2024 Summary Writing Guidelines

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Read the instructions carefully.

Underline the key instruction/s.
1. Read the text
2. Read the text again
3. Underline/highlight the main points/ideas on the text
4. Write down the points in your own words
5. Write down the first draft of your summary and edit your writing using
the following tips:
➢ Remove unnecessary information or words
➢ Remove adjectives and/or adverbs that are not required
➢ Check your grammar and spelling
➢ Count the number of words
6. Write a title/heading of the summary
7. Carefully rewrite your final draft
8. Read through your final draft
9. Write the number of words in brackets
1 mark per relevant and coherent point = 7 marks
Do not penalise for spelling and grammar errors that do not change the
meaning of the point.
To avoid the anomaly that language marks exceed marks for points,
allocate language marks as indicated below.
1-3 correct points = + 1 mark
4-5 correct points = + 2 marks
6-7 correct points = + 3 marks
Do not subtract marks for incorrect format or for quoting directly from the
text or for incorrect OR missing word count.
Mark points up until the required word count and disregard the rest.
Do not penalise for lack of planning.
Mark planning if final is not done OR incomplete.
To avoid awarding more than one mark for the same fact/point,
indicate the number of the fact/point next to the right tick (√).
• Word Count:
o Markers will be required to verify the number of words used.
o Do not deduct marks if the learner fails to indicate the number
of words used, or if the number of words used is indicated
If the word limit is exceeded, read up to the last sentence above the
stipulated upper limit and ignore the rest of the summary.

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