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User Manual MAY

for Synchronized Press Brakes V1.5
© 2023 Cybelec S.A. All
Rights Reserved
Copying, reproduction, modification, distribution, display or transmission of any of the contents of this
manual for any purpose without the prior consent of Cybelec S.A. is strictly prohibited.
Table of Contents
Safety ....................................................................................................................................................................8
General Safety ..................................................................................................................................................8
Signs and Icons appearing in this Manual ........................................................................................................9
General warning ...........................................................................................................................................9
Information ...................................................................................................................................................9
Settings .........................................................................................................................................................9
Getting started with VisiTouch .......................................................................................................................... 10
Screen Map .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Screen Map (continued) ................................................................................................................................ 12
General navigation ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Menu Button ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Status Page Zone ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Screen Cleaning ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Status page .................................................................................................................................................... 14
Tracer Button ............................................................................................................................................. 14
User Preferences ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Language.................................................................................................................................................... 15
Length Units............................................................................................................................................... 15
Force Units ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Force / Length Units .................................................................................................................................. 16
Sigma Units ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Show axes position values ......................................................................................................................... 16
Show bent part .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Materials .................................................................................................................................................... 16
BDC Correction .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Menu horizontal alignement ..................................................................................................................... 17
Menu vertical alignement ......................................................................................................................... 18
Clear indexation......................................................................................................................................... 18
Beam trace................................................................................................................................................. 18
Auto open beam trace ............................................................................................................................... 18
Default retraction ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Set Clock .................................................................................................................................................... 19
Touchscreen Calibration ............................................................................................................................ 19
Offset Pinch Point function........................................................................................................................ 19
Show button up ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Program counter mode ............................................................................................................................. 19
Show L first ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Indexation Aids .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Disable recalculation at product load........................................................................................................ 20
Beam stop during retraction ..................................................................................................................... 20
Bend list columns configuration ................................................................................................................ 21
Bending pages buttons configuration ....................................................................................................... 22
Manual Axes Movement ............................................................................................................................... 23
Desynchronized Beam ............................................................................................................................... 23
Linked axis ................................................................................................................................................. 23
Information Page ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Transfer Page ................................................................................................................................................. 25
Information ................................................................................................................................................ 26
Importing parts from PC program ............................................................................................................. 26
Taking a backup – step by step.................................................................................................................. 27
Restoring – step by step ............................................................................................................................ 27
Statistics......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Backup and restore........................................................................................................................................ 28
Backup ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
Restore....................................................................................................................................................... 29
Delete Backup ............................................................................................................................................ 29
Basic Page Description....................................................................................................................................... 30
Bend Numerical Page .................................................................................................................................... 30
Available functions on the Bend Num. page ............................................................................................. 30
Quick access tab ........................................................................................................................................ 32
User button tab ......................................................................................................................................... 33
Screen Capture function ............................................................................................................................ 33
Semi-Automatic mode ............................................................................................................................... 33
Bending Attributes..................................................................................................................................... 34
Copy to All Function ...................................................................................................................................... 38
Tools Management ............................................................................................................................................ 39
Punches ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Punches options ........................................................................................................................................ 40
Dies ................................................................................................................................................................ 43
Dies options ............................................................................................................................................... 44
Naming Tools ................................................................................................................................................. 46
Punches ..................................................................................................................................................... 46
Dies ............................................................................................................................................................ 46
Creating a Part Program .................................................................................................................................... 47
Graphical 2D .................................................................................................................................................. 47
Mode ............................................................................................................................................................. 47
Touch profile mode ................................................................................................................................... 48
L-Alpha mode............................................................................................................................................. 49
U-W mode ................................................................................................................................................. 49
Multi profiles ............................................................................................................................................. 50
Bend Sequencing ........................................................................................................................................... 52
Automatic bend sequence ......................................................................................................................... 53
Unbending sequencing order .................................................................................................................... 53
Page Simulation Criteria ............................................................................................................................ 55
Bend 2D Page................................................................................................................................................. 56
Display functions ....................................................................................................................................... 57
Bend List .................................................................................................................................................... 58
Hemming bend .......................................................................................................................................... 59
Pre-Bend .................................................................................................................................................... 60
Numerical Mode ............................................................................................................................................ 61
Machine Start ................................................................................................................................................ 62
Bending Corrections ...................................................................................................................................... 63
Angle Correction (Y axis)............................................................................................................................ 63
Crowning.................................................................................................................................................... 64
Pinch-Point ................................................................................................................................................ 64
Back gauge Correction ............................................................................................................................... 65
Managing Parts .................................................................................................................................................. 66
Save Part / Save Part as ............................................................................................................................. 66
New Part ........................................................................................................................................................ 67
Loading a Part ................................................................................................................................................ 67
Deleting a Part ............................................................................................................................................... 67
File management system............................................................................................................................... 68
Exporting.................................................................................................................................................... 69
Importing ................................................................................................................................................... 69
Move file .................................................................................................................................................... 70
Extra Functionalities .......................................................................................................................................... 71
Group ............................................................................................................................................................. 71
Batch .............................................................................................................................................................. 72
Interrupt a Batch ....................................................................................................................................... 73
Quit a Batch ............................................................................................................................................... 73
Station management ..................................................................................................................................... 74
Bending Aids .................................................................................................................................................. 76
Working mode ........................................................................................................................................... 76
Advanced bending aids parameters .......................................................................................................... 77
How making a non-accompanied return ................................................................................................... 79
Tips for special situations .......................................................................................................................... 81
Handwheel..................................................................................................................................................... 82
Rotary Switch: Position 1 – Bend No Axis.............................................................................................. 84
Rotary Switch: Position 2 – Y (Beam) ..................................................................................................... 85
Rotary Switch: Position 3-4-5 – Electrical Axes ...................................................................................... 86
Slanted Bend.................................................................................................................................................. 87
Slanted function ........................................................................................................................................ 87
3D Viewer ...................................................................................................................................................... 89
MX Viewer (3D Viewer) ............................................................................................................................. 89
MX Viewer (Image) .................................................................................................................................... 90
AutoPOL (3D Viewer) ................................................................................................................................. 90
AutoPOL (Image)........................................................................................................................................ 90
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................................ 91
Error Messages .............................................................................................................................................. 91
Beam Error Messages .................................................................................................................................... 96
Resources .......................................................................................................................................................... 97
Tutorials - Videos ........................................................................................................................................... 97
VisiTouch series – User Manual



The English version of the document is written and approved by the Cybelec company and is
considered as the official version.
Any translated versions of the manual will not be considered as such.

The users must have Read and Understood, but most of all must Respect the directives
described in this manual.
All people coming into contact with the machine on which the numerical control is installed,
whatever their function or whatever state the machine is in (assembly, disassembly, start-up,
production, maintenance, repairs) must have read and understood the requirements
concerning the security and the entirety of the directives of operation described in the
manuals delivered with the machine.

The operator must be properly trained to work with the machine on which the numerical
control is installed. Improper use of the numerical control can cause heavy damage on
equipment and/or injuries to people.

Modification of machine parameters can cause important material damage or lead to

irregular product quality.
Do not expose the numerical control to excessive humidity to avoid any risk of electrocution
and any deterioration of the equipment.
Make sure the numerical control is disconnected from the mains power before carrying out
any cleaning. Do not use liquids based on alcohol or ammoniac.
In case of malfunction of the numerical control, call a technician.
Do not expose the numerical control to direct sun rays or any other heat source.
Do not place the numerical control in the neighbourhood of magnetic equipment such as
transformers, motors or devices which generate interference (welding machines, etc.)

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VisiTouch series – User Manual


While using this manual, you will come across the signs and icons represented here below:
they are directly related to the safety and security of persons. Carefully follow this advice and
inform others about it.

This warning sign appears in the manual whenever it is necessary to pay attention to rules,
General warning instructions or advice. The correct sequence of operations is to be followed in order to avoid
damage to the machine. Symbolizes a serious personnel danger.

This warning sign appears in this manual whenever an important information needs to be
Information taken into consideration. Pay attention to this sign and follow the instructions given.

This sign appears in this manual whenever SETTING INSTRUCTIONS are given. Pay attention to
Settings this sign and follow the sequence of instructions given.

This icon appears in this manual to give navigation information, to give the path to the subject
Navigation treated in the chapter.

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VisiTouch series – User Manual


Depending on software evolutions and the press brake controlled by the VisiTouch
(configuration/capabilities), the present manual may not fully correspond to the VisiTouch
that you currently have. However, differences are only minor.

This manual describes all features of

 VisiTouch19_Press_PS_PC_V3.0.23 and above.

Touchscreens are pressure sensitive.

Do not press down hard on the screen.
Pressing hard on the screen will damage the display. Such damage is not covered by
manufacturer warranty!

Do not use sharp and/or pointed objects (sheet metal, screwdriver, metal pen ball, etc.) to
touch the screen; only use your fingers (with or without gloves on) or a plastic pen. Make sure
that your gloves do not have metal particles encrusted in the fingertips as they may also
damage the screen.
Take a few minutes to practice pressing gently on the screen, you will find that the screen is
very reactive, and it is pleasant to use.

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Menu – Next Page

Machine Status Page Punches Punches

Dies Dies

Main Page – Bend Numerical page

Correction Page

Bending Attributes

Bend List Page Bend Graphic Page

Extra Simulation Criteria

Bend Sequencing

Graphical Part

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Manual Page

User preference Pages

Transfer Page

Parameter Page

Information Page

Service Page

Statistics page

Backup/Restore Page

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Next / Previous
step or Add step

Pages Zone

Menu button

Operator’s Buttons (configurable)

Menu Button The Menu button allows you to directly select (jump to) the desired screen. The content
of the menu changes contextually.

Briefly touching the Status pages zone gives access to the Status page. This is really a zone
Status Page Zone
that is active at any moment from any page.

Touching this zone for more than 2 seconds will activate the Semi-Automatic mode.

Screen Cleaning
To clean the screen while the VisiTouch is on, touch the button.
Use only a damp and smooth cloth with soap or a neutral detergent.

