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1. The Greek architecture essentially

A. Columnar and vaulted

B. Arch and vaulted
C. Columnar and trabeated
D. Masonry and glass
1. The Greek architecture essentially

A. Columnar and vaulted

B. Arch and vaulted
C. Columnar and trabeated
D. Masonry and glass
2. What Greek structure is used for foot

A. Stadium
B. Theater
C. Bouleuterion
D. Fountain house
2. What greek structure is used for foot

A. Stadium
B. Theater
C. Bouleuterion
D. Fountain house
3. Which stones are typically used for
Greek temples?

A. Granite and mudbricks

B. Limestone and marble
C. Wood and bricks
D. Sandstone and limestone
3. Which stones are typically used for
Greek temples?

A. Granite and mudbricks

B. Limestone and marble
C. Wood and bricks
D. Sandstone and limestone
4. Which direction does the entrance of
a Greek temple faces ?

A. North
B. East
C. West
D. South
4. Which direction does the entrance of
a Greek temple faces ?

A. North
B. East
C. West
D. South
5. Which is the most important chamber
of a Greek temple ?

A. Pronaos
B. Opisthodomos
C. Epinaos
D. Naos
5. Which is the most important chamber
of a Greek temple ?

A. Pronaos
B. Opisthodomos
C. Epinaos
D. Naos
6. Which of the following Greek
structure is included in the 7 ancient
wonders of the world?

A. Parthenon
B. Mausoleum at Hallicarnassus
C. Temple of Zues
D. Pyramid at Giza
6. Which of the following Greek
structure is included in the 7 ancient
wonders of the world?

A. Parthenon
B. Mausoleum at Hallicarnassus
C. Temple of Zues
D. Pyramid at Giza
7. An open space or public market place
in ancient Greece is called what?

A. Boulioterion
B. Agora
C. Parthenon
D. Stadium
7. An open space or public market place
in ancient Greece is called what?

A. Boulioterion
B. Agora
C. Parthenon
D. Stadium
8. A female figured column is called

A. Atlas
B. Telemon
C. Caryatid
D. Ionic
8. A female figured column is called

A. Atlas
B. Telemon
C. Caryatid
D. Ionic
9. Which of the following Greek column
is considered as masculine?

A. Doric
B. Corinthian
C. Composite
D. Ionic
9. Which of the following Greek column
is considered as masculine?

A. Doric
B. Corinthian
C. Composite
D. Ionic
10. What do you call the masonry base
of an ancient Greek temple?

A. Pediment
B. Entablature
C. Crepidoma
D. Capital
10. What do you call the masonry base
of an ancient Greek temple?

A. Pediment
B. Entablature
C. Crepidoma
D. Capital
11. Parthenon is a _____ Temple?

A. Doric
B. Corinthian
C. Composite
D. Ionic
11. Parthenon is a _____ Temple?

A. Doric
B. Corinthian
C. Composite
D. Ionic
12. What is the characteristic of a Greek

A. Acanthus leaf
B. Anthemion
C. Egg and dart
D. Acroterion
12. What is the characteristic of a Greek

A. Acanthus leaf
B. Anthemion
C. Egg and dart
D. Acroterion
13. Also called “ honeysuckle”

A. Acanthus leaf
B. Anthemion
C. Egg and dart
D. Acroterion
13. Also called “ honeysuckle”

A. Acanthus leaf
B. Anthemion
C. Egg and dart
D. Acroterion
14. It is a vertical block which terminates and
conceals the covering tiles of a tiled roof. It
also serves to protect the join from the
elements. In grand buildings, the face of
each stone antefix was richly carved, often
with the anthemion ornament?
A. Apotheca
B. Anthemion
C. Antefix
D. Acroterion
14. It is a vertical block which terminates and
conceals the covering tiles of a tiled roof. It
also serves to protect the join from the
elements. In grand buildings, the face of
each stone antefix was richly carved, often
with the anthemion ornament?
A. Apotheca
B. Anthemion
C. Antefix
D. Acroterion
14. It is a vertical block which terminates and
conceals the covering tiles of a tiled roof. It
also serves to protect the join from the
elements. In grand buildings, the face of
each stone antefix was richly carved, often
with the anthemion ornament?
A. Apotheca
B. Anthemion
C. Antefix
D. Acroterion
15. It is an architectural ornament
placed on a flat pedestal called the
acroter or plinth, and mounted at the
apex or corner of the pediment of a
building in the classical style?
A. Apotheca
B. Anthemion
C. Antefix
D. Acroterion
15. It is an architectural ornament
placed on a flat pedestal called the
acroter or plinth, and mounted at the
apex or corner of the pediment of a
building in the classical style?
A. Apotheca
B. Anthemion
C. Antefix
D. Acroterion
15. It is an architectural ornament
placed on a flat pedestal called the
acroter or plinth, and mounted at the
apex or corner of the pediment of a
building in the classical style?
A. Apotheca
B. Anthemion
C. Antefix
D. Acroterion
16. Identify ?

