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Japanese history and culture essay:

Question 2:
Discuss women’s position in contemporary Japan. You may choose to focus on
any aspects of women’s lives you wish.
On ‘Control of the female body’ in An Introduction to Japanese society’ Yoshio
- Focus more on domestic violence and sexual harassment performed on
women in Japan.
From “Workplace sexual harassment in Japan” A review of combating measures
taken- Yuki W. P. Huen.
Although sexual harassment has been long present in the Japanese workplace, I
was not considered sexual discrimination per se. Instead, the sexual harassment
was viewed purely as a private matter between individuals. In conformance to
Confucian beliefs, Japanese society places more importance on the maintenance
of wa (harmony) in personal relationships and business dealings. Working in
groups and fostering non-confrontational relationships are essential to creating a
functioning harmonious environment. Individuals tend therefore to avoid
confrontation and conform to social norms. Japanese culture promotes
conformity with passive social norms and avoids confrontation with others.
From childhood, Japanese women are told to follow their peers and ‘go with the
flow.’ his emphasis on group ethos rather than individualism makes it much
difficult for women to speak up about their sufferings related to sexual
harassment and other forms of gender discrimination.
In Japanese companies, both employers and employees try hard to maintain good
relations with each other. They carry out outings, banquets, and overnight trips
for the purpose of developing wa. However, it is not uncommon that sexual
harassment occurs during such occasions. It is actually common for in ordinary
office settings sexual jokes to be said as means to create harmony. As sexual
harassment and sexual jokes are so normalised and justified in the name of
developing wa, it is difficult for women to refuse unwelcome advances or even
speak up. Because group harmony is so important in Japanese society, those
women who openly complain about workplace sexual harassment are seen as
disruptors. Very often, they are forced to resign or are even fired. At the same
time, as Japanese society emphasises harmonious relationships and frowns on
confrontation, conflicts often become resolved without courts or lawyers. Very
often, the Japanese judicial system requires that parties first resort to alternative
dispute resolution methods before proceeding with a trial. Because Japanese
culture emphasises conformity and fails to acknowledge gender equality, the
social and emotional costs of instituting a lawsuit often far outweigh the potential
benefits for a Japanese woman alleging sexual harassment.
A woman’s organisation in

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