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Ares(2023)3062443 - 02/05/2023

Annex 13 - LOT 2: Template for the technical offer

In response to tendering procedure


NAME OF TENDERER: [insert name of Tenderer]

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 1

Table of Contents
1 Technical background and presentation of the tenderer .................................................................. 3
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Vision, strategy and service catalogue .................................................................................... 3
1.3 Manpower................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Technical description related to the award criteria .......................................................................... 5
General remarks .................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Criterion T1: Quality of the proposed organisation and tools ................................................. 6
2.2 Criterion T2: Quality of the proposed approach for delivering all services ............................ 9
2.3 Criterion T3: Quality of the Service Take-Over and Service Hand-Over................................ 10
2.4 Criterion T4: Quality of the proposed Learning Management System ................................. 11
3 Reference forms ............................................................................................................................ 12
3.1 Project reference form .......................................................................................................... 12
3.2 CV reference form and correlation table .............................................................................. 15

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 2

1 Technical background and presentation of the tenderer
1.1 Introduction
Tenderers are invited, in this section, to present themselves as an economic operator. This
presentation is for information purposes only.

Members of tendering groups and subcontractors (other than individual freelancers) will be
called briefly hereafter “involved entities”.

1.2 Vision, strategy and service catalogue

Provide a description of the vision, strategy and service culture of your entity/involved entities
with regard to the type of services falling to the scope of the call for tenders. List the key success
factors in your entity/involved entities for the provision of the services that you offer currently
to the market with regard to the deliveries and services of the call for tenders and provide a
description of your strategic approach to address them.

1.3 Manpower
Indicate for your entity/involved entities your average annual total manpower for the last three
years (separating permanent and non-permanent staff) using the structure below.

Total annual manpower 2020 2021 2022

Managerial Staff
Permanent staff
Non-permanent staff
Total Managerial Staff
Non managerial Staff
Permanent staff
Non-permanent staff
Total Non-Managerial Staff

Indicate the average number of staff working in the field of Service provision for the last three
(3) years (separating permanent and non-permanent staff).

Number of staff in the field of Service provision 2020 2021 2022

Permanent staff
Non-permanent staff

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 3

Indicate the percentage of personnel turnover for the permanent staff working in the
organisational entity (ies) responsible for the provisioning of the catalogue of services
required to cover the scope of the contract for the last three (3) years.

Turnover of personnel working in the field of 2020 2021 2022

service provisions

Percentage of turnover

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 4

2 Technical description related to the award criteria
General remarks
Tenderers have to structure their offer based on this template.

Tx : Criterion Weight Max Min

Txy : Sub-Criterion points points

T1: Quality of the proposed organisation and tools 10% 100 60

T1.1: Quality of the proposed organisation 5% 50 30
T1.2: Quality of the proposed tools 5% 50 30
T2: Quality of the proposed approach for delivering all 45% 450 305
T2.1: Tenderer’s understanding of the assignment 10% 100 70*
T2.2: Quality of the methods and processes to deliver the 25% 250 175*
T2.3: Quality of the resource allocation methodology 10% 100 60
T3: Quality of the Service Take-Over and Service Hand- 10% 100 60
T3.1: Quality of the Take-Over strategy plan 5% 50 30
T3.2: Quality of the Hand-Over strategy plan 5% 50 30
T4: Quality of the proposed Learning Management System 35% 350 245*
T4.1: Change request – customisation capability 15% 150 105*
T4.2: Maintenance 10% 100 70*
T4.3: Security and data protection knowledge 10% 100 70*
TOTAL 100% 1000 670

A minimum technical quality threshold of 60% per most of sub-criteria will apply, except for
some sub-criteria (marked with *) for which the threshold is increased to 70%. This will be
combined with a threshold by criterion and an overall threshold - both of 70%. Offers not
reaching the above thresholds will be automatically disqualified.

Tenderers have to structure their offer based on this template.

Every criterion is evaluated through a number of sub-criterions.

