Falsafah Script Ver 3

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SCENE 1: Challenges of Multiculturalism (Ethnicity)

Role-play Depicting a Multicultural Challenge - Verbal Conflict Due to Racism

Character Name (Member 2, representing Malay): You [Character Name 3], your community always
thinks you can control everything in this country!

Character Name (Member 3, representing Chinese): That's not true! We contribute significantly to
the nation's economy. It's your community that keeps demanding special privileges!

Character Name (Member 4, representing Indian): Both of you, stop! We shouldn't be fighting like
this. It's divisive and counterproductive.

Character Name (Member 2): [Character Name 4], stay out of this. It's none of your business!

Character Name (Member 4): It is my business! We're all Malaysians, and this racism is tearing us

Character Name (Member 3): [Character Name 2], it's time to move beyond stereotypes and address
the root causes of these tensions.

Character Name (Member 2): [Character Name 3], maybe if your community didn't keep to
yourselves, there wouldn't be such problems!

Character Name (Member 3): That's an unfair generalization. We all need to engage in open
dialogue and build bridges instead of walls.

Character Name (Member 4): We have to remember that our diversity is our strength. Let's find
common ground and work together to combat racism.
SCENE 2: Ethics and Cultural Differences (Religion)

Character Name (Member 1): In Islam, we have five daily prayers that are integral to our faith. They
help us stay connected to Allah throughout the day.
Character Name (Member 6): As Buddhists, we don't have daily prayers in the same way. Our
practice involves meditation and seeking inner peace.
Character Name (Member 7): In Hinduism, we have various rituals and ceremonies, including daily
offerings to deities and visits to temples.
Character Name (Member 8): Christianity, too, has its customs, such as attending church services,
reading the Bible, and prayer.
Character Name (Member 1): The ethical dilemma arises when we don't understand each other's
religious practices. It can lead to misunderstandings or unintentional disrespect.
Character Name (Member 6): Right, for instance, I once visited a mosque and didn't know the
proper etiquette. I accidentally disrupted prayers, and it was embarrassing.
Character Name (Member 7): I've had similar experiences when I didn't understand the rituals at a
Christian wedding I attended. I didn't want to offend anyone, but I felt out of place.
Character Name (Member 8): I remember attending a Hindu festival, and I didn't know the
significance of certain actions. I felt like an outsider.
Character Name (Member 1): So, the question is, how can we navigate such situations respectfully
and ethically?
Character Name (Member 6): We should educate ourselves about each other's religions, ask
questions when in doubt, and show respect for one another's practices.
Character Name (Member 7): And when hosting or attending events with people from diverse faiths,
it's crucial to explain the significance of rituals and customs.
Character Name (Member 8): Open dialogue and a willingness to learn from one another can help us
bridge these gaps in understanding.
SCENE 3: Language as a Divider (Language)

Role-play Depicting a Language Barrier with Humor

[The scene is set in a bustling Kuala Lumpur street. An elderly Chinese man (Member 10) from a
village approaches his friends, a Malay (Member 9) and an Indian (Member 11), for directions.]

Member 10 (Elderly Chinese Man): (In Chinese) 对不起,请问如何去 [Destination]? ///

[Translation: Excuse me, how do I get to [Destination]?]

Member 9 (Malay Friend): (In Bahasa Melayu) [Character Name 10], tengok ni, dia cakap bahasa apa
ni? Tak paham langsung! (Laughs) /// [Translation: [Character Name 10], look at this, what language
is he speaking? I don't understand at all! (Laughs)]

Member 11 (Indian Friend): (In English) Don't worry, my friend. Let's figure this out together. (To the
elderly Chinese man) Sir, do you speak Bahasa Melayu or English?

Member 10: (In Chinese, with gestures) [Destination]? 我要去 [Destination]. /// [Translation:
[Destination]? I want to go to [Destination].]

Member 9 (Malay Friend): (In Bahasa Melayu) Wah, dia punya English tahap dewa! (Laughs) ///
[Translation: Wow, his English is god-level! (Laughs)]

Member 11 (Indian Friend): (To the elderly Chinese man) It's okay; let's use technology to help.
(Takes out a smartphone) I'll use Google Translate to understand you better.

[Member 11 types the destination into Google Translate and shows it to the elderly Chinese man.]

Member 10 (Elderly Chinese Man): (In Chinese) 啊,谢谢你!/// (Translation: Ah, thank you!)

Member 11 (Indian Friend): (Nods) You're welcome! Have a safe journey.

SCENE 4: A Call for Change (Equality)

Role-play Proposing Change - Achieving Equality

Character Name (Member 5): To achieve equality, we need to start with education. We should
promote multicultural awareness in schools and workplaces.

Character Name (Member 9): That's a great idea. We can have cultural exchange programs in
schools and diversity training in companies to foster understanding.

Character Name (Member 10): Additionally, let's encourage businesses to hire people from diverse
backgrounds, creating a more inclusive job market.

Character Name (Member 5): True, businesses benefit from diverse perspectives and talents. We
should also address any discriminatory practices in hiring.

Character Name (Member 9): And what about government policies? Can they help promote

Character Name (Member 10): Absolutely. Government policies can play a significant role. We
should advocate for policies that protect the rights of all communities.

Character Name (Member 5): And let's promote dialogue among religious and community leaders to
address issues that might lead to inequality.

Character Name (Member 9): Interfaith dialogues can foster understanding and harmony among
different religious communities.

Character Name (Member 10): Lastly, let's use the media to showcase success stories of individuals
from various backgrounds who have achieved greatness.

Character Name (Member 5): Positive stories can inspire others and challenge stereotypes.

Member 11 (Character Name): Today, we talked about racism, religious misunderstandings, language
issues, and how to make things fair for everyone.

Racism divides us, so we must fight it. We can understand each other's religions by talking openly
and showing respect. Even if we speak different languages, we can still communicate and have a
good laugh. And we should all work together for fairness.

Remember, our diversity makes us strong. Let's build a community where everyone is included and
treated equally.
Scene 3 – road

Scene 1 – café (library)

Scene 2 – discussion room / talk show

Scene 4 – discussion room / display laptops

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