 50 the study revealed that, access to micro-credit, education, participation in
years. Focusing on the lower 40% income households who have experienced a agricultural workshops/seminars, livestock asset, and access to extension
relatively flat income growth rate compared to those in the top 20% and middle services significantly influence the probability of households' exiting chronic
40% households who have enjoyed steep income growth rates in the last poverty, while the probability of female-headed households and distance to the
30years. The NEM is the roadmap to double Malaysia's current per capita market increases the probability of persistence in chronic poverty.
income by USD7,000 to USD15,000 17000 by 2010 and thereby, qualify as a In investigating the determinants of child poverty in rural Nigeria,
high-income country in line with its vision 2020. They found that much of Adeoti and Popoola (2012) employed logistic regression model, and the result
Malaysia's success in poverty reduction can largely be attributed to its macro obtained revealed that parent's higher education, employment of household
and micro-management of poverty eradication. head in the service sector, male-headed households, 'rich' households and
Similarly, Afandi (2011) investigated the characteristics of poverty in presence of a health facility are factors responsible for the reduction of child
Padang Pariaman District, discovered that households with a family size of poverty in rural areas, while large household size, households engaged in
more than four people, floor total area of less than 8 m2 per capita, age of family agriculture and the probability of children living in the south-south zone
head less than 35 years, utilizing the facility of business credit, and family increase the probability of child poverty.
heads working in the sectors other than agriculture and industry have the Mok, Gan and Sanyal (2007) investigated the factors of urban poverty
probability of being poor. Accordingly, Djamaluddin (2017) studied in Malaysia using descriptive statistics, discovered that human capital, size of
household's poverty influencing factors in West Java, using a logistic household, ethnic group and religion significantly lowers the probability of
regression model. The findings from the study indicate that control of a total poverty while migrant labourers are more vulnerable to poverty in Malaysia.
number of household members and asset ownership are the major significant Similarly, Hayati (2012) reveals that the geographical location and addition of
poverty alleviating factors in West Java. the number of household members contributes to the high rate of poverty in
Shahzad et al. (2016) investigated youth empowerment and sustainable households in municipalities and districts in Banten Province.
development: evidence from Pakistan's Prime Minister Youth Programme
(PMYP). Using data collected randomly from selected respondents of higher 2.3 Overview of the Contribution of N-power Programme to Poverty
education institutions via the internet together with administering of a well- Reduction in Nigeria
structured questionnaire and data from multiple secondary sources, their study Few studies have investigated the contribution of N-Power programme
suggests that PMYP has significantly affected the youth. Meaning there is a to youth empowerment in Nigeria. A study by Abin (2018) examined the
strong significant positive relationship between youth empowerment and impact of N-Power Programme on socio-economic lives of beneficiaries in
sustainable development in Pakistan. On the whole, respondents said they are Akwanga Metropolis of Nasarawa state. The study showed that the programme
satisfied with the Prime Ministers Youth Programme as it is a genuine effort improved the socio-economic lives of the beneficiaries by contributing
towards youth empowerment for sustainable development in Pakistan. immensely to their financial, material, social well-being. The study also
Similarly, Ucha (2010) examined the dimensions and contributing indicated overwhelming satisfaction with the programme by the beneficiaries.
factors of poverty in Nigeria. Employing descriptive statistics, the study To corroborate this, the study Odey and Sambe (2019) indicates that N-Power
revealed that unemployment, corruption, non-diversification of the economy, has contributed to the empowerment of youth in the study area including
income inequality, laziness, and the poor nature of the education system are the poverty reduction, proficiency in ICT, financial independence, working
contributing factors of poverty in Nigeria. Equally, in the study of Apata et al. experience and in setting up small scale businesses.

25 26
Ijoko, Balami & Alkali FUDMA Economic and Development Review, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2020
Adeyanju (2019) investigated young graduates' perception of the N- compared with the New Economic Model (NEM) in Malaysia and Pakistan's
Power programme and poverty alleviation in Nigeria. The study adopted a Prime Minister Youth Programme (PMYP) as such it is capable of contributing
descriptive survey design. The populations for this study comprised of 150,000 positively to poverty reduction in Nigeria.
