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a) Outline Nathans prophecy about the messiah

i) God would ensure that the kingdom of David lasts forever.
ii) An heir from David’s lineage will always be raised to sit on the throne.
iii) The king would save people of Israel rom their enemies
iv) God will always support such a king.
v) God will keep the kingdom strong for David’s son
vi) God would make David’s name great and bless his descendants forever
vii) God would give Israel their own land.
(1X7 = 7mks)
b) State seven similarities in the annunciation of the birth of Jesus Christ and that of John the
i) In both the message was delivered by angle Gabriel
ii) In both the mission of John and Jesus were specified by the angle
iii) In both the possibility of the message was doubted
iv) In both cases, signs were given to confirm the message
v) In both the children were to be Gods servants
vi) In both the births were going to be through divine intervention.
vii) In both the names of the children to be born were given by the angel.
(1X7 = 7mks)

c) List virtues Christians acquire when celebrating the birth of Jesus.

i) Joy/Happiness
ii) Sharing/generosity
iii) Respect
iv) Humility.
v) Co-operation.
vi) Thanksfulness.
vii) Love
viii) Peace
ix) Mercy/ Compassion
x) Holiness/righteousness.

a) Describe the transfiguration of Jesus 8mks (Luke 9: 28-36)

Jesus has gone up to the mountain to pray.
He took his disciples, peter, john and james with him
As Jesus was praying, his body was transformed into a heavenly glorious body
His clothes became dazzling white and His face shone with a new brightness.
Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared and spoke to Jesus about His death and suffering
The disciples woke up and saw Jesus transfigured
They saw two men standing with Him
Peter suggested to Jesus that they should build three booths, one for Jesus, one for Moses and
one for Elijah
A cloud came over them and the disciples were frightened.
A voice was heard saying, “This is my beloved son, listen to Him.”
Moses and Elijah left Jesus
The disciples did not tell anyone what they had seen
(1X8 = 8mks)

b) What was the importance of the transfiguration of Jesus to the disciples?

i) The disciples learnt that Jesus was the son of God
ii) They learnt that Jesus would be glorified after resurrection
iii) They learnt that Jesus death was inevitable
iv) Their faith in Jesus Christ was strengthened
v) They were to listen to whatever Jesus tells them
vi) They knew that Jesus had come to fulfill the Old Testament prophecies
vii) It Prepared peter for future leadership of the church.
(1X7 = 7mks)

c) Give five lessons Christians learn from the transfiguration of Jesus

i) Christians should be prayerful
ii) Thy should live with hope knowing that there’s life after death
iii) They should share Gods secrets with others
iv) They should be alert through prayer to avoid falling into temptation.
v) They should …… the presence of God with respect.
(1X5 = 5mks)

a) Outline the events that took place on the mount of Olives before the arrest of Jesus
Jesus went with his disciples to the Mount of Olives
He told the disciples to pray so that they don’t fall into temptation
He moved a stone throw away from the disciples and knelt down to pray
The disciples fell asleep
Jesus went back to his disciples and found them a sleep
He woke them up and asked them to pray in order to avoid falling into temptation.
As Jesus was speaking, a crowd came led by Judas Iscariot
Judas drew near to Kiss Jesus
Jesus asked Judas why he was betraying Him with a Kiss
One of the disciples cut the ear of the chief priest’s slare
Jesus restored the ear
He asked the chief priest and guard why they had come to arrest Him like a common thief
They seized and took Him away
(1X8 = 8mks)

b) State the seven reason why the disciples found it difficult to believe the women who reported
to them that Jesus had resurrected
i) The disciples regarded women as gossipers/ idle talkers
ii) They had witnessed the helplessness of Jesus at crucifixion, hence they had lost hope in
iii) They had witnessed the burial of Jesus hence could not imagine how the stone could be
rolled away from the tomb
iv) They felt ashamed for having denied him hence wished that it was not true
v) They had not understood the teachings of Jesus which indicated that he would resurrect
on the third day.
vi) They had not experienced resurrection before
vii) They lacked faith in the teachings of Christ
(1X7 = 7mks)
c) Give five reasons why the resurrection of Jesus is important to Christians
i) It’s the basis of Christians faith
ii) It gives Christians hope for eternal life
iii) Through resurrection, death has been conquered
iv) It confirms Jesus as the son of God
v) It gives Christians the courage to face death
vi) It’s the basis of Christians teachings
vii) It’s the fulfillment of Jesus promise to the disciples
viii) It confirms that Jesus is alive
ix) It’s a sign of victory over death

