I'm Going To Win

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Strength leadership power

authority guidance patience

are god's gift to us as men we
have to cherish that not abuse
it i prayed this morning to be
a better listener it didn't work
so well it's we're human you
get back up yes i've been high
up on the mountain i've been
blessed [Music] but that's a
slippery slope yeah and it's
lonely up there you know
people don't know that side of
it we did not come this far to
just break down and lose now
i'm a winner i'm going to win
true desire in the heart that
itch that you have whatever it
is you want to do that thing
that you want to do to help
others and to to grow and to
make money that desire that
it's that's god's proof to you sit
beforehand already to indicate
that it's yours aspire to make a
difference you are what you
are in this world that's either
one or two things either you're
somebody or you're nobody
never give up without
commitment you'll never start
but more importantly without
consistency you'll never finish
it's not easy if we're easy to be
no denzel washington so keep
working keep striving never
give up fall down seven times
get up eight ease is a greater
threat to progress than
hardship so keep moving keep
growing keep learning see
you at work well it may be
frightening it will also be
rewarding so you got to get
out there you got to give it
everything you got whether
it's your time [Music] your
talent your prayers or your
treasures because taking risk
is not just about going for a
job it's also about knowing
what you know and what you
don't know it's about being
open to people and to ideas
[Music] to get something you
never had you have to do
something you never did
[Music] because the chances
you take the people you meet
the people you love the faith
that you have that's what's
going to define you [Music] i
found that nothing in life is
worthwhile unless you take
risks nothing nelson mandela
said there is no passion to be
found playing small and
settling for a life that's less
than the one you're capable of
living now i'm sure in your
experiences in school and
applying to college and
picking your major and
deciding what you want to do
with life i'm sure people have
told you to make sure you
have something to fall back
on make sure you got
something to fall back on
honey but i never understood
that concept having
something to fall back on if
i'm going to fall i don't want
to fall back on anything i
want to fall forward i figure at
least this way i'll see what i'm
going to hit fall forward this
is what i mean reggie jackson
struck out 2600 times in his
career the most in the history
of baseball but you don't hear
about the strikeouts people
remember the home runs
[Music] fall forward thomas
edison conducted one
thousand failed experiments
did you know that i didn't
know that because the one
thousand and first was the
light bulb fall forward
[Music] fail big today's the
beginning of the rest of your
life and it can be it's gonna be
very frightening it's a new
world out there it's a mean
world out there and you only
live once so do what you feel
passionate about take chances
professionally don't be afraid
to go outside the box don't be
afraid to think outside the box
don't be afraid to fail big to
dream big but remember
dreams without goals are just
dreams and they ultimately
fuel disappointment so have
dreams but have goals life
goals yearly goals monthly
goals daily goals i try to give
myself a goal every day
sometimes just to not curse
somebody out simple goals
but have goals and understand
that to achieve these goals
you must apply discipline and
consistency in order to
achieve your goals you must
apply discipline which you've
already done and consistency
every day not just on tuesday
and miss a few days you have
to work at it hard work works
you'll never see a u-haul
behind a hearse i don't care
how much money you make
you can't take it with you the
egyptians tried it they got
robbed that's all they got you
can't take it with you and it's
not how much you have it's
what you do with what you
have we all have different
talents some of you will be
doctors some lawyers some
scientists some educators
some nurses some preachers
the most selfish thing you can
do in this world is help
someone else why is it selfish
because the gratification the
goodness that comes to you
the good feeling the good
feeling that i get from helping
others nothing's better than
that well one or two things
but nothing's better than that
not not jewelry not big house
i have not the cars but the it's
the joy that's where the joy is
in helping others that's where
the success is and anything
you want good you can have
so claim it work hard to get it
when you get it reach back
pull someone else up each one
teach one [Applause]
remember just because you're
doing a lot more doesn't mean
you're getting a lot more done
remember that just because
you're doing a lot more
doesn't mean you're getting a
lot more done don't confuse
movement with progress my
mother told me she said yeah
cause you can run in place all
the time and never get
anywhere so continue to
strive continue to have goals
continue to progress [Music]
[Music] you.


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