selected graduates employed in 2016 from which the 36 states including the
Federal Capital territory were stratified into four zones, while random 2.4 Theoretical Framework
sampling technique was adopted to select 1000 research participants. There are different theoretical frameworks which can be adopted in
Questionnaire and interview were the major instruments used for data discussing poverty, but this study uses the Keynesians theory as the
collection. Percentage and Mean were used in analyzing the data. The result of underpinning theory. The concept of Keynesian theory of poverty provides the
the study suggests a significant reduction in graduate's poverty level. It further framework that explains how poverty is caused by underdevelopment of an
shows that N-power has positively impacted on the male and female economy, and how policy actions of the government that will cause growth in
beneficiaries. The study recommends an increase in the amount of stipends the economy can aid in alleviating poverty and ultimately result in the
paid to beneficiaries and granting of loan facilities to them to enable them to sustainable development of an economy. In concept, the Liberal theory
venture into businesses aside the N-power work. It further recommends the revolves around the notion that the multiple facets of broad underdevelopment
effective monitoring of volunteers while on duty to get the best out of them. is responsible for poverty in an economy, while growth in the economy as
Abada et al. (2019) investigated social intervention scheme and suggested by the Keynesians can promote economic development and thus
poverty alleviation among Nigerian youths. They employ a quantitative relieve poverty.
method to generate data for their analysis. The outcome of their study shows The concept of Liberal theory revolves around the idea that apart from
that the Social Intervention Programme of the federal government has market distortions, broad underdevelopment, in its multiple facets, causes
significantly alleviated poverty among youths. They recommend the need for poverty. Meanwhile, Keynesians suggest that growth can promote economic
the executive to strengthen their capacity and institution for better service development and thus relieve poverty, thereby further justifying government
delivery. BisonG (2019) examined the impact of the N-power scheme in intervention at the macroeconomic level (via fiscal and monetary policy),
employment generation, economic wellbeing of beneficiaries and job skills mainly to tackle involuntary unemployment (Davis & Sanchez-Martinez,
enhancement of beneficiaries in the Cross River south senatorial district. 2014).Under this approach, Sachs (2005) emphasized the role of low levels of
Adopting a survey design, the results of the study indicated that there is a capital instead of income in perpetuating poverty, particularly in a developing
positive significant relationship between the N-power scheme and the country context. People in poverty lack capital needed to 'get a foot on the
following variables, economic wellbeing, job skill enhancement and ladder of development'. They lack human capital (health, skills and education);
employment generation. Based on the findings of the study, it was business capital (machinery and buildings); infrastructure (transport, power
recommended that the Government should introduce mandatory training and and sanitation); natural capital (viable land); institutional capital (rule of law
workshops in areas such as ICT and agriculture for volunteers to increase their and security) and knowledge capital (technical know-how needed to raise
employability after the expiration of the scheme. It was also recommended that productivity).
the Government should provide interest-free loans to interested volunteers to In this regard, poverty in a given country might be heavily affected by
start up their small or medium scale enterprises which can be conveniently the presence of a very weak institutional environment including corruption, for
deducted from their monthly stipends. example, which adversely influences the functioning of markets. In another
From the reviewed literature, therefore, it can be deduced that poverty context, the most crucial factor may be geographical isolation, which may
in Nigeria has the same dimension as that of the 3 world countries like impede the import of basic goods and services needed for individuals to attain a
Pakistan and Malaysia because they share the same characteristics. Suffice it to certain level of wellbeing. The most prominent pioneer of liberal economics,
say that, the N-power programme of the President Muhammadu Buhari's led Keynes (1936) cited in Jhingan (2003) believed that government intervention
administration is on track to achieving sustainable development when can lead to economic development, which was in turn perceived to be the single
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Ijoko, Balami & Alkali FUDMA Economic and Development Review, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2020
most important tool against poverty. In this regard, economic growth is with Keynes theory, this is capable of reducing the level of poverty in every
ultimately regarded as the most effective factor in ending poverty. state in Nigeria and it can also lead to sustainable development.
Given Nigeria's long history of poverty, this theoretical model Unlike the poverty reduction programmes of the previous
appropriately provides an analytical framework for the study of poverty in a governments, N-power was found to be more effective in poverty reduction in
diverse setting with clustering cases at the individual, household, and the that it has targeted the youths between the ages of 18 and 35years. This is
community or regional levels which requires government intervention as particularly important because over 41% of Nigeria's population is made up of
advocated by Keynes theory. Figure 1.0 explains the conceptual framework at youths. And to fully harness the dividend of population, it is only necessary for
various level- Government interventions through N-Power and Poverty the government to keep investing on the youths.
Reduction leading to Sustainable Development. Though, the distribution per state is uneven with Gombe State having
the lowest 2.1% and Benue State having the highest 4% while states like Kano
and Lagos with the highest population of people in Nigeria ended up with 3.7%
Figure 1: The Model
each. This might be connected to the level of awareness and computer literacy
of the beneficiaries. The advert of the application was done using various social
media and the application process was also done through the online application
portal of the N-power without contact with the employers, therefore it is only
N-p SD possible for those with computer gadgets that are connected to the internet to
PR apply and be selected.