Every criterion has a specific weight AND a minimum threshold.

Sub-criteria have a specific weight, but no minimum threshold is applied.

Each sub-criterion lists a number of issues to be addressed by the tenderers which are
of purely indicative nature and non-exhaustive and shall serve solely to support the
tenderers in structuring their offer. Neither does this information represent additional
criteria nor are there any sub-scores linked to any of these issues.

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 5

Please note that addressing sub-criteria only by inserting cross-references to another sub-
criterion is not permitted.

Each sub-criterion has to be addressed individually.

In all cases, any reference to documentation supporting the offer should contain precise
document references, including document name, section number and, where applicable - page

Please note that pricing information must not be included in the Technical Offer and any of the
supporting documents.

Tenderers are asked to solely provide specific documents relevant to the services covered by
this call for tenders. The tenderer must refrain from inserting extracts of generic internal
documentation or marketing documents.

The tenderer must ensure coverage of all services requested when addressing the sub-criteria
below, unless otherwise specified in the specific sub-criterion.

No Personal Data should be provided in this part of the offer.

Note that DG TAXUD will NOT consider during the technical evaluation, any part of
the tender deemed to be “Copied & Pasted” from the tender specifications or any other
documents provided by DG TAXUD to specify its requirements for this call for

Tenderers are informed that any information provided in excess of the maximum
number of pages set for each (sub-) criterion may not be taken into account!

2.1 Criterion T1: Quality of the proposed organisation and tools

This criterion counts for 10% of the overall evaluation score. A minimum threshold of 60 %

2.1.1 Sub-criterion T1.1: Quality of the proposed organisation (Weight: 5%,

maximum 50 points).
This criterion will assess how roles and responsibilities of the proposed team are distributed for
each work package and assigned to the people with the right skills and experience. It will also
assess the global allocation of time and resources to each work package, and whether this
allocation is adequate for the services to be provided. As part of the technical offer, the tender
should provide details on the allocation of time and human resources and the rationale behind
such choices.

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 6

The tenderer must demonstrate how he/she will manage the peaks of work during the duration
of each specific contract as well as how he/she will adapt the organization if/when the volumes
change from one specific contract to another. In case of a joint tender: particular attention must
be given to ensure that the tendering group works as one service provider. The tenderer is asked
to clarify how he will address this challenge. The Tenderers are invited, in this section, to
describe the complete organisation of the dedicated Team which will be dedicated to run the
continuous services.

The description should include the following as a minimum:

 The organisation (supported by a single structure chart) put into place to support and to
deliver the required services, including functions, roles, responsibilities, lines of
reporting, and location;
 A description of the specific skills, expertise and competences that are available in the
proposed team allowing you to perform services described in the technical annex within
the expected requirements and quality;
 A description of relationships between the various functions of the tenderer. In the case
of a consortium, include a description of the governance of the consortium, including
the allocation of roles between consortium members and the profit/loss sharing model;
 A description of the relationship of the proposed organisational model with the
Contracting Authority organisation and the corresponding lines of communication with
the latter authority:
o A description on how the proposed organisation will manage the interaction with
DG TAXUD from a contract management / service management / request
management perspective;
o A description of the relationship between the tenderer and external third parties
(e.g. other contractors working for DG TAXUD) involved in the delivery of the
requested services;
o The copy of the team’s allocation for Scenario 1, 2 and 3 of the financial
evaluation without the costs (See Annex 6 – Price Table and Financial
Scenarios). Each scenario should be presented with the offer in 1(one) separate
Excel File, 1 tab per scenario.

Please include in the Technical Part of tender’s offer, the tender’s team’s
allocation for all three (3) requested scenarios taking into consideration that NO
PRICES should be included. This will be used during the technical evaluation of
tender’s offer. In case prices and costs are included in these team allocation copies, or
other documents, the tender will be rejected and will not be subjected to further

The financial evaluation is completely segregated from the technical evaluation.