NEVER use solvent, petrol, benzene, alcohols, etc.

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The Status page shows the status of all inputs and outputs and axes positions of the NC.
This feature is very useful during setup or during phone conversation with a technician.
This page is accessed from anywhere by pressing the Status Pages Zone.
To exit the Status page, press on the arrow on the left.

Axis status indicator

Press arrow to
exit Status Page

Tracer Button

Beam trace Button

A cycle message may

appear indicating the
cycle phase the machine
is executing

Axes have specific indicators. Their colour indicates the position of the axis relative to the

Possible states are:

 : Device active and in the tolerance.
 : Device moving.
 : Device not active and/or outside of the tolerance.

The Scope tracer, record all the machine states, Input and Output from the Numerical
Tracer Button Control.
It is used to diagnostic and troubleshooting during bend cycle.
To be able to record the trace:


 Go to the Status Page and press the Tracer Button :

 Press pedal down in order to do the bend cycle.

 Once Bending Cycle finished contact your Dealers or services partners, explain the
problem you are facing in the machine and inform him about the trace.

 Dealers or Service partners will contact Cybelec Support and share the Trace files.

Copying into a USB the Scope Traces through the Transfer Page requests a level 3 password.

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(Menu Button) → … → User preference

To exit the User Preference page, touch the button.

To browse through the available languages, simply touch Language on the screen.
Available languages are:

 EN English.  FI Suomi.  RU Русский.

 BR Brazil.  FR Français.  SL Slovensko.
 CN 中文.  IT Italiano.  SV Svenska
 CZ Český.  NL Nederlands.  TR Türkçe.
 DE Deutsch.  PL Polski.  TW 台灣.
 ES Español.  PT Português.

The list of available languages is subject to change and may increase over time.

This parameter allows choosing between mm, inch and none for the length unit to be used
Length Units in the VisiTouch.

When none is selected, the units used are millimetres.

This parameter allows choosing between ton, kN and tons for the force unit to be used in
Force Units
the VisiTouch.

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This parameter allows choosing between ton/m, kN/m and tons/ft for the force/length
Force / Length
unit to be used in the VisiTouch.

This parameter allows choosing between kg/mm2, N/mm2 and psi (*1000) for the Tensile
Sigma Units
strength (sigma) unit to be used in the VisiTouch.

This function will display the axes positions on the Bend Numerical Page.
Show axes
position values  When set to no, the position of axes Y1, X and R is displayed during the beam’s

 When set to yes1, the positions of the axes (Y1 and Y2) are displayed during their
respective movements.

 When set to yes2, the positions of the axes (Y1, Y2, and axes) are constantly
displayed under their respective set-point values.

This parameter, when activated, lets the operator see the state of the part before and after
Show bent part
the bend in the Bend Sequencing page.

Touching Materials opens the Materials page, where the default characteristics for each
material can be changed, or a new material can be configured.

To be allowed to access the Materials page, a level 2 password is required.

The Materials page displays:

 Material: Selected material (here Steel).
 K DIN6935 Multiplicator factor of DIN 6935 norm for the material
 Default sigma: Default sigma for the material (here 45).
 Default thickness for the material.
 Thickness min/max: Determines the maximum and minimum accepted thickness for
the selected material.

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 Three predefined default materials are available (steel, stainless steel, aluminium),
but others can be added

Adding a material:

 Touch and write the name of the new material.

 Enter the new material’s characteristics.

Remove a material:
 Select the material you want remove.

 Touch and confirm the suppression of the material.

By Pressing in the selected material is possible to set custom configuration

The Custom configuration page displays:

 Predefined Thickness: If activated is possible to set predefined thickness for the
material (see Thickness material).
 Springback Correction If activated is possible to adjust by technician experience the
corrections of the springback effect of the material for different angles degrees.
 Thickness compensation factor: If activated is possible to set corrections of the
thickness effect of the material for different angles degrees.

This parameter allows the operator to apply a permanent correction to the Bottom Dead
BDC Correction Centre position.
Please note that this correction is always applied and is NOT shown in the
correction page. If you experience big differences from what you expect to get,
maybe check the value of this parameter.

This parameter allows the operator to choose on which side – Left of Right – he prefers to
Menu horizontal
alignement have the side bar containing the Menu Button .

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This parameter allows the operator to choose if he prefers to have the menu displayed at
Menu vertical
alignement the Bottom or at the Top of the screen when he presses the Menu Button .

When activated, this function clears the index and the machine will search for them, as
Clear indexation it does when turning the power on, allowing the operator to re-index its machine without
turning it off.

When this parameter is set to yes, this small button is displayed on the Status page. By
Beam trace activating/deactivating it, one can start and stop the recording of beam traces.

Press here to
record the Beam

When activated, this function will open the beam trace screen automatically at the end of
Auto open beam the recording.
To be able to see the traces: activate the record and press the pedal for bend, once the
cycle will be finished, the beam trace page will automatically open.

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This parameter allows defining the default value displayed in the Bending Attributes when
Default retraction activating the back-gauge retraction function.

In TouchProfile Mode, when a retraction is necessary, the numerical control will

automatically calculate and activate the function. The calculated value can naturally be
manually modified.

Allows the user to set the time and date on the VisiTouch.
Set Clock

Use the up and down

Touch the field you arrows to modify the
want to modify selected field

This function allows the calibration of the touch screen.

Calibration Simply follow the instructions on the page to calibrate the touchscreen.

When this parameter is set to yes, the Offset Pinch Point function is available in the Bending
Offset Pinch Point

Show button up When this parameter is set to yes, the button up is available when the beam is not at

Upward command The beam goes up as long as the button is pressed.

Go to TDC max The beam goes to TDC max
Go to next TDC The beam goes to the next TDC. (first to programmed TDC, then
to the TDC max)

This parameter set the counting mode of the program quantity.

Program counter
mode  Set to down, the counter will count from top to bottom
 Set to up, the counter will count from bottom to top

 Set to Autoreload, the counter will automatically restart the counter once finished
 Set to Reset, the counter will need to be reset manually once finished

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This function allows choosing the data entry mode for the back gauge on the
Show L first
Bend Numerical Page.

When set to yes, the flange icon will be active and displayed by default when creating a
new part. It can be manually deactivated.
When set to no, the flange icon will be inactive and greyed out per default. It can be
manually activated.
When set to never, flange icon will not be available and won’t appear in the HMI.

When the flange icon is active, the programmed back gauge position will be the
external dimension of the flange, therefore the position of the back gauge will be linked to
the bending angle, die V width, etc. and the position will be recalculated when the bending
angle is modified. When the flange icon is greyed out, the programmed back gauge
position will be the internal dimension and real position of the back gauge.

Note that in both cases, the external dimension will always be the reference, which means
it’s the internal dimension which will be adapted depending on the settings (angle/v width,

The mode is not available for graphical parts (see also Set point back gauge (X axis) /
flange length).

This function allows choosing help during the indexation of the beam.
Indexation Aids
When this parameter is set to yes, during the Indexation of the beam, if the Index have not
been found, a pop-up with the instruction will appear and an interactive instruction will tell
to the operator the procedure to correctly Index the machine. i.e. if the beam is not indexed
and his actual position is upper then the Index.

Disable When this parameter is set to yes, when a product is load from the library, or a modification
have been made in the part, it will not recalculate the axes and beam position.
recalculation at
product load

When this parameter is set to yes, the down movement of the beam is stopped and the
Beam stop during
beam is maintained in closed loop at pinch point during the retraction. The beam cycle will
retraction resume as soon as the back gauge has finished its retraction.

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VisiTouch series – User Manual

Bend list columns By default, 3 configurations are set. The operator may create new configurations to suit
better to his every day job and have an easy access to them.
Selected columns Visible information
Available columns Objects that can be add in the list

Customisation of a bend list page:

 Press the Button to create a new custom page.

 Through the arrows buttons move the objects from one column to the other.

 Arrows buttons modify the order in the column.

Use the Bend list button on the Bend numerical page to toggle between the display of
the Bend numerical page and the Bend list page.

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The Bend list page shows an overview of the bends of the current part. Touch to select
which data is shown in the list. Up to 3 list views can be defined in User preferences Bend list

Bending pages This page allows the operator to adapt the buttons to his most suitable needs in the
bending pages.
configuration Numerical Parts

Graphical Parts 2D

Graphical Parts 3D

Customisation of Bending pages buttons:

 Press the Button to create a new custom page.

 Through the arrow buttons move the objects from one column to the other.

 Arrows buttons modify the order in the column.

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In order to move the axes manually, for example when changing the tools, it can be done on
this page.

(Menu Button) → Manual movement

Move beam up (button

hidden if movement
not allowed)

Set here the bending

force that will be
applied to the manual

Drop down menu

with the list of
available axis

Menu button

 Select the axis that you want to move:
 by selecting the desired axis from the drop down menu.
 by selecting this icon for the crowning axis (only mechanical crowning).
 or for the tool clamping devices (if available).

 Touch the buttons to move the selected axis.

 Use the foot switch to move the beam down in press speed or to move the
beam (High Speed Up).

Desynchronized By selecting a line where the padlock is open , it is possible to select and only move Y1 or
Beam Y2. This is an easy way to return the beam parallel.

Depending on the configuration of the machine, a padlock can be displayed next to the axes
Linked axis
selected. This means that the movements of these axes are interlocked. In a similar way as
here above, when the padlock is open , it is possible to select and move a single axis.

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The Information page displays the names and versions of the software installed on the

(Menu Button) → … → Service → Information

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(Menu Button) → … → Transfer

This function opens the transfer page, which allows the operator to transfer data
between the VisiTouch and a USB key or the network.
From the VisiTouch software version V3, the transfer page works with a package
philosophy. Each exported data is in a zipped package that can be easily imported on
other controllers or offline software.

Transfer direction

Parameters for offline software

Transfered package
Machine parameters
Punch list
Die list
Program list
User config

Parameter pictures Start the transfer

Copying parameters from USB to the numerical control requests a level 3 password or, for
end-users, the restore password.

