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Omar Sharif's Spoken & Written English on Language Format-SELF Program CL 1-1

First Class

Format 1A: Language patterns

Present and Future Past

Patterns Meaning Patterns Meaning

I do Avwg Kwi I did Avwg K‡iwQjvg

I have done Avwg K‡iwQ I had done Avwg K‡iwQjvg
I will do Avwg Kie I will have done Avwg K‡i _vKe
I can do Avwg Ki‡Z cvwi I could do Avwg Ki‡Z cviZvg
I may do Avwg Ki‡ZI cvwi I may have done Avwg nqZ K‡iwQ
I might do Avwg nqZ KiZvg I might have done Avwg nqZ K‡i _vKZvg
I could do Avwg Ki‡Z cviZvg I could have done Avwg Ki‡Z †c‡i _vKZvg
I would do Avwg KiZvg I would have done Avwg K‡i _vKZvg
I should do Avgvi Kiv DwPZ I should have done Avgvi Kiv DwPZ wQj
I must do Avwg Aek¨B Kie I must have done Avwg wbðqB K‡iwQjvg
Copy right (c) 2009, Omar Sharif's SELF Program, all rights reserved with the innovator.

Task 1.1: Practice on language patterns

Present and Future Working table

Pres. and Fut. Past Persons do did done

I do I did I eat ate eaten

I have done I had done We go went gone
I will do I will have done You see saw seen
I can do You draw drew drawn
I may do I may have done He give gave given
I might do I might have done She take took taken
I could do I could have done They earn earned earned
I would do I would have done It save saved saved
I should do I should have done Ali serve served served
I must do I must have done A student learn learnt learnt
Copy right (c) 2009, Omar Sharif's SELF Program,
all rights reserved with the innovator. Students discuss discussed discussed

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