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Nama : Flavia Eugenia

NIM : 2207511107
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis
Kelas : C4 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis


The HR Manager,
PT. Shopee International Indonesia
Pacific Century Place, 26th Floor, SCBD Lot 10th
Jendral Sudirman Street, Senayan, South Jakarta

Date: 19/10/2022

Subject; Request for service certificate

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Flavia Eugenia and I am writing this letter to request for issuance of the service

Courteously, I am working in your company as a creative team for the last three years. I
would like to state that I have got selected for which I have to submit a service letter. In this
regard, I sincerely request you to kindly provide me with a service certificate at the earliest.

I hope you will consider my situation and do the needful at the earliest. In case, you have any
queries, you may contact me at 081411195363.

Yours sincerely,

Flavia Eugenia
Nama : Flavia Eugenia
NIM : 2207511107
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis
Kelas : C4 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

The HR Manager,
PT. Shopee International Indonesia
Pacific Century Place, 26th Floor, SCBD Lot 10th
Jendral Sudirman Street, Senayan, South Jakarta

Date: 19/10/2022

Subject; Job Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Flavia Eugenia, I am writing to you to express interest in your posting on web for a fresh graduate graphic designer. As a recent graduate with experience in
the Adobe suite of software and 3D animation software, I believe I am a strong candidate for
a position at PT Shopee International Indonesia.

During my time at the University of Udayana, I was awarded the top prize in the student
design competition for my version of an app that would allow students to learn Balinese
characters on their own time.

In addition to graduating with a 3.65 GPA, I spent a semester at a London School Public
Relation in Jakarta. Also, I have strong skills in the English language. I believe this would be
an asset, as I know your agency does a lot of collaboration with major design studios in
United States.

Although I am a fresh graduate, my artistic skills, knowledge of the Mandarin language, and
ability to work with others will make an asset to your agency.

I have enclosed my resume for your review. Thank you for your time and consideration. It
would be a pleasure to interview you and I look forward to hearing from you soon. You may
contact me at 081411195363 or

Flavia Eugenia
Nama : Flavia Eugenia
NIM : 2207511107
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis
Kelas : C4 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

A : Hi, can i sit here?
B : Hi, Yes of course. what class do you have today?
A : English class in room 2.5 (two point five)
B : wow! really? we’re in the same class! I’m also in that class
A : Oh my God, we are classmates
B : yup, but we haven’t met before right? What’s your name?
A : My name is Ni Kadek Gita Dwipayani Surya you can call me Gita and I live in Kuta.
B : Oh hi Gita, my name is Flavia Eugenia you call me Fla and I’m from Jakarta but know i
live in goa gong.
A : Nice to meet you Fla
B : Nice to meet you too
A: let’s go to class now because it’s about to start
B: okay, let’s go

Gita: Hi, Excuse me, can I sit here?
Fla: yes you can, are you from the economics study program?
Gita: yes, I am from the economics study program, you too?
Fla: yes just like you. what is your name? and where are you from?
Gita: my name is Ni Kadek Gita Dwipayani Surya you can call me Gita and I am from
Gianyar but now I live in Kuta. What about you?
Fla: my name is Flavia Eugenia you can call me Fla and I am from Jakarta but now I live in
Goa Gong
Gita: what class do you have today?
Fla: I have English class for today. My class is about too start. It’s really nice to meet you
Gita: it’s really nice to meet you too fla. alright, you should hurry to class now
Fla: do you mind if I have your number?
Gita: no, I don’t mind. Here is my number.
Fla: thank you gita
Gita: my pleasure
Introducing other people
Flavia: “hi angel good morning”
Angel: “hi fla”
Flavia: “where have you been?”
Angel: “I’m just looking for breakfast before leaving for campus. Have you had breakfast?”
Flavia: “not yet, because I think it’s too late to go to campus but it turns out that class starts
still in 30 minutes”
Angel: “anyway do you know anyone in this class?”
Flavia: “ yes i know, he come soon
Angel : “ can you introduce me to him ,Fla?
Flavia : “ yes of course
Gita : “ hi Fla
Flavia : “ hi Gita, oh by the way, introduce this my friend angel and angel this is my friend
Gita : oh hi angel, my name is Gita Dwipayani and you can call me Gita
Angel : hi gita my name is rasdelima angelika, you can call me angel
Gita : nice to meet you angel
Angel : nice to meet you Gita
Flavia : okay angel, me and Gita going to class
Angel : okay, see you fla see you Gita
Gita : see you angel

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