F3 Biology 2nd Project 1 Draft

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F3 Biology 2nd Project 1 Draft

Topic: Evolution and Natural Selection

F3B Group 3
Oscar 7
Felix 5
William 11

1. Origin of life (from chemical to single cells)

As the simple organic molecules combined and gradually
became more complicated, life on Earth started. Pools or vents
are typical of certain habitats in which these molecules
concentrated and reacted further. A vital role was played by
self-replicating molecules such as RNA. Protocells were basic
structures covered with a membrane that came into existence,
and few were saved due to their good characteristics. Over
time, these protocells transformed into specific cells, creating
the variety of life we perceive in this world today. Abiogenesis
is investigated by scientists with the aim to better understand
how life originated.
2. Evidence of evolution
Evidence for evolution is diverse. Fossils show species
changing over time. Comparing animal structures supports a
common ancestor. Genetic similarity across species reinforces
evolution. Drug resistance in bacteria exemplifies observable
evolution. Habitat patterns align with evolutionary history.
Together, this evidence strongly supports species
transformation and adaptation over time.

3. Adaptation
Adaptation is a process by which organisms develop traits that
enable them to better survive and reproduce in their specific
environment. Adaptations can be structural, such as the
shape of a bird's beak for obtaining food, or behavioral, like
the migration patterns of certain animals. These adaptations
are a result of natural selection, where individuals with
advantageous traits have a higher chance of survival and
passing on their genes to the next generation. Over time, is a
fundamental mechanism driving life's diversity and success.
Populations accumulate adaptations that improve fitness and
enable thriving in their ecological niche
4. Natural Selection
The theory of natural selection proposes that some factor in
the environment “select” which forms a species will survive to
reproduce. Forms that are not well adapted will not survived.
Those with the good ones are best able to adjust to their
surroundings -- and thus, have best chance of staying alive
and having a large family that inherit their helpful genes and
learn their successful behaviors. Over time, those without
helpful traits have a harder and harder time having offspring
-- and eventually, lose their battle for survival. This process is
called evolution and helps populations adapt to their
environment by something called natural selection.
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