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Endst No

222 2 l312lt't^ Dated 2SfoSfZoZ+

A copy is forwarded to the foltowing for information and necessary

The Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Chandigarh.

2 The Additionat Chief Secretary & Financiat Commissioner to Govt., Haryana,
Home Department, Chandigarh.
J The Chief Electora[ 0fficer, Haryana Chandigarh.
11 The Director General of Potice, Haryana, Panchkuta.
5 The Additionat Director GeneraI of Police CID Haryana, Panchkuta.
6 The AdditionaI Director GeneraI of Potice, Law and 0rder, Haryana
7. The Divisionat Commissioner, Ambata Division, Ambata Cantt.
8. The lnspector GeneraI of Potice, ClD, Haryana Sector 6 Panchkul.a.
9. The District and Sessions Judge, Yamuna Nagar at Jagadhri.
10 A[[ concerned 0bsevers through Naib Tehsitdar (Etection), Yamuna Nagar.
11. Returning 0fficer, Lok Sabha General Etection-2024, Ambala &
12. Att the District Magistrates in the State.
13. The Commissioner, MunicipaI Corporation, Yamuna Nagar-Jagadhri.
11. The Additionat Deputy Commissioner, Yamuna Nagar.
15. The Superintendent of Po[ice, Yamuna Nagar.
16. The Chief Executive 0fficer, Zita Parishad, Yamuna Nagar.
17 The Sub Divisionat Magistrate, Jagadhri, Bitaspur, Radaur and
18. District Transport Officer-cum-Secretary, RTA, Yamuna Nagar.
District Revenue Officer, Yamuna Nagar.
20. District Devetopment and Panchayat Officer, Yamuna Nagar.
21. Att Tehsitdar/Naib Tehsitdar in the District Yamuna Nagar.
22. Att Btock Development & Panchayat Officers, in the District Yamuna Nagar.
23. District Attorney, Yamuna Nagar.
2h. District lnformatics Officer, NlC, Yamuna Nagar.
25. District lnformation & Pubtic Relations Officer, Yamuna Nagar.
26. Att Head of Offices in district Yamuna Nagar.
21. Principat, lndustriaI Training lnstitute, Yamuna Nagar.
28. Naib Tehsitdar (Etection), Yamuna Nagar.
29. Secretary, Municipat Committee, Radaur & Sadhaura.
30. District President of att Potiticat Parties in Yamuna Nagar.
3i. P.A/Steno to DC/CTM/Camp Office.


Whereas it has been made appear to me that there is tiketihood of causing

interference by the antisociaI elernents or other unscruputous persons with the safe
custody of Etectronic Voting Machines and other connected papers to be stored in the
buitdings of lndustrial Training lnstitute, Yamuna Nagar (assembty segment namety 07-
Sadhaura (SC), 08-Jagadhri, 09-Yamuna Nagar and l0-Radaur and Media Centre). After the
comptetion of the Lok Sabha potl. on25.05.2021+ which is tikety to cause annoyance or injury
or obstruction to persons tawfutty emptoyed or to cause danger to human life, heatth or
safety or disturbance of publ.ic tranquitity or riot or affray in Yamuna Nagar district. Further
there is also tiketihood of tension and intimidation at the time of counting of votes scheduted
to be hetd on 0tt.06.2024 at lndustriat Training tnstitute, Yamuna Nagar.

And whereas it has been made appear to me that the presence of un-
authorized persons within'100 meter radius from the ptaces of storage of the said Etectronic
Voting Machines, other connected papers and counting of votes, is tikety to cause
obstruction in maintaining security and safety of the said Electronic Voting Machines and
other connected papers and injury/threat to person Lawful.ty emptoyed.

And whereas I am satisfied that directions are necessary to ensure safety and
security of Etectronic Voting Machines and other connected papers and peacefutly counting
of votes and to prevent injury to human [ife, heatth and safety and to avoid any risk/injury to
persons tawfutty emptoyed and for preventing riot or affray or disturbance of pubtic

Therefore, l, Manoj Kumar, lAS, District Magistrate, Yamuna Nagar in exercise

of the powers conferred upon me under section 144 of the Code of Criminat Procedure, 1973
and a[[ other powers enabting me in this behatf do hereby prohibit the assembty of five or
more persons except those tawfutl.y deptoyed for safety of Etectronic Voting Machines and
other connected papers and counting of votes within '100 meters radius for the said pl.aces
i.e. lndustriat Training lnstitute, Yamuna Nagar (assembty segment namety 07-sadhaura
(SC), 08-Jagadhri, 09-Yamuna Nagar and'10-Radaur and Media Centre).

ln view of the requirement of the situation which has become emergent, the
order is passed ex-parte and is addressed to the pubtic in generat.

This order shaLt be promutgated throughout the district by the publ.icity Van of
the Pubtic Relations Department and by affixing of the copies of this order on Notice Boards
of Municipa[ Corporation/Committee, Sub Oivisionat Courts, TehsiI Courts and Pubtic ptaces
as we[[ as on Police Stations. District lnformatics 0fficer, Nlc, yamuna Nagar shatt be
responsible to host a copy of this order on the officiat website of the distrrct i.e.
wwur.yn minanag ar-meJD

Anybody viotating this order shat[ be Liabte for prosecution and punishment
under section 188 of the lndian Penal Code and other appticabte Acts/

Given under my h f the Court on this 28rh day ot May,202tt

f ate, -

YanunaM)ar (

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