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Vocabulary Page 76 (Rule-Breakers in History)

“Ane ye to an eye leaves the world blind”

- Go on = continue (“seguir, continuar”)

Ex: He went on studying after the university.

- Take away= Remove (“sacar, llevarse”):

Will you take the dog away before he knocks everything over? /¿Puedes sacar al
perro antes de que tire todo?
- Set up= Form a Company or organization (“fundar una empresa”)
They set the new store up on Maple Street.
Instalaron una nueva tienda en la calle Maple.

- Put off: postpone (“posponer”)

I'm busy this afternoon; can we put our meeting off until tomorrow? He was too
busy in the morning, so he put his appointment off until the afternoon.

- Fight back: defend yourself (“contratacar”)

If you attack minorities, you must expect them to fight back.
Si atacas a una minoría es de esperar que contraataquen.

- Stand up for: defend a person or idea (advocate)

Johnston was a hero who stood up for his fellow captors without regard for his
own safety.
Johnston era un héroe que se alzaba en defensa de sus captores sin importar su
propia seguridad.

- Take part: participate (“participar”)

Join us at our rehearsal tonight if you'd like to take part.
Ven al ensayo esta noche si te gustaría participar.

- Break the law: “romper la ley”.

Every time you buy a pirated DVD, you are breaking the law.
Cada vez que compras un DVD pirata estás infringiendo la ley.

- Obey the law: “cumplir la ley”

- Draw attention: “llamar la atención”.

- Advocate (“defender”) / Advocator (“defensor”)

He advocates a return to the old business model.
Propone el restablecimiento del antiguo modelo empresarial.
- Struggle (“lucha,luchar”) NOUN / VERB
I can drive a right-hand drive car, but I have to admit that I struggle.
Puedo conducir del lado derecho, pero debo confesar que me cuesta.

- Pass the law: “Aprobar la ley”.

- Campaign for: promote a cause (“hacer campaña”)

Women were campaigning for the right to vote.
Las mujeres hicieron campaña por el derecho al voto.

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