Complete backup including parameter/tool/part for the offline software.

Cannot be used to transfer from one machine to another.
Machine parameters, for technician only.

Punch tools.

Die tools.


User config files for technicians. (User buttons / user cycle / etc.)

Tracer or beam trace, for technician only.

Internal backups including yearly / monthly / weekly or custom backups.

Screenshots taken manually. See Screen Capture function.

All machine parameters screenshots. (Will be taken upon transfer)

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For a smooth USB transfer, please take the following precautions into consideration:
 The USB port of the VisiTouch is meant to be used only with a storage media of the
"Memory stick" type.
 The port is a standard USB 2.0 port.
 USB 3.0 key that are USB 2.0 compatible, should normally work. There’s however
no guarantee, as it depends on the firmware of the key.

3 rules for a fast and easy transfer:

 Use a USB key dedicated to files transfer with the VisiTouch.

 Less files means a faster transfer.
 The file’s path on the key is limited to 255 characters.

PC VisiTouch is the offline software which has the same features as the controller. It is
Importing parts
possible to transfer parts or tools from one to another.
from PC program
PC VisiTouch is available as an option with the reference OFT-VST*, please contact the
machine manufacturer if you would like to purchase it.

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Taking a backup – step by step

 Define first the transfer direction by selecting Export

 Select the directory where the backup will be :

It can be located on the controller/computer/usb key/network.

The network access requires a “setting” level.

 Select the needed data, once selected the arrow for the transfer will appear green.

 Click on the green arrow to start the transfer:

 Define a package comment and validate.

 A new package will appear :

Restoring – step by step

 Define first the transfer direction by selecting Import

 Select the directory where the backup will be :

It can be located on the controller/computer/usb key/network.

The network access requires a “setting” level.

 Select the needed package

 Once the package is selected, information showing what it contains will appear.
It’s possible to unselect the unwanted data.

 Click on the green arrow to start the transfer :

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(Menu Button) → … → Service → Statistics

This function opens Statistics screen, which allows the operator to see different data counters
relative to the machine.

More information are available thanks to the options:

 OFT-ST (Statistics)
Easy reading of production information directly on the numerical control
 OFT-I4M (Industry 4.0 V1000)
New way of organizing the production to obtain a high and efficient performance.


(Menu Button) → … → Service → Backup and Restore

This allows the operator to backup or restore all the machine configuration.


Create a Backup Restore selected Backup

It is highly suggested to make a Backup of all parameters after modifying parameters.

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Backup  Press to create a backup of the machine parameters.

Please note that the backup contains ONLY the machine parameters (in order to recover the
machine parameters in case of problems).
Parts and tools MUST be saved (on USB or Network).by the user of the machine using the
Transfer page.

 Select the files you want to restore

 Press to restore an existing Backup

 Select the file you want remove

Delete Backup
 Press to delete

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Material used and thickness

Set-point back gauge (X axis) / flange length Station management
Tool management Interactive
Repeat sequence button (inactive here)
message line

Program name Bending and

Current step
(sequence) number

Add step or next step Quick

access tab
Set-point beam (Y axis) / bend angle
Back-gauge finger type buttons tab

Menu Button Start – Stop - Index

Current activity information Optional axis Bending Attributes

The Bend Numerical Page is normally the operator working page.

functions on the
Bend Num. page Program name

Touching the program name allows creating a new one, saving it and
more. See Managing Programs for more information.

Current step (sequence) number

Touching the step number will open a pop-up window as shown here, with
3 different actions to choose from:

 Insert step: this function will insert a step after the current one.
 Delete step: this function will erase the current step.
 Go to step: this function allows jumping directly to the desired step.
 Skip step: this function will skip the current bend

The Insert step and Delete step functions cannot be used on parts created with the
TouchProfile Mode.

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VisiTouch series – User Manual

Set beam mode programming

Four different modes are available to manage the Y axis. Touching one of the icons on the
left allows changing from one mode to another.
Angle mode.
The operator simply enters the desired angle and the VisiTouch will calculate
the position at which the beam will stop (BDC).
Y target position (BDC).
In this mode, the operator can read the calculated target of the angle. It
is possible to change the value.
When modifying the value in this mode, it will be recalculated while changing
It is NOT recommended to modify the values in Y target (here) but to use
Corrections page.

Bottoming mode.
After Pinch Point the beam will continue until it mechanically stops
(bottoming) or until the target value is reached. At that point the bending
cycle continues.
When activated, the calculated bottoming value is displayed in grey (about 5
below die angle). It is however possible to modify this value, which will then be
displayed in black. It can only be used if both tools accept bottoming (see
Punches and Dies).

No beam movement.
In this mode, the beam will not move. When selected only the electrical axes will
move to the target position.

Set-point back gauge (X axis) / flange length

The VisiTouch has different modes to manage the back-gauge X axis. Touching one of the
icons on the left allows going from one mode to another. The modes are:
External Flange dimension.
This mode is only available when programming a part with the Numerical Mode.
The programmed value is the external length of the flange.
A message informs if the part has been created in graphical mode.
If so, it is NOT recommended to modify the angle value (it will not correspond
anymore to the graphical value). If corrections are needed use Corrections
Tip: User Preference Show L first allows choosing which mode is displayed by
default first.

In Numerical Mode, when deactivated, the operator enters the targeted position
for the back gauge X axis in absolute where “zero” is the middle of the tools.

Relative mode. The back gauge makes a relative movement to the value
entered. When the value entered is negative, the back gauge moves in the
operator’s direction. It must exist an absolute sequence before a relative
movement. Therefore, a relative movement is not possible on the first

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Back-gauge finger type

The back gauge types and dimensions are defined in the machine parameters. This function
allows browsing through the available support and stop positions of the back gauge. This
function may be available, or not, according to the machine configuration.

Tool management
Tools management allows the creation and configuration of the tools to be used on the
machine. These tools are then considered in bend calculations.
See Tool Management chapter.

From the Bend Numerical Page it is possible to reverse or not the Punch or the Die by
pressing in the tool for at least 2 seconds.

Optional axes
All axes are visible from the main numerical page. If the machine is equipped with additional
axes i.e. bending aids, sheet support, free axes, etc. the axes are displayed in this zone.
Their respective values are calculated by the VisiTouch and are displayed in grey.
They can however be manually modified but are then displayed in black.

To restore the calculated value, simply press reset .

Also named “All in One” tag. It contains almost all settings for the current bend such as
Quick access tab
axes positions and bending attributes. If the machine has multiple axes, it is possible to slide
on the display in order to show the other axes.

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Contains various buttons depending on the configuration for machine

User button tab
functions such as tool clamping, pump activation or upward command.

The user buttons tab will only appear if configured by the machine
manufacturer. Please refer to the machine manufacturer for the use of
these functions.

Especially made to help the service department or for documentation purpose, this function
Screen Capture
takes a screen capture of the current page.
function This is an easy way to send exact data of a specific page to the support.

On the numerical control, this function needs an USB key to save on it directly the screen
This is an easy way to transfer to the service department or for other uses.

Screen capture
Press here above
the actual time

Press for at least 2 seconds

When in Maintenance level (technician only), a small camera icon will appear
unveiling this secret button.

The semi-automatic mode allows repeating the same sequence indefinitely. It is used
when the operator wants to apply corrections to his part one bend after another. He can
mode thus execute the same step until he gets the desired result, before moving to the next
one by means of the button.
The semi-automatic mode is activated (and deactivated) by touching for more than one
second on the button.

If an Handwheel is installed in the machine, Semi-Automatic mode activate the Handwheel


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Bending attributes are on this page. If they appear or not is depending on the machine
Bending Attributes configuration. Most of these parameters can also be found in the Quick access tab.

This is not a sequence parameter, but it is a part parameter. Each touch on
the material’s name selects the next available from the list of available
and preprogramed Materials.

Material thickness
The default thickness, defined in Materials is automatically displayed when
changing material. It is however possible to change it simply by touching
this icon.

On the other hand, if the user preference

Predefined thickness. is set to yes, a touch on
this icon will open a numerical pad as show to Predefined thickness
the right, where the operator will be able to
select directly one of the predefined Touch here to manually
thicknesses. insert a thickness
This preference can be set in the Materials

Material sigma
The default sigma, defined in Materials, is automatically displayed when
selecting a material. It is however possible to change it.

Back gauge retractation

The back-gauge rear or lateral retraction can be activated or deactivated
at its Default retraction value. It is possible to modify the value.
Z retraction is of course available only if Z axes are managed by the
Numerical Control.

Change Speed threshold

The speed value sets the bending speed from Pinch Point to BDC.
By default, it is set at the maximum bending speed.

The distance allows increasing the height of the default Change Speed
point (0 mm indicates the minimum value set into the parameter for the

Bending length / Position offset

Bending length defines the width of the sheet metal part that will
be bend. It is used to calculate the bending force.

If this parameter is not activated (grey), the VisiTouch will not calculate
the bending Force neither the Crowning.

This parameter defines the position of the sheet metal in the


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Step bending
When a large radius bend has been programmed (see L-Alpha Mode), its
parameters are displayed here. It is possible to modify them directly here.
Note: if you do not find this icon, go to User preferences and set Step
Bending to yes.

Programming “99 x” automatically calculates the maximum possible step

bends in the current tool setting. The resulting value may be reduced,
however, if it is increased over the maximum calculated value, the
resulting radius and angle will be drastically affected.

When the command advanced is pressed, a window will appear and

it is possible to set up the Step bending with more criteria.

Bend radius
Bend Radius correction (mm)
[mm] Bend steps
Step Bending
Height of the
Step bend
Back to Bending

Expanded Step bend / remove

Goto Step n
If the operator needs to reach a particular step of the Step bending process,
 Long press (> 1s) and enter the step number you want to reach.

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Slow speed return

This function allows the beam to firstly return in slow speed up at the set
It is generally used when the part has a long flange and the operator tries
not to let it “fall down too fast”.