a) Explain the teachings of peter concerning the people of God (1 peter 2:9 – 10)
i) Christians are the chosen people of God
ii) They are a holy nations since they’re expected to lead righteous lives
iii) They appoint to speak about the wonderful deeds of God
iv) Christians are united by Christ through baptism
v) Christians share in the resurrection of Christ by giving up all evil practices of the world
vi) They act as a royal priesthood by performing priest tasks
vii) They called from darkness to light
viii) They were once outside the covenant way of life
ix) Christians love one another and live according to the teaching of Christ
x) Christians practice justice love perseverance in seeking eternal life
xi) Christians are ambassadors in spreading the good news
(1X8 = 8mks)

b) Identify seven characteristics of love as taught by st Paul in first Corinthians 13

i) Love is kind
ii) Love is patient
iii) Love is not jealous or envious
iv) Love is not boastful
v) Love is rude or arrogant
vi) It does not insist on its own
vii) It’s not irritable/resentful
viii) It does not keep a record of wrong/does not rejoice at the wrong
ix) It hopes all things
x) It trusts all things
xi) It never ends
xii) It is the greatest gift
xiii) It bears all things
xiv) It perseveres /endures all things
(1X8 = 8mks)

c) Identify 5 ways in which the gift of healing is abused in the church today.
i) Cheating that one has the gift of healing
ii) Commercialization of the gift
iii) Imparting demonic powers on the innocent faithful
iv) Those who have the gift sometime develop pride
v) Discriminating those who have other gifts
vi) Using the gift for self-glorification.
(1X5 = 5mks)

a) Give 8 causes of conflict between employer and employees in Kenya.

i) Lack of respect to the employer by employees.
ii) Employees not given time for leisure/leave
iii) Poor working conditions/environment/low remuneration
iv) When employers do not receive wages/not paid in time
v) When employees fail to accomplish tasks within expected time/poor time management
vi) When employers fail to consider the welfare of employees
vii) When employers are not allowed to join trade unions
viii) Unequal chances of promotion/discrimination by employers
ix) Sexual harassment by the employer
x) Differences in religious affiliation between employer and employee
xi) Misuse/ destruction of property by employee
(1X8 = 8mks)

b) State the role of processioned ethics in work place

i) They guide the workers on how to relate with one another
ii) They define how worker should handle and relate with their clients
iii) They help to create healthy interaction between the workers and employees
iv) They determine how one should perform his/her duties
v) They help the public to respect the professional from under pressure
vi) They help to determine the entry requirement/ qualifications needed in a given
(1X6 = 6mks)
c) Identify 6 ways in which the church is helping to reduce the rate of unemployment in Kenya
i) The church encourages people to start income generating activities
ii) The church provides loans to the unemployed to start small scale businesses
iii) It creates job opportunities through establishing church projects
iv) It teaches the youth about the dignity of manual work/ encourages the youth to
participate in technical fields
v) It organizes seminars for the youth on how to utilize their potentials
vi) It condemns corrupt practices which interfere with the economic growth
vii) It encourages its members to pay taxes promptly so that the government can have the
resources to empty / pay workers.
viii) It trains sponsors the youth on vocational skills that are necessary for employment
ix) The church tries to be fair when recruiting people for various jobs.
(1X6 = 6mks)

a) Explain how science and technology has improved human life

i) Modern means of transport have enabled people to travel faster
ii) Use of electronic media has eased passing of information to larger audience
iii) New sources of energy have enhanced human life
iv) Use of weather forecasting equipment asserts in understanding the environment
v) Use of modern medical equipment has led to prolonged life
vi) Use of fertilizer has increased agricultural yields
vii) Use of modern agricultural machines have increased in agricultural yields and enhanced
food preservation
viii) Industrial development has led to creation of employment opportunities
ix) Industrial machines have enabled work to be done faster and efficiently
x) Use of information technology has enhanced trade.
(1X8 = 8mks)

b) Give reasons why Christians are opposed to Euthanasia

i) God is the only one who gives life and should be the only one to take it away
ii) Euthanasia is equal to murder which is biblically condemned
iii) It’s a constitutional right to upheld human life
iv) It destroys Gods image in human beings
v) The work of mercy involves saving life and not destroying it
vi) Suffering is part of Christians life and should not be used to justify euthanasia
vii) It’s against Jesus mission on earth to heal the sick
viii) It’s against medical ethics which demands that doctors save lives
ix) Human judgment is weak, therefor cannot be used to make correct decision on
terminating the life of others
(1X6 = 6mks)

c) How can the youth in the church carry out environment restoration in Kenya today
i) They should sensitize people on the importance of protecting the environment
ii) They should teach people on methods of environmental conservation
iii) Forming church organization armed at environmental conservation
iv) Raising funds to support environment conservation programs
v) They should take part in the environmental days for planting trees and cleaning
vi) Lobbying the government to enact laws aimed at protecting the environment
vii) Acting as responsible role models on issues regarding environment.
(1X6 = 6mks)

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