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MPA 211 Student

Reflection Paper on the Social Principles – The Natural World

All created things depend on a flourishing natural world to bring about abundance. How do we
protect life as stewards of the earth? Many of the stories presented in the video echo a profound, love
and respect for the natural world. We meet many people who have gathered to protect their right to the
land, and others who embrace creative ways to cultivate the earth's rich gifts and resources. “The Natural
World” looks at how in the face of nature's turbulent change communities put their principles into action.

All things were created by God as an act of love. God created the natural world that includes the
land we cultivate, the water that sustains life, and the air we breathe. God also filled the earth with
creatures of the land, air and sea.

God then granted humankind the task of stewardship over all created things. Stewardship is to
take care of the natural world. Oftentimes, we confuse stewardship with ownership. Ownership implies
that it is our right to possess that which is owned. How do we treat objects that we own versus objects
that belong to someone else? Do we show more care or less care? We are not left without an example of
how to care for creation. We are made in the image of God, and are to share that likeness by caring for
the natural world in ways full of compassion and love. We are created in God’s image; therefore, we are
in relationship with the Creator. We show God’s goodness and are to act in ways that glorify and reflect
the love of God.

Natural World Section of the Social Principles advocates for caring for nature as God’s creation,
considering the environmental damage that rapid economic expansion has caused. In line with these
learnings, I must personally;
Stop Doing

 Disconnecting to natural world – meaning we should have knowledge of how food gets
to our tables, or how the raw materials in our phones and laptops are collected and
 Wasting of natural resources such as electricity – as we continue to emit more carbon
and methane in our atmosphere causing it to gases trapped in the atmosphere ending up
in scorching summer heat
 Wasting foods - we should always practice to only cook what is needed or enough for the
entire family.
 Using single used plastics - nowadays we always find ourselves being dependent on
using plastic materials on a daily basis.
 Throwing rotten vegetables in the garbage bin - when we can use it as a free compost
for plants and flowers.

Continue Doing

 Learning about social issues that is happening around us

 Putting faith into practice for helping others in need
 Lessening the use of plastics and other pollutants
 Caring for the environment even in small ways can be a big contribution in the long run
 Recognize more that by the virtue of the fact that Jesus Christ came down on Earth as a
human, human life on earth must be highly valued

Start Doing

 Use Public Transport or Walk/Bike Whenever Possible

 Plant a Tree and Take Care of It
 Use at Least One Natural Product
 Reduce Meat Consumption
 Educate About the Environment - promote the use of re-usable water bottles, spoon and
fork and the likes.

And my organization must:

Stop Doing

 Using single used plastics

 Wasting of the use of all sorts of supplies and materials
 Ignorance of laws about natural resources
 Burning of waste products
 Too much use of chemicals and other pollutants

Continue Doing

 Educate others about the personal liability and responsibility in our environment
 Organize Community Activities such as clean up drive in the canal/irrigations
 Initiate Waste Segregation Programs
 Planting trees to assist in reforestation
 Spreading awareness on protecting natural resources
Start Doing

 Using solar light as street lights

 Walk Short Distances, Bike, or Carpool
 Use Less Paper
 Practice Recycling
 Conserve Energy by simply unplugging the appliances

Reflection Paper on the Social Principles – The Nurturing Community

Each person is of sacred worth. Therefore, each community is tasked to care for the most
vulnerable because each person is made in the image of God. Vulnerable people are often women and
children. They live in poverty, and face instability and insecurity. This insecurity can lead to the abuse of
drugs, malnutrition, violence, war, rape, human trafficking and other social ills. Individuals and
communities nurture and support those who have suffered at the hands of others. Poverty makes
persons vulnerable to systems that take advantage of their social condition. This vulnerability often leads
to unrecognized suffering experienced internally as loss of self worth and the inevitability of oppression,
and externally as exploitation of our social status

The Nurturing Community tackles the relevant social issues with regards to the full development
of human potential through positive social relationships. In addition to nurturing relationships, this section
of the Social Principle also speaks out against harmful and exploitative relationships, among them sexual
and familial exploitation. It also discusses controversial issues such as abortion and homosexuality. While
the Nurturing Community says that both are considered as sin in the eye of the Lord, it maintains that all
human beings are of sacred worth and must be loved. Given this, it advocates against derogatory
language and discrimination regardless of sexuality and history with abortion, among other social
differences. In fact, it recognizes the necessity of abortion in cases where the life of the mother is at
In line with these learning, I must personally:

Stop Doing

 All forms of discrimination

 Lacking an empathic response to social issues in the community
 None sharing of experiences on how social principles have positively impacted my life
and the community.
 Not taking good care of mental health and well-being.
 Lack of sense of interconnectedness.

Continue Doing

 Support and Encourage

 Engaging in random acts of kindness
 Help stop bullying
 Take care of social and familial relationship
 Develop my potentials as well as other’s potential

Start Doing

 Advocate more for children’s right

 Be an Active Listener
 Promote Positive Communication
 Getting Involved in Community Initiatives
 Incorporate Social Principles into Daily Interactions
And my organization must:

Stop Doing

 All forms of Discrimination

 Not Starting Conversations about the importance of community and the role of social
principles in nurturing it
 Not collaborating with like-minded individuals and organizations that amplify efforts and
create a collective impact.
 Not Practicing Respect and Tolerance- Treat everyone with respect, regardless of their
background, beliefs, or opinions. Foster a culture of inclusivity and acceptance by
celebrating diversity.
 Using physical and verbal punishments

Continue Doing

 Building Stronger Relationships- By practicing effective communication and valuing the

perspectives of others, individuals can bridge gaps and find common ground. Building
stronger relationships within a community cultivates a sense of belonging and facilitates
collaboration, leading to a more cohesive and resilient community.
 Fostering Inclusivity and Diversity - Inclusive communities embrace diversity and ensure
that everyone's voice is heard and valued. This not only enriches the community
culturally but also leads to a broader range of perspectives and ideas. By actively seeking
diverse representation and providing equal opportunities, communities can create an
environment where everyone feels respected, accepted, and empowered.
 Promoting Social Justice and Equality- Another important impact of social principles on
community is the promotion of social justice and equality. Social principles advocate for
fairness, equity, and the protection of human rights. They encourage individuals to stand
up against social injustices and work towards creating a more just and equitable society.
 Creating Safe and Supportive Spaces - Creating safe and supportive spaces is essential
for fostering a nurturing community. These spaces can exist within our homes,
workplaces, schools, or even virtual environments. The aim is to establish an atmosphere
where individuals feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, emotions, and identities
without fear of judgment or discrimination.
 Continue the cycle of nurturing community, ensuring its sustainability and furthering its
positive impact in the years to come.

Start Doing

 Create a legacy like equal opportunity for the PWD people and other similar factors or
personal circumstances that can have a long-lasting impact on future generations.
 Engaging in Acts of Service and Volunteerism - Engaging in acts of service and
volunteerism is another powerful way to nurture community. By actively participating in
Initiatives that address social issues and support the needs of others, we contribute to
the well-being of our community as a whole.
 Make nurturing community a powerful force for positive change.
 Embrace social principles and practiced consistently and embed in the culture and values
of the community
 Create an environment where future generations grow up with a strong sense of
community, empathy, and social responsibility.

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