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GED 1: Notes Musical-rhythmic intelligence - ability to

produce and appreciate

Module 3 – Lesson 1 : Responsible
rhythm, pitch, and timbre;
Self: My Commitment to Lifelong
musical expressiveness. (ex.
composers, musicians, or
sensitive listeners)

Charles Spearman (1904) believed that Interpersonal intelligence - ability to

intelligence consists of a general mental understand and interact
ability or intelligence quotient (IQ, also effectively with others. (ex.
called g factor) and domain-specific teachers or mental health
abilities. professionals)

IQ is a standardized measure that Intrapersonal intelligence - ability to

represents a person’s reasoning skills understand oneself;
theologians, psychologists, or
Howard Gardner’s theory of eight persons with detailed and
intelligences accurate self-concepts
Verbal-linguistic intelligence - ability to Naturalists intelligence - ability to
think in words and use observe patterns in nature and
language to express meaning. understand natural and
(ex. authors, journalists, human-made systems. (ex.
speakers, or poets) farmers, botanists, ecologists,
landscapers, or
Logical-mathematical intelligence - environmentalists).
ability to carry out
mathematical operations;
reasoning; logical or numerical Contributors to Intelligence
patterns (ex. scientists,
engineers, accountants, or Heredity and the environment,
mathematicians) contribute to intelligence and personality

Spatial-visual intelligence - ability to Heredity refers to the genes one inherits

think in images, pictures, or from his/her parents, which provide the
three-dimensional figures. (ex. upper and lower limits of his/her parents,
architects, artists, which provide the upper and lower limits
sailors/navigators, or sculptors) of his/her intelligence quotient.

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence - ability to Environment involves the experiences

