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Vault Solutions LLC

Archive Accelerator
for NFS
Installation, Configuration, and Administration V1.0

Introduction .......................................................................................................................................1
System Requirements .........................................................................................................................1
Target Systems ...............................................................................................................................1
Client Systems ................................................................................................................................1
Windows Service for Network File System ........................................................................................1
Installation .........................................................................................................................................1
Installation Prerequisites .................................................................................................................1
License Requirements .....................................................................................................................1
Configuration .....................................................................................................................................2
Archive Accelerator NFS Components ..................................................................................................2
NFS Management Console ...............................................................................................................2
NFS Importer ..................................................................................................................................2
NFS Server ......................................................................................................................................2
Archive Accelerator Management Console .......................................................................................2
Creating an NFS Target........................................................................................................................3
Start the NFS Management Console .................................................................................................3
Create the NFS Target .....................................................................................................................3
Target Name ...............................................................................................................................3
Target Host .................................................................................................................................3
Test… .........................................................................................................................................4
Target Volume ............................................................................................................................4
Crawling Identity .........................................................................................................................4
Archive Policy .............................................................................................................................5
Retention Category .....................................................................................................................5
Archive .......................................................................................................................................5
Enable ........................................................................................................................................6
Create Button .............................................................................................................................6
Managing an NFS Target ..................................................................................................................7
Target Name Modify… .................................................................................................................8
Test… .........................................................................................................................................9
Enable Modify… ..........................................................................................................................9
Run Now… ..................................................................................................................................9
Refresh .......................................................................................................................................9
Managing an NFS Target – Target Parameters...................................................................................9
Host Select… ............................................................................................................................. 10
Volume Select… ........................................................................................................................ 10
Crawling Identity… .................................................................................................................... 10
Selected Folders… ..................................................................................................................... 10
Managing an NFS Target – Archive Information .............................................................................. 10
Archiving Policy Select… ............................................................................................................ 11
Retention Category Select… ....................................................................................................... 11
Archive Select…......................................................................................................................... 12
Archive Policies ................................................................................................................................ 13
Archive Policy Manager ................................................................................................................. 13
Existing Policies ......................................................................................................................... 13
New… ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Edit… ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Delete… .................................................................................................................................... 15
Manage Archive Accelerator NFS Servers ........................................................................................... 15
New Access Group ........................................................................................................................ 16
insecure option ......................................................................................................................... 17
root_squash, no_root_squash ................................................................................................... 17
all_squash, no_all_squash ......................................................................................................... 17
anonuid=uid ............................................................................................................................. 17
anongid=gid .............................................................................................................................. 17
Edit Access Group ......................................................................................................................... 17
Delete Access Group ..................................................................................................................... 17
NFS Server Port ............................................................................................................................. 18
User and Group Restrictions .......................................................................................................... 18
This document describes the steps needed to install, configure and administer Vault Solutions Archive
Accelerator to archive files and/or metadata via the Network File System (NFS) protocol.

Archive Accelerator accesses the NFS server using the NFS protocol as a client to retrieve the content for
archiving and to optionally replace the content with a soft link to the archived data. This soft link can be
used by client computers to seamlessly retrieve the content via the Archive Accelerator NFS server
which can be run on the Enterprise Vault server.

System Requirements

Target Systems
The target systems can be any system running an NFS Server. This content is accessed from Windows
using the NFSv3 protocol by Archive Accelerator. The supported authentication mechanism is System
(aka UNIX). A uid (which may be root) must be specified which has the permissions to read, delete and
write to the directories which are to be archived. In addition, the exported file system must allow the
Archive Accelerator server to access the exported file system.

Client Systems
In order to seamlessly retrieve the data, the client systems must have an NFSv3 client installed. In
addition, they will need to mount the Archive Accelerator NFS server mount point as /vsaa.

Windows Service for Network File System

Windows Server 2008 includes an implementation of the NFS server (and client). These will conflict
with the Archive Accelerator importer and NFS server and so this service should be removed where
Archive Accelerator is installed.

Installation Prerequisites
The following software must be installed:

1. Symantec™ Enterprise Vault™ 10.0

2. Archive Accelerator Management Console
3. Archive Accelerator

License Requirements
There are two different Archive Accelerator licenses available. It is possible to have one or both licenses

1. NFS Archiving – Provides the capability to ingest files and optionally replace them with shortcuts
for seamless retrieval
2. NFS eDiscovery – Provides the ability to ingest file, directory and soft link metadata for
eDiscovery purposes.

In addition, a license from Symantec for Enterprise Vault is required.

In order to configure Archive Accelerator you need to run the Archive Accelerator Configuration Utility.

Archive Accelerator NFS Components

There are four major components which are related to NFS archiving:

1. NFS Management Console

2. NFS Importer
3. NFS Server
4. Archive Accelerator Management Console

NFS Management Console

The Archive Accelerator Management console is used to perform the following tasks:

1. Add a new NFS target to be archived

2. Create an Enterprise Vault archive in a given vault store to be used to store the archive content.
3. Create and manage NFS archive policies
4. Manage which client systems, users and groups have access to the Archive Accelerator NFS
5. Start and monitor an Archive Accelerator Import Service job to import content.