During this phase, the operator must hold the down foot pedal.
It switches to high speed up when either the pedal is released or the
percentage distance is reached.
The % variable (from 20% to 150%) indicates the return distance in slow
150% change speed from Low Speed to High Speed at 150% the distance
100% (by default) change speed from Low Speed to High Speed at the PP.
50% change speed from Low Speed to High Speed at 50% the distance PP-
PP = Pinch- Point
BDC = Bottom Death Center

Dwell time
Allows defining the duration of the dwell time, meaning the time during
which the punch remains at BDC before coming back up.

When the icon is crossed , it means that there is no automatic

return of the beam after TDC. This is a sequence parameter, meaning it
can be modified with each step of the program.

When this field is deactivated (greyed), the default Dwell Time value
defined in the machine parameters is applied.

The force is automatically calculated according to the Material, the
Material thickness, the Material sigma and the Bending length / Position
offset. The value can also be manually modified here.
The unit depends on the User Preferences settings.

Opening (TDC)
For parts created in graphic mode (see TouchProfile Mode or L-Alpha
Mode), this value is automatically calculated to allow the operator enough
room to extract its bent part from between the tools. It is however
possible to change it manually.

For part created in Numerical Mode, this parameter uses the default
minimum value defined in the machine parameters. It can however be

When this field is deactivated (greyed), the beam moves back to its

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The crowning function is activated here. It is automatically calculated,
according to the Material, the Material thickness, the Material sigma and
the Bending length / Position offset.
If corrections are needed, use the Crowning corrections (see chapter
The value can be manually changed by operator. It will however be
automatically recalculated if any of the values used for its calculation is
When deactivated (grey icon), the crowning system physically remains to
its last position and does not automatically return to 0.0 mm.
Number of parts
Counter of parts.
The operator can enter here the total amount of parts to be produced. In
automatic mode, every time the last sequences jumps to the 1st sequence
(a part is completed), the counter is updated of one unit (increased or
decreased, see Program counter mode).
When the number of parts is reached, a yellow pop-up window signals it
to the operator.

Bend counter
It counts the number bends realized since the counter has been activated
and set to 0. It can be set to a defined value (in case bends already made).
It will count, independently, if another program is loaded until it is set to
another value or disabled.

Back gauge manual positioning

In automatic mode, when this function is activated, the back gauges do
not start automatically.
Axes are waiting for an external order from the operator (foot switch or
start button).

Offset Pinch Point

It allows to “move” the pinch point (and relative
Change Speed (and Change Speed threshold if
programmed), Safety Point, etc.) above the
calculated (current) one.
This is used for example to close the opened side
of a profile, as shown on the right.

Once activated, this function forces the bottoming

mode. The angle calculation is not possible.

When first setting this value, the BDC is automatically set to the “new
pinch point value” for safety reasons. Then the operator can program Y
values to adapt it to his need. He may to adjust it in several steps

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Allows making closed bends (optional).
This function is only available if a hemming tool is selected.

At function activation, two bends are generated by the Numerical control,

first bend is a pre-bend by default at 30° and the second bend

is the hemming

This function allows making Pre-bends.
Activating this function, two steps are created one after the other.
First bend is a pre-bend by default 135° and the second bend is the final
bend angle. All angles can be programmed.
Final bends can be moved any place after the prebend. Best way to move
bends order is to use the Bends table (See chapter Bend List)
This function can help the operator to avoid collisions with the structure of
the machine during part bending process.

Bend sequencing can show the warning:

For special profile please use Numerical bend with function Pre-bend.


This function copies a defined value to all the steps

of the current program.
It appears in the numerical pad of relevant fields,
such as Bending length / Position offset, Force,
Bending and Corrections, etc. Copy to all

When pressed, the filters window will appear. In

this window the “copy to all” destination in
function of the bend angle, punch, die, length, etc.
is possible.
The selectable possibilities are context dependent.

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Tools management allows the creation and configuration on the Numerical control. These
tools are then considered in bend calculations.

A punch and a die must exit before programming a part.

When calling a memorized part, if a tool is missing, its name will be shown in red. At this
point, you must either import / program this tool or select another one.


Bend Numerical Page →

Press “Punch name” and “Edit tool” to modify specifications of the selected tool

Punch name Punch mounting direction

Browsing through
existing punches

Basic punch data

Bottoming Return to Bend

Numerical Page

Type of punches

Touch the punch

to display its
default shape,
allowing an
identification of
Punch more the various
specific data dimensions

To select a punch, simply browse through the existing punches in your library using the
arrows buttons, and then return to Bend Numerical Page.

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Punches options

To be allowed to Edit, Save, Delete and Import tool, a level 2 password is required.
Load tool and Replace by can be done by the operator without level access.

Level 2 is required

No restrictions

Edit tool
If no punch exists in the library, the displayed tool’s name will be shown as ???.
If a punch already exists, then the last punch used will be selected, here Punch 175-75-R08
(modifications will not alter the existing punch as they will be saved under another name).

 Touch the punch icon to access the punch details.

 Enter the basic characteristics (α (punch angle), Height (H2 Head and H1 Shoulder),
Radius and Ton/m) for the new punch.
 Touch the button to invert the punch if necessary.

 Select the or icon to define the tool as resistant for bottoming.

 Touch the button to display the More page.

 Select the punch type (straight, normal or gooseneck) with this icon .
 Enter the more specific dimensions L1 to Lx by referring to the graphic
representation on the right of the screen. Touching this image will display the default
representation of the tool, making it easier to identify the various dimensions.
From the Page Transfer chapter Importing parts it is possible to import tools created
in CybTouch and Modeva in VisiTouch.
 Enter the following values:
 Safety XS: Security distance between the tool and the back gauge for X axis.
 X correction: If the punch is not perfectly aligned.

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Save tool
Once a value of the punch has been modified, before quitting the page, it is mandatory to
save the tool otherwise modifications will be lost. This operation will overwrite the existing
tool parameters.

Save tool as…

Once the tool parameters have been added or changed, you have the possibilities to save it
under another tool name.

Load tool
Change tool with another one.

Delete tool
Delete the tool from library

Replace by
Replace tool with another in your library for all profiles in function of the applied filter:
 Angle
 Punch (by default selected previous tool to be replaced)
 Die
 Length

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Import DXF
It allows importing DXF files of tools existing in your PC.

The DXF File must be closed and be recognized as an entity otherwise if a space in between
two lines is present, an error will occur.

These DXF format are available:

 DXF in text format (ASCII). we can represent the same model in different methods
(definition of geometrical models).
- LINE, ARC (independent lines and arcs)
- POLYLINE (composed of VERTEX, sequence of points)
- LWPOLYLINE (also composed of VERTEX)

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Bend Numerical Page →

Die name Die mounting direction

Browsing through
existing dies

Main die data

output signal for
multi die position. Return to Bend
Do not modify !!! Numerical Page
(See machine


Touch the die to

display its default
shape, allowing
an easier
identification of
the various
Die dimensions

Same as punches; simply browse through the existing tools using the arrows buttons and
then return to Bend Numerical Page.

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Dies options
Level 2 password is required to Edit, Save, Delete and Import tool,.
Load tool and Replace by can be done by the operator without level access.

Level 2 required

Level 1 Operator

Edit tool
If no die exist in the library, the displayed tool’s name will be shown as ???.
If a die already exists, then the last one used will be selected, here Die 22-60 (modifications
will not alter the existing die as they will be saved under another name).

 Touch the die icon to access the die details.

 Enter the basic characteristics:
Ve (die width), α, Height, Radius and Max ton/m).

 Entering an angle value in Max ton/m offer a more

precise limit’s force (see curve) in function of the
angle. This is usually used for tight single V die.
Entering the second line defines a different limitation
formula of the force.

 A touch in the graph, let you enter an angle and check the corresponding calculated
Ton/m value.

 Touch the button to invert the die if necessary.

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 Select the type of Hemming table:

 Hydraulic/electric with command to open and close
 Hydraulic one direction with spring
 Not available
 Select the or icon to define the tool as resistant for bottoming.
 Touch the button to display the More page.
 Enter the more specific dimensions L1 to Lx by referring to the graphic
representation on the right of the screen. Touching this image will display the default
representation of the tool, making it easier to identify the various dimensions.
 Dimensions L1 to Lx: Refer to the same note as for punches.

 Enter the following values:

 Safety XS: Security distance between the tool and the back gauge for X axis.
 Safety RS: Security distance between the tool and the back gauge for R axis.
 Retr. zone: Retraction zone.

 Return to previous page .

Save tool
Once a value of the die has been modified, before quit the page it is mandatory to save the
tool otherwise modifications will be lost. This operation will overwrite the existing tool.

Save tool as…

Once the tool parameters have been added or changed, you have the possibilities to save it
under another tool name.

Load tool
Change tool with another in your library.

Delete tool
Delete tool from library

Replace by
Replace tool with another in your library for all profiles in function of the applied filter:
 Angle
 Punch
 Die (by default selected previous tool to be replaced)
 Length

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Import DXF
It allows importing DXF files of tools existing in your PC.

The DXF File must be closed and be recognized as an entity otherwise if a space in between
two lines is present, an error will occur.

These DXF format are available:

 DXF in text format (ASCII). we can represent the same model in different methods
(definition of geometrical models).
- LINE, ARC (independent lines and arcs)
- POLYLINE (composed of VERTEX, sequence of points)
- LWPOLYLINE (also composed of VERTEX)

It is recommended that you use a name convention for your tools.
Below an example of a simple convention to easily identify a tool.

The name of the punch could be created in the following manner:

first its angle, followed by its type, and then whether it is inverted or not.


30 N = Normal
60 _ S = Straight _ i = If inverted
90 G = Gooseneck

Examples of punch names: 90_N_i, 60_G, 30_S, etc.

Dies The name of the die could be built in pretty much the same manner:


16 _ _ i = If inverted

Examples of die names: 12_86_i, 16_86, 20_30, etc.

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There are two ways creating a program part:
 TouchProfile Mode combined with L-Alpha Mode and U-W Mode
 Numerical Mode

In this chapter the machine is considered operational: machine parameters, tools (see Tools
Management), materials (see Materials), etc. are already configured and programmed.


