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Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2012) 39:160–164

DOI 10.1007/s00259-011-1923-9


Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in Europe 2007: a survey

of the European Council of Nuclear Cardiology
Eliana Reyes & Susanna Wiener &
S. Richard Underwood &
on behalf of the European Council of Nuclear Cardiology

Received: 20 April 2011 / Accepted: 17 August 2011 / Published online: 6 September 2011
# Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract angiography to revascularization procedures was 0.9 to 2.2

Purpose This is the second of a series of surveys designed to 1. Pharmacological stress was used in 57% and technetium-
to assess myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS) practice 99m-labelled tracers in 88% of studies. ECG gating was
in Europe. performed in 74% of studies and attenuation correction in
Methods Data were collected from 258 centres in 18 22%.
countries. The number of MPS studies per million population Conclusion MPS utilization in Europe remains low compared
(pmp) was estimated assuming that the nonresponding centres with coronary angiography although there has been a 21%
performed either no studies (lower estimate) or the same increase in the number of studies pmp in centres that reported
number as the responding centres (upper estimate). in both 2005 and 2007. Pharmacological agents continue to be
Results The responding centres served 24% of the popula- the predominant form of stress. Despite the widespread use of
tion of their countries. The total number of noncardiac technetium-99m-labelled tracers, ECG gating is not univer-
nuclear medicine studies was between 2,160 and 8,000 sally performed. As in the 2005 survey, imaging aids such as
studies pmp. The total number of MPS studies was between attenuation and motion correction and prone imaging are not
529 and 2,293 pmp. The median number of MPS studies commonly used.
per centre was 571 per year with 57% performing fewer
than 500 studies per year and 23% of centres performing Keywords Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy . Survey .
fewer than 250 studies per year. There was significant Coronary artery disease
variation between countries, with higher numbers of MPS
studies (lower limit of estimate above the mid-range of all
countries combined) in Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Portugal Introduction
and Slovenia, and lower numbers (upper limit of estimate
below the mid-range of all countries) in Finland, Norway, Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS) is a robust nonin-
Spain and Switzerland. The ratio of MPS to coronary vasive imaging technique that provides valuable diagnostic
and prognostic information in patients with known or
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article suspected coronary artery disease [1, 2]. Utilization of MPS
(doi:10.1007/s00259-011-1923-9) contains supplementary material, has increased substantially over the past decade, but growth
which is available to authorized users. rate and trends vary across countries. A previous report
E. Reyes : S. R. Underwood showed significant differences in practice within Europe [3].
Nuclear Medicine Department, Royal Brompton Hospital, We hypothesized that such differences would become less
Sydney Street,
apparent as clinical and procedural guidelines are increasingly
SW3 6NP London, UK
adopted and service provision becomes more homogeneous
S. Wiener (*) within and between countries. Results from national and
European Council of Nuclear Cardiology, international surveys such as this might also exert an effect,
Hollandstrasse 14 / Mezzanine,
albeit small, on practice. In 2005 we conducted the first of a
A-1020 Vienna, Austria
e-mail: series of regular surveys designed to examine the scale and
URL: nature of MPS practice within Europe and to provide a
Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2012) 39:160–164 161

reference guide for future service delivery planning [3]. We tion (pmp) as the centres that did report (upper limit of
report the results of the second of such surveys. estimate). The range between the lower and upper estimates
provided a measure of the precision of the data. It is
possible that centres that did not report performed more
Methods studies than those that did, in which case the upper limit
would not be the maximum possible, but it was considered
A full description of the methods used for data collection a reasonable estimate.
and interpretation has already been published [3]. Briefly,
an internet-based survey of European centres known to
perform MPS was conducted. Information was obtained on Results
MPS studies performed in the calendar year 2007. The
survey contained only two obligatory questions concerning Questionnaires were returned by 258 centres in 18 countries
the number of MPS studies performed in 2007 and the (Table 1). The reporting centres served 24% of the population
population served by the MPS centre (see Electronic of their countries. For the first time since the 2005 survey,
supplementary material). The questionnaire clarified that centres from Belgium, France and Italy submitted data. In
the numbers related to patient studies counting a stress–rest contrast, no data or insufficient responses were received from
study as a single study. There were a number of optional Israel, Poland and Turkey.
questions concerning the numbers of other cardiac inves-
tigations performed and procedures used for MPS. To Nature of departments
minimize the effect of incomplete data collection, numbers
of MPS and other studies were corrected for the percentage Of the total of responding centres, 49% were teaching
of each national population covered by the centres that hospitals, 31% were nonteaching hospitals, 7% were privately
reported, assuming either that centres that did not report funded hospitals, 9% had a different setting (mainly private
performed no studies (lower limit of estimate) or that they outpatient centres) and 4% were other hospitals (e.g. military
performed the same number of studies per million popula- hospitals).

