Chapter-5 K M C

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A descriptive study was assess the knowledge on kangaroo mother
care among postnatal mothers at PES Hospital, kuppam, chittoor
(dist), A.P.

This chapter discuss under the following objectives formulated for the study.

1.To assess the selected demographic variables of postnatal mothers at PES

Hospital, Kuppam, Chittoor(Dist), A.P.

2.To assess the knowledge on kangaroo mother care among postnatal mothers at
PES Hospital, Kuppam, Chittoor(Dist), A.P.

3.To associate the knowledge with their selected demographic variables of postnatal
mothers at PES Hospital, Kuppam, Chittoor(Dist), A.P.

1.The first objective was To assess the selected demographic variables of

postnatal mothers at PES Hospital, Kuppam, Chittoor(Dist), A.P.

In demographic variables age of the mothers. Out of 50 post natal

mothers , 1(2%) mother belongs to below 18 years of age group , 30(60%) mothers
belongs to 19 – 22 years age group , 17 (34%) mothers belongs to 23-26 yeas age
group ,and 1(2%) mother belongs to above 26 years of age group .

Regarding marital age of mother. Out of 50 postnatal mothers , 19 (38%)

mothers had got married below 18years of age, 20(40%) mothers had got married at
19-21 years of age , 8(60%) mothers had got married at 22-24 years of age , and
3(6%) mothers had got married at above 25years of age group.

Considering the religion of the postnatal mothers. Out of 50 postnatal

mothers, 46 (92%) mothers were Hindus, 4 (8%) mothers were Muslims.

Considering the educational status of the postnatal mothers. Out of 50

postnatal mothers among them 3 (6%) mothers were un educated, 25 (50%)
mothers had primary education, 13 (26%) the mothers had secondary education
and 9 (18%) mothers were graduates.

Considering the occupation status of the postnatal mothers. Out of 50 post

natal mothers 47 (94%) mothers were housewife’s, 3 (6%) mothers were working for
daily wages.

Considering the family income per month of the postnatal mothers. Out
of 50 post natal mothers , 7 (14%) are in RS < 5000 , 20 (40%) are in RS < 5001-
10,000 , 15 (30%) are in RS10001-15000, and 8 (16%) are in RS > 15001.

Considering the area of living of the postnatal mothers. Out of 50 post

natal mother , 36 (72%) mothers from rural area , 13 (26%) mothers from urban
area , 1 (2%) mother from semi urban area.

Considering the dietary habits of the postnatal mothers. Out of 50

postnatal mothers, 3 (6%) mothers were vegetarians and 3 (6%) mothers were non
vegetarian, 44 (88%) mothers were taking mixed diet.

Considering the number of antenatal visits of the postnatal mothers.

Out of 50 post natal mothers, 12 (24%) mothers had visited 5 times, 13 (26%)
mothers had visited 6 – 8 times, 17 (34%) mothers had visited 9-11 times, 8 (16%)
mothers had visited more than 12 times.

Considering the gestation of weeks during delivery of the postnatal

mothers. Out of 50 postnatal mothers, 2 (4%) mothers completed above 35 weeks,
11 (22%) mothers were between the 36 – 37 weeks, 33 (66%) mothers were
between the 38 – 39 weeks, and 4 ( 8% ) mothers had above 40 weeks of
gestational age.

Considering the party of the postnatal mother. Out of 50 postnatal

mother 34(68%) were primi mothers, 16 (32%) were multi mothers.

Considering the previous knowledge of KMC of the postnatal mothers.

Out of 50 post natal mothers. Among them 1(2%) mother had knowledge regarding
kangaroo mother care,49(98%) mothers were not having knowledge regarding
kangaroo mother care.

Considering the source of information about KMC of the postnatal

mothers. Out of 50 post natal mothers. Among them 1 (2%) mother knows regarding
kangaroo mother care by health care professionals and 49(98%) had not known
about kangaroo mother care.

Considering the gender of the babies. Out of 50 post natal mothers, 35

(70%) mothers delivered male babies, 15(30%) mothers delivered female babies.

Considering the birth weight of the babies. Out of 50 babies, 2 (4%)

babies were between 1500-2000 gms, 20 (40%) babies were between 2001-
2500gms, 18 (36%) babies were between 2501-3000 gms and 10 (20%) babies
were above 3001 gms.