 Touch Program name, select New program in the list, and touch Graphical 2D.

 First select the material type, the material thickness (see chapter Material Thickness)
and the tools to be used for the part.

Bend Numerical Page → Stations

Unfolded calculate Unfolded measured
Thickness sheet length sheet lenght Bending length

Program name
Material Tools

L-Alpha Mode

Touch Profile Mode


To Bend Sequencing

U-W Mode

Move selected bend

Add or remove bend

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Touch profile mode

This mode allows a fast sketching of a profile and then select the exact values.

Draw the profile by
touching the screen where
you want to add a segment

Should you have difficulties to select a particular segment or

Erases the last added
segment. angle, zoom on an area by touching this button and
then tap on the desired zone.
Touch on the middle of a
segment to modify its

Touch on an angle to
modify its value

Move into bends

or angles

Touching the More

icon opens a pop-up, in
which it possible to:

 Define a special tool by touching its icon.

 If Real unfolded length is different from calculate, is

possible to choose which step need to keep calculated
length by pressing on the command .
The value can change in function of tooling and

 Step bending settings, please see chapter in Bending


Once all the segments and angles are adjusted, press this button to access Bend

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L-Alpha mode
In this mode, the operator defines each length and angle of a profile in a table.
On the left side of the screen the L-Alpha mode is accessible at any time.


 Table:
 N column = Bend number
 Flange Length (external)
 Bend angle
 “More” attributes for step

 Commands:
 Add bend
 Remove bend
 Move selected bend into another position

 If a bend needs special attributes (large radius, special tool), press in the “more” field
of the corresponding sequence.

If a tools station for Punch and Die have been set previously, inside the menu
“more” only tools already programmed inside stations will be available for the
working station.

 Once all the segments and angles are adjusted, press this button to access Bend

U-W mode
In this mode, the operator can define each step (length and angle) with the origin of the
previous step through axes U and W.


 Select the reference step through the Touch profile or the L-Alpha
The line will have a yellow ball in the middle.

 Press this button to access the U-W mode .

The reference line will automatically be in the middle of the Touch profile screen

 Enter the values in U and in W


The step length will be automatically calculated i.e.:

See explanation next page.

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 Commands:
 Add bend
 Remove bend
 Move selected bend into another position

Multi profiles
This function allows creating multi profiles in one program.
Here below an example to create a box 200 x 100 x 50 (L x W x H)


 Design first profile (Section 1)

 Press the . A slide menu opens

 Number of the section (Section 1)
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 Press to add a new section and the slide menu change to the next section

 Draw the second section.

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The bending order can be defined manually or by automatic computing.

Bend Numerical Page → →

Delete last bend

Delete all bend

Back to Touch profile mode Unbending sequencing

order Go to Bend 2D

Launch automatic bend

sequence calculation

Automatic bend sequence

calculation criteria

The first segment is in green colour to help the operator recognize during the process of
bends the orientation of the part!
Once the shape of the part has been defined, the bending sequence for the part can be
In this page there is the possibilities to select manually the bend order by pressing each angle
or with the automatic bend sequence .

 Touch the bend sequence calculation button . Different sequences and solution
are calculated. See Automatic bend sequence below.

Pressing the back button will erase the last bend in the sequence. If you wish to delete
all bends, simply touch the button.

 When the last bend has been assigned, the Bend 2D Page is displayed.

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Automatic bend sequence

With the automatic bend sequencing, you have the possibility to automatically find multiple bending order solutions. By
pressing this button , you can navigate between each of them.

Validate the best solution by pressing this button:

The automatic bend sequencing can show the warning

The reasons can be:
 Collisions between part and tools / frame
 Design of the part too complex
 Collision into the tools
 Simulation Criteria

If no solution is found for a special profile, you may consider using the Numerical mode.

Unbending sequencing order

You have the possibility to define the bending order manually and modify the bending order already defined.
This is useful to find manually a bending order and visualize the possible collisions. It is possible to unfold the piece to
the flattened piece.

Bend sequences

Unbending sequencing

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Bend inversion

It is possible to cross 2 folds and thus modify the sequence. In the example below we will cross bends 1 and 3:

1: Select bend no. 1

2: Click on bend no. 3

Bend 1 and 3 are inverted.

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Page Simulation Criteria

Enable the back gauge stop against a slope segment.

When this criteria is activated, the software accepts that a part of the
product knocks against a point of the machine with a flexibility in % of the
length of the sheet between the bend and the end of the product on the
side of the profile which enters in to collision.

The software arranges the bend order that the section error is located on
the specified face.

The software searches a solution without swing or if necessary with a
minimum number of swings.

The software searches a solution without return or if necessary with a

minimum number of returns.

The software searches a solution without flipovers or if necessary with a

minimum number of flipovers.

Limit the number of bends (already realized) situated between the

backgauge and the bend to be realized.

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The Bend 2D page let the operator determining the handling process, the back gauge fingers
and part orientation for each bend.
Browsing through
the bends
Swing backgauge
Swing part side

Switch between
stop or support
Display functions

Start – Stop - Index

Go to Bend sequencing Bending Attributes

Bend numerical page

Swing part side

This commands allow the rotation of the part inside the machine.

This commands move the position of the back gauge

Switch gauging
This commands in function of the programmed Back gauges allow switch
in between fingers stop and fingers support available.

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Display functions
Allows the different parts of the machine to be displayed or not:
- Machine
- Tools (Punch and die)
- Backgauge

Allow to visualize the pard in 2D or 3D perspective. The 3D is only a visualisation.

- Standard view 2D
- Perspective view 3D

Standard view 2D: Perspective view 3D:

Allow to activate zoom functions

Rotation 360° of the part. Possibility to rotate with the fingers or with the arrows

Zoom: Possibility to zoom with 2 fingers or with the arrows

Positions the part in the middle of the screen with the standard view. Reset the different

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Bend List
For special bend operations (pre-bend, flatten, etc.), extra numerical bends can be inserted in
a graphic part.

Select the Part bend list in the Bend numerical page

 Commands:
 Add bend
 Remove bend
 Move selected bend into another position

Select a bend in the list and touch the button.

A copy of the selected bend will be inserted as an extra numerical bend.
An extra bend can be deleted by selecting it and touching the button.

Extra numerical bends are marked with the symbol. They can be moved around in the list
using the up and down arrows.
Adapt the bend data on the Bend numerical page.

On the Bend numerical page, an extra bend can be inserted by touching the bend number
(see chapter Available functions on the bend Numerical page) and then selecting Insert step.
Use Delete step to remove an extra bend. The bend number of an extra bend is highlighted
and marked with the extra bend symbol

On the Graphic bend page, extra numerical bends are represented with the
“inserted” graphics.

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Hemming bend

You have the possibility to draw hemming bend in 2D: (Hemming function is optional)

VisiTouch calculate automatically the pre-bend and the hemming bend.

You can if necessary use different tool for pre-bend and hemming. Press on the tool to select another one.

Touch on the angle to Touch the More icon

modify it to opens a pop-up to
configure it.

Type of hemming bend:

Change the tools for hemming (if request)

Angle of pre-bend

Prebend: Hemming bend:

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You have the possibility to draw and configure a pre-bend in 2D:

You can if necessary use different tool for pre-bend. Press on the tool to select another one.

Change the tools for pre-bend (if request)

Angle of pre-bend

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It is also possible to simply create a part program directly on the Bend Numerical Page.

Material used and thickness

Program name

Current step (sequence) number

Tools selection

Add step or next step Bending and


Angle of the bend

Length of the flange

Bending Pages Buttons Configuration

Bending Attributess

 Touch the program number, select New program in the list, and touch Numerical.
 First select the tools to be used for the part by touching their respective icons (see
Tools Management).
 Touch the Material’s name (here Steel) until the one used is displayed.
 Touch the Material thickness and select or enter the proper one.
 In the Bending Attributes section, enter the Bending length, and other sequence
parameters (Opening (TDC), Slow speed return, etc.).
 Touch the numerical value next to the angle icon , and enter the value for the
first bend you wish to create (here 90°).
 Touch the numerical value next to the segment length icon , and enter the
value for the first segment you wish to create (here 200.00 mm).
 Add the next bend to the program by touching .
 Proceed in the same manner to create the other segments of the part.
 Touch to return to the first bend.

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Once the part has been configured and the screen are in the Numerical Page or in the Bend
2D Page, now it will be possible to start the pump if it wasn’t made previously, index,
positioning the axes and bend the desired profile.

 Start the hydraulic pump motor

(by pressing this button if available. It turns red when the motor is running).

 Press to index the machine

During the Index, the beam will move up until find the index. It is possible to use the
Indexation aids and the Numerical Control will guide the operator in the process.
Once the beam is indexed, each electrical axes present in the machine will move to
find its Index in function of the indexing order pre-configured by the manufacturer.

 Press the button to position the electrical axes according with the programmed
data that were entered previously.

 When the machine is ready to bend, a button is displayed.

 Press the command Pedal down to execute the bend

Caution: the operator himself is controlling the movement of the beam and the axes. He is
fully responsible to avoid any kind of danger for himself and the machine components.

Tip: If you want to repeat the same step in order to apply all the necessary corrections to it,
switch to the Semi-Automatic mode.

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All program corrections are made in the Bend Numerical Page. According to his preferences,
the operator can choose to execute all the steps of the program one after the other, making
corrections along the way or he can choose to apply all the corrections necessary to the
same step before moving to the next one using the Semi-Automatic mode.

It is important to enter corrections into the correction page and not modifying the
programmed values. The reason is that the corrections are memorized separately. If you
modify the originals program data, these data may be recalculated and the changes
(“corrections”) will be lost.

Tip: a bend length must be programmed in order to use the corrections .

The parameter is accessible at any time from the menu Bending Attributes.