NFS Importer
The Archive Accelerator NFS Importer is loaded by the Archive Accelerator Import service. It is used to
crawl the NFS targets are created using the NFS Management Console.

NFS Server
The Archive Accelerator NFS Server is used to provide clients access to archived content. When a user
attempts to open a document shortcut (which is implemented as a symbolic link to the NFS Server), this
server is called to retrieve the content from Enterprise Vault and then provide that content back to the

Archive Accelerator Management Console

The archive accelerator is used to specify the schedule to use when archiving NFS content. All other
administration of the NFS targets (called Import Sources in the Archive Accelerator Management
Console) should be done using the NFS Management Console.
Creating an NFS Target
Start the NFS Management Console
To start the console:

1. Select Start button

2. Open the Archive Accelerator Folder
3. Open the NFS Management Console

Create the NFS Target

To create the new target, select File->New Target using NFS… and a window similar to this will appear:

Target Name
This text field can be any string that you want to use to identify the NFS target.

Target Host
This can be either the IP address or the hostname of the system which has exported volumes via NFS.
This button is used to open a window which can be used to test the connection to the NFSv3 server
specified by the Target Host field. The following illustrates the Test Connection window (after clicking
the Start button):

Target Volume
This is the NFSv3 exported volume which will be crawled for content to archive. The Select… button can
be used to select which exported folder to crawl. The list provided is retrieved using the Mount
protocol. The list may include items which cannot be mounted by the Archive Accelerator server due to
permissions. Once you specify the Target Volume, you can push the Test button (followed by Start), to
check whether the server will be able to successfully mount the volume. The Test NFS Connection will
show the results of attempting to mount the volume and then do a top level directory listing. If the
mount fails check the /etc/exports file (or equivalent) to make sure that the Archive Accelerator server
is listed as a system which can access the export.

Crawling Identity
When the NFS Importer runs as part of the NFS Import service it connects to the target NFS server via
the NFSv3 protocol. As part of this protocol, the client provides a user identity (and associated group) to
impersonate that user. The Select… button next to this field will bring up the following dialog:
Specify the UID and GID to be used by the crawler and then press OK. The decimal values can usually be
found in the /etc/passwd file on the NFS server. This user needs to have read, write, and delete access
to the content you want to crawl if you are doing NFS Archiving. If you are only using NFS eDiscovery,
the user only needs to be able to read the content.

Archive Policy
This combo box lists the NFS archive policies which are used to decide what to archive and the rules
associated with creating shortcuts (only available for systems with an NFS Archiving license). The New…
button will bring surface the dialog box used to create a new policy. See the Archive Policy chapter for
more information.

Retention Category
This combo box lists the Enterprise Vault retention categories which can be applied to content as it is
archived. The categories are created and managed using the Vault Administration Console (VAC).

This combo box lists the Enterprise Vault shared archive which is used to store the archived content. If
you click the New… button you will be able to create a new Archive using this dialog:
The Vault Store combo box lists the available Vault Stores. Vault Stores are managed using the Vault
Administration Console. The name field will automatically have a prefix of “NFS-“. This allows archives
to be easily distinguished from other shared archives. The Description field provides another field to use
for describing the content. Finally, select one of the two index types: Brief or Full. If you choose Full,
html previews of the files will be automatically created during archiving. This cannot currently be
disabled. Once all the fields are chosen, click Create to create the archive. Note: you always use this
dialog box to create the shared archive. If you don’t then the content will not be viewable in the
Enterprise Vault Archive Explorer tool.

Check the enable box to allow the Archive Accelerator Import service to start archiving content once the
service is started.

Create Button
Once all fields in the New NFS Target dialog are completed, click the Create button to create the NFS
target. Once this is done, the following window will appear:
From this window, you can manage the NFS target’s parameters, test the client connection to the NFS
server or manually start a crawl. See the next section for more information.

Managing an NFS Target

Once you have created a source target, you easily open the associated window by Selecting File->Open…
or the clicking on the folder in the toolbar. The following dialog will appear:
To open the associated window, select the target name and then the Open button. The following
window will appear:

Target Name Modify…

If you select this button, the following dialog will appear to let you change the name of the Target:
Edit the name and push OK.

This will surface the Test NFS Connection dialog discussed previously. This allows the administrator to
test the connection to the selected volume.

Enable Modify…
This button will toggle whether the NFS Target is enabled or disabled.

Run Now…
Clicking this button allows the administrator to start an import job. The job will run shortly afterward.
The Archive Accelerator Import Service should be started using the Windows Services console before
this button is pushed.

This button can be pushed to update the import counts, error count, status, and error message.

Managing an NFS Target – Target Parameters

Once you have opened a Target window using File->Open, you can modify the Target parameters by
clicking on the Target tab. The following picture illustrates this:
Host Select…
Use the button next to the Host to modify the hostname or host IP address.