Table 1 Participating countries in the 2005 and 2007 surveys, with number of centres responding to the survey, MPS studies declared in 2007 by
those centres, country population and proportion of that population served by the centres

Country 2005 2007 Centres MPS studies declared in 2007 Country population (millions) Population served (%)

Austria x x 23 19,943 8.298 83.5

Belgium x 7 6,410 10.584 13.7
Czech Republic x x 13 8,188 10.287 44.7
Denmark x x 15 8,626 5.441 100
Finland x x 9 1,517 5.277 36.6
France x 14 22,939 63.392 9.3
Germany x x 30 16,933 83.315 15.7
Greece x x 7 12,361 11.172 37.9
Hungary x x 11 13,668 10.066 62.0
Italy x 16 28,166 59.131 14.8
Israel x
The Netherlands x x 5 8,013 16.358 10.3
Norway x x 14 3,643 4.681 62.6
Poland x
Portugal x x 6 13,766 10.599 31.3
Slovenia x x 4 3,110 2.010 99.5
Spain x x 14 9,425 44.475 19.0
Sweden x x 13 5,301 9.113 35.9
Switzerland x x 12 5,898 7.509 57.8
Turkey x
United Kingdom x x 45 35,214 60.817 38.6
162 Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2012) 39:160–164

Gamma cameras and scan activity formed on outpatients with 34% of total patients being
referred from centres other than the site performing MPS.
MPS studies were performed on a single gamma camera in The majority of studies were requested by cardiologists (80%)
24% of centres, of which 75% were multiheaded tomographic followed by noncardiac physicians (11%), primary care
cameras. The remaining centres had at least two gamma physicians (5%) and surgeons (cardiac and noncardiac)
cameras with tomographic capability on at least one camera. (4%). The median waiting time for a routine MPS study was
The total number of noncardiac nuclear medicine studies 21 days (interquartile range 7.5–45 days) and for an urgent
reported was 965,967 for a population of 82,314,947, which is MPS study 2 days (interquartile range 1–5 days).
between 2,160 and 8,000 studies pmp with the assumption
made for studies performed in the nonreported population. Stress techniques
The total number of MPS studies reported was 223,684 for a
population of 97,515,942, which is between 529 and Pharmacological stress with either a vasodilator or dobutamine
2,293 pmp. Figure 1 shows the numbers of MPS studies was used in 57% of MPS studies (Fig. 3). Pharmacological
pmp in each country. There was significant variation between stress was the commonest form of stress in Austria, Belgium,
countries, with higher numbers of MPS studies (lower limit of Denmark, Hungary, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain,
estimate at or above the mid-range of all countries combined) Switzerland and the UK, whereas dynamic exercise was the
in Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Portugal and Slovenia, and commonest form of stress in the Czech Republic, Finland,
lower numbers (upper limit of estimate below the mid-range France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Sweden and The Netherlands.
of all countries) in Finland, Norway, Spain and Switzerland. Vasodilator (dipyridamole or adenosine) stress was combined
In centres reporting numbers of coronary revascularization with exercise in 58% of the vasodilator studies.
procedures (percutaneous or surgical), the ratios of MPS
studies to coronary angiography procedures to revasculariza- MPS radiopharmaceuticals and imaging techniques
tion procedures were 0.9 to 2.2 to 1. The median number of
MPS studies per centre was 571 (interquartile range 253– Technetium-99m-labelled agents were the commonest
1,097). Over half of centres (57%) performed fewer than 500 radiopharmaceuticals used for MPS with technetium-99m
studies and 23% of centres performed fewer than 250 studies; tetrofosmin and technetium-99m MIBI administered in
12% of centres performed more than 2,000 studies (Fig. 2). 51% and 37% of studies, respectively. Thallium-201 was
administered in 11% of studies. Dual isotope imaging was
MPS referrals used in only 2% of studies. Of all technetium-99m MPS
studies, 59% were performed using a 2-day imaging
The main indications for MPS were diagnosis of coronary protocol, 13% using a 1-day rest–stress protocol and 28%
artery disease (56% of studies) followed by assessment of a 1-day stress–rest protocol.
known disease (39%) and of myocardial viability and MPS studies were acquired using single photon emission
hibernation (5%). Most MPS procedures (82%) were per- computed tomography (SPECT) in 96% of centres. ECG-

Fig. 1 Number of MPS studies

pmp by country. The lower limit
of each bar represents the num-
ber reported assuming centres
not reporting performed no
studies. The upper limit of each
bar is the extrapolated figure
assuming that the unreported
population had the same rate of
MPS studies as the reported
population. The length of the
bar is inversely proportional to
the percentage of the population
Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2012) 39:160–164 163

