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Virtual reality (VR) is a powerful technology that promises to change our lives unlike any
other. By artificially stimulating our senses, our bodies become tricked into accepting
another version of reality our senses, our bodies become tricked into accepting another
version of reality. VR is like a waking dream that could take place in a magical cartoon-like
world, or could transport us to another part of the Earth or universe. It is the next step
along a path that includes many familiar media, from paintings to movies to video games.
We can even socialize with people inside of new worlds, which could be real or artificial. At
the same time, VR bears the stigma of unkept promises. The hype and excitement have
often far exceeded the delivery of VR experiences to match it, especially for people without
access to expensive laboratory equipment.

Significance of study

The study on virtual reality technology with reference to Ikea holds significance impact on
improvement and proper use of technology to support the costumer and provide better
understanding between the seller and the buyer. The scientist carefully designs the VR
system as part of an experiment that will help to resolve a scientific hypothesis. For
example, how does turning off a few neurons in a rat’s brain affect its navigation ability? On
the other hand, when engineers or developers construct a VR system or experience, they
are usually targeting themselves and people like them. They feel perfectly comfortable
moving back and forth between being the “scientist” and the “lab subject” while evaluating
and refining their work. As you will learn throughout this book, this is a bad idea! The
creators of the experience are heavily biased by their desire for it to succeed without
having to redo their work. They also know what the experience is supposed to mean or
accomplish, which provides a strong bias in comparison to a fresh subject. To complicate
matters further, the creator’s body will physically and mentally adapt to whatever flaws are
present so that they may soon become invisible. You have probably seen these kinds of
things before. For example, it is hard to predict how others will react to your own writing.
Also, it is usually harder to proofread your own writing in comparison to that of others. In
the case of VR, these effects are much stronger and yet elusive to the point that you must
force yourself to pay attention to them. Take great care when hijacking the senses that you
have trusted all of your life. This will most likely be uncharted territory for you.
For IKEA, we created a high-definition, interactive showroom
that uses the immersive power of virtual reality to offer an innovative 3D product
experience. With new ways of exploration and visualization, customers can bring IKEA
rooms to life – opening their mind and home to new possibilities. The application provides
an immersive and emotional product experience that revolutionizes the way customers
engage in interior decoration. After slipping into IKEA's virtual showroom, visitors are able
to explore and configure furniture items and their environmental context in real-time. In
the blink of an eye, they can try different fabrics, swap the wall colour and even change the
time of day to see their combinations in a different light. It empowers the visitor to visualize
their own taste, inspire and expand their mind with new ideas. Given the context, the
Virtual Home Experience pushes VR as the most meaningful and effective platform for
getting into a creative mental state – providing a radical experience that pulls visitors out
from the walkway and puts into a full-scale flow of colourful emotions and exciting

The Rise of virtual reality

Virtual Reality (VR) has emerged as a transformative technology, immersing users in
simulated environments and providing new avenues for entertainment, education, and
beyond. This article delves into the rising popularity of VR and its profound impact
across various industries.

Understanding Virtual Reality: Defining Virtual Reality: Exploring the concept of

VR and how it creates immersive experiences through computer-generated
simulations. types of VR Devices: Examining the different types of VR devices,
including headsets, controllers, and haptic feedback systems.
Virtual Reality in Entertainment: Gaming in Virtual Reality: Analysing the impact
of VR on the gaming industry, including enhanced immersion, realistic experiences,
and new gameplay mechanics. VR Films and Cinematic Experiences: Exploring how
VR is transforming the way we consume media, with immersive films, 360-degree
storytelling, and interactive narratives.
Virtual Reality in Healthcare: Therapeutic Applications: Exploring the use of VR in
therapy and rehabilitation, such as pain management, phobia treatment, and mental
health interventions. surgical Training and Preoperative Planning: Discussing how VR
is revolutionizing surgical training by providing realistic simulations and aiding in
preoperative planning.
Virtual Reality in Education: VR in Classroom Settings: Examining how VR is
being used in traditional classrooms to enhance learning experiences, simulate real-
world scenarios, and facilitate interactive educational content. Training and Skill
Development: Exploring the applications of VR in professional training, such as
medical simulations, flight simulators, and industrial skills development. Training and
Skill Development: Exploring the applications of VR in professional training, such as
medical simulations, flight simulators, and industrial skills development.

Project Progress Report: ‘’STUDY OF VIRTUAL REALITY

Duration: 10 weeks
Week 1: Introduction and Background

● Define the problem statement and research questions.

● Introduce Ikea as the focal point of the study.

● Discuss the significance and need for the research.

Week 2: Literature Review

● Explore the evolution of Virtual reality.

● Analyse the role of platforms like Ikea in upgrading technology.

● Review existing studies on consumer behaviour, market dynamics, and technological

innovations in virtual reality.

Week 3: Research Methodology

● Define the nature of the study on modern VR experience.

● Specify the scope and timeframe of the research.

● Detail data collection methods (Core, Secondary, Derived)

● Introduce tools for analysis.

Week 4: Data Collection

● Begin collecting data from sources such as the internet, magazines, journals, and


● Initiate content analysis for data

● Use core and derived data to retain customer

Week 5: Data Analysis

● Dive into the analysis of secondary data using tools.

● Utilize data analysis software for insights from interviews and case studies.

● Identify patterns and trends in consumer behaviour and market dynamics.

Week 6: Ikea Case Study

● Explore technological innovations within Ikea.

● Assess Ikea’s market positioning and its impact on consumer behaviour.

● Develop content on Ikea's business model and strategies.

● Examine changing shopping patterns, preferences, and competitive dynamics

Week 7: Recommendations and Future Outlook

● Provide strategic recommendations for new technology to adapt.

● Discuss the future outlook of the consumer sector considering new technology.

● Conclude findings from the case study.

Week 8: Conclusion and Summary of Findings

● Summarize key findings from the research.

● Conclude the study by tying together insights from each chapter.

● Highlight implications for the virtual reality.

Week 9: Final Edits and Formatting

● Review and edit the entire document for coherence and consistency.

● Ensure adherence to academic standards and guidelines.

● Format the document according to the submission requirements.

Week 10: Final Report Submission

● Submit the final project report along with any additional documentation required.

As we conclude the 10-week journey of this comprehensive research project, significant
progress has been made in systematically unravelling the intricate dynamics of the virtual
reality technology, with a specific focus on Ikea. The project began with a clear
identification of the problem statement and the formulation of pertinent research questions.
A broad overview of the vertical reality and the escalating impact of technology set the
stage for the study, emphasizing the need to delve into the specifics of Ikea influence.

The literature review provided a solid foundation by exploring the evolution of Virtual reality
globally, analysing the transformative role of platforms like Ikea, and reviewing existing
studies on consumer behaviour, market dynamics, and technological innovations within the
latest technology.

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