The tenderer must be filled out costs in the Annex 6 – Price table and Financial scenarios

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 7

only. In case the costs are included in these team allocation copies, or other documents,
the tender will be rejected and will not be subjected to further evaluation.

o Your approach to liaising, coordinating, monitoring and managing all teams

(including the notion of different physical team locations, if applicable);
o A specific chapter to describe the organisation of the dedicated team, including
the relationships between the various resources and functions, relationships
between teams and the management of the continuity of the service.
 A demonstration of how the proposed organisation will support the requirements as
specified in the Tender Specifications;
 A description of the mechanism to prove the capability of the organisation to correctly
estimate volume of the activities for each specific contract and to manage higher than
anticipated volumes of work (peaks of work in one or more work packages) during the
duration of a specific contract;
 A description of the mechanism to guarantee the competences of the staff and the
transfer of knowledge in the case of new staff recruited in the course of the contract, in
particular concerning the dedicated team;
 A description of how the proposed organisation will evolve from one specific contract
to another in case of significant changes in volume of activities;
 A description of the measures that you commit to take in order to guarantee
confidentiality and the absence of any conflict of interest.

The profiles must be identical to those referred to in Annex 6 Price table and
the allocation for all three scenarios. Any discrepancy in the profiles between
Price table and this document will lead to the rejection of the offer.

2.1.2 Sub-criterion T1.2: Quality of the proposed tools (Weight: 5%, maximum 50
This criterion will assess the description of the tools that define the organisation of the
contractor in order to execute the activities of each of the Work Packages described in the
“Tender Specifications”.
In particular, a description of how the tenderer intends to setup the appropriate tools to support:
o Project management (including QA contract cost distribution per DG TAXUD
project/application/system), contract management, risk management,
knowledge sharing and delivery of reports, dashboards, etc;
o Improve quality, efficiency and automation;
o Maximise the level of maintainability.

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 8

2.2 Criterion T2: Quality of the proposed approach for delivering all services
For this criterion a maximum of 450 points will be awarded. A minimum threshold of 305
points applies.

This criterion will assess the approach and methodology proposed by the tenderer targeted to
the context of requirements specified in the ‘Tender Specifications”. This criterion will assess
the quality of the methodology set out in the tender and its relevance to the request for service.
In particular, it will assess how the methodology enables the production of quality deliverables
and assures the quality in DG TAXUD horizontally to all business threads and DG TAXUD

It will assess the roadmap proposed to implement innovative approaches that would bring short
and mid-terms benefits for DG TAXUD. This innovative solutions/approaches should mainly
be supported by the emerging (IT) technologies and/or new methods and tools on the
marketplace. Innovation proposals are expected in the following areas:

- continuous product and process improvement;

- effective and efficient processes;
- higher level of automation;
- continuous high level of quality.

The proposal must be compliant with the scope of this tender and should, amongst others, fuel
the modernisation initiatives and processes initiated by DG TAXUD.

2.2.1 Sub-criterion T2.1: Tenderer’s understanding of the assignment (Weight:

10%, maximum 100 points).
Please describe your understanding of the assignment and your assessment of the components
needed for the delivery of the Pro-Train – Lot 2 services, including (Max 10 pages):
 Your understanding of the requirements of the assignment, including your
understanding of the evolution of the service delivery;
 Your understanding of the context of the contract and stakeholders involvement;
 A description of high-level opportunities and challenges that the Contracting Authority
could be facing during the life of the contract (e.g. security management, emerging
technologies, innovations on processes/approaches…) and the proposed
strategies/methodologies to achieve each of them.