Fig. 2 Histograms showing per-

centages of centres in relation to
the number of MPS studies

gated acquisition was used in 74% of MPS studies. Of all centres, 92% used a continuous colour scale in
Attenuation and motion correction were applied in 22% order to assess myocardial tracer uptake (cool scale 60%,
and 13% of studies, respectively. Prone imaging either in rainbow 17%, other 15%). Grey scale was used in 8% of
addition to supine or instead of supine imaging was used in centres, 4% used a discrete colour scale with banding, and
16% of centres. 2% used a monochrome colour scale such as hot body. As
in the 2005 survey, more than one colour scale was used in
MPS reporting some centres. For the assessment of left ventricular
function, most centres (83%) used a continuous colour
Of all studies, 67% were reported by a single specialist. scale (cool scale 63%, rainbow 7%, other 13%), 15%
In 60% of all studies this was a nuclear medicine used grey scale, 14% used a monochrome colour scale
physician, in 6% a cardiologist and in 1% a radiologist. such as hot body and 6% used a discrete colour scale
Of all studies, 33% were reported by a combination of with banding.
specialists. A cardiologist was involved in 23% of
studies. The majority of MPS studies were reported
from the computer screen alone (47%) or from both Discussion
computer and hard-copy (45%). There was a significant
reduction in the proportion of studies reported from We have previously reported the first of a series of surveys
hard-copy alone (8% vs. 18% in 2005). In 70% of designed to characterize the practice of MPS in Europe [3].
studies the raw data was inspected alongside the As in the 2005 survey, the response rate varied between
tomograms at the time of reporting. countries, and the population covered by the reporting
centres in this survey was only 24% of the summed
populations of their countries. Despite this limitation, the
survey may act as a reference guide to current nuclear
cardiology practice in Europe.

Overall MPS activity

For the first time since the 2005 survey, data were obtained
from France, Italy and Belgium. In contrast, incomplete or
no data were obtained from Israel, Poland and Turkey. The
lower and upper estimates of the numbers of MPS studies
in 2007 were 529 and 2,293 pmp respectively, similar to the
2005 estimates [3]. These figures are relatively low and
there is a large range in the estimates, but it is likely that the
true value is nearer the upper than the lower estimate since
it is unlikely that the centres not included in the survey did
Fig. 3 Percentages of MPS studies performed with each type of no studies. There is also evidence that the rates of MPS
cardiac stress test studies are increasing since in centres that reported in both
164 Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2012) 39:160–164

2005 and 2007 the number of MPS studies rose from stress in general accounted for the remaining 57% with
1,584 pmp to 1,998 pmp, an increase of 21%. These dipyridamole being the most common (28%). The percent-
figures are likely to be the best estimate of changes age of vasodilator studies that were combined with dynamic
with time. exercise increased from 49% in 2005 to 58% in 2007. This
All of the figures continue to be lower than the level of increase is in line with procedure guidelines, which
activity of 4,000 MPS studies pmp supported by the UK- recommend the combination in order to reduce the
based NICE appraisal, which was based upon the ratio of incidence of vasodilator side effects.
MPS to recommended numbers of revascularization proce- The reported use of ECG gating was higher than in 2005
dures [1, 2]. The ratio of 0.9 MPS to each revascularization (74% vs. 65%), but this remains low considering that the
procedure is higher than in the 2005 survey when it was majority of MPS studies use technetium-99m-labelled tracers.
0.6, possibly reflecting the high level of nuclear cardiology Likewise, quality-enhancing tools such as attenuation and
activity in countries such as Belgium, which was not included motion correction remain under-used.
in 2005.
The methodology for estimating study numbers pmp
Acknowledgments We would like to thank the staff of the centres
depended upon centres knowing the population that they that returned information and, in particular, we thank the national
serve. Because referral patterns can be complex, some coordinators for helping to maximize returns (P. Aramugam, I. Balogh, P.
centres may have had difficulty in estimating this number. de Bont, G. Cantinho, L. Edenbrandt, P. Georgoulias, S. Graf, M. Kamínek,
G. Kravdal, D. Le Guludec, O. Lindner, C. Marcassa, M. Milcinski, A.
The questionnaire therefore provided guidance on how to
Muxi, S. Nielsen, J. Prior, H. Ukkonen, G. Zettinig). We thank Bristol
estimate the number from the national rate and the local Myers Squibb Medical Imaging, Cardiovascular Therapeutics Inc, CIS Bio
numbers of revascularization procedures, both of which are International, Covidien Pharmaceuticals, GE Healthcare, Philips Medical
usually well known. Systems and Siemens Medical Solutions for unrestricted grants.
It is useful to compare these findings with those of other
surveys. The number of MPS scans increased in Ontario,
Canada by 101% between 1997/1998 and 2005/2006,
which is an annual increase of approximately 13%
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approximately 1% [4], but there was a decrease of 2.2% in 3. Underwood SR, Wiener S. Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in
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