be physically adept at and the psychological and physical
manipulating objects skillfully. exposure of the individual to the various
(ex. surgeons, crafts people, influences around him/her
artisans, dancers, or athletes.)
It has been resolve that heredity and him/her to look for food and eat it
environment both interact to contribute to reduce the drive and satisfy the
to intelligence and personality. need.
 This theory stresses the idea that
Whether you inherit high-or-low-
as drive become stronger, the
intelligence genes, make use of the
individual becomes more
positive things kin the environment
motivated to reduce it. However,
which will enhance or improve your
people tend to behave in ways
inherited intelligence.
that increase, rather than reduce,
While you may be low or poor on a the drive
certain skill or ability, there might be
Optimum arousal theory - The Yerkes-
other capabilities that you have.
Dodson Law states that performance is
Discover and develop them further.
at its highest under conditions of
Motivation is the force that moves moderate arousal rather than high or low
people to behave, think, and feel the arousal. With a low arousal, one might
way they do. Motivated behavior is be too lazy or unwilling to perform the
energized, directed, and sustained. task. With a high arousal, one might not
be able to concentrate on performing the
Aside from heredity and environment,
motivation is also a significant influence
in personality development.  For example, when taking an
exam with a very high arousal, a
The levels of motivation of
student may not be able to
individuals, some of which are as
concentrate. On the other hand, if
the arousal is too low, he/she
Evolutionary theory - the motivation for may not work fast enough to
sex, achievement, aggression, and other finish the test, thus moderate
behaviors is rooted in the organisms’ arousal is often the best in
evolutionary past. Thus, if a species is dealing with tasks.
highly competitive, it is because such  The level of arousal may also
competitiveness has improved its depend on the kind of task on
chances of survival, and it is then hand.
passed down through genes from
The personal characteristics of an
generation to generation.
individual may also influence level of
Drive reduction theory - This theory motivation. Some individual seek
explains that organisms are driven by stimulation in their lives and enjoy
physiological needs. the 81 thrill of engaging in risky
 A need energizes one’s drive to
eliminate or reduce the Sensation-seeking is the motivation
deprivation. to experience varied, novel, complex,
 For example, if one feels hungry, and intense feelings and
hunger is the motivator for experiences.
 motivated to engage in sports intellectual growth. EQ is the emotional
 attracted to vacations or counterpart of IQ.
occupations involving exciting
Emotional intelligence has an intellectual
component, especially in using emotions
 drink heavily, smoke, use illicit to facilitate thinking or logical reasoning.
 have a short-term hedonistic  Ex. In a class, the teacher asks
attitude towards intimate the question, “In which
relationships geographical region is the
Philippines located?” Paul sees
Cognitive approach - The Jane raising her hand but he
contemporary view of motivation blurts out, “Southeast Asia!” One
emphasizes that cognitive factors will readily think that Jane might
determine motivation level. be angry because Paul gets the
 An example is a student’s credit. It may thus be said that
motivation to do well in class. Paul has a high IQ but a low EQ.
One’s confidence in his/her ability Reasoning
to do well and the expectations
for success may help the person Decisions have important and critical
relax, concentrate, and study consequences, like choosing a course, a
better. Thinking too much about job, or even a spouse.
not performing in class and the Decisions with less critical
fear of failure may lead to anxiety, consequences such as what food to
and consequently, not performing cook for lunch, or what brand of ice
well. cream to buy
The two aspect of cognitive approach to Reasoning, a cognitive or intellectual
motivation are intrinsic and extrinsic skill, is one way to determine if a choice
motivations is the “best” from among several
Some psychologists contend that many options. Reasoning is a mental process
successful individuals are both that involves using and applying
intrinsically and extrinsically motivated. knowledge to solve problems, make
plans or decisions, and achieve one’s
Emotional Intelligence goals.
Emotional intelligence, measured by Reasoning is of two types: deductive
emotional quotient (EQ), is the type of and inductive.
intelligence that refers to the abilities to
perceive, appraise, understand, and  Deductive reasoning begins
express emotions accurately and with making a general
appropriately; the use of emotions and assumption that is known or
emotional knowledge to facilitate believed to be true, and then
thinking; and the regulation of one’s drawing specific conclusions
emotions to promote both emotional and based on this assumption.
 For example, a general Module 3 – Lesson 2:
assumption is that only a person
Assessing for Self-improvement:
who is drunk will gleefully walk
Directing My Destiny
under a strong rain even if he/she
is dressed in expensive suit and
shoes. Thus, if you see a man
doing this, you will conclude that
he must be drunk. is a process that determines the
presence or absence, as well as the
Inductive reasoning is the process
extent or level, of a characteristic or
in which a conclusion is determined
behavior in a person. With an
based on a number of true facts or
assessment, one gets a better view
or understanding of people’s
 For example, asking specific behavior, including that of oneself.
questions will minimize the
Apgar test, considered to be the
possible reasons for his manner,
most important assessment in one’s
and possibly lead to the correct
life. It is used to determine a baby’s
conclusion. This means that one
general health and overall wellness.
has to know all the facts first
before coming up with In doing an assessment, tools are
conclusions. used. They are also called
measures or data-gathering tools.
Researchers use inductive reasoning
Tests are a type of tools. The data or
when they use past experiences or
information derived from a tool
observations to form a general
provides the basis for knowing or
determining the presence or absence
Hypothesis is a statement that must of a behavior or characteristic.
be tested by gathering data. It is an
Measurement deals only with the
expectation of what is going to
administration of the tool and
determining the numerical values of
Biased reasoning refers to the act the data gathered from a tool. An
of jumping to conclusion before even example of this is assigning scores
knowing all the facts. to test papers after checking the
answers and classifying them
Confirmation bias is the tendency
according to some set of criteria.
to look for 83 information that
support’s one decisions and beliefs Assessment, includes the
while ignoring disconfirming processes of measurement,
information. analyzing and interpreting the scores
or the numerical values of the data,
and deducing meanings out of the
gathered data.
Psychological assessment refers General Methods of Assessment
to the use of specified testing
Formal assessments are
procedures to evaluate the abilities,
standardized and generally carried
behaviors, and personal qualities of
out in professional settings by
people. It describes the extent to
experts in the behavior or
which a person is similar to or
characteristics being measured.
different from others. Results from
They are done in orderly and
psychological assessments
systematic manner. Formal
contribute to a better understanding
assessments utilize statistics in the
of a person.
interpretation of data and ultimately
Assessment tools are important in come up with a conclusion.
getting information about the
Informal assessments are
behaviors of people.
everyday assessments people make
Kinds of Assessment about themselves or about others.
These assessments do not have to
 Achievement test. This test
observe formal processes. The
measures what has been learned bases for assessing a person are
within specific period of time. unstructured or simple observations
Hence, if a teacher gives of his/her behaviors in informal
students a mathematics test at settings and occasions. Informal
the end of the semester, it means assessments give a clue to what
that he/she wants to know how might be happening with the
much the students learned for behavior or characteristic being
one semester. studied or described.
 Mental ability test. It measures
one’s level of mental ability. Such Application of Assessment
tests are also known as IQ tests.
Assessments provide many
 Aptitude test. This test measures advantages, foremost of which is to
the inclination of individuals gain better understanding of oneself.
towards certain specific areas. It Thus, one will know exactly what
determines what particular field of areas are to be improved or
work an individual would most enhanced, and more importantly,
possibly be successful at. what to do to overcome his/her
 Personality test. It measures weaknesses and turn them into
facets of personality, some of strengths.
which are attitudes, perceptions,
interests, psychological Ex:
aberrations, personality
 The results of an achievement
disorders, and the like.
test at the middle of the
Using inappropriate assessment semester showed that Bernie
tools invalidates the results. did not correctly answer the
items that measure
computation skills. It means Module 3 – Lesson 3:
that she is weak in that area.
The Best of Me: Outstanding Awards
As a result, she thinks that
she should study harder,
engage the help of a tutor,
and do more practice
exercises. This way, she can Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a
improve her performance in model of one who achieved his life goals
mathematics, especially in spite of difficulties and constraints. He
computation. was able to do it because of a mix
several factors: clear-cut life goals,
persistence and perseverance in
 Amy has been feeling very
pursuing his dreams, adherence to the
nervous and worried lately.
philosophy of loving and helping others,
She does not know why. Her
practice of skills of perfection, positive
hands and feet are always
attitudes and recognition of limitless
sweaty, and her mouth is dry.
She avoids social situations.
She consulted a guidance What lessons from Jonathan Livingston
counselor who referred her to Seagull’s story can guide you in your
a psychiatrist. The latter life? Are there parallel circumstances in
subjected her to medical your own life? How did you over come
exam. Nothing serious was them?
seen in her physical health.
Thus, the psychiatrist gave  1. Pursue your life goals with
her a personality test. From determination. In the process, do
the results, Bernie was not allow failures or errors to
diagnosed with a high level of discourage you from seeing your
anxiety. Since she could not goals to finish.
handle the situation by  2. Once you learned something
herself, she sought new, make sure to share it with
professional help, so she will others. Show helpfulness, love
learn to manage her emotions and generosity to others.
better.  3. Don’t be satisfied with the
typical. Strive to go beyond the
 4. Always have a humble heart
when dealing with people.
 5. Be a model so as to influence
other people.
 6. Be creative in the ways of
pursuing your goals.
 7. Be the best of what you can be things that redound to the general
and influence other people to do good.
the same.
Maslow says that only a few people
 8. Patience is a virtue in pursuing
reach the level of self-actualization.
your goals.
Why is this so? For one, people
possess different traits that include
their level of motivation,
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
intellectual capacity, abilities, and
people go through stages and levels of emotional maturity. For example, a
personal development, the highest of person with low motivation levels
which is self-actualization or self- would just be contented with his/her
fulfillment. Further, each stage is present status, while a person who is
characterized by the kind of need which highly motivated would maximize
the person should strive to satisfy first his/her time, effort, and opportunity
before he/she can successfully satisfy to propel himself/herself towards
the next level. his/her goals.

