Stqa Unit - 2 Part A

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Department of AI&DS
Seventh Semester
Regulations 2020
Sem / year : VII semester / IV year
Question Bank
UNIT – 2
Questions Marks CO BL
What is the need for different levels of testing?
Execution-based software testing, especially for large systems, is usually carried out
at different levels. At each level there are specific testing goals .At the system level
the system as a whole is tested and a principle goal is to evaluate attributes such as
usability, reliability, and performance. To make sure that all the requirements are
1 fulfilled, different levels of testing are needed. 2 CO2 R
The major phases of testing are:
 Unit test,
 Integration test,
 System test, and
 Acceptance test.
Define alpha, beta and acceptance tests.
When software is being developed for a specific client, acceptance tests are carried out
after system testing.
Alpha test: This test takes place at the developer’s site. 2 CO1 R
Beta Test: Beta tests ends the software to a cross-section of users who install it and
use it under real world working conditions.
Acceptance testing, a testing technique performed to determine whether or not the
software system has met the requirement specifications.
What is configuration testing, compatibility testing?
Configuration testing is the process of checking the operation of the software we are
testing with all these various types of hardware. This is usually a dynamic white-box
testing and programmer-debugging effort. CO1 R
Software compatibility testing means checking that your software interacts with and
shares information correctly with other software. This interaction could occur
between two programs simultaneously running on the same computer or even on
different computers connected through the Internet thousands of miles apart.
What are the OO concepts relevant to testing?
 Classes
 Objects
4  Constructor 2 CO1 R
 Encapsulation
 Inheritance
 Polymorphism
5 What is the difference between alpha and beta testing? CO1 R
Alpha Testing Beta Testing
It is always performed by the It is always performed by the 2
developers at the software customers at their own site.
development site.
It comes under the category of both It is only a kind of Black Box Testing.
White Box
Testing and Black Box Testing.
What are the various tools available for internalization?
Name of the tools for Microsoft OS Name of the tool for Linux OS
MS Localization studio GNU gettext()
6 MS regional settings LANG and set of environmental 2 CO1 U
IME Unicode IME
piglatin.html piglatin.html
What are the factors that govern performance testing?
 Throughput
 Response time
7  Latency CO1 R
 Tuning 2
 Benchmarking
 Capacity planning
Define Regression testing.
Regression testing is not a level of testing, but it is the retesting of the software that
8 occurs when the changes are made to ensure that the new version of the software has CO1 U
retained the capabilities of the old version and that has no defect have been introduced 2
due to the changes.
Give the examples of security testing.
 Password checking
 Legal and illegal entry with password
9  Password Expiration CO1 R
 Encryption
 Browsing
 Trap doors
 Viruses.
What is the need of system testing?
The goal of system testing is to ensure that the system performs according to its
System test evaluates both functional behavior and quality requirements such as CO1 R
reliability, usability, performance and security. This phase of testing is especially
useful for detecting external hardware and software interface defects, for example,
those causing race conditions,deadlocks, problems with interrupts and exception
handling, and ineffective memory usage.
List the types of system testing.
1. Functional testing
2. Performance testing
11 3. Stress testing 2 CO1 R
4. Configuration testing
5. Security testing
6. Recovery testing
12 What are the documents necessary for integration test planning? 2 CO1 R
Documents relevant to integration test planning are the requirements document, the
user manual, and usage scenarios. These documents contain structure charts, state
charts, data dictionaries, cross-reference tables, module interface descriptions, data
flow descriptions, messages and event descriptions, all necessary to plan
integration tests.
Define unit test. Give an example.
Unit testing is a test (often automated) that validates that individual units of source
13 code are working properly. CO1 R
For example you are testing a function; whether loop or statement in a program is 2
working properly or not than this is called as unit testing
What is Ad Hoc Testing?
Ad Hoc Testing, also known as Random Testing or Monkey Testing, is a method of
2 CO1 R
14 software testing with out any planning and documentation. The tests are conducted
informally and randomly without any formal expected results. The tester improvises the
steps and arbitrarily executes them (like a monkey typing while dancing).
What is Smoke testing?
Smoke Testing, also known as “Build Verification Testing”, is a type of software testing
15 that comprises of a non-exhaustive set of tests that aim at ensuring that the most CO1 R
important functions work. The result of this testing is used to decide if a build is stable 2
enough to proceed with further testing.
Differentiate black box and white box testing.
Black box testing White box testing
Black box testing, the tester is no Knowledge The White box approach focuses
of its inner structure(i.e. how it works)The on the inner structure of the
tester only has knowledge of what it does software to be tested. White box CO1 R
16 (Focus only input & output) approach is usually applied small
size piece of software. 2
Black box testing sometimes called functional White box sometimes
or specification testing. called clear or glass box
What are the factors that a good software document consists of?
Good software documentation contributes to the product’s overall quality in three ways:
 It improves usability: “Usability Testing,” all the issues related to a
17 product’s usability? Much of that usability is related to the software 2 CO1 R
 It improves reliability: Reliability is how stable and consistent the software is.
 It lowers support costs.
List the phases of unit test Planning.
 Phase 1: Describe unit test approach and risks CO1 R
 Phase 2: Identify unit features to be tested.
 Phase 3: Add levels of detailed to the plan. 2
What are the documents necessary for integration test planning?
Documents relevant to integration test planning are the requirements document, the
user manual, and usage scenarios. These documents contain structure charts, state CO1 R
charts, data dictionaries, cross-reference tables, module interface descriptions, data 2
flow descriptions, messages and event descriptions, all necessary to plan integration
20 Give some example methods for black box testing. CO1 U
 Equivalence class partitioning (ECP)
 Boundary value analysis (BVA)
 State Transition testing.(STT)
 Cause and Effect Graphing. 2
 Error guessing

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