A. Anta
B. Double anta
C. Prostyle
D. Amphiprostyle
16. Identify ?

A. Anta
B. Double anta
C. Prostyle
D. Amphiprostyle
17. Identify ?

A. Anta
B. Double anta
C. Prostyle
D. Amphiprostyle
17. Identify ?

A. Anta
B. Double anta
C. Prostyle
D. Amphiprostyle
18. Identify ?

A. Anta
B. Double anta
C. Prostyle
D. Amphiprostyle
18. Identify ?

A. Anta
B. Double anta
C. Prostyle
D. Amphiprostyle
19. Identify ?

A. Anta
B. Double anta
C. Prostyle
D. Amphiprostyle
19. Identify ?

A. Anta
B. Double anta
C. Prostyle
D. Amphiprostyle
20. Identify ?

A. Peripteral
B. Dipteral
C. Pseudoperipteral
D. Psuedodipteral
20. Identify ?

A. Peripteral
B. Dipteral
C. Pseudoperipteral
D. Psuedodipteral
21. Identify ?

A. Peripteral
B. Dipteral
C. Pseudoperipteral
D. Psuedodipteral
21. Identify ?

A. Peripteral
B. Dipteral
C. Pseudoperipteral
D. Psuedodipteral
22. Identify ?

A. Peripteral
B. Dipteral
C. Pseudoperipteral
D. Psuedodipteral
22. Identify ?

A. Peripteral
B. Dipteral
C. Pseudoperipteral
D. Psuedodipteral
23. Identify ?

A. Peripteral
B. Dipteral
C. Pseudoperipteral
D. Psuedodipteral
23. Identify ?

A. Peripteral
B. Dipteral
C. Pseudoperipteral
D. Psuedodipteral
24. Identify ?

A. Palace of knossos
B. Acropolis of pergamon
C. Temple of hephaestus
D. Erechtheion in acropolis
24. Identify ?

A. Palace of knossos
B. Acropolis of pergamon
C. Temple of hephaestus
D. Erechtheion in acropolis
25. Identify ?

A. Palace of Knossos
B. Temple of Olympian Zeus
C. Temple of Hephaestus
D. Temple of Athena
25. Identify ?

A. Palace of Knossos
B. Temple of Olympian Zeus
C. Temple of Hephaestus
D. Temple of Athena
26. Identify ?

A. Palace of Knossos
B. Acropolis of pergamon
C. Temple of Hephaestus
D. Temple of Apollo
26. Identify ?

A. Palace of Knossos
B. Acropolis of pergamon
C. Temple of Hephaestus
D. Temple of Apollo
27. Architect of erechtheion ?

A. Libon
B. Mnesicles
C. Cossutius
D. Theron
27. Architect of erechtheion ?

A. Libon
B. Mnesicles
C. Cossutius
D. Theron
27. Architect of erechtheion ?

A. Libon – temple of zues

B. Mnesicles
C. Cossutius – temple of olympian zues, athens

D. Theron - temple of zues, agrigentum

28. Tomb of atreus, a noted example of
the tholos type of tomb is also known

A. Tomb of Clytemnestra
B. Thersilion, Megapolis
C. Tomb of Agamemnon
D. Mausoleum, Helicarnassos
28. Tomb of atreus, a noted example of
the tholos type of tomb is also known

A. Tomb of Clytemnestra
B. Thersilion, Megapolis
C. Tomb of Agamemnon
D. Mausoleum, Helicarnassos
28. Tomb of atreus, a noted example of
the tholos type of tomb is also known

A. Tomb of Clytemnestra
B. Thersilion, Megapolis
C. Tomb of Agamemnon
D. Mausoleum, Helicarnassos
29. Vertical features such as columns
were inclined towards the top to
correct the appearance of falling
outwards is called?

A. Elevation
B. Exorcism
C. Entasis
D. Golden proportion
29. Vertical features such as columns
were inclined towards the top to
correct the appearance of falling
outwards is called?