The needs are broadly categorized into Another reason is the differences in
two: deficiency and growth needs. life goals and ways of attaining one’s
purpose in life. Somebody who is
Individuals in the process of self- more focused, more strategic in
actualizing or are self-actualized thinking, and more persevering
manifest certain characteristics and will have more chances to attain
behaviors. his/her goal, compared to one who is
 happy and feel contented not.
 They do not get upset or angry Once you graduate from college,
over trivial matter, or even attaining self-actualization is not
failures guaranteed. In fact, your quest for
 focus more on the good or self-actualization may just be starting
positive side rather than on the after you are granted an academic
negative points degree.
 they are generous with their time
and effort in helping others  focus relentlessly on
 optimists who look at the bright improving your ways and
side of life habits of working, as well as
 They do not easily brood nor your ways of dealing with
worry people
 They have broad perspective  Develop a good work ethic.
about life  Continuously enhance your
 they deeply care for their personal habits
community, country and the  Do away with vice and avoid
humanity as a whole by doing illegal substances and
 Form good relationships with  1. What is my life for? This
people question requires you to have a
 Once you have a family, be long and thorough look within
sure that you raise and train yourself, your abilities, your
your children to be peace and characteristics, your interests,
God-loving. and the like as well as your
Achieving self-actualization is a
 2. What do I want to happen to
lifelong process. Thus, planning and
my life? This question requires
setting goals and directions as early as
you to have a clear picture of
you are able will give you the advantage
your goals—both short-range and
of having a better chance of achieving
 3. How can I achieve it? This
Goal-setting and Success question requires you to know
how to accomplish your goals. Do
Success is defined as the state of you have the resources and the
accomplishment or achievement support to achieve your goals?
resulting from an endeavor.
A personal mission statement
For some, success means having presents one’s own personal philosophy
material possessions like a car or or belief that state his/her objectives in
house. On the other hand, some people life and how he/she wants to accomplish
think of success as having a good them. It focuses on what one wants to
family life, a happy home, a feeling of be and to do.
contentment or ease, or always being in
love. A goal is a result towards which effort is
directed, or a point, end, or a place that
King further believes that success one is striving to reach. Goals must be
means not only being able to achieve or realistic but, at the same time, attractive
fulfill one’s goals, but also having so as to excite one into achieving them.
positive feeling of happiness, joy, love, If your goals are not clear in your mind,
peace of mind, self-respect, greatness, you may “divide” or “chop” them into
and freedom from worry, anxiety, and smaller pieces to make them attainable.
guilt, or failure. He states that many
people associate success with the King (2004) adds that there are specific
acquisition or possession of tangible or goals which when combined together,
material things; but the very root of make one big goal called success.
success is the positive feelings that
1. Mental/emotional success.
come with accomplishment and
Having a good grasp of your
mind, feelings and emotions.
King (2004) raise three important
2. Spiritual success. Balancing
questions you can ask yourself to help
the needs of the body and spirit.
you understand life itself.
3. Personal success. is to avoid getting fat in the future,
Overcoming a weakness or say, “I want to avoid getting too
disability fat by refraining from eating in
between meals.
4. Career success.
Accomplishing work objectives. 5. Make your goals realistic.
Set goals that are based on your
5. Financial success. Earning
expectations, not those of others.
enough for one’s needs or more.
Another motivational author, William
6. Social success. Getting well
Gracian (2005) gives the following
along with the being held in
advice in pursuing one’s goals.
respect by others.
1. Have a clear purpose. For a
7. Physical success. Having a
dream to become a goal, it must
healthy and sound body.
always be specific. You have to
8. Family success. Maintaining write down exactly what you want
harmony and achieving fulfillment in life.
as a family.
2. Be totally committed. Once
Some guidelines in setting specific goals you have identified and clarified
are as follows (King, 2004): your goal, emotionally commit to
1. Set expressive goals. Be
precise and make positive 3. Reiterate your goals. Review
statements. Say, for example, “I your goals as often as possible.
will speak well of my associates” You might need to repeat them at
rather than “I will avoid gossiping certain times. Talk about your
about my associates.” goals to people may help you
attain them.
2. Prioritize your goals. When
you have many goals, give each 4. Write down your goals. Keep
a priority number. Prioritizing your journals, though old-fashioned
goals will help you attain them they may be, on which to write
more neatly and easily, rather and review your goals. The
than dealing with all of them journals help you to always be
simultaneously. aware or conscious of your goals.

