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daloRadius Logs

- Check daloRadius configuration (php file) and verify the logging configuration,
ensure the file is correct. [/var/www/html/daloradius/library/daloradius.conf.php]
- Check file permissions, set it accessible. [chmod 755]
- Enable error logging in php.
[log_errors = On]
[error_log = /var/log/php_errors.log]

2. System Logs

- Change file permission - chmod 777 / chmod 755 (rwx r-x r-x)
- chmod +x attitribute to the radius folder may fix the log problem
3. Boot Logs

- Check whether the file exists, if it does exits, use ‘dmesg’ to generate boot log
- If none of them exists, generate a file: [sudo dmesg > /var/log/boot.log].
- Ensure the file is accessible and readable.
- Set correct path in log file (php file).

4. Users listing last login time is always (n/a)

- It is likely due to the necessary accounting data is not being correctly recorded or
retrieved. FreeRadius must be configured to properly log user sessions and
daloRadius must be able to access this information.
- Make sure that the accounting section in FreeRadius configuration is enabled.
Normally it’s located in [/etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default], ensure the
accounting section is not commented out.
- Check accounting module is enabled in radiusd.conf.

- Verify database connectivity and permissions, ensure that the database user used by
FreeRadius has the necessary permissions to insert and read accounting data.
[SHOW GRANTS FOR radius@localhost;]
- Ensure the accounting tables (eg. radacct) exist and are properly structured.
MySQL: [DESCRIBE radacct;] // PostgreSQL: [/d radacct]
- Test and verify.
[SELECT * FROM radacct ORDER BY AcctStartTime DESC LIMIT 10;]
5. No data shows in dashboard currently online.

- Initial steps: follow back No.4.

- Verify SQL queries, check in daloradius.conf.php file.
- Might be missing column in radacct table, (eg. ‘acctupdatetime’ table)
[acctupdatetime datetime NULL default NULL]

- Enable graph for online users.

- Install required package, eg. 'rrdtool’ for generating Round Robin Database (RRD)
- Configure graphs in daloRadius, daloRadius admin > Reports > Statistics > Enable
online user graphs > Configure parameters.

6. Site is not using https.

- Install SSL.
- Update daloRadius configuration (php file), update ‘base_url’ to https.
[$configValues['base_url'] = 'https://rum.';]

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