BSN July 2013 PP 4-1

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1. The nurse caring for a client in crisis, needs to understand that a client in crisis:
a) Will commonly experience psychotic symptoms which must be treated urgently.
b) Is often overwhelmed, feels isolated and may be unable to ask for help on their own.
c) Readily identifies previously acquired coping strategies and does not need nurses help.
d) Should be singled out and assisted independently of the family members.
2. The main emphasis of nursing interventions for a child with phobia is:
a) Protect the child from all fears.
b) Allow the child to express all fears.
c) Decrease fear and anxiety.
d) Have the child face his/her fears.
3. A response by the nurse that would indicate use of clarifying technique in therapeutic
communication is:
a) “Could you please explain more about your experiences to me”?
b) “Tell me more about what you were thinking before you went away.”
c) “When did you first notice the feelings you are experiencing?”
d) “Instead of talking about your spouse I want to know how you feel.”
4. A common side effect of typical antipsychotics include:
a) Neurolaptic malignant syndrome.
b) Hypoglycemia.
c) Oculogyric crisis.
d) Pseudoparkinsonism.
5. The most appropriate outcome for a client in acute episode of delirium is that the client will:
a) Demonstrate decreased confusion as evidenced by orientation to person, time and place.
b) Remain free from self-directed violence as evidenced by no suicide contract.
c) Verbalize increased feelings of self-esteem as evidenced by self-praise.
d) Have intact senses as evidenced by ability to recognize all objects.
6. Functions of management demonstrated by a nurse manager who analyzes data on, “The
number of hospital acquired urinary tract infections in a medical ward”, include:
a) Controlling and taking action.
b) Getting others to believe in change.
c) Organizing and aligning people.
d) Planning and setting direction.
7. As the ward manager, your client’s son calls you to ask about the client’s diagnosis for insurance
purposes. The best response would be:
a) “Your mother has improved and will be discharged in the next few days”.
b) “You have no right to ask such questions about your mother.”
c) “Privacy regulations require that I don’t disclose client’s diagnosis on phone.”
d) “I can only provide you with information about your mother’s treatment.”

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8. The best action a nurse manager can take to prevent documentation errors in his/her ward is:
a) Reinforce importance of proper documentation.
b) Educate staff on documentation techniques.
c) Identify and punish nurses who make errors.
d) Develop a quick reference sheet for nurses.
9. The hospital you work in has guidelines that “All medical wards must run controls on glucose
monitors once daily”. This guide is an example of:
a) Risk management.
b) Standards of care.
c) Quality assurance.
d) Utilization review.
10. The best strategy that a nurse leader uses to foster a climate of collaboration on the unit is:
a) Display an open attitude towards new ideas and suggestions.
b) Place emphasis in tasks to be accomplished during each shift.
c) Focus on high quality care and benchmarking results.
d) Use firm communication on important items to the nurse leader.
11. A research problem:
a) Describes determinations that can be made about the research study.
b) Summarizes the specific information gathered in the research study.
c) Focus on high quality care and benchmarking results.
d) Use firm communication on important items to the nurse leader.
12. A disadvantage of using observational data collection method is:
a) Individual bias does not interfere with data collection.
b) Ethical issues are of minimal concern to researchers.
c) Individual values do not influence perception of observers.
d) It helps obtain substantive findings about human behavior.
13. A primary disadvantage of physiological measures in research is that:
a) The measurement tool is never affected by the phenomena being measured.
b) They are objective, sensitive and precise.
c) Participants cannot distort physiological information.
d) They are the easiest types of methods to implement.
14. An advantage of using existing records or available data to answer research questions is:
a) The researcher can manipulate records daily to fit research questions.
b) Inconsistency in data collection allows the researcher to study trends.
c) Time involvement can be prolonged to identify missing data.
d) It reduces the risk of researcher bias in data collection.
15. The two important values necessary for describing the frequency distribution of a series of
observations are:
a) Standard deviation and median.
b) Range and mean.
c) Mean and standard deviation.
d) Median and range.

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16. Andragogy refers to:
a) Adult learning.
b) Action learning.
c) Experiential learning.
d) Child learning.
17. Behavioural objectives models in nursing education are also referred to as:
a) Product model.
b) Process model.
c) Competence model.
d) Classical model.
18. Disadvantages of problem based learning include:
a) It provides minimal active learning process to instructors.
b) It discourages critical thinking among students.
c) Instructor is often anxious about covering content.
d) Students are never motivated when they use it.
19. Advantages of role play include:
a) Reinforces stereotypical behavior among students.
b) Development of case scenarios takes a shorter time.
c) It does not require active participation by the lecturer.
d) Allows for immediate feedback to learners.
20. In constructing multiple choice questions, the lecturer should avoid:
a) True statements that do not answer the questions.
b) Competently implausible responses in the choices.
c) Singly clearly formulated problems in the stem.
d) Distributing correct options evenly over the ABCD.


1. Explain any four (4) rights of delegation (8 marks).

2. Explain three (3) factors that a nurse manager needs to consider when scheduling staff in his/her
ward (6 marks).

3. Explain the nurse manager’s role in implementing change for effective patient care (6 marks).

4. State the following:

a) An advantage of purposive sampling (1 mark).

b) Two (2) disadvantages of convenience sampling (2 marks).

c) One advantage of random sampling (1 mark).

5. Outline the major components of the following sections in research reports.

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a) Discussion (5 marks).

b) Conclusion (3 marks).

6. List eight (8) categories of populations in research that are considered vulnerable and require special
consideration (4 marks).

7. Explain the difference between null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis (4 marks).


1. Master S. 16 years old is admitted to the mental health unit with history of attempted suicide
two days ago.
a) Describe how the nurse will assess the risk for suicide in Mr. S (12 marks).
b) Explain the role of the mental health nurse in prevention of suicide among adolescents (8

2. You are appointed the Principal Tutor of a nursing school. The school has history of producing
nurses who are incompetent in patient care. You purpose to reverse this trend by intensifying
attitude and practical training.
a) Explain five (5) major categories or levels in the affective domain that your students must
master before graduation (10 marks).
b) Explain five (5) advantages of objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) (10 marks).

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