3. Base your goals or 5. Record your achievement.

performance, not just Documenting an achievement
outcomes. Set goals which you makes you feel empowered. It is
have the power and the ability to a reminder that motivates you to
achieve. achieve more.

4. Set specific goals. Be as 6. Create a well-defined plan. A

specific as possible but not too plan acts as some kind of a
detailed, for example, if your goal blueprint to turn your goals into
reality. Set dates, devise 3. Create mental databases
techniques, formulate habits, and which you can utilize for
prioritize your steps. practical recall. You can do this
technique by memorizing
7. Work on your goal, step by
significant and important
step, day by day. Spend time
and energy in achieving goals on
a regular basis. Goals cannot be 4. Recall the specific
achieved in an instant. information periodically. Use
the knowledge which enhances
8. Review and evaluate. Set
your learning skills.
aside time to review your
accomplishments and 5. Do not spare time on
achievements. By doing this, you managing your knowledge.
can also avoid and anticipate You must have a way of assuring
failure. yourself that only the material
you have chosen and selected to
King (2004) suggests guidelines in
learn is worth the time you put in
making the mind a repository of
it. It must be updated, useful, and
knowledge. According to him, learning
properly formulated.
does not only give you facts, ideas, and
other information. It also provides you 6. Develop your writing skills.
with the power to think. Thus, you can Writing is one of the best ways to
achieve your goals and turn your develop your mental skills. For a
dreams into reality with learning. You start, you can keep a diary or
should not be content with what you journal for your thoughts, ideas,
know now, but strive to gain and acquire insights, and the like. You can
more knowledge. also opt to write letters so you
can share and exchange views
Desire for nothing but knowledge.
with other people.
Information comes in different forms.
Develop the motivation for gaining long- The following are guidelines in
term knowledge for its benefits. developing a positive attitude towards
learning (King, 2004):
1. Assess the information you
really need. Use only the 1. Always be teachable. Keep
information you think will help your mind open because a closed
you in the future. mind slows down the learning
2. Know where to get the best
information. Many sources of 2. Self-development, not self-
information are available. fulfillment. Self-development is
However, always consider the the process of trying to raise
quality of the information you yourself to a much higher level.
gather. On the other hand, self-fulfillment
is trying to please yourself
continuously and being happy 2. Find out where you exactly went
and content with what you have wrong. Study your limitations
achieved. objectively. In determining the problem,
look at yourself first rather than at other
3. Be a consistent learner.
people or what’s wrong with the world.
Make each experience a learning
Strive to maintain objectivity in analyzing
experience. Surround yourself
the cause/s of the failure.
with learning moments, people,
and anything or anybody you 3. Change your attitude or mindset
could gain insights from. towards failure. The corresponding
change in your ideas about failure will
4. Develop a plan for growth. It
follow. The experience should not be
is a schedule of the constructive
seen as a failure, per se, because there
things you can do that can
are many things both within and outside
expand your mental ability.
of your control that can explain it.
Goal-setting is not just about reaching
4. Come up with a failure strategy. Do
one’s destination. It also implies going
not expect failure, but be sure to
for another goal after one has been
anticipate courses of action in case it
achieved. If you successfully attained
one goal, aspire for another. Never stop
learning, so you will keep growing. 5. Look for good alternatives to what
you are doing. In case you are not
Never stop learning because success is
doing well with your present position,
just around the corner.
you should have a fallback or an
Failure alternative in which you will feel happier.