Considering the health status of new born babies. Out of 50 samples,

45 (90%) babies were with their mothers and 5 (10%) babies were in N I C U.
Considering the types of delivery of the postnatal mothers. Out of 50
postnatal mothers, 22 (44%) mothers had normal delivery, 26 (52%) mothers had
lower segment caesarean section, 2 (4%) mothers had instrumental delivery.

2.The second objective was To assess the knowledge on kangaroo mother

care among postnatal mothers at PES Hospital, Kuppam, Chittoor(Dist), A.P.

knowledge level of postnatal mothers on kangaroo mother care out

of 50 postnatal mothers 8(16%) had very poor knowledge, 20(40%) had poor
knowledge, 17(34%) had fair knowledge, 4(8%) had good knowledge, 1(2%) had
very good knowledge


3. The third objective was to To associate the knowledge with their

selected demographic variables of postnatal mothers at PES Hospital,
Kuppam, Chittoor(Dist), A.P.

1.In ‘’AGE GROUPE’’varibles out of 50 postnatal mothers <18 years 1(2%)had fair
knowledge among 19-22years 6(12%)had very poor knowledge, 13(26%)mothers
had poor knowledge, 11(22 %)had fair knowledge and 2(4%) had good knowledge.
Mothers between 23-26 years2(4%) had very poor knowledge,8(16%) had poor
knowledge, 3(6 %)had fair knowledge,1(2%)had good knowledge and 1(2%)very
good knowledge. Postnatal mothers >26years 1(2%)had fair knowledge,
1(2%)mother had good knowledge MARITAL AGE OF MOTHER out of 50 postnatal mothers among them less
than 18 age group were 4(8%)had very poor knowledge, 5(10%)had poor
knowledge, 8(16%)had fair knowledge,1(2%)had good knowledge, postnatal
mothers between 19-21years, 4(8%)had very poor knowledge, 13(26%)had poor
knowledge, 3(6%)had fair knowledge,1(2%)had good knowledge. Postnatal mothers
between 22-24years of age group, 3(6%)had poor knowledge,5(10%)had fair
knowledge,1(2%)had good knowledge and1(2%)had very good knowledge.
Postnatal mothers above 25years of age group 1(2%) had good knowledge. RELIGION variables out of 50 postnatal mothers among Hindu 9(18%)had very
poor knowledge, 20(40%)had poor knowledge, 12(24%)had fair knowledge,
2(4%)had good knowledge, 1(2%) had very good knowledge. Among Muslim
4(8%)had poor knowledge, 1(2%)had fair knowledge and 1(2%)had good

4 EDUCATIONAL STATUS variables out of 50 postnatal mothers illiterate
2(4%)had very poor knowledge, 3(6%)had poor knowledge. In primary education
3(6%)had very poor knowledge,14(28%)had poor knowledge,6(12%) had fair
knowledge,1(2%) had good knowledge. In secondary education 2(4%)had very poor
knowledge, 5(10%)had poor knowledge, 1(2%)had fair knowledge,1(2%) had good
knowledge. Among graduation 2(4%) had very poor knowledge, 4(8%) had poor
knowledge, 4(8%)had fair knowledge,1(2%)had good knowledge, 1(2%) had very
good knowledge OCCUPATION STATUS variables out of 50 samples among house wife’s

60(32%)had very poor knowledge,14(25%)had poor knowledge,9(18%)had fair
knowledge, 4(8%)had good knowledge1(2%)had very good knowledge among daily
wages3[6%] had poor knowledge,2[4%]had fair knowledge, among private employee
1[2%]had poor knowledge. MONTHLY INCOME OF THE FAMILY variables out of 50 samples among who
are earning RS>5000per month,3(6%)had poor knowledge,4(8%)had fair
knowledge,2(4%) had good knowledge. Among who are earning in between
RS5001-1000,5(10%)had very poor knowledge,10(20%)had poor
knowledge,10(20%)had fair knowledge,1(2%)had good knowledge 1(2%)had very
good knowledge. Who are earning in between RS10001-15000 3(6%)had very poor
knowledge, 4(8%)had poor knowledge,6(12%) had fair knowledge,1(2%)had good
knowledge. AREA OF LIVING variables out of 50 samples in rural.13(26%)had very poor

knowledge, 13(26%) had poor knowledge,9(18%)had fair knowledge, 2(4%)had
good knowledge, 1(2%)had very good knowledge. IN URBAN4(8%)had very poor
knowledge,6(12%)had poor knowledge, 1(2%)had good knowledge.IN SEMI URBAN
1(2%)fair knowledge. DIETARY HABITES variables out of 50 samples vegetarian 2(4%)had fair