Volume Select…
Use the button next to the selected volume to change which volume to crawl. If you change this, you
should also review the Selected Folders to crawl.

Crawling Identity…
Use this button to select a new UID and GID to be used for crawling content.

Selected Folders…
After you select a volume, you need to specify which subfolder(s) to crawl. You can optionally specify
which folders to exclude.

Managing an NFS Target – Archive Information

You can manage the archive related parameters when you click on the Archive tab:
Archiving Policy Select…
Use the button next to the current archive policy to select a new Archive policy to use. The following
dialog box will appear:

You can create a new Archive policy by clicking New… or choose an existing archive policy and then click

Retention Category Select…

Use the button next to the current Retention Category to select a new retention category to use for
imported items. This category will only apply to newly imported items after the change is made.
Choose the new category and then push OK to change the category.

Archive Select…
Use the button next to the current destination archive to select a new Archive. The following dialog box
will appear:

You can select an existing archive or choose New… to create a new archive. If you click New… the
following dialog will appear:

Fill in the parameters and click Create to create the new archive.
Archive Policies
The archive policies are used to decide what content to archive and the conditions which must be met
to delete the existing item (to save space) and replace it with a shortcut (a symbolic link to the item in
the Enterprise Vault).

Archive Policy Manager

Policies can be created using the Policy manager or from one of the NFS Target windows. The policy
manager can be opened using File->NFS Policy Manager… Here is the policy manager window:

Existing Policies
The existing list of policies is shown in the list box.

To create a new policy, push the new button. The following dialog will appear:
The Archiving rules let you specify the rules under which an item is archived. If you click on the
Shortcuts tab you will see the rules used when creating shortcuts (which are optional):
The eDiscovery rules are specified on the eDiscovery tab:

The above screen capture shows all the options disabled. These options will be enabled (and can then
be checked) if there is a license for Archive Accelerator for NFS eDiscovery.

To edit an existing archive policy (or to view the settings), select the policy and then click the Edit…

To delete an existing archive policy, select the policy and the click the Delete key. If the policy is
currently in use by an existing NFS target, the deletion will be prevented.

Manage Archive Accelerator NFS Servers

In order for clients to retrieve content from Enterprise Vault over NFS, the Archive Accelerator NFS
Server service must be running. This service is installed by Archive Accelerator. The service should be
set up to run under the same Domain account used for the Archive Accelerator importer service (the
Vault Service Account).

To start the service:

1. Open the Windows services console

2. Select “Archive Accelerator NFS Server”
3. Right click the service and select “Start”

Note that the same menu can be used to stop the service.

The first time that the service is started, it is registered with the Archive Accelerator database. Once
that is done, the NFS Manager Console can be used to manage who has access to the server and what
port is to be used to listen for client requests.

To start the NFS Server manager select File->Manage NFS Servers and the following window will appear:

Select the server you want to manage using the combo box at the top. It will show the current server
status for that server. First it checks if the mount service is running and then it checks if the NFS service
is running.

New Access Group

To allow access to the NFS server, you must create a new access group. This is similar in function to the
/etc/exports file found on most Linux servers. Click the New… button and the following dialog box will
You can enter in the IP address, hostname or wildcard hostname (such as *). Wild card IP addresses are
not permitted. If you click Save, that server will have access to the Archive Accelerator NFS server when
the server is restarted. You can also specify some common options for NFS servers.

insecure option
This option allows clients to connect using non-restricted ports (ports greater than 2049). The default is
to allow connections from ports less than 2049.

root_squash, no_root_squash
If no_root_squash is specified, then the root id will be permitted for processing requests. The default is
root_squash which maps requests from root (uid=0) to the anonymous uid.

all_squash, no_all_squash
If all_squash is specified then all requests are mapped to the anonymous uid.

The default value for the anonymous uid is 65534. This value can be mapped to another user and comes
into play for the root_squash and all_squash options. The uid value must be specified as a decimal.

The default value for the anonymous gid is 65534. This value can be mapped to another group. The gid
value must be specified as a decimal.

Edit Access Group

To edit an existing Access Group, select the group and then the Edit key. See the New Access Group
section for the values. This change will take place when the NFS service is restarted.

Delete Access Group

To delete one or more access groups, select the group(s) and then push the Delete button. This change
will take place when the NFS Service is restarted.
NFS Server Port
To change the port, select the Ports tab. The following window will appear:

To change the port, modify the port number and click Apply. You must restart the NFS service for the
change to take place.

User and Group Restrictions

The permissions information for each file is recorded and maintained in the Archive Accelerator
database. These permissions will be used if the user wants to retrieve the content via a shortcut. There
may be instances where you want to restrict all access to the archived data to a group of users or
particular users (such as anti-virus programs). To do this, click on the Restrictions tab and the following
view will appear:
To restrict access, supply a comma delimited list of user ids (uid) or group ids(gid) values and then click
apply. These are decimal values.

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