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Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed delegates,

Warm greetings from the beautiful island nation of Jamaica. As a nation

committed to fostering peace, unity, and global cooperation, we stand
before you to address a pressing concern that threatens the very fabric of
our shared humanity - the prevention of extremism and state-sponsored

In an increasingly interconnected world, the rise of extremism poses a grave

challenge to international stability and security. Jamaica firmly believes that
no cause justifies the use of violence or the incitement of hatred. We stand
united against those who seek to exploit grievances and manipulate
vulnerable minds to further their destructive agendas.

State-sponsored terrorism exacerbates these threats, perpetuating a cycle

of violence that undermines trust between nations and jeopardizes the
well-being of innocent lives. As a nation that has experienced the
detrimental effects of crime and violence firsthand, Jamaica understands
the urgent need for collaborative efforts to dismantle extremist networks
and counter the support mechanisms that sustain them.

We call upon this esteemed assembly to work together to strengthen

international cooperation, intelligence sharing, and capacity-building
initiatives. It is only through joint action that we can effectively prevent the
spread of extremist ideologies and the sponsorship of terrorism. Let us
reaffirm our commitment to the principles enshrined in the United Nations
Charter and put aside our differences to ensure a safer and more peaceful
world for present and future generations.

Jamaica is ready to contribute wholeheartedly to the discussions ahead, and

we look forward to engaging in fruitful deliberations with the aim of finding
comprehensive and lasting solutions to this critical issue. Thank you.

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