2.2.2 Sub-criterion T2.2: Quality of methods and processes to deliver the services
(Weight: 25% maximum 250 points)
Please describe the proposed methods and processes to deliver Pro-Train – Lot 2 services,
including (Max 20 pages):

 Your strategy, method and detailed approach for delivering each Work Package
provided in the ‘Tender Specifications”;
 Approach to collaborate operationally with the DG TAXUD contractors;

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 9

 Service Management processes (incident, change and problem) including the escalation
process in case of problems and issues at contractual and technical level;
 Processes that you will set up for continuous project and service monitoring, quality
control and contract management follow-up and reporting;
 Proposal to ensure no regression of the Quality of Service over the duration of the
contract, supported by the appropriate improvement plan, satisfaction surveys, etc.;
 Proposal to implement processes and methods to measure and improve the maturity of
the services to be delivered to the DG TAXUD and its users.
 The proposal should describe improved processes, propose tools and describe all
advantages as well as needed investment and constraints.

2.2.3 Criterion T2.3: Quality of the resource allocation methodology (Weight:

10% Maximum 100 points)
Please describe your proposed resource allocation methodology (max 10 pages) referring to the
profiles of the dedicated team. A description of the measures that you commit to take in order
to guarantee confidentiality and the absence of any conflict of interest.

2.3 Criterion T3: Quality of the Service Take-Over and Service Hand-Over
This criterion counts for 10% of the overall evaluation score, i.e. a maximum of 100 points will
be awarded.

2.3.1 Criterion T3.1: Quality of the Take-Over strategy plan (Weight: 5%

Maximum 50 points)
Please provide a Take-Over strategy plan concerning the beginning of the Pro-Train – Lot 2
Framework contract in a maximum of 15 pages, detailing:

 The understanding of the services to be provided at the time of Take-Over strategy and
the identified risks and the business implications associated with the Take-Over;
 Your proposed strategy and high-level plan for the take-over. This high-level Take-Over
plan must be aligned to the concerned Work Package structure and its related services
and deliverables. Detail the methodology chosen, define milestones and the critical path
for the Take-Over and provide a detailed agenda, considering that the outcome of the
Take-Over must place the Contractor in the position to start a smooth provision of the
 Your view of the Take-Over critical success factors and risks along with the proposed
risk mitigation measures, including timeliness of delivery and quality of the services;
 A description of how you will ensure the continuity of all services to be taken over
without interruption, while taking into account that the current contractor will migrate
the IT systems to DG TAXUD data centre;
 Your approach on how to ensure that the core Take-Over team will be available
according to your plan to perform the required in-take activities;
 A description of the composition of the contractor’s teams in terms of resources
(expressed in number of persons) allocated to the Take-Over activity from the signature

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 10

of the related Specific Contract until the end of the Take-Over, and the measures you
will take to ensure the availability of the core knowledge required to run the services.

2.3.2 Criterion T3.2: Quality of the Hand-Over strategy plan (Weight: 5%

Maximum 50 points)

Please provide a description of the Hand-Over strategy plan that will be applicable at the end
of the Framework contract on maximum 10 pages, detailing:
 The process you intend to put into place for the hand-over of the services and related
documentation at the end of the contract to the successor;
 The assistance you will provide to the succeeding contractor’s take-over;
 Your proposed strategy and high-level plan for the hand-over. This high-level hand-
over plan must be aligned to the corresponding Work Package structure and its related
services and deliverables. Detail the methodology chosen, define milestones and the
critical path for the hand-over and provide a detailed agenda, considering that the
outcome of the hand-over must place the succeeding contractor in the position to start
the provision of the successor services;
 Your view of the Hand-Over critical success factors and risks along with the proposed
risk mitigation measures, including timeliness of delivery and quality of the services;
 Your approach on how to ensure that the Hand-Over team will be available according
to your plan to perform the required in-take activities.

2.4 Criterion T4: Quality of the proposed Learning Management System

This criterion counts for 35% of the overall evaluation score, a maximum of 350 points will be
awarded. A minimum threshold of 245 points applies. The overall presentation will be taken
into account in evaluating the response to this criterion.

This criterion will assess the structure, clarity and completeness of the proposal in fully
compliance with tender specifications.

