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Name: …Nguyễn Võ Ngọc Kim Thy... I.D. 22003754…

Class: EPA5
Assignment: (please circle) Res. Report Lit. Review Res. Essay

Assignment Question: (write out in full) Summerhill is an ideal school.

Due date: 06/05/2024 Date submitted: 05/05/2024

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Student’s Signature: Nguyễn Võ Ngọc Kim Thy Date: 05/05/2024

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The emergence of Summerhill School heralds a unique educational paradigm predominantly
embraced in Western nations. While many supporters believe the Summerhill model is an
ideal school, others have criticisms. In this essay, I ardently advocate agreeing with the ideal
school, particularly its promotion of child empowerment and fostering natural development.
Empowering children constitutes a pioneering facet of contemporary education. Unlike
conventional paradigms prioritizing obedience, Summerhill fosters emotional growth and
happiness by eradicating adult-induced fear and coercion. For example, Monash University
researchers underscored that 65% of adolescents struggle with independence due to traditional
education constraints, emphasizing the pivotal role of empowerment. Nonetheless, child
empowerment should prevent the absorption of negative influences or loss of behavioral
control. In short, empowerment is the key to helping children learn and discover about
themselves most effectively.
Furthermore, Summerhill serves as an environment for children's natural development. Young
learners cultivate essential life skills and self-motivation, unbound by rigid frameworks.
Besides that, liberated from academic constraints, pupils can explore and flourish, improving
comfort and reducing pressure, thereby enhancing mental well-being. For instance, during
outdoor activities like gardening or hiking, students at Summerhill engage with the natural
world and learn valuable lessons about responsibility, teamwork, and environmental
stewardship. However, challenges such as social integration may arise, potentially impeding
holistic development. It is impossible not to recognize the natural development ability and the
healthy mental health of the children at Summerhill.
In conclusion, I strongly agree that the Summerhill School model is the ideal or happiest
school in the world mainly due to its ability to empower students' personalities and natural
development. This model is expected to grow strongly and be replicated on a regional scale,
surpassing the boundaries of developed countries and making its mark in Asian countries

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