After physically measuring the angle, if corrections are to be made, they must be done using
Angle Correction
this page, and not directly in the original data.
(Y axis)

Bend Numerical Page →

Crowning correction
Y1 axis correction Correction mode Y2 axis correction

Thickness correction
Indicative Degrees/mm
correction in function
of the selected tools Pinch-Point correction

Axes correction

 Select the correction mode:
 Equal correction in both Y1 and 2 axes

 Specific corrections to the Y1 and Y2 axis

 Specific correction to the Y1 axis, Crowning and Y2 axis

Note these modes may are not available depending the machine settings.

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Side informations

 Touch the angle correction icon

and enter the physically measured value Reset corrections button
of the angle.
The numerical control automatically
calculates the Y1 and Y2 corrections. Copy to all correction filters
(Visible only when one
Pressing this button will reset all angle correction)
angle corrections.

 Depending on the position of the sheet metal in the press, it may be necessary to
fine-tune the beam’s corrections.
It is possible by simply touching the icons or this one and entering the
desired values.

 Depending on the length part and the machine size, the corrections are calculated in
their respective ends of the machine Y1 and Y2 cylinders. It can happen that the
corrections are too important and the beam touch the limit of synchronism between
Y1 and Y2 axes, in this case a message error appear:

 Corrections to the crowning value can be made by touching this icon .


 The numerical control automatically calculates the Pinch-Point height. If it needs

correction, it can be done by touching the icon .

The greyed value next to the Pinch Point correction icon is the value calculated by the
numerical control, and thus the value onto which the correction will be applied.

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Back gauge
Correction  Touching the values next to any axes allows entering a correction.

The axes corrections can be positive or negative and will be added to the axes

The back-gauge positions corrections can also directly be made on the Bend
Numerical Page.

Back gauge (X axis)

position correction value

Back gauge (R axis) height

correction value

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On the VisiTouch, the part names are displayed on the top left corner of different pages.
Touching it will open the following menu:

Part Name

Saving a part
Saving a Part with another
Creating a new part
Loading a part
Deleting a part

Creating a Group
Creating a Batch


After creating a part, it can be saved for a future use.
Saving the part:
 Touch the part name.
 Touch Save part to save the modifications made into the current part name
 Or touch Save part as… to save it as a new part.
Enter a distinctive name in the name window and validate with .
 Click on the button to validate.
 The program is then saved under the “parts” folder. If you need to organize your
parts differently, please check the File management chapter.
file option

See file management


Rename your part here Back to Bend Numerical.

Validate your choice here

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To create a new program:
 Touch the Program number.
 Touch New program in the menu.
 A pop-up windows asks what kind of program:

 Numerical creates a new program in the

Numerical Mode.

 Graphical 2D creates a new program in the

TouchProfile Mode.

To call (load) a part in operator mode :

 Touch the part name.

 Touch Load part in the menu.
 Select a part in the list.
 Validate your choice by touching .
 The selected program is then loaded into the work memory and is ready to be used.
file option

See file management


Filter by name
Validate your choice here

 When in the loading part page, select the program name.

 Touch the icon.

 Confirm in the pop-up window.

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This page can be accessed with the save as… and load menu.

Export parts and tools

Import parts and tools

Move parts and tools

Numerical Controller

Network access ( Setting level password is required )

Favorite folder ( Setting level password is required to add a favorite)

Create new repertory

Refresh page
Delete file
Filter part by name

A setting level password is required to create favorites folders, then they are accessible with the operator

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You have the possibility to export your parts and tools program, from the NC to a USB key,
the network or a favorite file
 Select
 Select the part you want to copy
 Select the destination folder on the right
 Click on transfer
Exporting button

Transfer button

You have the possibility to import your parts and tools program from a USB key, the
network, or a favorite file to the NC
 Select
 Select if you want to import from a USB key, the network or a favorite folder
 Select the programs you want to import in the NC
 Select the destination folder on the left (part by default)
 Click on transfer

Importing button

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You have the possibility to organize the files in different folder under the folder “parts” for
Move file
the parts programs or “tools” for the tools programs.

 Click on the right side on

 Name the folder Customer_1
 Select the parts you want to move
 Click on the Customer_1 directory on the right
 Click on to complete the transfer

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For series production, there is the possibility to use the function Group and Batch to create
a series of programs.

A group is a list of parts that have to be made in the defined order.
This is “only” a definition of successive parts.
 A group cannot be made, it serves only to define the group content.
 The parts to be included into the groups must previously exist.
 A group can only be carried out when included into a Batch.

 Press on the Part name.

 Press Group …
 Press New Group
Group Name


Programs selected
in the group

Delete program
from group

Add program into

Move selected program
the group
in another position

 Add into the group all programs you need in the production series
 Press menu and select Save group as … And use keyboard to write the name of the
group (here: Product group)
 Press once the group has been saved and you will come back to the Bend
Numerical page.

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A batch is a list of parts / groups that have to be produced.

 A batch can be:

 loaded,
 interrupted (to make another jog for example),
 reloaded to continue the production,
 terminated,
 deleted.

 Press the Program name.

 Press Batch …
 Press New Batch

Time defined for Pop-UP after

quantity reached
Batch Name Quantity If Set to 0 no Pop-up message


Programs and
Groups selected in
the Batch


Delete program
from group
Start Batch

Add program into

Move selected program
the Batch
in another position
Add Group into
the Batch

 Add into the Batch all programs or groups you need in the production series
 Press the desired Batch mode by pressing in the image:
 A suite of groups
 A suite of programs
 Press menu and select Save Batch as … And use keyboard to write the name of the
group (here: Product Batch)
 Press once the Batch has been saved and you will come back to the Bend
Numerical page and start the series production.
 A yellow pop-up will inform you about the part loaded and Quantity requested

 The program name will be substituted with the Batch Name and the actual program

name in production.
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Interrupt a Batch
A Batch can be interrupted if needed and another program can be loaded or created. At any
moment is possible to continue with the batch from where you have stopped previously.
To continue with the Batch:
 select program Name (Here: Product Batch)
 Press Batch…
 Press Select Batch
 Inside the Batch list it will be easy to find which Batch and which part was in
execution thanks to the Yellow box in front of the name.

 Press and the production will continue.

Quit a Batch
 For quit the Batch select program Name (Here: Product Batch)
 Press Batch…
 Press Review Batch
 Press to quit the Batch mode.

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The machine can be equipped with more than a pair of tools. The Station management allows
defining the tools configuration and the position of each set of tools in the machine.
Graphical representation of the
stations in the machine

Move into bends

Press longer then 1

second to reverse

Copy stations from

Back to of the Bend
another part
Numerical Page.

Tools positioning Advanced menu

 Table:
 Number of the station
 Punch
 Die
 Position from origin
 Length of the tools

 Commands:
 Add station
 Remove station
 Move selected station into another position
 Move selected station to the left or to the right from the actual position


 Press on the top center of the Bend Numerical Page.

 Fill the table data for each station by choosing the station tools and , set the
position from the origin and the size of the punch and die tools .
The Advanced menu allows personalisation of the station between upper and
lower tool

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Punch Offset

Change station

Punch tool origin

and size
Die tool origin
and size

Back to station

If the operator wants to create a new numerical part and Station management is active

it is not possible to change the tools directly

from the Bend Numerical Page. In this case a message will appear:

It will be necessary to delete all stations before be able to manage single tools.

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In the Bend Numerical page, the bending aids axes will appear as below.

When touching the A axis, this will turn on the bending aids.
Usually, it activates simultaneously the sheet support H if any.

Enabling H axis only will let the user modify the sheet support.

Advanced bending aids parameters, let you to solve some special situations.

Working mode
It exists several types of bending aids.
 A single axis.
This type of bending aids usually
needs to be adjusted manually in
height and in the horizontal direction
(+/- near of the V die).

 Combined A and H axes.

These axes are working together
when acting as bending aids or the
Sheet Support function (H axis) can
be used alone. In this cinematic, it is
not possible to use A axis only.

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Advanced bending aids parameters

This page allows the operator adapting the bending aids to specific situations.

Bendind data
The beam will briefly stop at pinch point before automatically
Forces stop at pinch point
continuing the bend simultaneously with the Bending aids (Ba in
yes / no
the text after). It allows a better start synchronization and
smooth the acceleration of the bending aids. Default = no.
If a pre-bend has been already done. The Ba can be set at that
Prebend angle Between the
pre-bend value. Enter it here and the Ba will go at that value at
limits - 180°
start. See below tips in the next chapter.
Bendind data
Slow return.
When active, forces the Ba following the plate during slow
Allows to define only a portion of the slow upward movement.
Upward distance
This distance is expressed in % between the BDC and the
20 – 150% clamping point (100%). 100 to 150 % allows beam to continue
slowly a little above the Pinch point. It calculates automatically
the Downward angle
0 - 10 mm/s Defines the slow speed during this return phase. The slow speed
Upward speed
Depending can be limited according to the machine capability.
the machine.
Defines the phase (up and down) the Ba and the beam are
Tracking phase
synchronized to follow the plate bend.
Allows limiting the final upward angle before the final bend
End upward angle

Between the

Tip: May be used in case the bend angle is smaller than the Ba
maximum up limit

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Defining this parameter forces the slow-speed beam return and

Downward angle
calculates automatically the Upward distance
During this phase the Ba are following the plate
This parameter is linked to the Upward distance

Defines the return phase has to be executed

Return phase
Allows limiting the final downward angle
End return downward angle
During the opening cycle, the Ba will stop at this angle. A press
on START will then be necessary to position back the bending
Between the aids to 0.0°
Programming this angle to 0.0° let the bending aids starting
down simultaneity as the beam goes up. (this can also be done
by programming an Upward speed)
Allows reducing the Ba return speed when not synchronized with
Downward speed
the beam
5- 100%

Correction on end up angle

Angle correction

+/- 10°

Angle correction of the final angle

Height correction

Corrects the height at the final angle

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How making a non-accompanied return

A non-accompanied reduced return speed

 Press
 Set the End return downward angle to 0.0°
 Modify the Downward speed if needed
In this mode the return of the beam and the return of
Ba are not synchronized
 If End return downward angle is empty, the Ba
returns only when the beam reaches the TDC
To make the Ba to return synchronized with the plate
return (beam return), program an accompanied or a
partial accompanied return (See below)
Make an accompanied return (full stroke)