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 11

2.4.1 Criterion T4.1: Change request – customisation capability (Weight: 15%
Maximum 150 points)
Please describe the methodology and resource allocation to manage change requests (low,
medium and high, as described in the Technical Specifications) and the customisation of
Moodle features. (Max 15 pages).
Include a description of the tools used to present change request to DG TAXUD and have the
agreement or comments in the proposed solution, including all the customisation proposed for
each change request. Please take into account that Moodle resources should be used as much as
possible and customisation should be used only when it improves the user experience.

2.4.2 Criterion T4.2: Maintenance (Weight: 10% Maximum 100 points)

Please describe the maintenance strategy, tools and methodology used to keep the Learning
Management System updated. Describe carefully the risks associated to the update of the
Moodle core version and the customisation already done from previous contractor, including
the methodology and proposal to keep continuity of the services.

2.4.3 Criterion T4.3: Security and data protection knowledge (Weight: 10%
Maximum 100 points)
Please describe how security and data protection of the users will be managed. In Annex 16 –
Baseline documentation, the current Security Plan and IT Security Risk Management plans are
included. Your proposal should include how improvements and recurrent security related
activities will be managed.
The proposal should include how the documentation associated to the security activities will be
updated and maintained.

3 Reference forms

3.1 Project reference form

The Project Reference Form must be used to give details about relevant projects the tenderer
wants to present as proof of experience.

These references must refer to projects still ongoing or completed during the last three years
preceding the tender submission deadline.

Each reference must be supported by written proof. Where the services were/are provided to
public authorities, evidence of performance shall be in the form of certificates issued or
countersigned by the competent authority.

It is mandatory to complete a separate Project Reference Form for each project.

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 12

Page Break
Project reference n° ______
Project name: Start date (mm/yy): Finish date (mm/yy):
Client name: Contact person: Phone:
Principal contractor for this project:

Responsibility of the tenderer in the contractor organisation (prime, sub-contractor,

member of consortium…):

Role of the tenderer in this project:

Scope of the services provided by the tenderer in the project:

Service time coverage:

Short description of the items covered by the project:

Project type (development, maintenance or both):

The percentage of the functionality which was provided by off the shelf products and the
percentage which was developed):

Principal location for this project:

Development environment (contractor’s premises, other):

Main Key Performance Indicators:

Hosting (Yes/No):

Number of SLAs and UC:

Continual Service Improvement Program (Yes/No):

Pricing model (Fixed Price, costs +, benchmark, performance-based):

Customer’s business segment:

Number of tenderer’s own permanent staff involved in FTE (excluding subcontractors and
non-permanent staff), by applicable profile:
 Programme Manager:
 Service Manager:
 Quality Manager:
 Security Manager:
 IT Manager:
 IT Project Manager:
 IT/Business Analyst:
 Data Protection Officer:
 IT Designer:
 IT Developer:
 Web Designer:
 Web Developer:

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 13

 Moodle Expert:
 User Interface Designer:
 Test Manager:
 Test Designer:
 Tester:
 Other (specify the profile for each staff):

Number of non-permanent staff involved in FTE (including subcontractors), by applicable profile:

 Programme Manager:
 Service Manager:
 Quality Manager:
 Security Manager:
 IT Manager:
 IT Project Manager:
 IT/Business Analyst:
 Data Protection Officer:
 IT Designer:
 IT Developer:
 Web Designer:
 Web Developer:
 Moodle Expert:
 User Interface Designer:
 Test Manager:
 Test Designer:
 Tester:
 Other (specify the profile for each staff):

Methodologies applied for specifications, design, development and service management,

tool and Standards:

Project Management:

IFPUG Function Point / SNAP counts:

BPM tools used:

Infrastructure (HW, Operating Systems, COTS packages):

IT Service Management Tools:

Volumetric (number of messages, incidents, problems, availability requirements, number

of systems interfacing with the project, releases per year, service requests, users,
locations, trainings, etc.):

Technologies used for the system:

Tools used for system life-cycle management:

Any other information:

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 14

Project reference n° ______
List of the key software and hardware components used in the project
Software Hardware

Page Break

3.2 CV reference form and correlation table

3.2.1 CV reference form

Use of this form is mandatory – only CVs submitted on this form will be taken into

When completing the forms, follow the following guidelines:

1. Do not indicate the names of the candidates on the CV forms but use numbers
instead and fill in the correlation table available at the end of this document to make the
correlation between numbers and names. In order to protect confidential personal data,
CVs will be circulated without the corresponding table.
2. All the required information has to be provided. Any missing or incomplete
information may lead to a CV being discarded.
3. Where the information is to be provided in tabular form, all the columns of the
table have to be filled in.
4. The CV must be a summary rather than a biography of an individual and must be
in a format enabling a quick and accurate comparison with other CVs submitted to fill
certain profiles. There should be no unaccounted chronological breaks.
5. Each CV consists of one CV front page and at least one CV training page and at
least one CV software expertise page and at least one CV professional experience page;
more CV training, CV software expertise or CV experience pages may be added as
6. Software expertise:

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 15

 Competence must be rated from 1 (basic) to 5 (excellent);
 Duration must be expressed in months and has to relate clearly to the relevant
entries under “Professional experience”;
 Description must state how the competence has been acquired and in what
projects it has been used, relating clearly to the relevant entries under “Professional
7. Each CV professional experience page contains data about the projects the
employee has participated in, his role and responsibilities, and the software s/he used in
the context of these projects. More CV experience pages must be added for more projects.
 Dates must indicate precisely the starting and ending months of the entry;
 Project size is to be expressed as the total number of person-months;
 Description must include an explanation of the scope and results of the project
(or task).
For each and every profile the minimum level of professional experience required is detailed in
the Tender Specifications - Part C (Technical Annex).

Page Break
CV front page
CV number : (Indicate here the CV number) …………

Date of birth:

Contract Date of recruitment:

information: Comments:
Function as of (indicate the function in the
dd/mm/yyyy: company)
Profile mapping: Tick the box (only one):
☐ Programme Manager (PM) ☐ IT Designer (ITDS)
☐ Service Manager (SM) ☐ IT Developer (ITDEV)
☐ Quality Manager (QM) ☐ Web Designer (WDS)
☐ Security Manager (SECM) ☐ Web Developer (WDEV)
☐ IT Manager (ITM) ☐ Moodle Expert (ME)
☐ IT project Manager (ITPM) ☐ User Experience Designer
☐ IT/Business Analyst (UXDS)
(IT/BUAN) ☐ Test Manager (TSTM)
☐ Data Protection Officer ☐ Test Designer (TSTDS)
(DPO) ☐ Tester (TST)

Highest relevant Tick the box: Certificate and/or Institute:

educational ☐ University diploma obtained :
qualification: degree
☐ Non university
Comments :
Certifications Scope: Certificate obtained Certification authority
& date of issuance:
Languages: Spoken Written
(indicate level of English:
skill: French:
from 1=basic to German:
5=excellent) Other(s):

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 16

Date IT career

Summary (use this area to indicate briefly the major facts which should be known about this

Page Break
CV training record page
CV number:

Training record page number for

this CV:


Training course Date(s) training
organising the Exams or certificates:
name: course followed:
training course:

Page Break
CV software expertise page
CV number:

CV software expertise page

number for this CV:

Software expertise

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 17

Tool [precise
Competence Duration Description (reference to relevant
(rating : 1 - (in entries under “professional
product name and
5) months) experience” is mandatory)

Page Break
CV professional experience page
CV number:

CV experience page number for

this CV:


Project name:



Client :

Project size:

Project description :

Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 18

Employee’s Roles & Responsibilities in the project:

Technologies and methodologies used by the employee in the project:

3.2.2 Correlation table

Provide one correlation table for all CVs.

CV number First name Last name Country of Nationality(ies)


Technical offer by “enter tenderer’s name” Page 19

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