It is the inability to achieve one’s 6. Make effective decisions to avoid

goals. It is said that an experience of repeating the same mistakes. Do not
failure makes one stronger, provided ask others to make decisions for you.
that he/she knows how to apply the You may ask for comments and
lessons gained from the episode. suggestions from them, but the final
decisions rests on you.
King (2004) provides guidelines on how
to deal failure gracefully: 7. Visualize the effects of your
decisions. Be realistic about what will
1. Zero in on failure. Separate the happen after you make a decision.
concepts of failing at a task and failing Avoid going into a debate or argument
as a person. Failure in one area does with regard to its effects. Anticipate the
not make one a total failure. Keep it on pros and cons of your choices.
its proper perspective and context. It
should be taken as part of life’s reality. The Need for Spirituality
For some, failure serves as a motivation
Spirituality mostly refers to an
to work or strive harder.
individual practice related to a sense of
peace and purpose. It is also associated
with the process of developing beliefs remembered that the chief goal of
around the meaning of life. life is happiness.
The vehicle for realizing this force is 6. Find a spiritual role model.
faith. Faith is a firm belief or conviction Find people you look up to with
not based on external evidence or proof. attributes that you idealize and
It is the confidence on what you do not draw inspiration from them.
see, but rather feel. Emulate a great person.
Faith energizes the mind and the body 7. Think of your world as a
as well as enables people to perceive battle between good and evil.
possibilities, improve their powers of Your life is meant to raise the
discernment, and leads them to excel standard of goodness to a higher
(King, 2004). level.
King (2004) and Gracian (2005) lay out 8. Realize that your presence of
some guidelines for spiritual success: influence will outlast your life.
Death is a reality. How would you
1. Minimize materialistic
want others to remember you? Is
thoughts. Materialistic thoughts
it through the good times and the
are associated with self-centered
good things you did?
perceptions like pride, power,
fame, dominion, and the like. 9. Emphasizes rejoicing in life
Many of these ideas dominate rather than surviving in life.
because of the lack of faith. The more meaning you see in
life, the easier you will find it
2. Generate peaceful, serene
good. This advice does not
thoughts. Regularly spend time
necessarily require one to be very
each day in quiet moments when
religious, but just to believe that
you can feel and think more
there is a plan, point, or purpose
deeply about your mission in life.
of life.
3. Create a spiritual image.
10. Read inspiring literature.
Project a happy image even
Read stories of achievement,
without the trappings of material
success, and faith. Watch
things like a house or a car.
programs that teach life lessons.
4. Face reality with faith. Facing
The Role of Prayer: Communicating
especially your worst fears will
with the Source
enable you to cope better with
challenges and problems. The key to successful living is
learning to communicate and to
5. Live for a higher purpose.
commune with the Source. Praying or
People need to earn money to
communing with the Higher Power is the
eat and sustain the physical
highest form of channeling power to
selves, but it must always be
one’s soul. In prayer, you recharge your
body and feel relaxed. Think of prayer
not as talking to God, however you may
conceive Him to be, but talking with
God. It is a companionship, a walk in the
park, or watching the lovely sunset.

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