Listening Homework

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Exercise 1: Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/ OR NUMBERS for each
Course Czech Language 101
Professor’s surname: (1) _______________
Classes take place in: Science Building
* Language seminars: - Room: (2)
- Time: From 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Mondays
and (3)

* Lectures: - Room (4) Lecture Theatre

- Time: From 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on (5) ________
and Fridays

* Czech Beer Club: - Time: 7 p.m. Fridays

- Students must bring: (6) __________ and (7) .

- Students should not use: phones and (8)

Exercise 2: Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/ OR NUMBERS for each


Message for Sam Botterrill
Name of applicant Peter (1)
Application number (2)
Address (3) Street
Type of card (4) ______________
Credit limit (5) £
Telephone number (6) ____________
Exercise 3: Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.
1. Anne has asked Tom to help her with her dolphin project because
A. he is in the same class as Anne.
B. he is an expert on dolphins.
C. he once did a similar project to Anne.
2. How long is an adult male Maui dolphin?
A. 1.5 metres
B. 1 metre
C. 1.7 metres
3. Where are Maui dolphins found in New Zealand?
A. around most of the coast of the North Island
B. around the west coast of the North Island
C. around the whole coast of the South Island
4. The population of Maui dolphins is now likely to be
A. around 100
B. well over 500
C. less than 50
5. What do Anne and Tom agree is typical behaviour for Maui dolphins?
A. They prefer to live with many other Maui dolphins.
B. They often choose to follow boats to catch fish more easily.
C. They are friendly towards people who swim near them.
6. How far along the coastline do Maui dolphins swim?
A. 40 kilometres
B. 50 kilometres
C. 30 kilometres

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