knowledge,1(2%)had good knowledge in mixed diet 13(26%)had very poor
knowledge, 17(34%)had poor knowledge, 16(32%) had fair knowledge 1(2%)had
very good knowledge. NUMBER OF ANTENATAL VISITS variables out of 50 post natal mothers 5

visits among them 2(4%)had very knowledge, 8(16%)had poor knowledge, 2(4%)had
fair knowledge, 1(2%) had good knowledge. In 6-8 visits among them 2(4%) had
very poor knowledge, 6(12%)had poor knowledge, 3(6%)had fair knowledge. IN 9-11
visits among them 3(6%)had very poor knowledge, 6(12%) had poor knowledge,
8(16%) had fair knowledge, 1(2%)had good knowledge. In >12 visits 2(4%) had very

poor knowledge, 2(4%) had poor knowledge, 3(6%) had fair knowledge, 1(2%) had
good knowledge. GESTAION OF WEEKS DURING DELIVERY variables out of 50 post natal

mothers 2(4%)had very poor knowledge 4(8%) had poor knowledge. In between 36-
37 weeks 3(6 % )had very poor knowledge, 4(8 % )had poor knowledge,1 (2 % )had
good knowledge, in between 38-39 weeks 6(12 % )had very poor knowledge,9
(18%)had poor knowledge,9 (18 % ) had fair knowledge,2 (4 % )had good
knowledge. In <40weeks 4(8%) had poor knowledge, 5(10%) had fair
knowledge,1(2%) had very good knowledge.

11. in PARTY OF THE MOTHER variables out of 50 post natal mothers in primary
party 7(14%) had very poor knowledge 14(28%) had poor knowledge 10(20%) had
fair knowledge,2(4%) had good knowledge, 1(2%)had very good knowledge. Among
them multi party 2(4%) had very good knowledge,5(10%) had poor knowledge,
7(14%)had fair knowledge, 2(4%)had good knowledge. PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE OF KMC variables out of 50 post natal mothers

knowledge 1(2%) had very poor knowledge, 1(2%) had poor knowledge, 1(2%)had
very good yes knowledge. No regarding knowledge, had very poor
knowledge,20(40%) had poor knowledge, 18(36%)had fair knowledge, 4(8%) had
good knowledge. SOURCE OF INFORMATION ABOUT KMC variables out of 50 post natal

mothers who received information from health care professionals 2(4%)had very
poor knowledge 1(2%)had poor knowledge,1(2%)had very good knowledge. Post
natal mothers who are not knowing any information,6(12%) had very poor
knowledge,20(40%)had poor knowledge, 16(32%)had fair knowledge, 4(8%)had
good knowledge. GENDER OF THE BABY variables out of 50 post natal mothers knowledge
MALE 7(14%) had very poor knowledge, 8(16%)had poor knowledge, 8(16%)had fair
knowledge, 3(6%)had good knowledge, 1(2%)had very good knowledge. FEMALE
5(10%) had very poor knowledge, 6(12%)had poor knowledge,8(16%) had fair
knowledge, 3(6%)had good knowledge,1(2%) had very good knowledge. BIRTH WEEEIGHT variables out of 50 post natal mothers between 1.5-
2kgs3(6%) had fair knowledge. In between 2.1-2.5kgs 4(8%) had poor knowledge. In
between 2.6-2.9kgs 9(18%)had very poor knowledge,2(4%)had fair knowledge,
2(4%) had very good knowledge,>3kgs 3(6%) had very poor knowledge,
10(20%)had very poor knowledge, 4(8%)had fair knowledge,4(8%) had good
knowledge. HEALTH STATUS OF NEW BORN variables out of 50 post natal mothers
KNOWLEDGE WITH MOTHER18(36%) had very poor knowledge, 19(38%) had

good knowledge, 1(2%) had very good knowledge. BABY IN NICU 2(4%) had poor
knowledge. TYPES OF DELIVERY variables out of 50 post natal mothers 10(20%) had
very poor knowledge, 6(12%) had poor knowledge, 4(8%)had fair knowledge, 2(4%)
had good knowledge, 1(2%) had very good knowledge. IN LSCS 13(26%) had very
poor knowledge, 10(20%) had poor knowledge, 3(6%) had fair knowledge, 1(2%)
had good knowledge.


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