 Activate the slow speed return

 Program the Upward distance to 100%
 Adapt Upward speed

This can be done in the Tab “all in one” or in the
“More” page

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Make a partial accompanied return for a portion of the

full return

 Program the slow return target angle into

Tracking phase Downward angle (30.0°)
It activates the slow speed up and fill the
Upward distance automatically
 Enter the Upward speed for this phase
 If needed change the Downward speed

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Tips for special situations

If a pre-bend has been already done. The Ba can be set

at that pre-bend value. Enter it here and the Ba will go
at that value at start

Press and enter the value in Prebend angle

It will automatically calculate the Ba angle start

By default, the H axis is automatically calculated to be

at V-die height (here 60.0 mm)

In the left situation, the H axis must be corrected

manually into the Bend numerical page

Once manually corrected, the value is shown in black

Tip: to recover the original default value, click on

it and in the keyboard press

In case of an inverted angle as shown in the left

Enter the start angle and the start H position in the

Bend Numerical page

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The handwheel, if the machine is equipped, allows the move and the teach of the BDC
(Bottom Death Center) beam position, teaching the axes position and move an axis or a group
of axes. The configuration of which axes are moving with which selector position is freely

Caution: During Handwheel usage, only the operator himself is manually controlling the
movement of the beam and the axes. He is fully responsible to avoid any kind of danger for
himself and the machine components.
The following configuration is an example of configuration commands.

Selector Push Button
Push Button

Axes Resolution
Rotary Switch

Encoder Wheel

In the above sample configuration, the Axes Rotary Switch has 5 defined positions
The Selector Push Button selects the Z1 or Z2 or Z1-Z2 only when the Axes Rotary Switch is on
the 5th position.
 Axes Rotary Switch
Activates the axes selection (Manufacturer configuration).
 Selector Push Button
 Select an axis (or axes) in the rotary switch selection
 Pressing longer than 2 seconds, the program skip to the next sequence (very
useful in semi-automatic mode).
 Teach Push Button
 Teaches the current position of the select beam or axis.
 Pressing longer than 2 seconds, it activates/deactivates the Handwheel mode.
 Resolution Rotary Switch
Switch in between the possible resolutions:
 1/10 mm
 1/100 mm

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Button States:

Grey Not available

Dark Blue Can be activated

Green The function is active.

The operator decides to activate it or
deactivate it. It can be activated at TDC only,
before a bend.

Green Blinking The handwheel is active.

The beam needs to be closed like a normal
bend approach. Once it has reached the Pinch
Point, the handwheel button starts blinking
and the handwheel is effective.


 In order to activate the Handwheel switch in Semi-Automatic mode , long press (1s)
or press the Teach Push Button for more than (2s) the handwheel becomes “available”

 Button will change state to “active” (green)

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Rotary Switch: Position 1 – Bend No Axis

Bend No Axis mode allows bending without moving the axes in the programmed position.
This mode is especially helpful when the operator uses the handwheel to move the axes to
push the plate to the position when line bending (and don’t need to teach the axes position.

Tip: instead moving all the way, using the handwheel to position the plate, consider
positioning the plate to a programmed value (teached or not) purposely before the final
line” (marked) position with a normal start, then terminate the positioning with the

Axes greyed

 When “Bend No Axis” active, the handwheel will be deactivated

 In this special mode the Axes zone is greyed and a warning triangle is shown on the
“All in one” tab.
 While pressing the Pedal down in this mode, the electrical axes will not move.

 Switching between Beam no Axis mode and Axes mode let the operator adjusting
the “line bend” position before bend.

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Rotary Switch: Position 2 – Y (Beam)

The position Y allows the Handwheel to move the Beam at a defined target position.

 Activate the handwheel

 Press pedal down  beam will reach Pinch point position

 Once Pinch Point reached keep pedal down pressed, beam will stop and a Pop-Up will

inform which axes is activated and the handwheel blinking icon become active :

Turn thanks to the handwheel until the target position

 Press the button for “Handwheel teach signal” and a Pop-Up with the saved target
position will appear

Press pedal up until Top death Center or button on the display “go to TDC”

 If you stop pressing the pedal down the Handwheel will stop movements and the
handwheel function will be locked.
Is possible to activate again the Handwheel by pressing the pedal down and the
cycle will continue
 If the first Teach isn’t correct you can continue to move the beam through the
Handwheel and teach another target position.
 If you would like to stop using the Handwheel during cycle, press the Handwheel

button in the display for 1 second  and press pedal up until TDC or

button in the display to end the cycle.

 Once the beam has been managed (moved) with the handwheel, the Upward
command will bring the beam automatically to the TDC. This behavior is normal in
this situation.
 In automatic mode, at sequence change the axes must be started manually.
This behavior is normal in this situation. Once the handwheel mode is off the axes
start returns to normal behavior.
 Press Selector Push Button longer than 2 seconds in order to go to the next bend.

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Rotary Switch: Position 3-4-5 – Electrical Axes

The mode Electrical Axes allow to use the Handwheel to move the selected axis or a group
of axes in function of the Manufacturer configuration.

This chapter describes the behaviour when the switch is on Position 5 of the current


 Once machine indexed the Handwheel button will appear

 Once machine is indexed, press 1 second the handwheel button to activate the

 Turn the Axes rotary switch to the desired electrical axis or group of electrical axes

 The handwheel icon is now blinking

 Press Selector Push Button to choose the axis or the group of axes

Move the axis or the group of axes with the handwheel

 Press the button for “Handwheel teach signal” and a Pop-Up with the saved target
position will appear

 If the first Teach isn’t correct you can continue moving the axis and teach another
target position
 If you would like stopping using the Handwheel:
press the Handwheel button in the display for 1 second (icon
turns into the inactive)
 Press Selector Push Button longer than 2 seconds to jump to the next bend

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This function depends the machine configuration.

If the machine is equipped with two motorized X back axes
fingers, it makes the operator easy to program Slanted bends
with templates. The VisiTouch will calculate the final position
of the gauges according the entered data.

Slanted Bend

Slanted function

Fill the bend values

Slanted bend



 Press the slanted bend icon to activate or deactivate the function.

 Select the configuration that fit your bend:

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 Enter the geometric values in the corresponding fields A – B – C

The Numerical control will automatically calculate the gauges position of the and the
bend length.

You will not be allowed to quit the function untill all parameters have been set.
If you want to stop the configuration: press to deactivate.

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The 3D viewer is capable to show interactive 3D parts created in on a matching 3D CAM
system (see below list).

A Viewer as its name indicates it, only show the part. The Viewer allows the operator to
zoom, turn around the part, hide or display machine elements.
It is NOT possible changing the representation and / or changing the bend sequence
In VisiTouch some 3D Viewers are active and are able to recognize a 3D part if saved in the
corresponding format.
The following CAM software are compatible to generate 3D information for VisiTouch
integrated viewers *:
 VisiTouch MX
 VisiTouch MX Offline
 MBend Metalix (and all other Metalix branded software, such as BBend, Dbend etc.)
 AutoPOL BendSim
 The list may be extended any time
* This list may evolve depending on the market situation. Please ask for latest status.
Only above listed programs can create, modify the 3D parts for the above listed viewers.
If a part has been saved with 3d viewer information, press the button to show the 3D
Viewer Page.

Another feature of VisiTouch is to display photos (pictures) generated by CAM.

Some other CAM (than the above list) are capable to generate a 3D CAM print screen of each
sequence of the process.
In this case, if the data are existing, the VisiTouch will show the picture.
As all picture, the content is fixed and shown as information only. (see below examples with
MX and AutoPol).

MX Viewer (3D Viewer)

Available in all new machines
Part name Bend number

3D viewer
simulation details

Back to numerical page

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MX Viewer (Image)
Machines equipped with old software version
Bend number

Part name


Numerical page

AutoPOL (3D Viewer)

Part name
Bend number

3D viewer
simulation details

Back to numerical page

AutoPOL (Image)

Machines not equipped with the Plugin

Bend number

Part name

Back to numerical page

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1 Command not considered After ordering certain controls, the error indicates that the control
has not been taken in consideration by the axis. The reason is that
the control is not compatible with the functions that are active at the
This error is considered as a warning.
This error can be generated in the following cases (non exhaustive
list) :
- An axis function is already active and the start of another axis
function has been ordered.

- The regulator is set on and an identification of the axis has been


- The regulator is set on and the virtual mode set on or off has been

- An axis function is already active and an initialization of the axis

origin has been ordered.

2 Request Command not If the system is unable to give back some status information that was
considered requested, the error indicates that the message manager is
This error is considered as a warning.
3-4 End set point position will be The error indicates that the end set point position of an axis function
over the software limits will be over one of the axis position software limit. For the most part
of the cases, the real axis position will not go over the specified axis
limits because a checking of the limits is performed during the
initialization of the axis functions.
This error is considered as a warning.
This error can be generated in the following cases :
- During the set on of the Increment axis function when the specified
increment would provoke a move with an end position over the axis
limits. In this case, the axis moves up to the axis limit.

- During the increment mode of the manual mode when the

specified increment would provoke a move with an end position over
the axis limits. In this case, the axis moves up to the axis limit.

- During the set on of the Interpolation Mode axis function when its
execution would provoke a move with a position over the axis limits.
In this case, the interpolation does not start.

5 Loss of synchronization This error can happen in the case of a synchronization of some axes
by the sending of a synchronization event from a master axis by the
block Synchro Master and the waiting of this event with a phase lag
in time on the slaves axes by the block Synchro Wait .
If the reception instant of the synchronization event is produced
when the axis already waits this event, an axis error is generated to
indicate a loss of synchronization.
This error is considered as a warning.