A. Elevation
B. Exorcism
C. Entasis
D. Golden proportion
30. Master sculptor of the Parthenon?

A. Ptolemy lll
B. Exorcism bernini
C. Callimachus
D. Phidias
30. Master sculptor of the Parthenon?

A. Ptolemy lll
B. Exorcism bernini
C. Callimachus
D. Phidias
30. Greek building that contains painted

A. Epidauros
B. Odeion
C. Pinacotheca
D. Podium
30. Greek building that contains painted

A. Epidauros
B. Odeion
C. Pinacotheca
D. Podium
31. Lowest part of the entablature?

A. Architrave
B. Shaft
C. Cornice
D. Friez
31. Lowest part of the entablature?

A. Architrave
B. Shaft
C. Cornice
D. Friez
32. What is the intercolumnation of

A. 1 diameter
B. 1.5 diameter
C. 2 diameter
D. 2.25 diameter
32. What is the intercolumnation of

A. 1 diameter
B. 1.5 diameter
C. 2 diameter
D. 2.25 diameter
33. What is the intercolumnation of

A. 1 diameter
B. 1.5 diameter
C. 2 diameter
D. 2.25 diameter
33. What is the intercolumnation of

A. 1 diameter
B. 1.5 diameter
C. 2 diameter
D. 2.25 diameter
34. What is the intercolumnation of

A. 1 diameter
B. 2.25 diameter
C. 3 diameter
D. 4 diameter
34. What is the intercolumnation of

A. 1 diameter
B. 2.25 diameter
C. 3 diameter
D. 4 diameter
35. What is the intercolumnation of

A. 1 diameter
B. 2.25 diameter
C. 3 diameter
D. 4 diameter
35. What is the intercolumnation of

A. 1 diameter
B. 2.25 diameter
C. 3 diameter
D. 4 diameter
36. Most complex and elaborate with a
fluted shaft ?

A. Doric order
B. Ionic order
C. Corinthian order
D. Composite order
36. Most complex and elaborate with a
fluted shaft ?

A. Doric order
B. Ionic order
C. Corinthian order
D. Composite order
37. More slender and more ornate than
doric style?

A. Doric order
B. Ionic order
C. Corinthian order
D. Composite order
37. More slender and more ornate than
doric style?

A. Doric order
B. Ionic order
C. Corinthian order
D. Composite order
38. Greek structure used for chariot

A. Velodrome
B. Hippodrome
C. Hypocaust
D. Circus
38. Greek structure used for chariot

A. Velodrome
B. Hippodrome
C. Hypocaust
D. Circus
38. Greek structure used for chariot

A. Velodrome
B. Hippodrome
C. Hypocaust
D. Circus
39. Greek structure used for all types of
physical exercises?

A. Palaestra
B. Fitness club
C. Gymnasia
D. Circus
39. Greek structure used for all types of
physical exercises?

A. Palaestra
B. Fitness club
C. Gymnasia
D. Circus
40. Greek wrestling school?

A. Palaestra
B. Fitness club
C. Gymnasia
D. Circus
40. Greek wrestling school?

A. Palaestra
B. Fitness club
C. Gymnasia
D. Circus
40. Greek wrestling school?

A. Palaestra
B. Fitness club
C. Gymnasia
D. Circus
41. Entrance to temple sanctuaries and
other significant sites?

A. portico
B. Narthex
C. Propylon
D. Stoa
41. Entrance to temple sanctuaries and
other significant sites?

A. portico
B. Narthex
C. Propylon
D. Stoa
42. Building whose main purpose was to
provide shelter from the sun or the

A. Agora
B. Prytaneion
C. Mousoleum
D. Stoa
42. Building whose main purpose was to
provide shelter from the sun or the

A. Agora
B. Prytaneion
C. Mousoleum
D. Stoa
43. Houses the chief magistrate and the
common altar or hearth of the

A. Agora
B. Prytaneion
C. Mousoleum
D. Tomb of mausolus
43. Houses the chief magistrate and the
common altar or hearth of the

A. Agora
B. Prytaneion
C. Mousoleum
D. Tomb of mausolus
44. Sacred enclosure found in the
highest part of a Greek city is called?

A. Temenos
B. Peribolas
C. Pteroma
D. Corps de logis
44. Sacred enclosure found in the
highest part of a Greek city is called?

A. Temenos
B. Peribolas
C. Pteroma
D. Corps de logis
45. Greek Temples stood on a
foundation of three steps?

A. Stylobate
B. Crepidoma
C. Podium
D. Base
45. Greek Temples stood on a
foundation of three steps?

A. Stylobate
B. Crepidoma
C. Podium
D. Base
46. Identify no. 8 ?

A. Stylobate
B. Crepidoma
C. Podium
D. Base
46. Identify no. 8 ?

A. Stylobate
B. Crepidoma
C. Podium
D. Base
47. Identify no. 10 ?

A. Stylobate
B. Stereobate
C. Podium
D. Crepidoma
47. Identify no. 10 ?

A. Stylobate
B. Stereobate
C. Podium
D. Crepidoma
48. Identify no. 2 ?

A. Column
B. Shaft
C. Flute
D. Capital
48. Identify no. 2 ?

A. Column
B. Shaft
C. Flute
D. Capital
49. Identify no. 4 ?

A. Entablature
B. Cornice
C. Frieze
D. Architrave
49. Identify no. 4 ?

A. Entablature
B. Cornice
C. Frieze
D. Architrave
50. Identify no. 1 ?

A. Entablature
B. Cornice
C. Frieze
D. Architrave
50. Identify no. 1 ?

A. Entablature
B. Cornice
C. Frieze
D. Architrave


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