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Empowerment Workshop: Story Sharing and Self-Esteem Building


To build confidence and foster a sense of community among Roma women by sharing
personal stories and engaging in self-esteem building activities.

Materials Needed:

 Comfortable seating arranged in a circle (to promote equality and openness).

 A talking stick or any object that can be used to signify the speaker (optional but helps
in managing the flow).
 Notebooks and pens for each participant.
 A whiteboard and markers (optional for writing affirmations or key points).
 Refreshments (tea, water, snacks) to create a welcoming atmosphere.

Workshop Structure:

1. Introduction (15 minutes)

o Welcome and Warm-Up: Greet the participants warmly. Introduce yourself
and explain the purpose of the workshop.
o Icebreaker Activity: A simple activity to help participants feel more
comfortable. For example, a name game where everyone shares their name and
one positive adjective that starts with the same letter (e.g., "Happy Helena").
2. Setting the Ground Rules (10 minutes)
o Establish a few ground rules for the session to ensure it’s a safe and respectful
environment. Examples include:
 Respect confidentiality.
 One person speaks at a time (use the talking stick if necessary).
 Listen actively and without judgment.
3. Story Sharing Session (45 minutes)
o Introduction to Story Sharing: Explain the power of storytelling and how
sharing personal experiences can be empowering and healing.
o Story Prompt: Provide a prompt to get participants started. For example,
“Share a moment in your life when you felt proud of yourself” or “Share a
challenge you faced and how you overcame it.”
o Sharing Circle: Each participant takes turns sharing their story. Use the
talking stick to indicate whose turn it is to speak. Ensure everyone has an
opportunity to share but respect those who may not feel ready to speak.
4. Break (15 minutes)
o Provide refreshments and encourage informal conversation. This helps build
camaraderie and gives participants a chance to process the sharing session.
5. Self-Esteem Building Activities (45 minutes)
o Affirmation Exercise:
 Explain what affirmations are and how they can be used to build self-
 Each participant writes a positive affirmation about themselves in their
 Participants can share their affirmations with the group if they feel
o Positive Feedback Round:
 Participants pair up or form small groups.
 Each person takes turns giving and receiving positive feedback from
their partner or group members. Focus on genuine, specific
compliments and strengths.
o Gratitude Journaling:
 Ask participants to write down three things they are grateful for in their
 Discuss how practicing gratitude can improve self-esteem and overall
6. Closing Circle (20 minutes)
o Reflection: Encourage participants to reflect on what they learned or felt
during the workshop. They can share their thoughts with the group if they
o Closing Affirmation: End the session with a group affirmation or a positive
statement everyone repeats together.
o Thank You and Next Steps: Thank the participants for their openness and
courage. Provide information about any follow-up sessions or resources for
further support.

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