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MAKAUT,WB/COE/EVENSEM/2023-24/1119 08.06.

The Principal and Officer-in-Charge
Sub: Engagement of University Representa ves (UR) during the theory examina ons of Even
Semester Examina ons 2023-24 and authoriza on le er of the University Representa ves (UR)
This is to inform you that one University Representa ves (UR) shall visit your ins tute during all the theory examina on
days of Even Semester Examina ons 2023-24 to oversee/support/coordina on purpose.
They are not authorized to invigilate/access of QPs before the examina ons but their broadly responsibili es are as per
1. University Representa ves (UR) should reach their respec ve centres by 8:30 A.M. and need to meet with the
Officer-in-Charge (OIC)/ Principal of the college to begin the processes.
2. A er reaching the centre they need to take a geotagged selfie/picture with background of the college from their
cell phone by login in the link with their respec ve user id and password to upload in the portal.
3. University Representa ves (UR) should be present in the control room where the ques on prin ng will be done
and monitor the ac vi es inside the room. Any malprac ces need to be in mated immediately to the
OIC/Principal of the college and also to the University through whatsapp group or call.
4. University Representa ves (UR) need to carefully check and men on the me of the Ques on Paper (QP)
prin ng (normally 60 minutes before the examina ons), QP dispatch from the prin ng room to the exam hall
(15 minutes before the examina ons), exam start me, ensure coverage of CCTV in all the examina on halls,
verifica on of CCTV footage of examina on halls, any specific observa on during examina on, exam end me,
copy receiving and packing comple on me for each shi . All these need to be uploaded in an online repor ng
form for both shi s everyday.
5. Observe the CCTV control room footage during the examina ons.
6. University Representa ves (UR) is responsible to observe handover of the answer booklet packets of both shi s
to the Indian Postal System for final dispatch to the University for each day.
7. University Representa ves (UR) need to be in decent formal dress throughout their engagement in this project
and behave politely and professionally with all stake holders.
8. University Representa ves (UR) should avoid addi onal hospitality form the colleges and arrange their staying
and other necessity of their own.
9. Any other duty as assigned by the University during the examina on days.

The University is hereby authorizing Mr./Ms. SHAHAR NOOR FATEMA with following Adhaar No. 33259 -7120-215 and
Phone no . 6291270939 as University Representa ve (UR).
The Principal/ Officer-in-Charge are requested to verify their iden ty before allowing them to discharge their du es.
Though they are tech-savvy in nature but need your support and hand holding to discharge their du es. Any
irregulari es observed about the University Representa ve (UR) by the officials of the ins tutes/colleges should
immediately be reported to the University officials for necessary ac on. The coopera on of Principal/ Officer-in-Charge
is solicited to conduct the examina ons smoothly.
Thanking You

Controller of Examina ons


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