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6 Recorder already busy Only one recorder per axis of one target can be used in the same
This error is considered as a warning.
7 Command not allowed in Some functions can not be activated when the system is in secure
secure mode mode.
This error is considered as a warning.
8-9 Direction not allowed When an axis reaches a hardware limit and the respective limit
switch is active, it is not possible to move farther the axis in the
direction of the limit switch. However, it is possible to move the axis
in the other direction.
This error is considered as a warning.
10 Attempt to open an unknown The recorder tried to record an unknown global variable. This
global variable has not been defined in the target system.
This error should at the start of a record when the identifier name
of a global variable is not found
This error is considered as a warning.
11 Position not consistent During the actual position acquisition process of the axis (each
sampling time), one position value has been considered as not
consistent and has been replaced by an estimated value of it.
This error is considered as a warning.
12 Extern function of cycle not Attempt to access an extern function of a cycle not installed into the
installed system.
This error is considered as a warning.
13 Attempt to Start/Stop an Attempt to start or stop an unknown cycle from a cycle block "Start
unknows cycle Cycle", "Start CycleAux" or "Stop CycleAux".
This error is considered as a warning.
14 Start cycle not allowed Start of a cycle not allowed from a cycle block "Start Cycle". It
happends when a cycle try to start a cycle located in the same
This error is considered as a warning.
30-31 Set point position over the The error indicates that the set point position of an axis function is
software limits over one of the axis position software limit. For the most part of the
cases, the real axis position will not goes over the specified axis
limits because a checking of the limits is performed during the
initialization of the axis functions as well as of the cycles.
This error is considered as a simple error.
This error can be generated in the following cases :
- During the initialization of a "Ipo Buf" cycle block when its
execution would provoke a move with a position over the
axis limits. In this case, the block is not executed and the
cycle is stopped.
- During the initialization of a "Cam On" cycle block when its
execution would provoke a move with a position over the
axis limits. In this case, the block is not executed and the
cycle is stopped.
- During the execution of a cycle, when the check conditions of
the position limits of the axes are not satisfied (see specific
rules in paragraph "Check of the position limits before the
cycle start" in section "Definition of the position in a cycle" of
"Cycle Rules"). In this case, the cycle is stopped.

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VisiTouch series – User Manual

32 Regulation error over the limit The error indicates that the position error of the regulator has been
over the supervision limit specified in the regulator data.
This error is considered as a simple error.
This error can be generated in the following cases (non exhaustive
list) :
- A disturbance has provoked a too big position error.
- The power of the motor is off.
- The current control required to follow a reference trajectory
can not be delivered to the motor because of the physical
current limitation of the motor. In this case, the reference
trajectory can not be followed and the position error is too
- The speed of the reference trajectory is higher than the
physical limit speed of the motor. In this case, the reference
trajectory can not be followed and the position error is too
- Defectiveness of the measurement system or in the power
electronics or in the mechanical part provokes this error.
In all of these cases, as soon as the maximal error is reached, the
regulator is set off as well as the motor power stage and the brake
is set on.
33 Control Time Out The error indicates that the control (analog output) generated by
the regulator has been in the maximum level of 100% (or –100%)
during more than the specified control time out specified in the
regulator data .
This error is considered as a simple error.
34 Interpolation buffer empty During the execution of the Interpolation Mode function or of the
cycle block Ipo Buffer, the error indicates that no interpolation
position is available in the interpolation buffer at the moment.
This error is considered as a simple error.
This error can be generated in the following cases :
- The interpolation function has not been initialized by the
corresponding initialization function and the interpolation
buffer is consequently empty.
- During the automatic management of the positions
downloading by blocks of the interpolation buffer, a block has
not been downloaded at time and a break of the interpolation
has been produced. In this case, the sampling period of the
interpolation has probably to be increased.
35 Regulation parameters not valid This error indicates that the regulator of the axis has been set on
with a not valid set of regulation parameters. All sets of parameters
that are used have to be at least one time checked and accepted in
the configuration tool. This check phase is automatically done when
the tuning phase of the regulator is done through the configuration
tool, for example when the regulator is manually set on from the
configuration tool.
This error is considered as a simple error.
36 Computation error on variable This error indicates that a computation error occurs during a
variable evaluation (division by 0, square root of a negative
number, …).
This error is considered as a simple error.
37 Regulation is off on axis This error indicates that the regulator has been set off when the axis
involved in coordinate is involved in a coordinate transformation.
transformation The coordinate transformation has to be set off.
This error is considered as a simple error.
38 Error on axis involved in a This error indicates that an error occurs on an axis involved in a
coordinate transformation coordinate transformation.
This error can be generated in the following cases :
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- The set point position of an axis function is over one of the

axis position software limit.
- The regulator of an axis is off.
This error is considered as a simple error.
39 Speed supervision over the limit The error indicates that the speed supervision function has set off
the regulator as well as the motor power stage. This is due to
possible damage in the position measurement system. This happens
when the control level is up to the "Speed Supervision Level" value
and the measured speed is null during more than the "Control Time
Out" value.
This error is considered as a simple error.

If this error occurs when the position measurement system works

correctly, the "Speed Supervision Level" value or the "Control Time
Out" value has to be increased.
40 Command buffer of Error generated when the commande buffer of an independent axis
independent axis full is full.

This error is considered as a simple error

41 Indipendent axis not free Error generated when an order is addressed to an independent axis
which is currently controlled from another cycle.
Error generated when it is tried to make free an independent axis
which is currently controlled from another cycle.

This error is considered as a simple error.

42 Inconsistent coordinate Error generated during a cycle when a block managing a coordinate
transformation identifier transformation uses an inconsistent identifier. This error halts the

This error is considered as a simple error.

43 Coordinate transformation Error generated during a cycle when a coordinate transformation
already on that is tried to be initialized or set is already on. This error halts the

This error is considered as a simple error.

44 Reference supervision distance Error generated during the reference function when the running
Out distance during the function exceeds the maximum allowed
distance . This error halts the function.

This error is considered as a simple error.

45 Servo operation error Error generated by a Servo drive controlled through a field bus. This
mentions an operation error occuring during an operation managed
by the drive. This error halts the function.

This error is considered as a simple error.

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46 Expected movement in safety Error generated when a movement is expected in an active safety
zone detected zone. This error halts the function.

This error is considered as a simple error.

47 Axis movement forbidden Error generated when a movement is expected to be started and
the axis move forbidden status is active or when the axis is in
movement and the axis move forbidden status is activated. This
error halts the current movement. When the axis belongs to a
running cycle, it also halts the cycle.

This error is considered as a simple error.

48 Servo not ready Error generated when the servo on command is requested on the
axis and the servo is not ready (power not on for example). When
the axis belongs to a running cycle, it also halts the cycle.

This error is considered as a simple error.

49 Servo Fail Error generated when :
- The servo on command is requested on the axis and the servo
status checked on the servo is not on after the Servo Delay set on
the axis parameters (time-out).
- The servo is considered as on on the axis and the servo status
checked on the servo fall down.
This error halts the current movement. If on, the regulator is set off
and the brake is set on
When the axis belongs to a running cycle, it also halts the cycle.

This error is considered as a simple error.

50 Servo in stop mode Error generated when the servo switched in stop mode. When the
servo switch in this mode, it first generate itself a decelaration ramp
and regulates the axis speed at 0. Then no movement can be
ordered as long as it stay in this mode.
This error halts the current movement. If on, the regulator is set off.
When the axis belongs to a running cycle, it also halts the cycle.

This error is considered as a simple error.

60 Synchronization message not If the system is unable to deliver a synchronization signal, error
send indicates that the message manager is saturated.
This error is considered as a fatal error. It generates a stop of all
axes of the system. The secure mode of the system is set on.
61 Synchronization command If the system is unable to treat a synchronization signal, the error
buffer full indicates that the synchronization command buffer is full.
This error is considered as a fatal error. It generates a stop of all
axes of the system. The secure mode of the system is set on.
62-63 Hardware limit reached This error indicates that the axis has reached an hardware limit and
the respective limit switch has been activated.
This error is considered as a fatal error. It generates a stop of all
axes of the system. The secure mode of the system is set on.

This table does not contain an exhaustive list of all the errors.
If the message number is not explained here, please write it down and contact your dealer.

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13 Command refused because pinch point is below Check the value of the PP correction, and the
Y1 and Y2 bottom dead centre value of the BDC correction in the User Preference
14 Command refused because the speed
commutation point is below the pinch point
15 Command refused because low speed up speed
out of limits
16 Command refused because speed out of limits
17 Command refused because Bottom Dead Centre Difference between target values of Y1 and Y2
Y1 and Y2 are too different bigger than the limit value defined in the machine
parameter. Call you dealer.
18 Command refused because pinch point is outside
stroke limits
19 Command refused because beam is moving
20 Command refused because Bottom Dead Centre
is outside the beam limits
26 Command refused because beam is in emergency For example, beam out synchronism tolerance.
27 Command refused because Synchronism Problems with limit parameters (max and min) of
controller parameters not in range the beam. Contact your dealer.
28 Command refused because stop is active
37 Command refused because zero has not been Beam is not indexed.
found yet
40 Command refused because bend data have never
been loaded
44 Command refused because beam is in Only the axis with the highest position is allowed
emergency. Only a manual down of the upper to be moved manually down.
axis is allowed
49 Command refused because beam is not at high
end of stroke position
52 Command refused because the beam is
requested to go to TDC
53 Command refused because a beam cycle is not
248 Synchronism limit reached, Y1: {0} Y2: {1} Height difference between Y1 and Y2 bigger than
the limit value defined in the machine parameter.
Call you dealer.
265 Error with Oil Leakage Control. Cancelling
267 Beam not indexed, no move
606 High speed down stopped by safety speed switch
607 Command refused because other command still Order of priority is as follows :
active 1. Stop Command
2. Go to TDC MAX
3. Go to next TDC
4. Up command
5. Down command

This table does not contain an exhaustive list of all the errors related to beam.
If the message number is not explained here, please write it down and contact your dealer.

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VisiTouch series – User Manual



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MAY Cybelec S.A. • Rue des Uttins 27 • CH-1400 Yverdon les Bains • Switzerland
2023 97/97 •

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