Table 1: Distribution of N-Power Beneficiaries Per State in Nigeria

Note: NP = N-power; PR = Poverty Reduction; SD = Sustainable
Development State Breakdown Percentage
Source: Developed by the Authors 1 Abia state 11,285 2.3
2 FCT State 14,116 3
3. METHODOLOGY 3 Adamawa State 11,620 2.4
This study is a review of extant literature from empirical studies of the 4 Akwa-Ibom State 12,278 2.5
impact of N-power programme in Nigeria and some selected third world 5 Anambra State 14,903 3.1
countries where similar policies were formulated and implemented. Relevant 6 Bauchi State 13,075 2.7
economic/development theory was examined and served as the underpinning 7 Bayelsa State 10,561 2.2
theory to explain the theoretical significance of such government policies. The 8 Benue State 18,000 4
inference drawn by the study is substantially based on the findings of these 9 Borno State 12,766 2.6
studies and support drawn from the theory of John Maynard Keynes. 10 Cross River State 11,012 2.3
11 Delta State 17,810 3.7
12 Ebonyi State 10,561 2.2
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 13 Edo State 12,340 2.5
As can be seen in table 1, the 36 states of the federation including FCT
14 Ekiti State 10,563 2.2
has its share of N-power engagement, meaning that there is a circulation of
funds from the federal government to the youths in all the states in form of 15 Enugu State 16,542 3.4
monthly stipend while they also acquire work experience using ICT. Aligning 16 Gombe State 10,000 2.1
17 Imo State 12,394 2.5
29 30
Ijoko, Balami & Alkali FUDMA Economic and Development Review, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2020
18 Jigawa State 11,365 2.3 Government areas in Nigeria which has lifted them above the poverty line as
19 Kaduna State 18,000 3.7 defined by the United Nation in 2015a which measured poverty as people
20 Kano State 18,002 3.7 living on less than $1.25 a day. It is believed if N-power programme together
with the other components of SIP is sustained, not only would it reduce the
21 Katsina State 13,313 2.7
22 kebbi State 10,559 2.2 poverty level in Nigeria it can also lead to sustainable development in Nigeria.
This means that Nigeria is on track to achieving the Goal '1' of the SDG of total
23 Kogi State 12,211 2.5
eradication of poverty. Volunteers have also acquired working experience
24 Kwara State 13,154 2.7
using ICT which is germane to today's working environment.
25 Lagos State 17,998 3.7
26 Nassarawa State 12,504 2.6 From the findings of the study, the following are recommended;
27 Niger State 12,776 2.6 (i) Government should ensure synergy between N-Power and the other
28 OgunState 15,563 3.2 components of NSIP, this will further help to reduce the poverty level in
29 Ondo State 13,460 2.8 various states of the federation.
30 Osun State 17,999 3.7 (ii) Government should ensure equitable distribution of volunteers per
31 Oyo State 18,001 3.7 state in future engagements bearing in mind that some states have more
32 plateau State 11,700 2.4 population of people than the others.
33 Rivers State 17,987 3.7
34 Sokoto State 10,903 2.2 (iii) The advert for subsequent engagement should not be limited to social
media alone; it should cut across all media houses including radio and
35 Taraba State 10,914 2.2
print media. This will ensure adequate information passage across all
36 Zamfara State 10,560 2.2
Total 486,795 100
(iv) To sustain the gain of the N-power programme, there is a need for the
Source: Daily Trust (2019) federal government to create an enabling environment through its
various policies so that the beneficiaries can put the experience gained
into use. For example, N-Agro components can go into farming to
support the government in achieving the food security policy. The N-
4. CONCLUSIONS teach can also operate private schools in their various communities,
This study reviews the contribution of N-power programme to poverty while the N-health can equally operate some healthcare services. All
reduction and achievement of sustainable development goal in Nigeria. N- these can only be actualized if the government can provide microcredit
power is one of the components of the Social Investment Programme (SIP) of to the beneficiaries in the form of exit package upon expiration of their
the President Muhammadu Buhari's administration. The study found that N- tenure in the programme which they will use to set up their businesses.
power has contributed to poverty reduction in Nigeria. It has a good At the end, if these businesses are run successfully, they can create jobs
geographical spread devoid of political influence as most of the volunteers got for other youths thereby lifting the burden of unemployment from the
their engagement without knowing anyone at the top. The application was done government.
using ICT without having contact with the employers. The scheme has
successfully engaged 486,795 youths between the ages of 18 and 35years in a
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